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Last active December 17, 2019 08:43
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  • Save dyazincahya/cbeafbb5e9875bb5b4021feb1526d3a2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dyazincahya/cbeafbb5e9875bb5b4021feb1526d3a2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package ComputerGraphics;
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class SolarSystem extends Applet {
Dimension screen;
Random random;
public void init(){
// set size frame base on your resolution screen
screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
setSize(screen.width, screen.height);
public void paint(Graphics g)
// draw sun
g.fillOval(-400, 200,600,600);
g.drawOval(-400, 200, 603, 603);
String[][] planet = {
{"#B0BEC5", "#F57F17", "#0D47A1", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#5D4037", "#FF5722", "#FFD700", "#4FC3F7", "#FFFFFF", "#80DEEA", "#BCAAA4", "#FFFFFF"}, //[0] fillColor Array
{"#ECEFF1", "#FBC02D", "#BBDEFB", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#BBDEFB", "#BBDEFB", "#FFF9C4", "#E1F5FE", "#FFFFFF", "#E0F7FA", "#EFEBE9", "#FFFFFF"}, //[1] drawColor Array
{"30", "40", "35", "7", "25", "45", "160", "130", "110", "40", "100", "15", "13"}, //[2] size Array
{"Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Moon", "Planet Namek", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Planet Vegeta", "Neptune", "Pluto", "Planet Dewa Emperor"}, //[3] planetName Array
{"250", "325", "400", "420", "430", "475", "550", "800", "1000", "1100", "1300", "1600", "1700"}, //[4] x array
{"600", "550", "500", "450", "150", "600", "450", "600", "450", "820", "350", "250", "850"} //[5] y array
// looping for draw planet
for(int p=0; p<planet[0].length; p++){
String fillC = planet[0][p];
String drawC = planet[1][p];
int size = Integer.parseInt(planet[2][p]);
int sizeOut = Integer.parseInt(planet[2][p])+1;
String pName = planet[3][p];
int x = Integer.parseInt(planet[4][p]);
int y = Integer.parseInt(planet[5][p]);
int yText = y+sizeOut+15;
g.fillOval(x, y, size, size);
g.drawOval(x, y, sizeOut, sizeOut);
g.drawString(pName, x, yText);
if(p == 7){
g.drawArc((x-5), (y+35),170,50,170,170);
g.drawArc((x-10), (y+40),170,50,170,170);
g.drawArc((x-15), (y+45),170,50,170,170);
// looping for draw litle star with random position and random color
for(int oval=0; oval<=5000;oval++){
random = new Random();
int y = random.nextInt((screen.height+1000));
int x = random.nextInt((screen.width+1000));
float xr = random.nextFloat();
float xg = random.nextFloat();
float xb = random.nextFloat();
if(oval%2 == 1){
int w = random.nextInt(7);
int h = random.nextInt(7);
g.setColor(new Color(xr, xg, xb));
g.drawOval(y, x, h, h); //ganjil is draw
} else {
random = new Random();
int w = random.nextInt(5);
int h = random.nextInt(5);
g.setColor(new Color(xr, xg, xb));
g.fillOval(y, x, h, h); //ganjil is draw
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