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Created September 11, 2017 20:16
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g.dgl(a, b);
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b._sn && (b._sn =
'og.' + b._sn);
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var m = l;
var n = window.gbar.logger._aem(a, m);
} catch (t) {
var Fa = function (a) {
return 2E3 <= a.length;
}, Ga = function (a, b) {
return b;
function Ha(a) {
r = a;
p('_itl', Fa, v);
p('_aem', Ga, v);
p('ml', r, v);
a = {}; = a;
h.a('') ? Ha(function (a) {
throw a;
}) : h.a('1') && Math.random() < Da && Ha(_mlToken);
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c && c.match(b) && (a.className = c.replace(b, ''));
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b = new RegExp('\\b' + b + '\\b');
a = a.className;
return !(!a || !a.match(b));
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I(a, b) ? K(a, b) : J(a, b);
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a[b] = function (c) {
var d = arguments;
g.qm(function () {
a[b].apply(this, d);
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return '1';
Ma = function (a) {
a = ['//', '/og/_/js/d=1/k=', 'og.og2.en_US.mJGtuKTYY5s.O', '/rt=j/m=', a, '/rs=', 'AA2YrTtHDegzN9YR5crpNceRHN3YHmPJ_w'];
Ia && a.push('?');
a = a.join('');
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p('cr', K);
p('cc', I);
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h.m = I;
h.n = Ja;
h.p = Ma;
h.q = Ka;
h.r = La;
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Oa = a;
function Qa(a) {
var b = Oa && !a.href.match(/.*\/accounts\/ClearSID[?]/) && encodeURIComponent(Oa());
b && (a.href = a.href.replace(/([?&]continue=)[^&]*/, '$1' + b));
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window.gApplication && (a.href = window.gApplication.getTabUrl(a.href));
function Sa(a) {
try {
var b = (document.forms[0].q || '').value;
b && (a.href = a.href.replace(/([?&])q=[^&]*|$/, function (a, d) {
return (d || '&') + 'q=' + encodeURIComponent(b);
} catch (c) {
q(c, 'sb', 'pq');
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for (var a = [], b = 0, c; c = Na[b]; ++b) (c = document.getElementById(c)) && a.push(c);
return a;
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var a = Ta();
return 0 < a.length ? a[0] : null;
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return document.getElementById('gb_70');
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Xa(document.getElementById('gb')) && J(c, 'gbrtl');
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var f = document.getElementById(d);
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var k = b.parentNode;
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K(k, 'gbto'); else {
if (O) {
var l = document.getElementById(O);
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var m = l.getAttribute('aria-owner');
if (m.length) {
var n = document.getElementById(m);
n && n.parentNode && K(n.parentNode, 'gbto');
Ya(f) && Za(f);
O = d;
J(k, 'gbto');
D(function () {, b, !0);
} catch (t) {
q(t, 'sb', 'tg');
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D(function () {
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D(function () {
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var b, c = document.defaultView;
c && c.getComputedStyle ? (a = c.getComputedStyle(a, '')) && (b = a.direction) : b = a.currentStyle ?
a.currentStyle.direction :;
return 'rtl' == b;
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var d = document.getElementById('gbd5');
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a.className = 'gbmt';
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c = [['gbkc'], ['gbf', 'gbe', 'gbn'], ['gbkp'], ['gbnd']];
d = 0;
var m = k.childNodes.length;
f = !1;
for (var n = -1, t = 0, C; C = c[t]; t++) {
for (var T = 0, G; G = C[T]; T++) {
for (; d < m && I(k.childNodes[d], G);) d++;
