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Created July 7, 2010 06:05
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Mikrotik and Nano stations detector
use Mojo::Client;
my %nano;
my %mktk;
my %failed;
my $client = Mojo::Client->new;
my $callback = sub {
my $client = shift;
if ($client->tx->error) {
my $msg = sprintf "%s: %s", $client->tx->req->url->host, $client->tx->error;
warn "$msg\n";
++$failed{ $client->tx->req->url->host };
my $header = $client->res->headers->to_hash(arrayref => 0);
if ($client->res->body =~ /(mikrotik routeros .+?) configuration/) {
++$mktk{ $client->tx->remote_address };
my $msg = sprintf "%s: %s", $client->tx->remote_address,
length($header->{Server}) ? $header->{Server} : $1;
++$nano{ $client->tx->remote_address } if $header->{Server} =~ /Boa/;
print "$msg\n";
$client->log(Mojo::Log->new(path => "$0.out", level => 'info'));
while(<>) {
$client->get('http://'.$_ => $callback);
printf "Total Nano's: %d\nTotal Mktk's:%d\nFailed hosts: %d\n",
scalar keys %nano,
scalar keys %mktk,
scalar keys %failed;
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