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Last active June 6, 2019 03:09
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surfingkeys config
settings.blacklistPattern = undefined;
const unmapMultiple = (keyArray, url) => { keyArray.forEach(key => { unmap(key, url); }) };
var ri = { repeatIgnore: true }
const open = (url) => () => tabOpenLink(url);
unmapMultiple(['N', 'P'] , /.**/)
unmapMultiple(['N', 'P'] , /.**/)
unmapMultiple(['j', 'k', '?', 'c', '/', 'z', 'n', 'p', 'e', 'y', 'r', '#', '!', 'H', 'L', 'b', 'I', ',', 'gi'] , /.**/)
unmapMultiple(['C', 'j', 'k', 'x', '?', 'G', '.'] , /.**/)
unmapMultiple(['j', 'k', 'l', 'N', 'P'] , /.**/)
unmapMultiple(['s'] , /.**/)
// unmapMultiple(['j', 'k', 'u'] , /.*\/search.*/)
// settings.smoothScroll = true;
settings.scrollStepSize = 100;
settings.hintAlign = "left";
settings.omnibarMaxResults = 15;
settings.omnibarSuggestion = true;
settings.focusFirstCandidate = false;
settings.historyMUOrder = false;
// settings.newTabPosition = 'default' // 'left', 'right', 'first', 'last', 'default'
settings.newTabPosition = 'right' // 'left', 'right', 'first', 'last', 'default'
map('U', 'X');
map('H', 'S');
map('L', 'D');
map('<Backspace>', 'H');
map('M', '<Alt-m>')
cmap('<Ctrl-,>', '<Tab>');
// // toggle surfingkeys
map('<Alt-s>', '<Alt-q>'); // hotkey must be one keystroke with/without modifier, it can not be a sequence of keystrokes like `gg`.
map('<', '<<');
map('>', '>>');
imap('<Ctrl-f>', '<ArrowRight>')
const s = '';
mapkey("oud", "#14Open shortstack-designer on github", open(`${s}shortstack-designer`), ri)
mapkey("ous", "#14Open shortstack on github", open(`${s}shortstack`), ri)
mapkey("ou2", "#14Open shortstack2 on github", open(`${s}shortstack2`), ri)
mapkey("oua", "#14Open shortstack-api on github", open(`${s}shortstack-api`), ri)
mapkey("our", "#14Open shortstack-server on github", open(`${s}shortstack-server`), ri)
mapkey("ouy", "#14Open shortstack-style on github", open(`${s}shortstack-style`), ri)
mapkey("oue", "#14Open shortstack-emails on github", open(`${s}shortstack-emails`), ri)
mapkey("old", "#14Open local designer", open("https://design.shortstack.local/"), ri)
mapkey("ol2", "#14Open local shortstack2", open("https://app2.shortstack.local/manage#/campaigns"), ri)
mapkey("ols", "#14Open local shortstack", open("https://app.shortstack.local/member/working_tabs"), ri)
mapkey("opd", "#14Open production designer", open(""), ri)
mapkey("op2", "#14Open production shortstack2", open(""), ri)
mapkey("ops", "#14Open production shortstack", open(""), ri)
mapkey('oo', '#13toggle google year results', function() {
var currentUrl = window.location.href;
if (currentUrl.includes('tbs=qdr')) {
window.location.href = currentUrl.replace(/&?tbs=qdr.*y/, '');
} else {
window.location.href = currentUrl + '&tbs=qdr:y'
const hintsCss = `
border: solid 1px hsla(229, 25%, 35%, 1);
color: black;
background: initial;
background-color: yellow;
padding: 4px 8px;
font-family: Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;
`;, 'text');
addSearchAliasX('w', 'Wikipedia', '', 's', '', function(response) {
var res = JSON.parse(response.text);
function escape(str) {
return String(str).replace(/[&<>"'`=/]/g, s => ({
"&": "&amp;",
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
"\"": "&quot;",
"'": "&#39;",
"/": "&#x2F;",
"`": "&#x60;",
"=": "&#x3D;",
function createSuggestionItem(html, props = {}) {
const li = document.createElement("li")
li.innerHTML = html
return { html: li.outerHTML, props }
function createURLItem(title, url, sanitize = true, img = null) {
let t = title
let u = url
if (sanitize) {
t = escape(t)
u = new URL(u).toString()
const imgEl = img && img.length > 0 ? `<img style="width:60px;float:left;padding-right:5px;" src="${img}">` : null;
return createSuggestionItem(`
