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Last active November 20, 2015 08:04
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// | a | b | c |
// | d | e | f |
// | g | h | i |
// sometimes either the player or the computer end up playing an undefined move, which
// is weird. I think it has something to do with the repeat handling. If a player or
// the computer mark a spot that has already been marked, the respective input functions
// recurse back and repeat the process, though it doesn't register with the main loop
// that a different input was sent.... sometimes. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
var board = {
'a': null,
'b': null,
'c': null,
'd': null,
'e': null,
'f': null,
'g': null,
'h': null,
'i': null
function cellValue (key) {
return board[key]
function setCell (key, value) {
if (typeof board[key] !== 'undefined') {
board[key] = value
function getInput () {
var move = prompt('please make a move')
if (cellValue(move) === 'o') {
alert('That place is already taken. Please choose again')
return getInput() // will calling itself again work here?
} else if (cellValue(move) === 'x') {
alert('You already have that spot!. Please choose again.')
return getInput()
} else {
return move
function randomPlay () {
var moves = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i']
if (moves.every(function (key) {
board[key] !== null
})) {
console.log('whooooa buddy')
return undefined
var move = moves[Math.floor(Math.random() * moves.length)]
if (cellValue(move) === 'x') {
return randomPlay()
} else if (cellValue(move) === 'o') {
return randomPlay()
} else {
return move
function allThree (player, cellOne, cellTwo, cellThree) {
return (cellOne === player) && (cellTwo === player) && (cellThree === player)
function winsRow (player) {
return allThree(player, cellValue('a'), cellValue('b'), cellValue('c')) ||
allThree(player, cellValue('d'), cellValue('e'), cellValue('f')) ||
allThree(player, cellValue('g'), cellValue('h'), cellValue('i'))
function winsColumn (player) {
return allThree(player, cellValue('a'), cellValue('d'), cellValue('g')) ||
allThree(player, cellValue('b'), cellValue('e'), cellValue('h')) ||
allThree(player, cellValue('c'), cellValue('f'), cellValue('i'))
function winsDiagonal (player) {
return allThree(player, cellValue('a'), cellValue('e'), cellValue('i')) ||
allThree(player, cellValue('c'), cellValue('e'), cellValue('g'))
function winnerIsX () {
return winsRow('x') || winsColumn('x') || winsDiagonal('x')
function winnerIsO () {
return winsRow('o') || winsColumn('o') || winsDiagonal('o')
function draw () {
Object.keys(board).map(function (key) {
return board[key]
}).every(function (space) {
return space !== null
function getWinner () {
if (winnerIsX()) {
return 'x'
} else if (winnerIsO()) {
return 'o'
} else if (draw()) {
return 'draw'
return null
function showBoard () {
console.log(`| ${cellValue('a')} | ${cellValue('b')} | ${cellValue('c')} |`)
console.log(`| ${cellValue('d')} | ${cellValue('e')} | ${cellValue('f')} |`)
console.log(`| ${cellValue('g')} | ${cellValue('h')} | ${cellValue('i')} |`)
function playTicTacToe () {
while (true) {
// is there a race condition here that is resulting in some
// moves being undefined?
var player = getInput()
setCell(player, 'x')
if (draw()) {
console.log('No one wins!')
} else if (winnerIsX()) {
console.log('Player Wins!')
var computer = randomPlay()
setCell(computer, 'o')
if (winnerIsO()) {
console.log('No on wins!')
} else if (draw()) {
console.log('Computer Wins!')
// show the board on every iteration
console.log(`Player marks ${player}`)
console.log(`Computer Marks ${computer}`)
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