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enum ControlFactoryError: ErrorType {
case TypeNotFound
protocol ControlFactory {
func create<T>(t: T.Type) throws -> UIView
class RealControlFactory: ControlFactory {
typealias FactoryItem = ()->(UIView)
protocol Copyable {
associatedtype V
func copy() -> V
func setup(v: V) -> V
class One: Copyable {
typealias V = One
var name: String?
enum Result<T> {
case Success(T)
case Failure(ErrorType?)
init() {
self = .Failure(nil)
init(_ f: () throws->T) {
do {
protocol Atomic {
var value: Int { get }
func increment()
class SwiftAtomic: Atomic {
private let counter = ManagedAtomic<Int>(0)
var value: Int {