if (G == b) {
k.insertBefore(l, k.childNodes[d] ||
f = !0;
if (f) {
if (d + 1 < k.childNodes.length) {
var U = k.childNodes[d + 1];
I(U.firstChild, 'gbmh') || db(U, C) || (n = d + 1);
} else if (0 <= d - 1) {
var V = k.childNodes[d - 1];
I(V.firstChild, 'gbmh') || db(V, C) || (n = d);
0 < d && d + 1 < m && d++;
if (0 <= n) {
var x = document.createElement('li'), y = document.createElement('div');
x.className = 'gbmtc';
y.className = 'gbmt gbmh';
k.insertBefore(x, k.childNodes[n]);
g.addHover && g.addHover(a);
} else k.appendChild(l);
} catch (Cb) {
q(Cb, 'sb', 'al');
}, db = function (a, b) {
for (var c = b.length,
d = 0; d < c; d++) if (I(a, b[d])) return !0;
return !1;
}, fb = function (a, b, c) {
eb(a, b, c);
}, gb = function (a, b) {
eb(a, 'gbe', b);
}, hb = function () {
D(function () {
g.pcm && g.pcm();
}, ib = function () {
D(function () {
g.pca && g.pca();
}, jb = function (a, b, c, d, f, k, l, m, n, t) {
D(function () {
g.paa && g.paa(a, b, c, d, f, k, l, m, n, t);
}, kb = function (a, b) {
L[a] || (L[a] = []);
}, lb = function (a, b) {
M[a] || (M[a] = []);
}, mb = function (a, b) {
Wa[a] = b;
}, nb = function (a, b) {
N[a] || (N[a] = []);
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a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault();
a.returnValue =
a.cancelBubble = !0;
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if (a) {
pb(a, 'Opening&hellip;');
Q(a, !0);
b = 'undefined' != typeof b ? b : 1E4;
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ob = window.setTimeout(c, b);
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a && (Q(a, !1), pb(a, ''));
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try {
var b = a || document.getElementById(O);
b && (pb(b, 'This service is currently unavailable.%1$sPlease try again later.', '%1$s'), Q(b, !0));
} catch (c) {
q(c, 'sb', 'sdhe');
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if (a && b) {
var d = Ya(a);
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if (c) {
d.innerHTML = '';
b = b.split(c);
c = 0;
for (var f; f = b[c]; c++) {
var k = document.createElement('div');
k.innerHTML = f;
} else d.innerHTML = b;
Q(a, !0);
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(b = void 0 !== b ? b : !0) ? J(a, 'gbmsgo') : K(a, 'gbmsgo');
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for (var b = 0, c; c = a.childNodes[b]; b++) if (I(c, 'gbmsg')) return c;
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ob && window.clearTimeout(ob);
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var b = 'inner' + a;
a = 'offset' + a;
return window[b] ? window[b] : document.documentElement && document.documentElement[a] ? document.documentElement[a] : 0;
}, tb = function () {
return !1;
}, ub = function () {
return !!O;
p('so', Ua);
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p('rdd', cb);
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p('addExtraLink', gb);
p('pcm', hb);
p('pca', ib);
p('paa', jb);
p('ddld', Za);
p('ddrd', rb);
p('dderr', qb);
p('rtl', Xa);
p('op', ub);
p('bh', L);
p('abh', kb);
p('dh', M);
p('adh', lb);
p('ch', N);
p('ach', nb);
p('eh', Wa);
p('aeh', mb);
ba = h.a('') ? Ra : Sa;
p('qs', ba);
p('setContinueCb', Pa);
p('pc', Qa);
p('bsy', tb);
h.d = $a;
h.j = sb;
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window.googleapis && window.iframes ? a && a() : (a && sa(a), F('gc'));
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h.a('1') && p('lPWF', Ab);
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var Bb = function (a) {
Ab(function () {
B('pw', a);
p('lPW', Bb);
z.push(['pw', {url: '//'}]);
var Db = [], Eb = function (a) {
Db[0] = a;
}, Fb = function (a, b) {
b = b || {};
b._sn = 'pw';
r(a, b);
}, Gb = {signed: Db, elog: Fb, base: '', loadTime: (new Date).getTime()}; = Gb;
var Hb = function (a, b) {
var c = b.split('.');
b = function () {
