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Last active October 2, 2022 00:42
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A SystemF<: (Bounded Quantification) implementation in C#, along with some simple extensions including union type, intersection type, condition, and general recursion through fixed-point combinator
// ReSharper disable MemberCanBePrivate.Global
// ReSharper disable UnusedType.Global
// ReSharper disable ClassNeverInstantiated.Global
// ReSharper disable ParameterTypeCanBeEnumerable.Local
// ReSharper disable ReturnTypeCanBeEnumerable.Local
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
namespace SystemFSub;
using SystemFSubContext = List<SystemFSubContextBinding>;
public class TypeMismatchException : Exception
public TypeMismatchException(string? message) : base(message) { }
public static class PrettyPrinter
public static string OfType(SystemFSubType ty)
static string Aux(SystemFSubType ty)
return ty switch
SystemFSubType.BoolPrimitive => "bool",
SystemFSubType.NatPrimitive => "nat",
SystemFSubType.Top => "any",
SystemFSubType.Bottom => "never",
SystemFSubType.Union(var lhs, var rhs) => (lhs, rhs) switch
(SystemFSubType.Variable, SystemFSubType.Variable) => $"{Aux(lhs)} | {Aux(rhs)}",
(SystemFSubType.Variable, _) => $"{Aux(lhs)} | ({Aux(rhs)})",
(_, SystemFSubType.Variable) => $"({Aux(lhs)}) | {Aux(rhs)}",
_ => $"({Aux(lhs)}) | ({Aux(rhs)})"
SystemFSubType.Intersect(var lhs, var rhs) => (lhs, rhs) switch
(SystemFSubType.Variable, SystemFSubType.Variable) => $"{Aux(lhs)} & {Aux(rhs)}",
(SystemFSubType.Variable, _) => $"{Aux(lhs)} & ({Aux(rhs)})",
(_, SystemFSubType.Variable) => $"({Aux(lhs)}) & {Aux(rhs)}",
_ => $"({Aux(lhs)}) & ({Aux(rhs)})"
SystemFSubType.Variable(var name, _) => name,
SystemFSubType.Arrow(var domain, var result) => (domain, result) switch
(SystemFSubType.Variable, _) => $"{Aux(domain)} -> {Aux(result)}",
_ => $"({Aux(domain)}) -> {Aux(result)}"
SystemFSubType.Forall(var binder, var bound, var body) => $"∀{binder}<:{(bound.IsMono() ? Aux(bound) : $"({Aux(bound)})" )}. {Aux(body)}",
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(ty), ty, null)
return Aux(ty);
public abstract record SystemFSubType
public static readonly BoolPrimitive BoolType = new();
public static readonly NatPrimitive NatType = new();
public static readonly Top TopType = new();
public static readonly Bottom BottomType = new();
public record BoolPrimitive : SystemFSubType;
public record NatPrimitive : SystemFSubType;
public record Top : SystemFSubType;
public record Bottom : SystemFSubType;
public record Union(SystemFSubType Left, SystemFSubType Right) : SystemFSubType;
public record Intersect(SystemFSubType Left, SystemFSubType Right) : SystemFSubType;
public record Variable(string Name, bool IsBinder) : SystemFSubType;
public record Arrow(SystemFSubType Domain, SystemFSubType Result) : SystemFSubType;
public record Forall(string Binder, SystemFSubType Bound, SystemFSubType Body) : SystemFSubType;
public bool IsMono()
return this is Top or Bottom or Variable or BoolPrimitive or NatPrimitive;
public abstract record SystemFSubTerm
public record Variable(string Name) : SystemFSubTerm;
public record Abstraction(string Binder, SystemFSubType BinderType, SystemFSubTerm Body) : SystemFSubTerm;
public record Application(SystemFSubTerm Function, SystemFSubTerm Argument) : SystemFSubTerm;
public record BoolLiteral(bool Value) : SystemFSubTerm;
public record NatLiteral(int Value) : SystemFSubTerm;
public record Successor(SystemFSubTerm Argument) : SystemFSubTerm;
public record Predecessor(SystemFSubTerm Argument) : SystemFSubTerm;
public record IsZero(SystemFSubTerm Argument) : SystemFSubTerm;
public record Conditional(SystemFSubTerm Condition, SystemFSubTerm Then, SystemFSubTerm Else) : SystemFSubTerm;
