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Last active July 6, 2016 10:15
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  • Save dyerti/0afc38e42106b8f7ed5bbff8d7430968 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dyerti/0afc38e42106b8f7ed5bbff8d7430968 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FROM alpine:3.4
RUN apk add --no-cache 'curl'
# TODO: Verify download.
RUN curl -LOsS${RUST_VERSION}-src.tar.gz \
&& ls -l \
&& tar -xzvf rustc-${RUST_VERSION}-src.tar.gz \
&& cd rustc-${RUST_VERSION}/ \
&& sed -i -e 's/v3\.4/edge/g' /etc/apk/repositories \
&& apk add --no-cache --virtual '.build-deps' \
'tree' \
'python' \
'file' \
'make' \
'g++' \
'llvm-dev' \
'musl-dev' \
'libunwind-dev' \
'libc6-compat' \
'llvm-libs' \
'llvm-static' \
'zlib-dev' \
RUN curl -LsSo /glibc.tar.xz \
&& mkdir /glibc \
&& tar xvf /glibc.tar.xz -C /glibc
ADD glibc.patch /glibc.patch
ADD libpath.patch /libpath.patch
ADD ffi.patch /ffi.patch
RUN cd rustc-${RUST_VERSION}/ \
# HACK: needed to run stage0 in Alpine
&& patch -p0 < /glibc.patch \
&& patch -p0 < /libpath.patch \
# Needed when using --llvm-root
&& patch -p0 < /ffi.patch \
&& ./configure --disable-docs --disable-codegen-tests --disable-jemalloc --enable-dist-host-only --enable-llvm-static-stdcpp --llvm-root=/usr --prefix=/usr
RUN cd rustc-${RUST_VERSION}/ \
# HACK: build stage1 from a glibc stage0
&& LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/glibc/usr/lib:/lib make -j8 rustc-stage1
#&& make -j4 install
RUN cd rustc-${RUST_VERSION}/ \
&& LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/glibc/usr/lib:/lib make -j8 install
--- src/librustc_llvm/
+++ src/librustc_llvm/
@@ -565,6 +565,7 @@
// automatically updated whenever LLVM is updated to include an up-to-date
// set of the libraries we need to link to LLVM for.
#[link(name = "rustllvm", kind = "static")]
+#[link(name = "ffi")]
extern {}
--- mk/
+++ mk/
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
ifeq ($(1),0)
# Don't run the stage0 compiler under valgrind - that ship has sailed
+CFG_VALGRIND_COMPILE$(1) = /glibc/usr/lib/
--- mk/
+++ mk/
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@
# have to worry about the distribution of one file (with its native dynamic
# dependencies)
RUSTFLAGS_STAGE0 += -C prefer-dynamic -C no-stack-check
+RUSTFLAGS_STAGE0 += -L x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib
RUSTFLAGS_STAGE1 += -C prefer-dynamic
RUST_LIB_FLAGS_ST2 += -C prefer-dynamic
RUST_LIB_FLAGS_ST3 += -C prefer-dynamic
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