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Created November 25, 2009 05:16
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Save dydx/242500 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;; Simple CD Database from PCL by Peter Siebel
;; Josh Sandlin <>
(defvar *db* nil)
;; functions for creating the database
(defun make-cd (title artist rating ripped)
(list :title title :artist artist :rating rating :ripped ripped))
(defun add-record (cd) (push cd *db*))
(defun prompt-read (prompt)
(format *query-io* "~a: " prompt)
(force-output *query-io*)
(read-line *query-io*))
(defun prompt-for-cd ()
(prompt-read "Title")
(prompt-read "Artist")
(or (parse-integer (prompt-read "Rating") :junk-allowed t) 0)
(y-or-n-p "Ripped?")))
(defun add-cds ()
(loop (add-record (prompt-for-cd))
(if (not (y-or-n-p "Another? ")) (return))))
(defun save-db (filename)
(with-open-file (out filename
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede)
(print *db* out))))
(defun load-db (filename)
(with-open-file (in filename)
(setf *db* (read in)))))
;; functions for querying the database
(defun select (selector-fn)
(remove-if-not selector-fn *db*))
(defun make-comparison-expr (field value)
`(equal (getf cd ,field) ,value))
(defun make-comparisons-list (fields)
(loop while fields
collecting (make-comparison-expr (pop fields) (pop fields))))
(defmacro where (&rest clauses)
`#'(lambda (cd) (and ,@(make-comparisons-list clauses))))
(defun update (selector-fn &key title artist rating (ripped nil ripped-p))
(setf *db*
#'(lambda (row)
(when (funcall selector-fn row)
(if title (setf (getf row :title) title))
(if artist (setf (getf row :artist) artist))
(if rating (setf (getf row :rating) rating))
(if ripped-p (setf (getf row :ripped) ripped)))
row) *db*)))
(defun delete-rows (selector-fn)
(setf *db* (remove-if selector-fn *db*)))
;; functions for displaying data
(defun dump-db ()
(format t "~{~{~a:~10t~a~%~}~%~}" *db*)) ;; outside ~{ and ~} are for looping
;; Usage: (parse-record (select (where :title "Fashion Nugget")))
(defun parse-record (record)
(format t "~{~{~a:~10t~a~%~}~%~}" record))
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