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Created February 4, 2015 19:36
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// ----
// Sass (v3.4.11)
// Compass (v1.0.3)
// ----
* INTRODUCTION.........How the grid system works.
* VARIABLES............Your settings.
* MIXINS...............Library mixins.
* GRID SETUP...........Build the grid structure.
* WIDTHS...............Build our responsive widths around our breakpoints.
* PUSH.................Push classes.
* PULL.................Pull classes.
* csswizardry grids provides you with widths to suit a number of breakpoints
* designed around devices of a size you specify. Out of the box, csswizardry
* grids caters to the following types of device:
* palm -- palm-based devices, like phones and small tablets
* lap -- lap-based devices, like iPads or laptops
* portable -- all of the above
* desk -- stationary devices, like desktop computers
* regular -- any/all types of device
* These namespaces are then used in the library to give you the ability to
* manipulate your layouts based around them, for example:
<div class="grid__item one-whole lap--one-half desk--one-third">
* This would give you a grid item which is 100% width unless it is on a lap
* device, at which point it become 50% wide, or it is on a desktop device, at
* which point it becomes 33.333% width.
* csswizardry grids also has push and pull classes which allow you to nudge
* grid items left and right by a defined amount. These follow the same naming
* convention as above, but are prepended by either `push--` or `pull--`, for
* example:
`class="grid__item one-half push--one-half"`
* This would give you a grid item which is 50% width and pushed over to the
* right by 50%.
* All classes in csswizardry grids follow this patten, so you should fairly
* quickly be able to piece together any combinations you can imagine, for
* example:
`class="grid__item one-whole lap--one-half desk--one-third push--desk--one-third"`
`class="grid__item one-quarter palm--one-half push--palm--one-half"`
`class="grid__item palm--one-third desk--five-twelfths"`
* If you are building a non-responsive site but would still like to use
* csswizardry-grids, set this to ‘false’:
$responsive: true !default;
* Is this build mobile first? Setting to ‘true’ means that all grids will be
* 100% width if you do not apply a more specific class to them.
$mobile-first: true !default;
* Set the spacing between your grid items.
$gutter: 24px !default;
* Would you like Sass’ silent classes, or regular CSS classes?
$use-silent-classes: false !default;
* Would you like push and pull classes enabled?
$push: false !default;
$pull: false !default;
* Using `inline-block` means that the grid items need their whitespace removing
* in order for them to work correctly. Set the following to true if you are
* going to achieve this by manually removing/commenting out any whitespace in
* your HTML yourself.
* Setting this to false invokes a hack which cannot always be guaranteed,
* please see the following for more detail:
$use-markup-fix: false !default;
* Define your breakpoints. The first value is the prefix that shall be used for
* your classes (e.g. `.palm--one-half`), the second value is the media query
* that the breakpoint fires at.
$breakpoints: (
'palm' '(max-width: 480px)',
'lap' '(min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 1023px)',
'portable' '(max-width: 1023px)',
'desk' '(min-width: 1024px)'
) !default;
* Define which namespaced breakpoints you would like to generate for each of
* widths, push and pull. This is handy if you only need pull on, say, desk, or
* you only need a new width breakpoint at mobile sizes. It allows you to only
* compile as much CSS as you need. All are turned on by default, but you can
* add and remove breakpoints at will.
* Push and pull shall only be used if `$push` and/or `$pull` and `$responsive`
* have been set to ‘true’.
$breakpoint-has-widths: ('palm', 'lap', 'portable', 'desk') !default;
$breakpoint-has-push: ('palm', 'lap', 'portable', 'desk') !default;
$breakpoint-has-pull: ('palm', 'lap', 'portable', 'desk') !default;
* You do not need to edit anything from this line onward; csswizardry-grids is
* good to go. Happy griddin’!
$class-type: if($use-silent-classes, unquote("%"), unquote("."));
* These mixins are for the library to use only, you should not need to modify
* them at all.
* Enclose a block of code with a media query as named in `$breakpoints`.
