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Created July 6, 2021 12:18
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package ink.sora.ioc
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.reflect.*
import kotlin.reflect.full.declaredMemberProperties
import kotlin.reflect.full.hasAnnotation
import kotlin.reflect.full.isSubclassOf
import kotlin.reflect.full.primaryConstructor
internal fun <T : Any> KClass<T>.parameterlessConstructorOrNull(): KFunction<T>? {
return constructors.firstOrNull { !it.parameters.any() }
* Get a constructor of [KClass] whose parameters are exactly the same as [types]
internal fun <T : Any> KClass<T>.getConstructor(vararg types: KClass<*>): KFunction<T> {
return (if (!types.any()) {
} else constructors.firstOrNull {
it.parameters.foldIndexed(true) { index, acc, param -> acc && types[index] == param.type.classifier as KClass<*> }
}) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("cannot find a constructor that is compatible with the specified types")
* Finds an appropriate constructor of [KClass] from [types], whereby "appropriate" means that
* every argument of the constructor of [KClass] can be obtained from [types]
internal fun <T : Any> KClass<T>.findAppropriateConstructor(types: Array<ComponentRegistrar<*>>): KFunction<T> {
return (if (!types.any()) {
} else constructors.firstOrNull {
val copy = mutableListOf(*types)
it.parameters.fold(true) { acc, param ->
acc && copy.firstOrNull { t -> t.isAssignableFrom((param.type.classifier as KClass<*>)) }.let(copy::remove)
}) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("cannot find a constructor that is compatible with the specified types")
* Find all the public properties of [KClass] that are marked with [Autowired]
internal fun <T : Any> KClass<T>.findAutowiredProperties(): Collection<KMutableProperty1<T, *>> {
return declaredMemberProperties.filterIsInstance<KMutableProperty1<T, *>>()
.filter { it.visibility == KVisibility.PUBLIC }
.filter { it.hasAnnotation<Autowired>() }
internal fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.toMap(valueSelector: (T) -> V): Map<T, V> {
return mutableMapOf<T, V>().apply {
this@toMap.forEach { this[it] = valueSelector(it) }
annotation class Autowired
enum class ResolutionStrategy {
class ComponentRegistrar<T : Any>(private val container: IContainer, private val type: KClass<out T>, private var value: T? = null) {
companion object {
internal val singletons: MutableMap<KClass<*>, Any> = mutableMapOf()
internal var resolutionStrategy: ResolutionStrategy = ResolutionStrategy.TRANSIENT
private var base: KClass<*>? = null
private val autowireProperties: MutableList<KMutableProperty1<out T, *>> = mutableListOf()
private lateinit var constructor: KFunction<T>
init {
if (value == null) {
} else {
private fun putSingleton() {
resolutionStrategy = ResolutionStrategy.SINGLETON
singletons[type] = value!!
private fun useDefaultConstructor() {
constructor = type.primaryConstructor ?: type.parameterlessConstructorOrNull() ?: type.constructors.first()
if (constructor.visibility != KVisibility.PUBLIC) {
throw IllegalStateException("Cannot find a public, parameterless constructor for type $type")
fun useConstructor(vararg types: KClass<*>): ComponentRegistrar<T> {
constructor = type.getConstructor(*types)
return this
fun autowired(propertySelector: (KProperty<*>) -> Boolean): ComponentRegistrar<T> {
.filter { autowireProperties.all { prop -> != } }
.filterIsInstance<KMutableProperty1<T, *>>()
.filter { it.visibility == KVisibility.PUBLIC }
return this
fun asSingleton(): ComponentRegistrar<T> {
resolutionStrategy = ResolutionStrategy.SINGLETON
if (value == null) {
value = container.resolve(type)
return this
fun <S : Any> asBase(base: KClass<S>) {
if (type.isSubclassOf(base)) {
this.base = base
} else {
throw ClassCastException("type $base is not a base class of $type")
fun asTransient(): ComponentRegistrar<T> {
resolutionStrategy = ResolutionStrategy.TRANSIENT
return this
fun createInstance(): T {
return constructor.callBy(constructor.parameters.toMap { container.resolve(it.type.classifier as KClass<*>) }).apply(::autowire)
private fun autowire(obj: T) {
for (prop in autowireProperties) {
(prop as KMutableProperty1<T, Any>).set(obj, container.resolve(prop.returnType.classifier as KClass<*>))
fun isAssignableFrom(t: KClass<*>): Boolean {
return base?.equals(t) ?: (type == t)
data class ComponentEntry<T : Any>(val type: KClass<out T>, val registrar: ComponentRegistrar<T>)
interface Resolvable {
fun <T : Any> resolve(type: KClass<T>): T
interface IContainer : Resolvable {
fun <T : Any> register(type: KClass<T>): ComponentRegistrar<T>
fun <T : Any> register(instance: T): ComponentRegistrar<T>
class ContainerScope(private val container: Container) : Resolvable, Closeable {
private var disposed = false
private val values: MutableMap<KClass<*>, Any> = mutableMapOf()
override fun <T : Any> resolve(type: KClass<T>): T {
if (disposed) {
throw ObjectClosedException()
return values.getOrPut(type) { container.resolve(type) } as T
override fun close() {
disposed = true
class Container : IContainer {
private val entries: MutableList<ComponentEntry<*>> = mutableListOf()
override fun <T : Any> register(type: KClass<T>): ComponentRegistrar<T> {
return ComponentRegistrar(this, type).apply {
entries.add(ComponentEntry(type, this))
override fun <T : Any> register(instance: T): ComponentRegistrar<T> {
return ComponentRegistrar(this, instance::class, instance).asSingleton().apply {
entries.add(ComponentEntry(instance::class, this))
override fun <T : Any> resolve(type: KClass<T>): T {
val entry = entries.firstOrNull { it.registrar.isAssignableFrom(type) } as? ComponentEntry<T>
return if (entry != null) {
when (entry.registrar.resolutionStrategy) {
ResolutionStrategy.TRANSIENT -> entry.registrar.createInstance()
ResolutionStrategy.SINGLETON -> ComponentRegistrar.singletons[entry.type] as T
} else {
val constructor = type.findAppropriateConstructor(<*>::registrar).toTypedArray())
val obj = constructor.callBy(constructor.parameters.toMap { resolve(it.type.classifier as KClass<T>) })
for (prop in type.findAutowiredProperties()) {
(prop as KMutableProperty1<T, Any>).set(obj, resolve(prop.returnType.classifier as KClass<*>))
fun resolveScope(): ContainerScope {
return ContainerScope(this)
class ObjectClosedException : Exception()
interface SayHello {
fun hello()
class SayHelloImpl : SayHello {
override fun hello() {
println("Hello, World")
data class Test1(val i: Int, val j: String, val k: Char) {
val randomNumber: Int = Random.nextInt()
constructor(sayHello: SayHello) : this(100, "99", '8') {
class Test2 {
lateinit var sayHello: SayHello
class Test3 {
lateinit var sayHello: SayHello
fun main() {
val container = Container()
println("scope begin")
container.resolveScope().use {
for (i in 0..10) {
println(it.resolve(Test1::class).randomNumber) // all the resolution requests in the same scope results in the same object
println("scope end")
for (i in 0..10) {
container.register(Test3::class).autowired {
it.returnType.classifier == SayHello::class
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