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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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;; We can go further and use automatic gensyms provided
;; by Clojure when use a hashtag after the symbol we
;; want gensymed
(defmacro nif
[expr pos zero neg]
`(let [e# ~expr]
(pos? e#) ~pos
(zero? e#) ~zero
:else ~neg)))
;; if we convert nif to a function instead of a macro
;; any expressions we passed to positive, negative, and zero
;; would be immediately evaluated
;; That includes side effects that occur with the evaluation
;; of each expression. With the macro, only one form is
;; evaluated: pos, zero, or neg.
#_(defn nif
[expr pos zero neg]
(let [e expr]
(pos? e) pos
(zero? e) zero
:else neg)))
(nif (do (println 100) -10)
(do (println "Positive") "pos")
(do (println "Zero") "zero")
(do (println "Negative") "neg")))
;; Chapter 4
(let [s 'hello]
`(~s ~'world))
;; => (hello world)
;; We can't do this...
(let [s 'hello]
`(~s world))
;; because Clojure resolves world to the current namespace:
;; => (hello lol.core/world)
(let [s '(b c d)]
`(~'a ~@s ~'e))
;; => (a b c d e)
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