@mixin grid-media-query($media-query) {
$breakpoint-found: false;
@each $breakpoint in $breakpoints {
$name: nth($breakpoint, 1);
$declaration: nth($breakpoint, 2);
@if $media-query == $name and $declaration {
$breakpoint-found: true;
@media only screen and #{$declaration} {
@if not $breakpoint-found {
@warn "Breakpoint ‘#{$media-query}’ does not exist";
* Drop relative positioning into silent classes which can’t take advantage of
* the `[class*="push--"]` and `[class*="pull--"]` selectors.
@mixin silent-relative {
@if $use-silent-classes {
* 1. Allow the grid system to be used on lists.
* 2. Remove any margins and paddings that might affect the grid system.
* 3. Apply a negative `margin-left` to negate the columns’ gutters.
#{$class-type}grid {
list-style:none; /* [1] */
margin:0; /* [2] */
padding:0; /* [2] */
margin-left:-$gutter; /* [3] */
@if not $use-markup-fix {
@if not $use-markup-fix {
/* Opera hack */
#{$class-type}grid {
* 1. Cause columns to stack side-by-side.
* 2. Space columns apart.
* 3. Align columns to the tops of each other.
* 4. Full-width unless told to behave otherwise.
* 5. Required to combine fluid widths and fixed gutters.
#{$class-type}grid__item {
display:inline-block; /* [1] */
padding-left:$gutter; /* [2] */
vertical-align:top; /* [3] */
@if $mobile-first {
width:100%; /* [4] */
-webkit-box-sizing:border-box; /* [5] */
-moz-box-sizing:border-box; /* [5] */
box-sizing:border-box; /* [5] */
@if not $use-markup-fix {
* Reversed grids allow you to structure your source in the opposite order to
* how your rendered layout will appear. Extends `.grid`.
#{$class-type}grid--rev {
> #{$class-type}grid__item {
* Gutterless grids have all the properties of regular grids, minus any spacing.
* Extends `.grid`.
#{$class-type}grid--full {
> #{$class-type}grid__item {
* Align the entire grid to the right. Extends `.grid`.
#{$class-type}grid--right {
> #{$class-type}grid__item {
* Centered grids align grid items centrally without needing to use push or pull
* classes. Extends `.grid`.
#{$class-type}grid--center {
> #{$class-type}grid__item {
* Align grid cells vertically (`.grid--middle` or `.grid--bottom`). Extends
* `.grid`.
#{$class-type}grid--middle {
> #{$class-type}grid__item {
#{$class-type}grid--bottom {
> #{$class-type}grid__item {
* Create grids with narrower gutters. Extends `.grid`.
#{$class-type}grid--narrow {
margin-left:-($gutter / 2);
> #{$class-type}grid__item {
padding-left:$gutter / 2;
* Create grids with wider gutters. Extends `.grid`.
#{$class-type}grid--wide {
margin-left:-($gutter * 2);
> #{$class-type}grid__item {
padding-left:$gutter * 2;
* Create our width classes, prefixed by the specified namespace.
