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Created September 9, 2023 22:05
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Raylib Build Scripts
@echo off
:: Drop it in the root directory of a freshly cloned raylib. Run, and enjoy.
set "OUT=./out"
if not exist "%OUT%" mkdir "%OUT%"
cd "%OUT%"
set "cwd=%cd%"
:: Detect OS type and set the appropriate generator
set "uname=%OS%"
if "%uname%"=="Windows_NT" (
set "generator=MSYS Makefiles"
) else (
echo ERROR: Unknown OS
exit /b 1
:: Define configurations
set "configs[0]=Debug"
set "configs[1]=Release"
:: Uncomment below lines for additional configurations
:: set "configs[2]=RelWithDebInfo"
:: set "configs[3]=MinSizeRel"
:: Loop through configurations and run CMake commands
for /L %%i in (0, 1, 1) do (
if defined configs[%%i] (
set "config=!configs[%%i]!"
if exist "CMakeCache.txt" del "CMakeCache.txt"
cmake ^
-G "!generator!" ^
cmake --build .
:: Copy header files
if not exist "%cwd%/include" mkdir "%cwd%/include"
xcopy /Y ..\src\ray*.h "%cwd%/include"
xcopy /Y ..\src\rlgl.h "%cwd%/include"
:: Remove unwanted files/folders, except include, lib, and bin directories
for /D %%D in (*) do (
if not "%%D"=="include" if not "%%D"=="lib" if not "%%D"=="bin" (
rmdir /S /Q "%%D"
for %%F in (*) do (
del "%%F"
echo Script executed successfully.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Drop it in the root directory of a freshly cloned raylib. Run, and enjoy.
set -xe
mkdir -p $OUT
cd $OUT
case "$(uname)" in
Darwin* | Linux*)
generator="Unix Makefiles"
generator="MSYS Makefiles"
echo "ERROR: Unknown OS"
exit 1
for config in ${configs[@]}; do
rm -rf CMakeCache.txt 2>/dev/null
cmake \
-G "$generator" \
cmake --build .
mkdir -p $cwd/include
cp ../src/ray*.h ../src/rlgl.h $cwd/include
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \! -name include \! -name lib \! -name bin -exec rm -rf {} \;
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