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Script to export pixels & annotations for tissue microarrays
* Script to export pixels & annotations for TMA images.
* The downsample value and coordinates are encoded in each image file name.
* The annotations are exported as 8-bit labelled images.
* These labels depend upon annotation classifications; a text file giving the key is written for reference.
* The labelled image can also optionally use indexed colors to depict the colors of the
* original classifications within QuPath for easier visualization & comparison.
* @author Pete Bankhead
import qupath.lib.common.ColorTools
import qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClass
import qupath.lib.regions.RegionRequest
import qupath.lib.roi.PathROIToolsAwt
import qupath.lib.scripting.QPEx
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
// Requested pixel size - used to define output resolution
// Set <= 0 to use the full resolution (whatever that may be)
double requestedPixelSizeMicrons = 1.0
// Maximum size of an image tile when exporting
int maxTileSize = 1000
// Export the original pixels (assumed ot be RGB) for each tile
boolean exportOriginalPixels = true
// Export a labelled image for each tile containing annotations
boolean exportAnnotationLabelledImage = true
// Don't export any cores marked as 'missing'
boolean skipMissingCores = true
// NOTE: The following parameters only matter if exportAnnotationLabelledImage == true
// Ignore annotations that don't have a classification set
boolean skipUnclassifiedAnnotations = true
// Skip tiles without annotations (only applies to label exports - all image tiles will be written)
boolean skipUnannotatedTiles = true
// Create an 8-bit indexed image
// This is very useful for display/previewing - although need to be careful when importing into other software,
// which can prefer to replaces labels with the RGB colors they refer to
boolean createIndexedImageLabels = true
// NOTE: The following parameter only matters if exportOriginalPixels == true
// Define the format for the export image
def imageFormat = 'JPG'
// Output directory for storing the tiles
def pathOutput = QPEx.buildFilePath(QPEx.PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'exported_tiles')
// Get the main QuPath data structures
def imageData = QPEx.getCurrentImageData()
def hierarchy = imageData.getHierarchy()
def server = imageData.getServer()
// Check we have a TMA grid
if (hierarchy.getTMAGrid() == null) {
print 'No TMA grid found!'
// Get the annotations that have ROIs & are have classifications (if required)
def annotations = hierarchy.getFlattenedObjectList(null).findAll {
it.isAnnotation() && it.hasROI() && (!skipUnclassifiedAnnotations || it.getPathClass() != null) }
// Get all the represented classifications
def pathClasses = annotations.collect({it.getPathClass()}) as Set
// We can't handle more than 255 classes (because of 8-bit representation)
if (pathClasses.size() > 255) {
print 'Sorry! Cannot handle > 255 classications - number here is ' + pathClasses.size()
// For each classification, create an integer label >= 1 & cache a color for drawing it
// Also, create a LUT for visualizing more easily
def labelKey = new StringBuilder()
def pathClassColors = [:]
int n = pathClasses.size() + 1
def r = ([(byte)0] * n) as byte[]
def g = r.clone()
def b = r.clone()
def a = r.clone()
pathClasses.eachWithIndex{ PathClass entry, int i ->
// Record integer label for key
int label = i+1
String name = entry == null ? 'None' : entry.toString()
labelKey << name << '\t' << label << System.lineSeparator()
// Store Color based on label - needed for painting with Graphics2D
pathClassColors.put(entry, new Color(label, label, label))
// Update RGB values for IndexColorModel
// Use gray as the default color indicating no classification
int rgb = entry == null ? ColorTools.makeRGB(127, 127, 127) : entry.getColor()
r[label] =
g[label] =
b[label] =
a[label] = 255
// Check if we've anything to do
if (!exportAnnotationLabelledImage && !exportOriginalPixels) {
print 'Nothing to export!'
// Calculate the downsample value
double downsample = 1
if (requestedPixelSizeMicrons > 0)
downsample = requestedPixelSizeMicrons / server.getAveragedPixelSizeMicrons()
// Calculate the tile spacing in full resolution pixels
int spacing = (int)(maxTileSize * downsample)
// Get the cores
def cores = hierarchy.getTMAGrid().getTMACoreList()
if (skipMissingCores)
cores = cores.findAll {!it.isMissing()}
// Write the label 'key'
println labelKey
def keyName = String.format('%s_(downsample=%.3f,tiles=%d)-key.txt', server.getShortServerName(), downsample, maxTileSize)
def fileLabels = new File(pathOutput, keyName)
fileLabels.text = labelKey.toString()
// Handle the cores in parallel
cores.parallelStream().forEach { core ->
def request = RegionRequest.createInstance(server.getPath(), downsample, core.getROI())
// Create a suitable base image name
String name = String.format('%s_%s_(%.2f,%d,%d,%d,%d)',
// Export the raw image pixels if necessary
// If we do this, store the width & height - to make sure we have an exact match
int width = -1
int height = -1
if (exportOriginalPixels) {
def img = server.readBufferedImage(request)
width = img.getWidth()
height = img.getHeight()
def fileOutput = new File(pathOutput, name + '.' + imageFormat.toLowerCase())
ImageIO.write(img, imageFormat, fileOutput)
// Export the labelled tiles if necessary
if (exportAnnotationLabelledImage) {
// Calculate dimensions if we don't know them already
if (width < 0 || height < 0) {
width = Math.round(request.getWidth() / downsample)
height = Math.round(request.getHeight() / downsample)
// Fill the annotations with the appropriate label
def imgMask = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY)
def g2d = imgMask.createGraphics()
g2d.setClip(0, 0, width, height)
g2d.scale(1.0/downsample, 1.0/downsample)
g2d.translate(-request.getX(), -request.getY())
int count = 0
for (annotation in annotations) {
def roi = annotation.getROI()
if (!request.intersects(roi.getBoundsX(), roi.getBoundsY(), roi.getBoundsWidth(), roi.getBoundsHeight()))
def shape = PathROIToolsAwt.getShape(roi)
def color = pathClassColors.get(annotation.getPathClass())
if (count > 0 || !skipUnannotatedTiles) {
// Extract the bytes from the image
def buf = imgMask.getRaster().getDataBuffer() as DataBufferByte
def bytes = buf.getData()
// Check if we actually have any non-zero pixels, if necessary -
// we might not if the annotation bounding box intersected the region, but the annotation itself does not
if (skipUnannotatedTiles && !bytes.any { it != (byte)0 })
// If we want an indexed color image, create one using the data buffer & LUT
if (createIndexedImageLabels) {
def colorModel = new IndexColorModel(8, n, r, g, b, a)
def imgMaskColor = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, colorModel)
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, imgMaskColor.getRaster().getDataBuffer().getData(), 0, width*height)
imgMask = imgMaskColor
// Write the mask
def fileOutput = new File(pathOutput, name + '-labels.png')
ImageIO.write(imgMask, 'PNG', fileOutput)
print 'Done!'
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