@mixin device-type($namespace:"") {
$prefix: $class-type + $namespace;
* Whole
#{$prefix}one-whole { width:100%; }
* Halves
#{$prefix}one-half { width:50%; }
* Thirds
#{$prefix}one-third { width:33.333%; }
#{$prefix}two-thirds { width:66.666%; }
* Quarters
#{$prefix}one-quarter { width:25%; }
#{$prefix}two-quarters { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}three-quarters { width:75%; }
* Fifths
#{$prefix}one-fifth { width:20%; }
#{$prefix}two-fifths { width:40%; }
#{$prefix}three-fifths { width:60%; }
#{$prefix}four-fifths { width:80%; }
* Sixths
#{$prefix}one-sixth { width:16.666%; }
#{$prefix}two-sixths { @extend #{$prefix}one-third; }
#{$prefix}three-sixths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}four-sixths { @extend #{$prefix}two-thirds; }
#{$prefix}five-sixths { width:83.333%; }
* Eighths
#{$prefix}one-eighth { width:12.5%; }
#{$prefix}two-eighths { @extend #{$prefix}one-quarter; }
#{$prefix}three-eighths { width:37.5%; }
#{$prefix}four-eighths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}five-eighths { width:62.5%; }
#{$prefix}six-eighths { @extend #{$prefix}three-quarters; }
#{$prefix}seven-eighths { width:87.5%; }
* Tenths
#{$prefix}one-tenth { width:10%; }
#{$prefix}two-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}one-fifth; }
#{$prefix}three-tenths { width:30%; }
#{$prefix}four-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}two-fifths; }
#{$prefix}five-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}six-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}three-fifths; }
#{$prefix}seven-tenths { width:70%; }
#{$prefix}eight-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}four-fifths; }
#{$prefix}nine-tenths { width:90%; }
* Twelfths
#{$prefix}one-twelfth { width:8.333%; }
#{$prefix}two-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-sixth; }
#{$prefix}three-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-quarter; }
#{$prefix}four-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-third; }
#{$prefix}five-twelfths { width:41.666% }
#{$prefix}six-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}seven-twelfths { width:58.333%; }
#{$prefix}eight-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}two-thirds; }
#{$prefix}nine-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}three-quarters; }
#{$prefix}ten-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}five-sixths; }
#{$prefix}eleven-twelfths { width:91.666%; }
* Our regular, non-responsive width classes.
@include device-type;
* Our responsive classes, if we have enabled them.
@if $responsive {
@each $name in $breakpoint-has-widths {
@include grid-media-query($name) {
@include device-type('#{$name}--');
* Push classes, to move grid items over to the right by certain amounts.
@mixin push-setup($namespace: "") {
$prefix: $class-type + "push--" + $namespace;
* Whole
#{$prefix}one-whole { left:100%; @include silent-relative; }
* Halves
#{$prefix}one-half { left:50%; @include silent-relative; }
* Thirds
#{$prefix}one-third { left:33.333%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-thirds { left:66.666%; @include silent-relative; }
* Quarters
#{$prefix}one-quarter { left:25%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-quarters { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}three-quarters { left:75%; @include silent-relative; }
* Fifths
#{$prefix}one-fifth { left:20%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-fifths { left:40%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}three-fifths { left:60%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}four-fifths { left:80%; @include silent-relative; }
* Sixths
#{$prefix}one-sixth { left:16.666%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-sixths { @extend #{$prefix}one-third; }
#{$prefix}three-sixths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}four-sixths { @extend #{$prefix}two-thirds; }
#{$prefix}five-sixths { left:83.333%; @include silent-relative; }
* Eighths
#{$prefix}one-eighth { left:12.5%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-eighths { @extend #{$prefix}one-quarter; }
#{$prefix}three-eighths { left:37.5%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}four-eighths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}five-eighths { left:62.5%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}six-eighths { @extend #{$prefix}three-quarters; }
#{$prefix}seven-eighths { left:87.5%; @include silent-relative; }
* Tenths
#{$prefix}one-tenth { left:10%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}one-fifth; }
#{$prefix}three-tenths { left:30%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}four-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}two-fifths; }
#{$prefix}five-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}six-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}three-fifths; }
#{$prefix}seven-tenths { left:70%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}eight-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}four-fifths; }
#{$prefix}nine-tenths { left:90%; @include silent-relative; }
* Twelfths
#{$prefix}one-twelfth { left:8.333%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-sixth; }
#{$prefix}three-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-quarter; }
#{$prefix}four-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-third; }
#{$prefix}five-twelfths { left:41.666%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}six-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}seven-twelfths { left:58.333%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}eight-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}two-thirds; }
#{$prefix}nine-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}three-quarters; }
#{$prefix}ten-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}five-sixths; }
#{$prefix}eleven-twelfths { left:91.666%; @include silent-relative; }
@if $push {
* Not a particularly great selector, but the DRYest way to do things.
[class*="push--"] { position:relative; }
@include push-setup;
@if $responsive {
@each $name in $breakpoint-has-push {
@include grid-media-query($name) {
@include push-setup('#{$name}--');
* Pull classes, to move grid items back to the left by certain amounts.
