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Last active July 6, 2023 19:51
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Ruby on Rails Capybara setting example
# /spec/support/capybara.rb
# Add the following line in rails_helper.rb to load this configuration.
# require_relative 'support/capybara'
require 'capybara/rspec'
require 'capybara-screenshot/rspec'
RSpec.configure do |config|
# Test Drivers -
config.before(:each, type: :system) do
# Whether :js is true or not, this block will run when "type: :system"
driven_by :rack_test # Use :rack_test for faster execution, but it won't save pictures
# driven_by :selenium_chrome # Use :selenium_chrome to see the browser
# driven_by :selenium_chrome_headless # Use :rack_test for faster execution, but :selenium can save pictures
config.before(:each, type: :system, js: true) do
# When 'js: true' is added, this will "also" run and override the driver choice
driven_by :selenium_chrome_headless
Capybara.asset_host = 'http://localhost:3000' # For better looking HTML screenshots
# To use subdomain in the local environment, is helpful to refer localhost easily
# Example:
# Capybara.app_host = ''
Capybara::Screenshot.prune_strategy = :keep_last_run # Remove old files
# Devise
# For Devise Log-in -
config.include Warden::Test::Helpers
# To make sure Devise log-in works correctly, reset warden after each test
config.after(:each, type: :system) do
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