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Forked from opnchaudhary/
Last active December 3, 2024 01:40
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This script will download the security tools needed for pentesting in fedora
#Install Complete Security-Lab tools
#sudo dnf -y groupinstall security-lab
#If you want certain groups - copy paste the required group into terminal
# Install Code Analysis Tools
sudo dnf -y install splint pscan flawfinder rats
#Install Forensics
sudo dnf -y install ddrescue gparted testdisk foremost sectool-gui unhide examiner srm nwipe firstaidkit-gui xmount dc3dd afftools scanmem sleuthkit scrub ht driftnet binwalk scapel pdfcrack wipe safecopy hfsutils cmospwd
#general tool
sudo dnf -y install nc6 mc screen macchanger ngrep ntfs-3g ntfsprogs pcapdiff net-snmp openvas-scanner hexedit irssi powertop mutt nano vim-enhanced wget mcabber firstaidkit-plugin-all netsed dnstop sslstrip bonesi proxychains prewikka prelude-manager picviz-gui telnet openssh dnstracer
#Instrusion Detection
sudo dnf -y install chkrootkit aide pads rkhunter labrea nebula tripwire prelude-lml
#Network Statistics
sudo dnf -y install iftop scamper iptraf-ng iperf nethogs uperf nload ntop trafshow vnstat
#Password Tools
sudo dnf -y install john sucrack ophcrack pwgen ncrack hydra
sudo dnf -y install xprobe dsniff wireshark wireshark-gnome hping3 nmap nmap-frontend p0f sing scapy socat tcpdump unicornscan nbtscan tcpxtract firewalk hunt dnsenum argus ettercap packETH etherape lynis netsniff-ng tcpjunk ssldump yersinia openvas-client sslscan snmpcheck samdump2 bkhive tcpick tcpflow dnsmap whois paris-traceroute nmbscan slowhttptest httpry pyrit onesixtyone raddump ArpON tcpreen tcpreplay siege inception bannergrab mausezahn arp-scan mtr sslsplit fping bro tcpcopy httrack httpie echoping dhcping wbox swaks
sudo dnf -y install sipsak sipp
#Web App Testing
sudo dnf -y install halberd httping nikto ratproxy lbd skipfish sqlninja
sudo dnf -y install aircrack-ng airsnort kismet weplab cowpatty wavemon horst kismon
sudo dnf -y install httpd ruby mod_perl mod_python MySQL-python php php-pear php-mysql mod_security openssl
#Security Tool Menu
sudo dnf -y install security-menus
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