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Last active August 18, 2017 21:42
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// `npm install axios lodash && node teem_interview_solutions.js`
const axios = require('axios')
const _ = require('lodash')
const collections = {
'1': [10, 25, 13],
'2': [14, 23, 47],
'3': [14, 36, 23]
const findMax = (collection, key) => {
return Math.max.apply(null, collection[key])
console.log('##### findMax')
console.log(findMax(collections, '3'))
Coding Problem #2
Write a method, `findRecord`, that will take an object collection, `records`
and an integer, `object_id`.
The method should iterate over `records` and return an object if the `object_id`
matches the id of a record in the collection and throw an error message if the
record id was not found
const recordCollection = {
1: {
name: "Led Zeppelin",
album: "Physical Graffiti",
year: 1975
2: {
name: "The Rolling Stones",
album: "Exile on Main St.",
year: 1972
3: {
name: "Pink Floyd",
album: "The Wall",
year: 1979
4: {
name: "Bob Dylan",
album: "Blood on the Tracks",
year: 1975
5: {
name: "Marvin Gaye",
album: "Whats Goin On",
year: 1971
const findRecord = (records, object_id) => {
return records[object_id] ? records[object_id] : 'No record exists'
console.log('##### findRecord')
console.log(findRecord(recordCollection, 2))
Coding Problem #3
Write a method, `searchRecords`, that will take an object, `node`, a string, `key`,
and string, `term`.
The method should travers the tree to find all related nodes where `term` matches
the `node`'s property for the given `key`.
The original `node` should be considered immutable
Additional Info:
- `node` is expected to be a "node tree"
- The `node` will have an imbedded object collection, `children`, that is a collection
of nodes
Example "node tree" object:
id: 1,
name: 'Menu',
description: 'Our super awesome food menu',
children: []
Example of Search Results:
term: 'Fr'
Results: (simplified)
- Menu
|-- Combo #1
| |-- French Fries
|-- Combo #2
| |-- Frozen Dairy Product
|-- French Fries
|-- Fresh Fruit
|-- Frozen Dairy Product
const nodeTree = {
id: 1,
name: 'Menu',
description: 'Our Super Awesome Food',
children: [
id: 1,
name: 'Banana',
description: 'Delicious Ripe Banana'
id: 2,
name: 'Whip Cream',
description: 'Fluffy White Whip Cream'
id: 3,
name: 'Vanilla Icecream',
description: 'Icecream mane from vanilla'
id: 4,
name: 'Cone',
description: 'Cone'
id: 5,
name: 'Banana Split',
description: 'Banana with whip cream and icecream',
children: [
id: 1,
name: 'Banana',
description: 'Delicious Ripe Banana'
id: 2,
name: 'Whip Cream',
description: 'Fluffy White Whip Cream'
id: 3,
name: 'Vanilla Icecream',
description: 'Icecream mane from vanilla'
id: 6,
name: 'Vanilla Icecream Cone',
description: 'Delicious Vanilla Icecream Cone',
children: [
id: 3,
name: 'Vanilla Icecream',
description: 'Icecream made from vanilla'
id: 4,
name: 'Cone',
description: 'Cone'
const results = []
const loop = (node, key, term) => {
if (node[key].indexOf(term) > -1) {
if (_.has(node, 'children')) {
node.children.forEach(v => {
loop(v, key, term)
console.log('##### searchRecords')
loop(nodeTree, 'name', 'Banana')
Coding Problem #4
Write a method, `getRecords`, that will take a string, `recordType`, and an optional
integer, `id`
The method should query an API and return the result set for `recordType`
If an `id` is provided, the record should be returned instead of the record set.
- Must use Promises or `async/await`
- Must use JSONPlaceholder as your API,
const BASE_URL = ''
const getRecords = (recordType, id = '') => {
console.log(`Request: ${BASE_URL}/${recordType}/${id}`)
return axios.get(`${BASE_URL}/${recordType}/${id}`)
.then((data) => console.log('data',
.catch((err) => console.log('Error fetching data: ', err.message))
console.log('##### getRecords')
getRecords('posts', '12')
Challenge Question
Using the IMBD API create an API and UI in your favorite language(s) that would allow
one to search movies, directors, actors, and IMBD votes.
- Use or your favorite API for IMDB
- be searchable by Title, Director, Actor, IMDB id,
- pagination
- detail view for Movie, Actor, Director.
- sortable by Title, Director, Actor, IMBD likes.
Bonus Question, Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon...
Using the IMDB
Include a Page that would allow for user it select an actor and see their "degrees"
from Kevin Bacon. You should allow for an optional "stop" on the lookup.
(ie, 0 = Search until found, 3 = Stop looking after dept of 3 degrees)
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