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Created April 23, 2020 13:12
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Powershell script to recreate PaperVision Capture .PVCSDOC files
# Section prompts for PVCSINFO File
$validfile = 0
while ($validfile -eq 0)
set-variable -name batchfile -value (Read-Host -Prompt 'Type Path of .PVCSINFO file')
set-variable -name batchpath -value (Split-Path -Path $(Get-Variable batchfile -ValueOnly) -Parent)
set-variable -name batchname -value (Split-Path $(Get-Variable batchpath -ValueOnly) -Leaf)
foreach ($line in $batchfile) {
$extn = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($line)
if ($extn -eq ".PVCSINFO" )
set-variable -name validfile -value 1
} else {
Write-Host "`nNot a valid PVCSINFO File, try again."
# Section Confirms that no .PVCSDOC exists and prompts to rename if it does.
if (gci $batchpath *.PVCSDOC){
Write-Host "`nA .PVCSDOC file already exists for the" $batchname "batch."
Write-host "Would you like to rename the file that's already there and recreate it? (Default is No)"
$Readhost = Read-Host " ( y / n ) "
Switch ($ReadHost)
Y {Write-host "`nRenaming $batchname.PVCSDOC to $batchname.PVCSDOC.old"; Rename-Item -Path "$batchpath\$batchname.PVCSDOC" -NewName "$batchname.PVCSDOC.old"}
N {exit}
Default {exit}
# Section Creates New PVCSDOC based on the batches contents.
Add-Content -Path "$batchpath\$batchname.PVCSDOC" -Value "<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"utf-8`"?>"
Add-Content -Path "$batchpath\$batchname.PVCSDOC" -Value "<BATCHDOCUMENTS>"
Add-Content -Path "$batchpath\$batchname.PVCSDOC" -Value " <DOCUMENTS>"
set-variable -name DOCINFOFILES -value (dir -Path "$batchpath\Documents" -Filter *.PVCSDOCINFO -Recurse | %{$_.FullName})
foreach ($file in $DOCINFOFILES) {
set-variable -name pagecount -value 0
set-variable -name filename -value ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($file))
$PAGES = Select-Xml -Path $file -XPath $XPathPages | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node
foreach ($page in $PAGES){
$pagecount = $pagecount+1
Add-Content -Path "$batchpath\$batchname.PVCSDOC" -Value " <DOC ID=`"$filename`" PP=`"$pagecount`" UB=`"0`" />"
Add-Content -Path "$batchpath\$batchname.PVCSDOC" -Value " </DOCUMENTS>"
Add-Content -Path "$batchpath\$batchname.PVCSDOC" -Value "</BATCHDOCUMENTS>"
Write-Host "`nA new .PVCSDOC file has been created. Please try and open batch '"$batchname"'."
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