var b = arguments;
a(function () {
for (var a = g, d = 0, f = c.length - 1; d < f; ++d) a = a[c[d]];
a[c[d]].apply(a, b);
for (var d = g, f = 0, k = c.length - 1; f <
k; ++f) d = d[c[f]] = d[c[f]] || {};
return d[c[f]] = b;
Hb(Bb, 'pw.clk');
Hb(Bb, 'pw.hvr');
p('su', Eb,;
;var Ib = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 49, 500];
var Jb = h.b('0.001', 1E-4), Kb = h.b('1', 1), Lb = !1, Mb = !1;
if (h.a('1')) {
var Nb = Math.random();
Nb < Jb && (Lb = !0);
Nb < Kb && (Mb = !0);
var R = null;
function Ob(a, b) {
var c = Jb, d = Lb;
var f = a;
if (!R) {
R = {};
for (var k = 0; k < Ib.length; k++) {
var l = Ib[k];
R[l] = !0;
if (f = !!R[f]) c = Kb, d = Mb;
if (d) {
d = encodeURIComponent;
if (g.rp) {
var m = g.rp();
m = '-1' != m ? m : '';
} else m = '';
f = (new Date).getTime();
k = d('28834');
l = d('qO62WZDeFYfFvQTxw7KADQ');
var n =, t = d('1');
m = d(m);
c = Math.round(1 / c);
var C = d('1504665094.0'), T = '&oggv=' + d('es_plusone_gc_20170810.0_p0'), G = d('com'), U = d('en'), V =
var x = 0;
h.a('') && (x |= 1);
h.a('') && (x |= 2);
h.a('') && (x |= 4);
a = ['//', f, '&oge=', a, '&ogex=', k, '&ogev=', l, '&ogf=', n, '&ogp=', t, '&ogrp=', m, '&ogsr=', c, '&ogv=', C, T, '&ogd=', G, '&ogl=', U, '&ogc=', V, '&ogus=', x];
if (b) {
'ogw' in b && (a.push('&ogw=' + b.ogw), delete b.ogw);
f = [];
for (y in b) 0 != f.length && f.push(','), f.push(Pb(y)), f.push('.'), f.push(Pb(b[y]));
var y = f.join('');
'' != y && (a.push('&ogad='), a.push(d(y)));
function Pb(a) {
'number' == typeof a && (a += '');
return 'string' == typeof a ? a.replace('.', '%2E').replace(',', '%2C') : a;
u = Ob;
p('il', u, v);
var Qb = {}; = Qb;
var Rb = function (a, b, c, d, f, k, l, m, n, t) {
D(function () {
g.paa(a, b, c, d, f, k, l, m, n, t);
}, Sb = function () {
D(function () {
}, Tb = function (a) {
D(function () {
}, Ub = function (a) {
D(function () {
}, Vb = function (a) {
D(function () {
}, Wb = {
'27': '',
'27': '',
'27': ''
}, Xb = function (a) {
return (a = Wb[a]) || '';
Yb = function () {
D(function () {
p('spn', Tb);
p('spp', Vb);
p('sps', Ub);
p('spd', Yb);
p('paa', Rb);
p('prm', Sb);
kb('gbd4', Sb);
if (h.a('')) {
var Zb = {
d: h.a(''),
e: '',
sanw: h.a(''),
p: '',
cp: '1',
xp: h.a('1'),
mg: '%1$s (delegated)',
md: '%1$s (default)',
mh: '220',
s: '1',
pp: Xb,
ppl: h.a(''),
ppa: h.a(''),
ppm: 'Google+ page'
w.prf = Zb;
;var S, $b, W, ac, X = 0, bc = function (a, b, c) {
if (a.indexOf) return a.indexOf(b, c);
if (Array.indexOf) return Array.indexOf(a, b, c);
for (c = null == c ? 0 : 0 > c ? Math.max(0, a.length + c) : c; c < a.length; c++) if (c in a && a[c] === b) return c;
return -1;
}, Y = function (a, b) {
return -1 == bc(a, X) ? (q(Error(X + '_' + b), 'up', 'caa'), !1) : !0;
}, dc = function (a, b) {
Y([1, 2], 'r') && (S[a] = S[a] || [], S[a].push(b), 2 == X && window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0));
}, ec = function (a, b, c) {
if (Y([1], 'nap') && c) {
for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) $b[c[d]] = !0;
g.up.spl(a, b, 'nap', c);
}, fc =
function (a, b, c) {
if (Y([1], 'aop') && c) {
if (W) for (var d in W) W[d] = W[d] && -1 != bc(c, d); else for (W = {}, d = 0; d < c.length; d++) W[c[d]] = !0;
g.up.spl(a, b, 'aop', c);
}, gc = function () {
try {
if (X = 2, !ac) {
ac = !0;
for (var a in S) for (var b = S[a], c = 0;; c < b.length; c++) try {
} catch (d) {
q(d, 'up', 'tp');
} catch (d) {
q(d, 'up', 'mtp');
}, cc = function (a) {
if (Y([2], 'ssp')) {
var b = !$b[a];
W && (b = b && !!W[a]);
return b;
ac = !1;
S = {};
$b = {};
W = null;
X = 1;
var hc = function (a) {
var b = !1;
try {
b = a.cookie && a.cookie.match('PREF');
} catch (c) {
return !b;
}, ic = function () {
try {
return !!e.localStorage && 'object' == typeof e.localStorage;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
}, jc = function (a) {
return a && && && 'undefined' != typeof a.load;
}, kc = function (a, b, c, d) {
