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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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#! /usr/bin/env python
View all of the cursors for your operating system and their names in a nice Tkinter-based Python script.
__author__ = "dylnmc"
from Tkinter import *
# All of the cursors I could find - ordered very nicely for you :)
cursors = (
("arrows", ("arrow", "left_ptr", "top_left_arrow", "circle", "right_ptr", "draft_large", "draft_small", "center_ptr", )),
("mouse buttons", ("leftbutton", "middlebutton", "rightbutton", "mouse", )),
("useful mouse buttons", ("watch", "fleur", "hand1", "hand2", "xterm", "question_arrow", "exchange", "plus", "X_cursor","pirate", "heart", )),
("crosses", ("tcross", "cross", "cross_reverse", "diamond_cross", )),
("targets", ("crosshair", "dotbox", "draped_box","target", "icon", )),
("bases (v)", ("based_arrow_down", "based_arrow_up", )),
("sizing", ("sizing", )),
("double arrow", ( "sb_h_double_arrow", "double_arrow", "sb_v_double_arrow", )),
("arrows", ("sb_left_arrow", "sb_right_arrow", "sb_up_arrow", "sb_down_arrow", )),
("resizers", ("left_side", "right_side", "top_side", "bottom_side", )),
("tees", ("left_tee", "right_tee", "top_tee", "bottom_tee", )),
("corners", ("top_left_corner", "top_right_corner", "bottom_left_corner", "bottom_right_corner", )),
("angles", ("ul_angle", "ur_angle", "ll_angle", "lr_angle", )),
("drawing", ("pencil", "spraycan", )),
("transporation", ("boat", "sailboat", "shuttle", )),
("symbols", ("bogosity", "box_spiral", "rtl_logo", )),
("recognizable objects", ("man", "umbrella", "gobbler", "spider", "star", "clock", )),
("semi-recognizable objects", ("trek", "coffee_mug", "gumby", )),
("random", ("dot", "iron_cross", )),
root = None # tkinter root panel
curCatInd = None # cursor category index
curNameInd = None # cursor name index
curCat = None # cursor category
curName = None # cursor name
def main():
global root, cursors, curCatInd, curNameInd, curCat, curName
# create tkinter panel
root = Tk()
for i in range(3):
root.grid_columnconfigure(i, weight=1, uniform="normalColumn")
for i in range(3):
root.grid_rowconfigure(i, weight=1, uniform="normalRow")
root.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1) # set it to be always on top
root.minsize(816, 430)
#root.maxsize(845, 690)
Button(root, text = "<BACKWARD", command = backward).grid(column=0, row=2, sticky = W)
Button(root, text = "FORWARD>", command = forward).grid(column=2, row=2, stick = W)
# set curCatInd and curNameInd to first (0th) index
curCatInd = 0
curNameInd = 0
# set up labels for pre-button clicks
curCat = StringVar()
curCat.set("category: {0}".format(cursors[curCatInd][0]))
Label(root, textvariable = curCat).grid(column=0, row=0)
curName = StringVar()
curName.set("name: {0}".format(cursors[curCatInd][1][curNameInd]))
Label(root, textvariable = curName).grid(column=0, row=1)
# set up cursor for pre-button clicks
root.config(cursor = cursors[curCatInd][1][curNameInd])
def forward():
global root, cursors, curCatInd, curNameInd, curCat, curName
curNameInd += 1
if curNameInd >= len(cursors[curCatInd][1]):
curCatInd += 1
if curCatInd >= len(cursors):
curCatInd = 0
curNameInd = 0
curCat.set("category: {0}".format(cursors[curCatInd][0]))
curName.set("name: {0}".format(cursors[curCatInd][1][curNameInd]))
root.config(cursor = cursors[curCatInd][1][curNameInd])
def backward():
global root, cursors, curCatInd, curNameInd, curCat, curName
curNameInd -= 1
if curNameInd <= -1:
curCatInd -= 1
if curCatInd <= -1:
curCatInd = len(cursors) - 1
curNameInd = len(cursors[curCatInd][1]) - 1
curCat.set("category: {0}".format(cursors[curCatInd][0]))
curName.set("name: {0}".format(cursors[curCatInd][1][curNameInd]))
root.config(cursor = cursors[curCatInd][1][curNameInd])
if __name__ == "__main__":
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