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my $tz;
try {
local $SIG{__DIE__};
$tz = DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => $name );
} catch {
warn "I got a lovely error: $_";
def fix_start(s):
a = s[1:]
b = s[0]
return a.replace(b, '*')
# This is a sample program by Bryan Lee ( leebc11 at acm dot org ) that runs mul
tiple commands in parallel in bash.
# Distributed under GPL version 2
# Let me know if you find it useful
# Arguments should be specified on the initial command line. They will be used
# as the first argument for the parallel command one at a time.

Moose Hackathon Agenda

This is a list of topics/ideas/wishes/dreams that we will discuss during the Moose hackathon at YAPC::NA this year. They are in no particular order, nor does inclusion of this list imply any type of endorsement of the idea, these are just ideas, so please feel free to add yours in.

  • Traits/Roles in Class::MOP
    • A low-level trait/role type primitive
  • removing Test::Exception from Moose/MOP