try {
hc(document) || (d || (b = 'og-up-' + b), ic() ? e.localStorage.setItem(b, c) : jc(a) && (a.setAttribute(b, c),;
} catch (f) {
f.code != DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR && q(f, 'up', 'spd');
}, lc = function (a, b, c) {
try {
if (hc(document)) return '';
c || (b = 'og-up-' + b);
if (ic()) return e.localStorage.getItem(b);
if (jc(a)) return a.load(, a.getAttribute(b);
} catch (d) {
d.code != DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR && q(d, 'up', 'gpd');
return '';
}, mc = function (a, b, c) {
a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, c, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent('on' + b, c);
}, nc = function (a) {
for (var b = 0, c; c = a[b]; b++) {
var d = g.up;
c = c in d && d[c];
if (!c) return !1;
return !0;
}, oc = function (a, b) {
try {
if (hc(a)) return -1;
var c = a.cookie.match(/OGPC=([^;]*)/);
if (c && c[1]) {
var d = c[1].match(new RegExp('\\b' +
b + '-([0-9]+):'));
if (d && d[1]) return parseInt(d[1], 10);
} catch (f) {
f.code != DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR && q(f, 'up', 'gcc');
return -1;
p('up', {r: dc, nap: ec, aop: fc, tp: gc, ssp: cc, spd: kc, gpd: lc, aeh: mc, aal: nc, gcc: oc});
var Z = function (a, b) {
a[b] = function (c) {
var d = arguments;
g.qm(function () {
a[b].apply(this, d);
Z(g.up, 'sl');
Z(g.up, 'si');
Z(g.up, 'spl');
Z(g.up, 'dpc');
Z(g.up, 'iic');
g.mcf('up', {sp: h.b('0.01', 1), tld: 'com', prid: '1'});
function pc() {
function a() {
for (var b; (b = k[l++]) && "m" != b[0] && !b[1].auto;) ;
b && (ra(2, b[0]), b[1].url && qa(b[1].url, b[0]), b[1].libs && E && E(b[1].libs));
l < k.length && setTimeout(a, 0);
function b() {
0 < f-- ? setTimeout(b, 0) : a();
var c = h.a('1'), d = h.a(''), f = 3, k = z, l = 0, m = window.gbarOnReady;
if (m) try {
} catch (n) {
q(n, 'ml', 'or');
d ? p('ldb', a) : c ? ca(window, 'load', b) : b();
p('rdl', pc);
} catch (e) {
window.gbar && gbar.logger &&, {'_sn': 'cfg.init'});
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a.mcf('pm', {p: ''});
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a.mcf('mm', {s: '1'});
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c && f.k(c, h.test(c.className) ? 'gbm0l' : 'gbz0l');
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d(l, 'sj', 'ssp');
g = a;
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return '-1';
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window.gbar && gbar.logger &&, {'_sn': 'cfg.init'});
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snid: e('28834'),
to: e('300000'),
u: e(''),
vf: '.66.41.'
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var u = function () {
google.rll(p, !1, function () {
0 < q && q == r && (google.tick('webaft', b), m());
if (google.timers && google.timers.load.t) {
var v, l, w;
if (google.c.c.e) var r = 0, q = 0;
google.c.c.a && (google.startTick('aft'), google.afte = !1);
var x = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
v = x.length;
for (var y = l = 0, p; y < v; ++y) if (p = x[y], google.c.c.i && 'none' == ++l; else {
var z = 'string' != typeof p.src || !p.src, A = z || p.complete;
p.getAttribute('data-noaft') ? A = !0 : google.c.c.d ? p.getAttribute('data-deferred') ? (A = !1, p.removeAttribute('data-deferred')) : (z || '' ===
p.src) && p.setAttribute('lazy-loaded', '') : google.c.c.m && z && p.getAttribute('data-bsrc') && (A = !1);
A ? ++l : (google.rll(p, !0, k), google.c.c.e && n() && (++r, u()));
w = v - l;
google.rll(window, !1, function () {
google.tick('load', f);
google.c.e('load', 'imc', String(l));
google.c.e('load', 'imn', String(v));
google.c.e('load', 'imp', String(w));
google.tick("load", [g, d]);
google.c.c.e && (google.tick("webaft", [g, b]), 0 == r && m())
google.c.c.n && 0 < document.getElementsByClassName("native_iml_flag").length && google.c.b("ncr");
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