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Last active December 30, 2018 12:52
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Цифровые фильтры изображений
const fs = require('fs');
const bmp = require('bmp-js');
const FILE_NAME = 'photo.bmp';
const SAVE_NAME = 'new-photo.bmp';
const MAX_VALUE = 255;
const BR = 70; // коэффециент осветления
const CST = 0.6; // коэффециент увеличения контрастности
const NOISE = 0.2;// интенсивность шума
const BLUR = 15;// величина интенсивности смазывания
const HARSMATRIX = [
fs.readFile(FILE_NAME, (err, buffer) => {
if(err) throw err;
let image = bmp.decode(buffer);
let imagePixels =;
// let newImagePixels =;
let newImagePixels = bordered(image); = newImagePixels;
fs.writeFile(SAVE_NAME, bmp.encode(image).data, (err) => {
if(err) throw err;
function brightnessPlus(pixel){
return lim(pixel+BR);
function brightnessMinus(pixel){
return lim(pixel-BR);
function invert(pixel){
return lim(MAX_VALUE - pixel);
function contrast(pixel){
return lim((pixel - 128) * CST + 128);
function brightContrast(pixel){
return lim(lim((pixel - 128) * CST + 128)+BR);
function noise(pixel){
return lim(pixel + random(0, 255) * NOISE);
function blur(image){
const array = bufferToMultiarray(image);
const div = Math.pow(BLUR + 1, 2);
for(let r = 0, rl = array.length - 15; rl > r; r++){
for(let c = 0, cl = array[r].length - 15*4; cl > c; c++){
let summ = 0;
for(let recRow = 0, recRL = BLUR; recRL > recRow; recRow++){
for (let recCol = 0, recCL = BLUR; recCL > recCol; recCol++){
summ += array[r+recRow][c+recCol]/div;
array[r][c] = lim(summ);
return multiarrayToArray(array);
function bordered(image){
const array = bufferToMultiarray(image);
for(let r = 0, rl = (array.length - 2); rl > r; r++){
for(let c = 0, cl = (array[r].length - 4); cl > c; c++){
array[r][c] = lim(255 - Math.abs(array[r][c] - array[r+1][c]));
return multiarrayToArray(array);
function harshness(image){
const array = bufferToMultiarray(image);
for(let r = 0, rl = array.length; rl > r; r++){
for(let c = 0, cl = array[r].length; cl > c; c++){
let summ = 0;
for(let recRow = 0, recRL = HARSMATRIX.length; recRL > recRow; recRow++){
for (let recCol = 0, recCL = HARSMATRIX.length; recCL > recCol; recCol++){
summ += array[r][c] * HARSMATRIX[recRow][recCol];
array[r][c] = lim(summ);
return multiarrayToArray(array);
function multiarrayToArray(array){
let result = [];{
result = result.concat(subArray);
return result;
function bufferToMultiarray(obj){
const width = obj.width * 4;// плотность пикселей 4 раза больше
let pixels = [];
let cache = [];
let i = 0;{
if(i === width){
cache = [];
i = 0;
return pixels;
function random(min, max){
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) ) + min;
function lim(number){
return number > 255 ? 255 : number <= 0 ? 0 : number;
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