@mixin pull-setup($namespace: "") {
$prefix: $class-type + "pull--" + $namespace;
* Whole
#{$prefix}one-whole { right:100%; @include silent-relative; }
* Halves
#{$prefix}one-half { right:50%; @include silent-relative; }
* Thirds
#{$prefix}one-third { right:33.333%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-thirds { right:66.666%; @include silent-relative; }
* Quarters
#{$prefix}one-quarter { right:25%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-quarters { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}three-quarters { right:75%; @include silent-relative; }
* Fifths
#{$prefix}one-fifth { right:20%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-fifths { right:40%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}three-fifths { right:60%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}four-fifths { right:80%; @include silent-relative; }
* Sixths
#{$prefix}one-sixth { right:16.666%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-sixths { @extend #{$prefix}one-third; }
#{$prefix}three-sixths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}four-sixths { @extend #{$prefix}two-thirds; }
#{$prefix}five-sixths { right:83.333%; @include silent-relative; }
* Eighths
#{$prefix}one-eighth { right:12.5%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-eighths { @extend #{$prefix}one-quarter; }
#{$prefix}three-eighths { right:37.5%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}four-eighths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}five-eighths { right:62.5%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}six-eighths { @extend #{$prefix}three-quarters; }
#{$prefix}seven-eighths { right:87.5%; @include silent-relative; }
* Tenths
#{$prefix}one-tenth { right:10%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}one-fifth; }
#{$prefix}three-tenths { right:30%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}four-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}two-fifths; }
#{$prefix}five-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}six-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}three-fifths; }
#{$prefix}seven-tenths { right:70%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}eight-tenths { @extend #{$prefix}four-fifths; }
#{$prefix}nine-tenths { right:90%; @include silent-relative; }
* Twelfths
#{$prefix}one-twelfth { right:8.333%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}two-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-sixth; }
#{$prefix}three-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-quarter; }
#{$prefix}four-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-third; }
#{$prefix}five-twelfths { right:41.666%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}six-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}one-half; }
#{$prefix}seven-twelfths { right:58.333%; @include silent-relative; }
#{$prefix}eight-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}two-thirds; }
#{$prefix}nine-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}three-quarters; }
#{$prefix}ten-twelfths { @extend #{$prefix}five-sixths; }
#{$prefix}eleven-twelfths { right:91.666%; @include silent-relative; }
@if $pull {
* Not a particularly great selector, but the DRYest way to do things.
[class*="pull--"] { position:relative; }
@include pull-setup;
@if $responsive {
@each $name in $breakpoint-has-pull {
@include grid-media-query($name) {
@include pull-setup('#{$name}--');
@charset "UTF-8";
* INTRODUCTION.........How the grid system works.
* VARIABLES............Your settings.
* MIXINS...............Library mixins.
* GRID SETUP...........Build the grid structure.
* WIDTHS...............Build our responsive widths around our breakpoints.
* PUSH.................Push classes.
* PULL.................Pull classes.
* csswizardry grids provides you with widths to suit a number of breakpoints
* designed around devices of a size you specify. Out of the box, csswizardry
* grids caters to the following types of device:
* palm -- palm-based devices, like phones and small tablets
* lap -- lap-based devices, like iPads or laptops
* portable -- all of the above
* desk -- stationary devices, like desktop computers
* regular -- any/all types of device
* These namespaces are then used in the library to give you the ability to
* manipulate your layouts based around them, for example:
<div class="grid__item one-whole lap--one-half desk--one-third">
* This would give you a grid item which is 100% width unless it is on a lap
* device, at which point it become 50% wide, or it is on a desktop device, at
* which point it becomes 33.333% width.
* csswizardry grids also has push and pull classes which allow you to nudge
* grid items left and right by a defined amount. These follow the same naming
* convention as above, but are prepended by either `push--` or `pull--`, for
* example:
`class="grid__item one-half push--one-half"`
* This would give you a grid item which is 50% width and pushed over to the
* right by 50%.
