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Last active October 27, 2018 12:30
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protocol Copyable {
associatedtype V
func copy() -> V
func setup(v: V) -> V
class One: Copyable {
typealias V = One
var name: String?
func copy() -> V {
let instance = One()
return setup(instance)
func setup(v: V) -> V { =
return v
class Two: One {
var id: Int?
override func copy() -> Two {
let instance = Two()
return setup(instance)
func setup(v: Two) -> Two {
super.setup(v) =
return v
extension Array where Element: Copyable {
func clone() -> [Element.V] {
var copiedArray: [Element.V] = []
for element in self {
return copiedArray
let array = [One(), Two()]
let copied = array.clone()
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