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Last active February 22, 2018 13:58
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Doit tasks so i don't have to remember commands for software development.
import os
import fnmatch
import glob
import shutil
package = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(__file__))
def task_docs():
Build our documentation
'actions' : ['sphinx-apidoc -fMTeE -o docs/source {0}/ && cd docs && make clean && make html'.format(package)] ,
def task_doc_coverage():
Find out what documentation we need to get finished
return {
'actions' : ['sphinx-apidoc -fMTeE -o docs/source {0}/ && cd docs && make coverage && cat build/coverage/python.txt >&2'.format(package)] ,
def task_coverage():
Generate a code coverage report
return {
'actions' : [ 'nosetests --logging-level=FATAL --with-coverage --cover-package {0} --cover-html --cover-erase '.format(package)]
def task_test():
Just run tests
return {
'actions' : ['nosetests -sv --logging-level=DEBUG --with-coverage --cover-package {0} --cover-erase'.format(package)]
def task_loc():
Get current LOC in project
def walk(root='.', recurse=True, pattern='*'):
Generator for walking a directory tree.
Starts at specified root folder, returning files
that match our pattern. Optionally will also
recurse through sub-folders.
for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(root):
for name in files:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern):
yield os.path.join(path, name)
if not recurse:
def loc(root='', recurse=True):
Counts lines of code in two ways:
maximal size (source LOC) with blank lines and comments
minimal size (logical LOC) stripping same
Sums all Python files in the specified folder.
By default recurses through subfolders.
count_mini, count_maxi = 0, 0
for fspec in walk(root, recurse, '*.py'):
skip = False
for line in open(fspec).readlines():
count_maxi += 1
line = line.strip()
if line:
if line.startswith('#'):
if line.startswith('"""'):
skip = not skip
if not skip:
count_mini += 1
return "\'Lines of Code: {0} \nTotal Lines: {1}\'".format(count_mini, count_maxi)
return {
'actions' : ['echo %s >&2 ' % loc('.')],
def task_mypy():
Run mypy
return {
'actions' : [ 'mypy --ignore-missing-imports {0}'.format(package)]
def task_clean_up():
Delete files that aren't needed and definately shouldn't be checked into a repo or hed around any way.
rm_dirs = ['.mypy_cache','cover']
rm_files = ['.coverage','test_broker.sqlite3']
[ rm_dirs.append(f) for f in glob.glob('**', recursive=True) if os.path.basename(f) == '__pycache__' ]
[ rm_files.append(f) for f in glob.glob('docs/source/*.rst',recursive=True) if package in f ]
rm_dirs = [d for d in rm_dirs if os.path.isdir(d)]
rm_files =[f for f in rm_files if os.path.exists(f)]
[os.unlink(f) for f in rm_files] + [shutil.rmtree(d) for d in rm_dirs]
return {
'actions' : ['echo clean']
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