* All classes in csswizardry grids follow this patten, so you should fairly
* quickly be able to piece together any combinations you can imagine, for
* example:
`class="grid__item one-whole lap--one-half desk--one-third push--desk--one-third"`
`class="grid__item one-quarter palm--one-half push--palm--one-half"`
`class="grid__item palm--one-third desk--five-twelfths"`
* If you are building a non-responsive site but would still like to use
* csswizardry-grids, set this to ‘false’:
* Is this build mobile first? Setting to ‘true’ means that all grids will be
* 100% width if you do not apply a more specific class to them.
* Set the spacing between your grid items.
* Would you like Sass’ silent classes, or regular CSS classes?
* Would you like push and pull classes enabled?
* Using `inline-block` means that the grid items need their whitespace removing
* in order for them to work correctly. Set the following to true if you are
* going to achieve this by manually removing/commenting out any whitespace in
* your HTML yourself.
* Setting this to false invokes a hack which cannot always be guaranteed,
* please see the following for more detail:
* Define your breakpoints. The first value is the prefix that shall be used for
* your classes (e.g. `.palm--one-half`), the second value is the media query
* that the breakpoint fires at.
* Define which namespaced breakpoints you would like to generate for each of
* widths, push and pull. This is handy if you only need pull on, say, desk, or
* you only need a new width breakpoint at mobile sizes. It allows you to only
* compile as much CSS as you need. All are turned on by default, but you can
* add and remove breakpoints at will.
* Push and pull shall only be used if `$push` and/or `$pull` and `$responsive`
* have been set to ‘true’.
* You do not need to edit anything from this line onward; csswizardry-grids is
* good to go. Happy griddin’!
* These mixins are for the library to use only, you should not need to modify
* them at all.
* Enclose a block of code with a media query as named in `$breakpoints`.
* Drop relative positioning into silent classes which can’t take advantage of
* the `[class*="push--"]` and `[class*="pull--"]` selectors.
* 1. Allow the grid system to be used on lists.
* 2. Remove any margins and paddings that might affect the grid system.
* 3. Apply a negative `margin-left` to negate the columns’ gutters.
.grid {
list-style: none;
/* [1] */
margin: 0;
/* [2] */
padding: 0;
/* [2] */
margin-left: -24px;
/* [3] */
letter-spacing: -0.31em;
/* Opera hack */
.grid {
word-spacing: -0.43em;
* 1. Cause columns to stack side-by-side.
* 2. Space columns apart.
* 3. Align columns to the tops of each other.
* 4. Full-width unless told to behave otherwise.
* 5. Required to combine fluid widths and fixed gutters.
.grid__item {
display: inline-block;
/* [1] */
padding-left: 24px;
/* [2] */
vertical-align: top;
/* [3] */
width: 100%;
/* [4] */
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
/* [5] */
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
/* [5] */
box-sizing: border-box;
/* [5] */
letter-spacing: normal;
word-spacing: normal;
* Reversed grids allow you to structure your source in the opposite order to
* how your rendered layout will appear. Extends `.grid`.
.grid--rev {
direction: rtl;
text-align: left;
.grid--rev > .grid__item {
direction: ltr;
text-align: left;
* Gutterless grids have all the properties of regular grids, minus any spacing.
* Extends `.grid`.
.grid--full {
margin-left: 0;
.grid--full > .grid__item {
padding-left: 0;
* Align the entire grid to the right. Extends `.grid`.
.grid--right {
text-align: right;
.grid--right > .grid__item {
text-align: left;
* Centered grids align grid items centrally without needing to use push or pull
* classes. Extends `.grid`.
.grid--center {
text-align: center;
.grid--center > .grid__item {
text-align: left;
* Align grid cells vertically (`.grid--middle` or `.grid--bottom`). Extends
* `.grid`.
.grid--middle > .grid__item {
vertical-align: middle;
.grid--bottom > .grid__item {
vertical-align: bottom;
* Create grids with narrower gutters. Extends `.grid`.