public record Fix(SystemFSubTerm Argument) : SystemFSubTerm;
public record TypeAbstraction(string Binder, SystemFSubType Bound, SystemFSubTerm Body) : SystemFSubTerm;
public record TypeApplication(SystemFSubTerm Function, SystemFSubType Argument) : SystemFSubTerm;
public abstract record SystemFSubContextBinding
public record VTermBinding(string Name, SystemFSubType TermType) : SystemFSubContextBinding;
public record VTypeBinding(string Name, SystemFSubType Bound) : SystemFSubContextBinding;
public static class UniqueString
public static Func<ISet<string>, string> Generator()
var counter = 0;
return excludes =>
string Candidate() => $"X{counter}";
do counter++; while (excludes.Contains(Candidate()));
return Candidate();
public static class SystemFSubTypeChecker
private static class Set
public static ISet<T> Singleton<T>(T item) => new HashSet<T>(new[] { item });
public static ISet<T> Union<T>(IEnumerable<T> set, IEnumerable<T> other) => new HashSet<T>(set.Concat(other));
public static ISet<T> BigUnion<T>(params IEnumerable<T>[] sets) => new HashSet<T>(sets.SelectMany(Function.Identity));
public static ISet<T> OfIter<T>(IEnumerable<T> enumerable) => new HashSet<T>(enumerable);
public static ISet<T> OfIter<T>(params T[] enumerable) => new HashSet<T>(enumerable);
public static ISet<T> Empty<T>() => new HashSet<T>();
private static class Function
public static T Identity<T>(T value) => value;
public static T Block<T>(Func<T> block) => block();
private static readonly Func<ISet<string>, string> UniqueStringGenerator = UniqueString.Generator();
private static SystemFSubContext WidenContext(SystemFSubContext context, SystemFSubContextBinding binding)
=> context.Append(binding).ToList();
private static IEnumerable<string> Fv(SystemFSubTerm term)
return term switch
SystemFSubTerm.Variable(var name) => Set.Singleton(name),
SystemFSubTerm.Abstraction(var binder, _, var body) => Fv(body).Where(i => i != binder),
SystemFSubTerm.Application(var function, var argument) => Set.Union(Fv(function), Fv(argument)),
SystemFSubTerm.Successor(var argument) => Fv(argument),
SystemFSubTerm.Predecessor(var argument) => Fv(argument),
SystemFSubTerm.IsZero(var argument) => Fv(argument),
SystemFSubTerm.Conditional(var condition, var then, var @else) => Set.BigUnion(Fv(condition), Fv(then), Fv(@else)),
SystemFSubTerm.TypeAbstraction(_, _, var body) => Fv(body),
SystemFSubTerm.TypeApplication(var function, _) => Fv(function),
_ => Set.Empty<string>()
private static IEnumerable<string> FvType(SystemFSubType ty)
return ty switch
SystemFSubType.Variable(var name, _) => Set.Singleton(name),
SystemFSubType.Union(var lhs, var rhs) => Set.Union(FvType(lhs), FvType(rhs)),
SystemFSubType.Intersect(var lhs, var rhs) => Set.Union(FvType(lhs), FvType(rhs)),
SystemFSubType.Arrow(var domain, var result) => Set.Union(FvType(domain), FvType(result)),
SystemFSubType.Forall(var binder, var bound, var body) => Set.Union(FvType(bound), FvType(body).Where(i => i != binder)),
_ => Set.Empty<string>()
private static SystemFSubTerm Substitute(SystemFSubTerm term, string name, SystemFSubTerm replacement)
return term switch
SystemFSubTerm.Variable(var n) => n == name ? replacement : term,
SystemFSubTerm.Abstraction(var binder, var binderType, var body) => Function.Block(() =>
if (binder == name) return term;
// Performs capture-avoiding substitution, the capture of free variable can be observed in the following example:
// if we want to substitute `lambda a. f a` with `a b`, we need to perform an alpha-conversion on the former
// type, because if we don't, the free variable (boundless) `a` in the `a b` will be captured by the binder of
// `lambda` and thus become bounded, which is not what we want.
