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Created April 20, 2013 00:36
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A version of scribble-block to do escapes but still permit definition.
#lang scribble/base
@;; Submodule to provide support for a "block"-like form for Scribble documents.
@;; Adapted from racket/block
@;; The subexpressions are all collected into a list.
@;; Perhaps something like this belongs in the scribble library?
@(module scribble-block racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base
(provide scribble-block)
(define-values-for-syntax (make-context)
(let-values ([(struct: mk ? ref set)
(make-struct-type 'in-liberal-define-context #f 0 0 #f
(list (cons prop:liberal-define-context #t)))])
(define-syntax (scribble-block stx)
;; Body can have mixed exprs and defns. Wrap expressions with
;; `(define-values () ... (values))' as needed, and add a (void)
;; at the end if needed.
(let* ([def-ctx (syntax-local-make-definition-context)]
[ctx (list (make-context))]
;; [kernel-forms (kernel-form-identifier-list)]
[stoplist (list #'begin #'define-syntaxes #'define-values)]
[init-exprs (let ([v (syntax->list stx)])
(unless v (raise-syntax-error #f "bad syntax" stx))
(cdr v))]
(let loop ([todo init-exprs] [r '()])
(if (null? todo)
(reverse r)
(let ([expr (local-expand (car todo) ctx stoplist def-ctx)]
[todo (cdr todo)])
(syntax-case expr (begin define-syntaxes define-values)
[(begin . rest)
(loop (append (syntax->list #'rest) todo) r)]
[(define-syntaxes (id ...) rhs)
(andmap identifier? (syntax->list #'(id ...)))
(with-syntax ([rhs (local-transformer-expand
#'rhs 'expression null)])
(syntax->list #'(id ...))
#'rhs def-ctx)
(loop todo (cons #'(define-syntaxes (id ...) rhs) r)))]
[(define-values (id ...) rhs)
(andmap identifier? (syntax->list #'(id ...)))
(let ([ids (syntax->list #'(id ...))])
(syntax-local-bind-syntaxes ids #f def-ctx)
(loop todo (cons expr r)))]
[else (loop todo (cons expr r))]))))])
(internal-definition-context-seal def-ctx)
(let loop ([exprs exprs]
[prev-stx-defns null]
[prev-defns null]
[prev-exprs null])
[(null? exprs)
#,(map stx-cdr (reverse prev-stx-defns))
#,(map stx-cdr (reverse prev-defns))
#,@(if (null? prev-exprs)
(list #'(void))
(list #`(list #,@(reverse prev-exprs)))))]
[(and (stx-pair? (car exprs))
(identifier? (stx-car (car exprs)))
(free-identifier=? #'define-syntaxes (stx-car (car exprs))))
(loop (cdr exprs)
(cons (car exprs) prev-stx-defns)
[(and (stx-pair? (car exprs))
(identifier? (stx-car (car exprs)))
(free-identifier=? #'define-values (stx-car (car exprs))))
(loop (cdr exprs)
(cons (car exprs)
(map (lambda (expr)
#`(define-values () (begin #,expr (values))))
[else (loop (cdr exprs)
(cons (car exprs) prev-exprs))])))))
@;; Let's try using it:
@(require (submod "." scribble-block))
@title{Larger example}
@; Everything within the following will be escaped. use |^ to unescape.
|^@;; Note that the definition here is good in the context of the block.
|^@(define (double x)
(list x x))
this is an example with @ signs in it. I can still
use @ by using it like this: |^@tt{Hello world}, right?
Let's try another paragraph.
|^@section{Section one}
This is a first section with @ signs in it.
|^@section{Section two}
Here is another section with @ signs. We can still
call functions like this: |^@double{@double{quad}}.
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