.grid--narrow {
margin-left: -12px;
.grid--narrow > .grid__item {
padding-left: 12px;
* Create grids with wider gutters. Extends `.grid`.
.grid--wide {
margin-left: -48px;
.grid--wide > .grid__item {
padding-left: 48px;
* Create our width classes, prefixed by the specified namespace.
* Our regular, non-responsive width classes.
* Whole
.one-whole {
width: 100%;
* Halves
.one-half, .two-quarters, .three-sixths, .four-eighths, .five-tenths, .six-twelfths {
width: 50%;
* Thirds
.one-third, .two-sixths, .four-twelfths {
width: 33.333%;
.two-thirds, .four-sixths, .eight-twelfths {
width: 66.666%;
* Quarters
.one-quarter, .two-eighths, .three-twelfths {
width: 25%;
.three-quarters, .six-eighths, .nine-twelfths {
width: 75%;
* Fifths
.one-fifth, .two-tenths {
width: 20%;
.two-fifths, .four-tenths {
width: 40%;
.three-fifths, .six-tenths {
width: 60%;
.four-fifths, .eight-tenths {
width: 80%;
* Sixths
.one-sixth, .two-twelfths {
width: 16.666%;
.five-sixths, .ten-twelfths {
width: 83.333%;
* Eighths
.one-eighth {
width: 12.5%;
.three-eighths {
width: 37.5%;
.five-eighths {
width: 62.5%;
.seven-eighths {
width: 87.5%;
* Tenths
.one-tenth {
width: 10%;
.three-tenths {
width: 30%;
.seven-tenths {
width: 70%;
.nine-tenths {
width: 90%;
* Twelfths
.one-twelfth {
width: 8.333%;
.five-twelfths {
width: 41.666%;
.seven-twelfths {
width: 58.333%;
.eleven-twelfths {
width: 91.666%;
* Our responsive classes, if we have enabled them.
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
* Whole
.palm--one-whole {
width: 100%;
* Halves
.palm--one-half, .palm--two-quarters, .palm--three-sixths, .palm--four-eighths, .palm--five-tenths, .palm--six-twelfths {
width: 50%;
* Thirds
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width: 33.333%;
.palm--two-thirds, .palm--four-sixths, .palm--eight-twelfths {
width: 66.666%;
* Quarters
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width: 25%;
.palm--three-quarters, .palm--six-eighths, .palm--nine-twelfths {
width: 75%;
* Fifths
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width: 20%;
.palm--two-fifths, .palm--four-tenths {
width: 40%;
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width: 60%;
.palm--four-fifths, .palm--eight-tenths {
width: 80%;
* Sixths
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width: 16.666%;
.palm--five-sixths, .palm--ten-twelfths {
width: 83.333%;
* Eighths
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width: 12.5%;
.palm--three-eighths {
width: 37.5%;
.palm--five-eighths {
width: 62.5%;
.palm--seven-eighths {
width: 87.5%;
* Tenths
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width: 10%;
.palm--three-tenths {
width: 30%;
.palm--seven-tenths {
width: 70%;
.palm--nine-tenths {
width: 90%;
* Twelfths
.palm--one-twelfth {
width: 8.333%;
.palm--five-twelfths {
width: 41.666%;
.palm--seven-twelfths {
width: 58.333%;
.palm--eleven-twelfths {
width: 91.666%;
@media only screen and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 1023px) {
* Whole
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width: 100%;
* Halves
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width: 50%;
* Thirds
.lap--one-third, .lap--two-sixths, .lap--four-twelfths {
width: 33.333%;
.lap--two-thirds, .lap--four-sixths, .lap--eight-twelfths {
width: 66.666%;
* Quarters
.lap--one-quarter, .lap--two-eighths, .lap--three-twelfths {
width: 25%;
.lap--three-quarters, .lap--six-eighths, .lap--nine-twelfths {
width: 75%;
* Fifths
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width: 20%;
.lap--two-fifths, .lap--four-tenths {
width: 40%;
.lap--three-fifths, .lap--six-tenths {
width: 60%;
.lap--four-fifths, .lap--eight-tenths {
width: 80%;