if (Fv(replacement).Contains(binder))
// alpha-conversion: rename the binder, replace all the occurrences of the old binder with the new one in the body
var newBinder = UniqueStringGenerator(Set.Union(Fv(replacement), Fv(body)));
var newBody = Substitute(body, binder, new SystemFSubTerm.Variable(newBinder));
return new SystemFSubTerm.Abstraction(newBinder, binderType, Substitute(newBody, name, replacement));
return new SystemFSubTerm.Abstraction(binder, binderType, Substitute(body, name, replacement));
SystemFSubTerm.Application(var function, var argument) =>
new SystemFSubTerm.Application(Substitute(function, name, replacement), Substitute(argument, name, replacement)),
SystemFSubTerm.TypeAbstraction(var binder, var bound, var body) =>
new SystemFSubTerm.TypeAbstraction(binder, bound, Substitute(body, name, replacement)),
SystemFSubTerm.TypeApplication(var function, var argument) =>
new SystemFSubTerm.TypeApplication(Substitute(function, name, replacement), argument),
SystemFSubTerm.Conditional(var condition, var then, var @else) =>
new SystemFSubTerm.Conditional(Substitute(condition, name, replacement), Substitute(then, name, replacement), Substitute(@else, name, replacement)),
SystemFSubTerm.IsZero(var argument) => new SystemFSubTerm.IsZero(Substitute(argument, name, replacement)),
SystemFSubTerm.Predecessor(var argument) => new SystemFSubTerm.Predecessor(Substitute(argument, name, replacement)),
SystemFSubTerm.Successor(var argument) => new SystemFSubTerm.Successor(Substitute(argument, name, replacement)),
SystemFSubTerm.Fix(var argument) => new SystemFSubTerm.Fix(Substitute(argument, name, replacement)),
_ => term
private static SystemFSubType SubstituteType(SystemFSubType ty, string name, SystemFSubType replacement)
return ty switch
SystemFSubType.Variable(var n, _) => n == name ? replacement : ty,
SystemFSubType.Union(var lhs, var rhs) =>
new SystemFSubType.Union(SubstituteType(lhs, name, replacement), SubstituteType(rhs, name, replacement)),
SystemFSubType.Intersect(var lhs, var rhs) =>
new SystemFSubType.Intersect(SubstituteType(lhs, name, replacement), SubstituteType(rhs, name, replacement)),
SystemFSubType.Arrow(var domain, var result) =>
new SystemFSubType.Arrow(SubstituteType(domain, name, replacement), SubstituteType(result, name, replacement)),
SystemFSubType.Forall(var binder, var bound, var body) => Function.Block(() =>
if (name == binder) return ty;
// Performs capture-avoiding substitution, the capture of free variable can be observed in the following example:
// if we want to substitute `forall A. A -> B` with `C -> A`, we need to perform an alpha-conversion on the former
// type, because if we don't, the free variable (boundless) `A` in the `C -> A` will be captured by the binder of
// `forall` and thus become bounded, which is not what we want.
if (FvType(replacement).Contains(binder))
var newBinder = UniqueStringGenerator(Set.Union(FvType(replacement), FvType(body)));
var newBody = SubstituteType(body, binder, new SystemFSubType.Variable(newBinder, true));
// the bound needs not to be substituted because the only scenario that the substitution will affect the bound is when
// the bound contains the binder, in which case it is of form like `forall X<:List<X>. X`, and that is considered illegal
// because System F-sub does not support recursive types. The recursive types are left for a special type system, namely
// F-Bounded Quantification, which combines System F, Subtyping, and Recursive Types, surprisingly, that type system is
// basically what languages like Java/C# use. If we don't consider the type inference (especially on generics, since the
// type inference of full System F is undecidable).
