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function timelines
set -l files
for input in $argv
set -l file (mktemp)
sort $input | uniq -c |awk '{print $2, $1}' | sort > $file
set -a files $file
set -l cleanup $files
while [ (count $files) -ge 2 ]
~ > perl -MTest2::V0 -E 'is([1,2,3],[1,2,3,4])'
# Seeded srand with seed '20190208' from local date.
not ok 1
# Failed test at -e line 1.
# +------+------------------+-------+
# | PATH | GOT | CHECK |
# +------+------------------+-------+
# | [3] | <DOES NOT EXIST> | 4 |
# +------+------------------+-------+
# Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
package Bugzilla::Test::Selenium;
use 5.10.1;
use Moo;
has 'driver_class' => (is => 'ro', default => 'Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver');
has 'driver_args' => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has 'driver' => (
is => 'lazy',
handles => {
# $self->foo is $self->driver->bar
$ $bug->add_to_keywords({ name => 'relnote' })
Took 0.00436711311340332 seconds.
$Bugzilla_Model_Result_Keyword1 = Bugzilla::Model::Result::Keyword=HASH(0x913bf30);
$ map { $_->name } $bug->keywords
Took 0.00398492813110352 seconds.
$VAR1 = 'regression';
$VAR2 = 'relnote';
sub bug_start_of_set_all {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $bug = $args->{bug};
my $params = $args->{params};
# reset to the component defaults if not supplied
if (exists $params->{assigned_to}
&& (!defined $params->{assigned_to} || $params->{assigned_to} eq ''))
$params->{assigned_to} = $bug->component_obj->default_assignee->login;
sub object_before_set {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($object, $field) = @$args{qw(object field)};
if ($field eq 'resolution' and $object->isa('Bugzilla::Bug')) {
# Store the old value so that end_of_set can check it.
$object->{'_oldbugmove_old_resolution'} = $object->resolution;
Type | SVs | Bytes
SCALAR | 754245 | 58253206
HASH | 25671 | 12042126
GLOB | 59125 | 8641240
ARRAY | 44766 | 7310016
PAD | 24277 | 6350928
PADNAMES | 24084 | 5916840
CODE | 27955 | 3801880
use 5.10.1;
use Bugzilla;
use Storable qw(freeze);
sub main::cache_size {
my $rc = Bugzilla->request_cache;
my %total;
state $prev_total;
foreach (keys %$rc) {