* Sixths
.lap--one-sixth, .lap--two-twelfths {
width: 16.666%;
.lap--five-sixths, .lap--ten-twelfths {
width: 83.333%;
* Eighths
.lap--one-eighth {
width: 12.5%;
.lap--three-eighths {
width: 37.5%;
.lap--five-eighths {
width: 62.5%;
.lap--seven-eighths {
width: 87.5%;
* Tenths
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width: 10%;
.lap--three-tenths {
width: 30%;
.lap--seven-tenths {
width: 70%;
.lap--nine-tenths {
width: 90%;
* Twelfths
.lap--one-twelfth {
width: 8.333%;
.lap--five-twelfths {
width: 41.666%;
.lap--seven-twelfths {
width: 58.333%;
.lap--eleven-twelfths {
width: 91.666%;
@media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {
* Whole
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width: 100%;
* Halves
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width: 50%;
* Thirds
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width: 33.333%;
.portable--two-thirds, .portable--four-sixths, .portable--eight-twelfths {
width: 66.666%;
* Quarters
.portable--one-quarter, .portable--two-eighths, .portable--three-twelfths {
width: 25%;
.portable--three-quarters, .portable--six-eighths, .portable--nine-twelfths {
width: 75%;
* Fifths
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width: 20%;
.portable--two-fifths, .portable--four-tenths {
width: 40%;
.portable--three-fifths, .portable--six-tenths {
width: 60%;
.portable--four-fifths, .portable--eight-tenths {
width: 80%;
* Sixths
.portable--one-sixth, .portable--two-twelfths {
width: 16.666%;
.portable--five-sixths, .portable--ten-twelfths {
width: 83.333%;
* Eighths
.portable--one-eighth {
width: 12.5%;
.portable--three-eighths {
width: 37.5%;
.portable--five-eighths {
width: 62.5%;
.portable--seven-eighths {
width: 87.5%;
* Tenths
.portable--one-tenth {
width: 10%;
.portable--three-tenths {
width: 30%;
.portable--seven-tenths {
width: 70%;
.portable--nine-tenths {
width: 90%;
* Twelfths
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width: 8.333%;
.portable--five-twelfths {
width: 41.666%;
.portable--seven-twelfths {
width: 58.333%;
.portable--eleven-twelfths {
width: 91.666%;
@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
* Whole
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width: 100%;
* Halves
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width: 50%;
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width: 33.333%;
.desk--two-thirds, .desk--four-sixths, .desk--eight-twelfths {
width: 66.666%;
* Quarters
.desk--one-quarter, .desk--two-eighths, .desk--three-twelfths {
width: 25%;
.desk--three-quarters, .desk--six-eighths, .desk--nine-twelfths {
width: 75%;
* Fifths
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width: 20%;
.desk--two-fifths, .desk--four-tenths {
width: 40%;
.desk--three-fifths, .desk--six-tenths {
width: 60%;
.desk--four-fifths, .desk--eight-tenths {
width: 80%;
* Sixths
.desk--one-sixth, .desk--two-twelfths {
width: 16.666%;
.desk--five-sixths, .desk--ten-twelfths {
width: 83.333%;
* Eighths
.desk--one-eighth {
width: 12.5%;
.desk--three-eighths {
width: 37.5%;
.desk--five-eighths {
width: 62.5%;
.desk--seven-eighths {
width: 87.5%;
* Tenths
.desk--one-tenth {
width: 10%;
.desk--three-tenths {
width: 30%;
.desk--seven-tenths {
width: 70%;
.desk--nine-tenths {
width: 90%;
* Twelfths
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width: 8.333%;
.desk--five-twelfths {
width: 41.666%;
.desk--seven-twelfths {
width: 58.333%;
.desk--eleven-twelfths {
width: 91.666%;
* Push classes, to move grid items over to the right by certain amounts.
* Pull classes, to move grid items back to the left by certain amounts.
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