return new SystemFSubType.Forall(newBinder, SubstituteType(bound, name, replacement), SubstituteType(newBody, name, replacement));
return new SystemFSubType.Forall(binder, SubstituteType(bound, name, replacement), SubstituteType(body, name, replacement));
_ => ty
private static SystemFSubContextBinding? FindBinding(SystemFSubContext context, string name)
return context.FirstOrDefault(binding => binding switch
SystemFSubContextBinding.VTermBinding(var n, _) => n == name,
SystemFSubContextBinding.VTypeBinding(var n, _) => n == name,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(binding))
public static bool Subtype(SystemFSubContext context, SystemFSubType lhs, SystemFSubType rhs)
Debug.WriteLine(string.Join('\n', context.OfType<SystemFSubContextBinding.VTypeBinding>().Select(i => $"{i.Name}<:{PrettyPrinter.OfType(i.Bound)}")));
return (lhs, rhs) switch
(_, _) when lhs == rhs => true,
(_, SystemFSubType.Top) => true,
(_, SystemFSubType.Bottom) => false,
(SystemFSubType.Variable(var lhsName, _), _) => FindBinding(context, lhsName) switch
SystemFSubContextBinding.VTypeBinding(_, var bound) => Subtype(context, bound, rhs),
_ => false
(SystemFSubType.Arrow(var lhsDomain, var lhsResult), SystemFSubType.Arrow(var rhsDomain, var rhsResult)) =>
Subtype(context, rhsDomain, lhsDomain) && Subtype(context, lhsResult, rhsResult),
(SystemFSubType.Forall(var lhsBinder, var lhsBound, var lhsBody), SystemFSubType.Forall(var rhsBinder, var rhsBound, var rhsBody)) => Function.Block(() =>
// binder is contravariant
var binderCompliant = Subtype(context, rhsBound, lhsBound);
var newBinderName = UniqueStringGenerator(Set.BigUnion(FvType(lhsBody), FvType(rhsBody),
from binding in context.OfType<SystemFSubContextBinding.VTypeBinding>() select binding.Name));
// unify the binder of two types for comparison
var newLhsBody = SubstituteType(lhsBody, lhsBinder, new SystemFSubType.Variable(newBinderName, true));
var newRhsBody = SubstituteType(rhsBody, rhsBinder, new SystemFSubType.Variable(newBinderName, true));
var newContext = WidenContext(context, new SystemFSubContextBinding.VTypeBinding(newBinderName, rhsBound));
return binderCompliant && Subtype(newContext, newLhsBody, newRhsBody);
(_, SystemFSubType.Union(var lhsUnion, var rhsUnion)) => Subtype(context, lhs, lhsUnion) || Subtype(context, lhs, rhsUnion),
(_, SystemFSubType.Intersect(var lhsIntersect, var rhsIntersect)) => Subtype(context, lhs, lhsIntersect) && Subtype(context, lhs, rhsIntersect),
_ => false
private static SystemFSubType? TryPromote(SystemFSubContext context, SystemFSubType input)
static SystemFSubType? FindFirstNonMonoType(SystemFSubContext context, SystemFSubType input)
if (input is SystemFSubType.Variable(var name, true))
var bound = context.OfType<SystemFSubContextBinding.VTypeBinding>()
.FirstOrDefault(b => b is var (n, _) && n == name)?.Bound;
return bound switch
null => null,
SystemFSubType.Variable(_, true) => FindFirstNonMonoType(context, bound),
_ => bound
return input;
return FindFirstNonMonoType(context, input);
public static SystemFSubType TypeOf(SystemFSubContext context, SystemFSubTerm term)
SystemFSubType CheckArgumentIsNat(SystemFSubTerm argument, SystemFSubType result)
return TypeOf(context, argument) is var argumentType && argumentType == SystemFSubType.NatType
? result
: throw new TypeMismatchException($"Type mismatch: expected nat, got {argumentType}");
return term switch
SystemFSubTerm.Variable(var name) => FindBinding(context, name) switch
SystemFSubContextBinding.VTermBinding(_, var termType) => termType,
