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Created May 12, 2019 02:50
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Download mtg set data
import json
import requests
# Ask the user for the set abbreviation.
setabbrv = input("What's the abbreviation of the set?\n")
# Define the URL to look it up from
lookupobject = "" + setabbrv
# Make a get request and convert the json response to a dictionary
resp = json.loads(requests.get(lookupobject).text)
# Define a separate set data object so we can add to it separately
set_data = resp["data"]
# Since we're not using python csv library we need this to set a default value
def default_val(s):
return s if s is not None else "n/a"
while resp["has_more"] and True is resp["has_more"]:
# Get the data for the next page
resp_next = json.loads(requests.get(resp["next_page"]).text)
# Add the partial set data from the next page to the set data
set_data += resp_next["data"]
# Assign the next response to the object we check in the while
resp = resp_next
with open(f"mtg-{setabbrv}-info.txt", "w+") as f:
frmt = ",\t"
for card in set_data:
name = default_val(card["name"])
rarity = default_val(card["rarity"])
price = default_val(card["prices"]["usd"])
foil_price = default_val(card["prices"]["usd_foil"])
line = frmt.join([name, rarity, price, foil_price, "\n"])
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