<div class="title">${t}</div>
<div class="url">${u}</div>
`, { url: u })
const completions = {}
const keys = {
google_yt: 'AIzaSyC7WXxtGETz-AjA-x_mQwU3iReG7R1iARY',
wolframalpha: '9U994L-4KVV7VAPAX',
// Google - I'm Feeling Lucky = {
alias: "gl",
name: "google-lucky",
search: "",
compl: "",
} = response => JSON.parse(response.text)[1]
// YouTube = {
alias: "yt",
name: "youtube",
search: "",
compl: `${keys.google_yt}&safeSearch=none&q=`,
} = response => {
return JSON.parse(response.text).items
.map((s) => {
switch ( {
case "youtube#channel":
return createURLItem(
`${s.snippet.channelTitle}: ${s.snippet.description}`,
case "youtube#video":
return createURLItem(
` ▶ ${s.snippet.title}`,
return null
}).filter(s => s !== null);
// GitHub = {
alias: "gh",
name: "github",
search: "",
compl: "",
} = response => JSON.parse(response.text) => {
let prefix = ""
if (s.stargazers_count) {
prefix += `[★${s.stargazers_count}] `
return createURLItem(prefix + s.full_name, s.html_url)
// StackOverflow = {
alias: "so",
name: "stackoverflow",
search: "",
compl: "",
}; = response =>
JSON.parse(response.text) => createURLItem(`[${s.score}] ${s.title}`,;
// Wikipedia
completions.wp = {
alias: "wp",
name: "wikipedia",
search: "",
compl: "|pageprops%7Cpageimages%7Cdescription&redirects=&ppprop=displaytitle&piprop=thumbnail&pithumbsize=100&pilimit=6&inprop=url&gpssearch=",
const wpNoimg = "data:image/svg+xml,"
completions.wp.callback = response => Object.values(JSON.parse(response.text).query.pages)
.map((p) => {
const img = p.thumbnail ? p.thumbnail.source : wpNoimg
return createSuggestionItem(
<div style="padding:5px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:60px 1fr;grid-gap:15px">
<img style="width:60px" src="${img}" alt="${p.title}">
<div class="title"><strong>${p.title}</strong></div>
<div class="title">${p.description}</div>
{ url: p.fullurl }
// WolframAlpha
completions.wa = {
alias: "wa",
name: "wolframalpha",
search: "",
compl: `${keys.wolframalpha}&format=plaintext&output=json&reinterpret=true&input=%s`,
completions.wa.callback = (response) => {
const res = JSON.parse(response.text).queryresult
if (res.error) {
return [createSuggestionItem(`
<div class="title"><strong>Error</strong> (Code ${escape(res.error.code)})</div>
<div class="title">${escape(res.error.msg)}</div>
</div>`, { url: "" })]
if (!res.success) {
if ( {
return [createSuggestionItem(`
<div class="title"><strong>No Results</strong></div>
<div class="title">${escape(}</div>
</div>`, { url: "" })]
if (res.didyoumeans) {
return => createSuggestionItem(`
<div class="title"><strong>Did you mean...?</strong></div>
<div class="title">${escape(s.val)}</div>
</div>`, { url: "" }))
return [createSuggestionItem(`
<div class="title"><strong>Error</strong></div>
<div class="title">An unknown error occurred.</div>
</div>`, { url: "" })]
const results = []
res.pods.forEach((p) => {
const result = {
title: escape(p.title),
values: [],
url: "",
if (p.numsubpods > 0) {
result.url += encodeURIComponent(p.subpods[0].plaintext)
p.subpods.forEach((sp) => {
if (!sp.plaintext) return
let v = ""
if (sp.title) {
v += `<strong>${escape(sp.title)}</strong>: `
v += escape(sp.plaintext)
result.values.push(`<div class="title">${v}</div>`)
if (result.values.length > 0) {
return => createSuggestionItem(`
<div class="title"><strong>${r.title}</strong></div>
</div>`, { url: r.url }))
const sl = "a"
Object.keys(completions).forEach((k) => {
const s = completions[k] // Search Engine object
const la = sl + s.alias // Search leader + alias
addSearchAliasX(s.alias,,, sl, s.compl, s.callback)
mapkey(la, `#8Search ${}`, () => Front.openOmnibar({ type: "SearchEngine", extra: s.alias }))
settings.theme = `
#sk_status, #sk_find {
font-size: 18pt;
// end
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