_ => throw new TypeMismatchException($"Type mismatchCannot find variable of name {name} in context")
SystemFSubTerm.Abstraction(var binder, var binderType, var body) =>
new SystemFSubType.Arrow(binderType,
TypeOf(WidenContext(context, new SystemFSubContextBinding.VTermBinding(binder, binderType)), body)),
SystemFSubTerm.Application(var function, var argument) => Function.Block(() =>
var fType = TypeOf(context, function);
var argumentType = TypeOf(context, argument);
return TryPromote(context, fType) is SystemFSubType.Arrow(var domain, var result)
? Subtype(context, argumentType, domain)
? result
: throw new TypeMismatchException($"Type mismatch: expected argument type to be a subtype of {domain}, got {argumentType}")
: throw new TypeMismatchException($"Type mismatch: expected arrow type, got {fType}");
SystemFSubTerm.TypeAbstraction(var binder, var bound, var body) =>
new SystemFSubType.Forall(binder, bound, TypeOf(WidenContext(context, new SystemFSubContextBinding.VTypeBinding(binder, bound)), body)),
SystemFSubTerm.TypeApplication(var abstraction, var argumentType) => TryPromote(context, TypeOf(context, abstraction)) switch
SystemFSubType.Forall(var binder, var bound, var body) =>
Subtype(context, argumentType, bound)
? SubstituteType(body, binder, argumentType)
: throw new TypeMismatchException($"Type mismatch: expected argument type to be a subtype of {bound}, got {argumentType}"),
var ty => throw new TypeMismatchException($"Type mismatch: expected generic (forall) type, got {ty}")
SystemFSubTerm.Conditional(var condition, var thenBranch, var elseBranch) => Function.Block(() =>
var conditionType = TypeOf(context, condition);
var thenBranchType = TypeOf(context, thenBranch);
var elseBranchType = TypeOf(context, elseBranch);
return conditionType is SystemFSubType.BoolPrimitive
? new SystemFSubType.Union(thenBranchType, elseBranchType)
: throw new TypeMismatchException($"Type mismatch: expected boolean condition, got {conditionType}");
SystemFSubTerm.BoolLiteral => SystemFSubType.BoolType,
SystemFSubTerm.NatLiteral => SystemFSubType.NatType,
SystemFSubTerm.IsZero(var argument) => CheckArgumentIsNat(argument, SystemFSubType.BoolType),
SystemFSubTerm.Successor(var argument) => CheckArgumentIsNat(argument, SystemFSubType.NatType),
SystemFSubTerm.Predecessor(var argument) => CheckArgumentIsNat(argument, SystemFSubType.NatType),
SystemFSubTerm.Fix(var argument) =>
TypeOf(context, argument) is SystemFSubType.Arrow(SystemFSubType.Arrow fixpoint, SystemFSubType.Arrow body) && fixpoint == body
? fixpoint
: throw new TypeMismatchException($"Type mismatch: the type of a fix operator must be a function type, which, accepts a function type, and returns an identical function type"),
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(term), term, null)
private static SystemFSubType NegType(SystemFSubType ty)
var name = UniqueStringGenerator(FvType(ty).ToHashSet());
return new SystemFSubType.Forall(name, ty, new SystemFSubType.Variable(name, true));
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
var typeT = new SystemFSubType.Forall("X", SystemFSubType.TopType, NegType(
new SystemFSubType.Forall("Y", new SystemFSubType.Variable("X", true), NegType(new SystemFSubType.Variable("Y", true)))));
var context = Set.OfIter(new SystemFSubContextBinding.VTypeBinding("X0", typeT) as SystemFSubContextBinding).ToList();
Console.WriteLine(Subtype(context, new SystemFSubType.Variable("X0", true), new SystemFSubType.Forall("X1", new SystemFSubType.Variable("X0", true), NegType(new SystemFSubType.Variable("X1", true)))));
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