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Created May 30, 2021 00:31
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Compute the cost of running GPT3 on a set of prompts. Store all the costs incurred so far.
Estimate GPT-3 costs!
Author: Dylan
import math
class GPT3CostsCalculator:
def __init__(self,
Class to help keep track of GPT3 costs. This doesn't account for stop words and assumes the full
maximum number of tokens in response is used. Also, as estimate of the number of tokens in the prompts
is taken using the "rule of thumb" on the openai site: 1 token ~ 4 charecters.
gpt3_model_version: the name of the gpt3 model version used to calculate costs
max_number_of_tokens_in_response: maximum number
self.ACCEPTABLE_MODEL_VERSIONS = ["ada", "babbage", "curie", "davinci"]
# Given in USD per 1k tokens
"ada" : 0.0008,
"babbage" : 0.0012,
"curie" : 0.0060,
"davinci" : 0.0600
if gpt3_model_version not in self.ACCEPTABLE_MODEL_VERSIONS:
raise NameError(f"GPT3 model version {gpt3_model_version} unknown. Acceptable model versions are {self.ACCEPTABLE_MODEL_VERSIONS}.")
# constraints on inputs
assert(best_of >= 1)
assert(n >= 1)
assert(max_number_of_tokens_in_response >= 1 and max_number_of_tokens_in_response <= 2048)
# storing the cost-causing gpt3 model parameters
self.gpt3_model_version = gpt3_model_version
self.max_number_of_tokens_in_response = max_number_of_tokens_in_response
self.best_of = best_of
self.n = n
# store cost constraints
self.costs_incured_so_far = 0
self.approx_total_tokens = 0
def _calc_costs(self, total_number_of_tokens):
calculates the costs given the total number of tokens according to pricing information
provided by openai:
return total_number_of_tokens * self.PRICE_PER_1K_TOKENS[self.gpt3_model_version] / 1000
def _get_num_tokens(self, sentence):
calculates number of tokens in sentence using rough guidance that 1 token is 4 charecters and takes
cieling to be conservative
# using - sentence.count(' ') to omit spaces from tokens
return math.ceil((len(sentence) - sentence.count(' ')) / 4)
def _calc_gpt_cost(self, prompts):
calculates the costs given a set of prompts
the formula used to perform this calculation is from:
see "How is pricing calculated for Completions" section
total_prompts = len(prompts)
# tokens in responses provided by gpt3,
total_tokens_in_responses = total_prompts * self.max_number_of_tokens_in_response * max(self.n, self.best_of)
# tokens in prompts provided to gpt3
total_tokens_in_prompts = sum([self._get_num_tokens(s) for s in prompts])
# the number of tokens overall, given settings
total_tokens_overall = total_tokens_in_prompts + total_tokens_in_responses
# total costs due to tokens
total_cost = self._calc_costs(total_tokens_overall)
return total_tokens_overall, total_cost
def get_prompt_costs(self, prompts, store=True):
returns and stores (if store flag set) cost of prompts
prompts: list of prompts in form ["prompt1", "prompt2",...,"promptN"]
cost: cost of sending all prompts to gpt3
n_tokens, cost = self._calc_gpt_cost(prompts)
if store:
self.costs_incured_so_far += cost
self.approx_total_tokens += n_tokens
return cost
def get_total_cost_so_far(self):
gets the total costs incurred so far
return self.costs_incured_so_far
def __str__(self):
string = ""
model_info = f"{self.gpt3_model_version} gpt3 model total costs so far: "
total_costs = f"~${round(self.get_total_cost_so_far(),2)} USD, from ~{self.approx_total_tokens} tokens."
string += model_info
string += total_costs
return string
## Example usage
p1 = ["going to the store", "testing prompts", "woah this prompt is super cool"]
p2 = ["blah blah blah blah"] * 100
p3 = ["testing one two three four"] * 10_000
calculator = GPT3CostsCalculator("davinci", max_number_of_tokens_in_response=100, best_of=1, n=1)
batch1_costs = calculator.get_prompt_costs(p1)
print (calculator)
batch2_costs = calculator.get_prompt_costs(p2)
print (calculator)
batch3_costs = calculator.get_prompt_costs(p3)
print (calculator)
batch3_costs = calculator.get_prompt_costs(p3, store=False)
print (calculator)
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Hello @dylan-slack What mean the "store" param in a real scenario using the Open AI API?

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for those interested I made a js version available at

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