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Last active December 9, 2018 00:55
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Dependent RoseTree
import Data.Vect
op : Nat -> Type -> Type
op Z a = a
op (S n) a = a -> op n a
data RoseTree : a -> Type where
Rose : (n : Nat ** OpTree n a) -> RoseTree a
data OpTree : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Node : op n a -> Vect n (RoseTree a) -> OpTree n a
leaf : a -> RoseTree a
leaf x = Rose (Z ** Node x [])
three : RoseTree Int
three = leaf 3
five : RoseTree Int
five = leaf 5
add : op 2 Int
add x y = x + y
square : op 1 Int
square x = x * x
eight : RoseTree Int
eight = Rose (2 ** Node add [three, five])
sixtyfour : RoseTree Int
sixtyfour = Rose (1 ** Node square [eight])
naryApp : op n a -> Vect n a -> a
naryApp x [] = x
naryApp f (x :: xs) = naryApp (f x) xs
eval : RoseTree a -> a
eval (Rose (Z ** Node x [])) = x
eval (Rose (k ** Node f xs)) = naryApp f (map eval xs)
test : Int
test = assert_total $ eval sixtyfour
endless : RoseTree Int
endless = Rose (1 ** Node square [endless])
data RT : Nat -> Type -> Type where
RN : op n a -> Vect n (k : Nat ** RT k a) -> RT n a
evalRT : RT n a -> a
evalRT {n=Z} (RN x []) = x
evalRT {n=(S l)} (RN f ((_ ** rt) :: ts)) = evalRT {n=l} $ RN (f (evalRT rt)) ts
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