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Created March 29, 2013 19:22
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#lang racket/base
;; Playing with input-port-append and transplant-input-port,
;; with the idea of adding the #lang line for arbitrary text
;; without screwing up the original input port's locations.
(provide prepend-lang-line)
(require racket/port)
;; prepend-lang-line: string input-port -> input-port
;; Prepends the lang line to the input port.
(define (prepend-lang-line lang-line ip)
(define lang-ip (open-input-string lang-line))
(port-count-lines! ip)
(port-count-lines! lang-ip)
(define concatenated-port (input-port-append #f lang-ip ip))
(port-count-lines! concatenated-port)
(define (get-location)
(define-values (line column position) (port-next-location concatenated-port))
(cond [(<= position (string-length lang-line))
(values #f #f #f)]
(values (and line (sub1 line))
(and position (- position (string-length lang-line))))]))
(define transplanted-port
(transplant-input-port concatenated-port get-location 1 #f))
(port-count-lines! transplanted-port)
(module* test racket/base
(require (submod "..")
(for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
(define-syntax (check-position stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ source-stx
#:source source
#:line line
#:column column
#:position position
#:span span)
(let ([syntax-loc-info (lambda (s)
(quasisyntax (list
(list #,(syntax-source s)
#,(syntax-line s)
#,(syntax-column s)
#,(syntax-position s)
#,(syntax-span s))))))])
(quasisyntax/loc stx
(let ([stx-v source-stx])
(with-check-info* #,(syntax-loc-info #'source)
(lambda ()
(check-equal? (syntax-source stx-v) source)))
(with-check-info* #,(syntax-loc-info #'line)
(lambda () (check-equal? (syntax-line stx-v) line)))
(with-check-info* #,(syntax-loc-info #'column)
(lambda () (check-equal? (syntax-column stx-v) column)))
(with-check-info* #,(syntax-loc-info #'position)
(lambda () (check-equal? (syntax-position stx-v) position)))
(with-check-info* #,(syntax-loc-info #'span)
(lambda () (check-equal? (syntax-span stx-v) span))))))]))
(define an-input-port
(prepend-lang-line "#lang racket\n"
(open-input-string "(+ 1\n 2 three)\n")))
(define the-stx
(parameterize ([read-accept-reader #t])
(read-syntax 'my-source an-input-port)))
(syntax-parse the-stx
[(m n l (#%mb (~and (plus ONE TWO THREE)
(check-position #'papp
#:source 'my-source
#:line 1
#:column 0
#:position 1
#:span 14)
(check-position #'plus
#:source 'my-source
#:line 1
#:column 1
#:position 2
#:span 1)
(check-position #'ONE
#:source 'my-source
#:line 1
#:column 3
#:position 4
#:span 1)
(check-position #'TWO
#:source 'my-source
#:line 2
#:column 1
#:position 7
#:span 1)
(check-position #'THREE
#:source 'my-source
#:line 2
#:column 3
#:position 9
#:span 5)]))
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