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Last active September 27, 2022 13:49
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A typechecker for SystemF (without existential type), uses α-conversion to perform capture-free subtitution
type SystemFType =
| TVariable of name : string
| TArrow of domain : SystemFType * result : SystemFType
| TUniversal of binder : string * body : SystemFType
override this.ToString() =
let rec aux = function
| TVariable name -> name
| TArrow (domain, result) ->
match domain with
| TVariable _ -> $"%s{aux domain} -> %s{aux result}"
| _ -> $"(%s{aux domain}) -> %s{aux result}"
| TUniversal (binder, body) -> $"forall %s{binder}. %s{aux body}"
aux this
type SystemFTerm =
| EVariable of name : string
| EAbstraction of binder : string * binderType : SystemFType * body : SystemFTerm
| EApplication of f : SystemFTerm * argument : SystemFTerm
| ETypeAbstraction of binder : string * body : SystemFTerm
| ETypeApplication of f : SystemFTerm * argument : SystemFType
type SystemFContextBinding =
| VTermBinding of name : string * termType : SystemFType
| VTypeBinding of name : string
type SystemFContext = List<SystemFContextBinding>
type UniqueStringGenerator () =
let mutable counter = 0
member this.Generate (excludes : Set<string>) =
let rec loop () =
let candidate = "x" + counter.ToString()
counter <- counter + 1
if excludes.Contains(candidate) then loop () else candidate
in loop ()
let uniqueStringGenerator = UniqueStringGenerator()
let rec fv = function
| EVariable name -> Set.singleton name
| EAbstraction (binder, _, body) ->
Set.ofSeq [ for i in fv body do if i <> binder then yield i ]
| EApplication (f, argument) ->
Set.union (fv f) (fv argument)
| ETypeAbstraction (_, body) -> fv body
| ETypeApplication (f, _) -> fv f
let rec fvType = function
| TVariable name -> Set.singleton name
| TArrow (domain, result) ->
Set.union (fvType domain) (fvType result)
| TUniversal (binder, body) ->
Set.ofSeq [ for i in fvType body do if i <> binder then yield i ]
let rec substitute (term : SystemFTerm) (name : string) (replacement : SystemFTerm) : SystemFTerm =
match term with
| EVariable name' ->
if name = name' then replacement else term
| EAbstraction (binder, _, systemFTerm) ->
if name = binder then term
else if (fv replacement).Contains(binder) then
let newBinder = uniqueStringGenerator.Generate(Set.union (fv replacement) (fv systemFTerm))
let newSystemFTerm = substitute systemFTerm binder (EVariable newBinder)
EAbstraction(newBinder, TVariable newBinder, substitute newSystemFTerm name replacement)
EAbstraction(binder, TVariable binder, substitute systemFTerm name replacement)
| EApplication (f, argument) ->
EApplication(substitute f name replacement, substitute argument name replacement)
| ETypeAbstraction (binder, systemFTerm) -> ETypeAbstraction(binder, substitute systemFTerm name replacement)
| ETypeApplication (f, argument) -> ETypeApplication(substitute f name replacement, argument)
let rec substituteType (termType : SystemFType) (name : string) (replacement : SystemFType) : SystemFType =
match termType with
| TVariable name' ->
if name = name' then replacement else termType
| TArrow (domain, result) ->
TArrow(substituteType domain name replacement, substituteType result name replacement)
| TUniversal (binder, body) ->
if name = binder then termType
else if (fvType replacement).Contains(binder) then
let newBinder = uniqueStringGenerator.Generate(Set.union (fvType replacement) (fvType body))
let newBody = substituteType body binder (TVariable newBinder)
TUniversal(newBinder, substituteType newBody name replacement)
TUniversal(binder, substituteType body name replacement)
let findBinding (context : SystemFContext) (name : string) : SystemFContextBinding option =
context |> List.tryFind (function
| SystemFContextBinding.VTermBinding(name', _) -> name = name'
| SystemFContextBinding.VTypeBinding name' -> name = name')
let rec typeOf (term : SystemFTerm) (context : SystemFContext) : SystemFType =
match term with
| EVariable name ->
match findBinding context name with
| Some(SystemFContextBinding.VTermBinding(_, termType)) -> termType
| _ -> failwithf $"Variable %s{name} is not bound"
| EAbstraction (binder, binderType, body) ->
let newContext = SystemFContextBinding.VTermBinding(binder, binderType) :: context
TArrow(binderType, typeOf body newContext)
| EApplication (f, argument) ->
let fType = typeOf f context
let argumentType = typeOf argument context
match fType with
| TArrow (domain, result) ->
if domain = argumentType then result
else failwithf $"Type mismatch: expected %A{domain}, got %A{argumentType}"
| _ -> failwithf $"Type mismatch: expected arrow type, got %A{fType}"
| ETypeAbstraction (binder, body) ->
let newContext = SystemFContextBinding.VTypeBinding binder :: context
TUniversal(binder, typeOf body newContext)
| ETypeApplication (systemFTerm, systemFType) ->
match typeOf systemFTerm context with
| TUniversal (binder, body) -> substituteType body binder systemFType
| _ -> failwithf $"Type mismatch: expected universal type, got %A{typeOf systemFTerm context}"
let double = ETypeAbstraction("X",
EAbstraction("f", TArrow(TVariable "X", TVariable "X"),
EAbstraction("a", TVariable "X",
EApplication(EVariable "f", EApplication(EVariable "f", EVariable "a")))))
let doubleInt = ETypeApplication(double, TVariable "int")
printfn $"%A{(typeOf double []).ToString()}"
printfn $"%A{(typeOf doubleInt []).ToString()}"
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