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Created February 16, 2017 04:43
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module NonDep where
import Control.Monad.Random
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.List (nub)
type Env = Int
data NonDep a = ND {unND :: Rand StdGen (Env -> a)}
instance Monad NonDep where
return x = ND $ uniform [const x]
m >>= k = ND $ do
alpha <- unND m
return $ \r -> unsafePerformIO . evalRandIO $ unND (k (alpha r)) <*> return r
-- [\r -> f (k . alpha $ r) r | alpha <- m, f <- cfs]
instance Functor NonDep where
fmap f m = m >>= return . f
instance Applicative NonDep where
pure = return
mf <*> mx = mf >>= \f -> mx >>= \x -> return (f x)
alts :: [a] -> NonDep a
alts xs = ND $ uniform $ map const xs
m :: NonDep Int
m = return 10
f,g :: Int -> NonDep Int
f = \x -> alts [x-1, x-2]
g = \x -> alts [x-5, x-7]
left, right :: IO (Env -> Int)
left = evalRandIO . unND $ (m >>= f) >>= g
right = evalRandIO . unND $ m >>= (f >=> g)
main :: IO ()
main = do
sequence (replicate 20 left) >>= \xs -> putStrLn ("LEFT: " ++ show (nub [x 0 | x <- xs]))
sequence (replicate 20 right) >>= \xs -> putStrLn ("RIGHT: " ++ show (nub [x 0 | x <- xs]))
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