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dzaima/ Secret

Created August 9, 2021 16:42
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syntax name key usage
{ begin block { {𝕩+2}
} end block }
( begin expression ( (1+2)×(10÷2)
) end expression )
ligature \<space> 1‿2‿3‿4
begin list \( ⟨1 ⋄ 2 ⋄ 3 ⋄ 4⟩
end list \)
# comment # # this is a comment
define \[ myVar←5 ⋄ MyFn←{𝕨+𝕩}
separator \; {a←1+𝕩 ⋄ a×a} 10
, separator , ⟨"foo", "bar"⟩ # equal to ⋄ and newline
export \? {F⇐{1+𝕩}}.F 10
change \' var ← 5 ⋄ var ↩ 7 ⋄ var +↩ 1
system \0 •Out "Hello World" ⋄ •Show ↕2‿2
. namespace field . •file.Lines "myfile.txt"
return \] [NYI/TBD]
¯N negative number \9 ¯3‿¯2‿¯1 = -3‿2‿1
fns name key usage
+ 𝕩 conjugate +
𝕨 + 𝕩 add + 1‿2‿3 + 1‿2‿3
- 𝕩 negate - - 1‿2‿3
𝕨 - 𝕩 subtract - 2 - 1‿2‿3
× 𝕩 sign \= × ¯2‿¯1‿0‿1‿2
𝕨 × 𝕩 multiply \= 2 × 1‿2‿3
÷ 𝕩 reciprocal \- ÷ 2
𝕨 ÷ 𝕩 divide \- 100 ÷ 2‿5‿50
⋆ 𝕩 exponential \+ ⋆ 5
𝕨 ⋆ 𝕩 power \+ 10 ⋆ 2
√ 𝕩 square root \_ √ 100
𝕨 √ 𝕩 nth root \_ 3 √ 125
⌊ 𝕩 floor \b ⌊ 1.5
𝕨 ⌊ 𝕩 minimum \b 10 ⌊ 5
⌈ 𝕩 ceiling \B ⌈ 1.5
𝕨 ⌈ 𝕩 maximum \B 10 ⌈ 5
∧ 𝕩 sort up \t ∧ 5‿2‿3
𝕨 ∧ 𝕩 and \t 0‿0‿1‿1 ∧ 0‿1‿0‿1
∨ 𝕩 sort down \v ∨ 3‿2‿5
𝕨 ∨ 𝕩 or \v 0‿0‿1‿1 ∨ 0‿1‿0‿1
¬ 𝕩 not \~ ¬ 1‿0‿1
𝕨 ¬ 𝕩 span \~ 20 ¬ 15
| 𝕩 absolute value | | ¯5‿3‿¯2
𝕨 | 𝕩 modulus | 5 | 3‿4‿5‿6‿7
𝕨 ≤ 𝕩 less than or equal to \< 3 ≤ 4
< 𝕩 enclose < <1
𝕨 < 𝕩 less than < 1 < 2
> 𝕩 merge > > ⟨1‿2 ⋄ 3‿4 ⋄ 5‿6⟩
𝕨 > 𝕩 greater than > 1 > 2
𝕨 ≥ 𝕩 greater than or equal to \> 4 ≥ 3
= 𝕩 rank = = 2‿2‿2⥊1
𝕨 = 𝕩 equals = 1‿2‿3 = 1‿2‿4
≠ 𝕩 length \/ ≠ 2‿3‿5
𝕨 ≠ 𝕩 not equals \/ 1‿2‿3 ≠ 1‿2‿4
≡ 𝕩 depth \m ≡¨ 1‿⟨1⟩‿⟨⟨1⟩⟩
𝕨 ≡ 𝕩 match \m 1‿2‿3 ≡ 1‿2‿3
≢ 𝕩 shape \M ≢ 4‿4⥊1
𝕨 ≢ 𝕩 not match \M 1‿2‿3 ≢ 1‿2‿4
⊣ 𝕩 identity \{ ⊣ 4
𝕨 ⊣ 𝕩 left \{ 3 ⊣ 5
⊢ 𝕩 identity \} ⊢ 5
𝕨 ⊢ 𝕩 right \} 3 ⊢ 4
⥊ 𝕩 deshape \z ⥊ >⟨1‿2 ⋄ 3‿4⟩
𝕨 ⥊ 𝕩 reshape \z 3‿3 ⥊ ↕9
∾ 𝕩 join \, ∾ ⟨1‿2 ⋄ 3‿4 ⋄ 5‿6⟩
𝕨 ∾ 𝕩 join to \, 1‿2‿3 ∾ 4‿5‿6 ∾ 7
≍ 𝕩 solo \. ≍¨ ⟨1 ⋄ 1‿2‿3⟩
𝕨 ≍ 𝕩 couple \. 1‿2‿3 ≍ 4‿5‿6
↑ 𝕩 prefixes \r ↑ 1‿2‿3
𝕨 ↑ 𝕩 take \r 2 ↑ 2‿3‿5
↓ 𝕩 sufixes \c ↓ 1‿2‿3
𝕨 ↓ 𝕩 drop \c 2 ↓ 2‿3‿5
↕ 𝕩 range \d ↕ 4
𝕨 ↕ 𝕩 windows \d 3 ↕ 1‿2‿3‿4‿5‿6
« 𝕩 nudge \H « 5‿6‿7‿8‿9
𝕨 « 𝕩 shift before \H 99 « 5‿6‿7‿8‿9
» 𝕩 nudge after \L » 5‿6‿7‿8‿9
𝕨 » 𝕩 shift after \L 99 » 5‿6‿7‿8‿9
⌽ 𝕩 reverse \q ⌽ 1‿2‿3
𝕨 ⌽ 𝕩 rotate \q 2 ⌽ 1‿2‿3‿4‿5‿6
⍉ 𝕩 transpose \a ⍉ 3‿4⥊↕12
𝕨 ⍉ 𝕩 reorder axes \a 0‿0 ⍉ 3‿3⥊↕9
/ 𝕩 indices / / 1‿0‿0‿1‿1‿4
𝕨 / 𝕩 replicate / 1‿0‿4 / 1‿2‿3
⊏ 𝕩 first cell \i ⊏ 3‿3‿3⥊↕27
𝕨 ⊏ 𝕩 select \i 1‿1‿0‿2 ⊏ 3‿3⥊↕9
⊑ 𝕩 first \I ⊑ 3‿3⥊↕9
𝕨 ⊑ 𝕩 pick \I 2 ⊑ "abcde" ⋄ 1‿1 ⊑ 3‿3⥊↕
⊐ 𝕩 classify \o ⊐ 4‿5‿6‿4‿5‿8‿9‿4‿5
𝕨 ⊐ 𝕩 index of \o "abcde" ⊐ "bar"
⊒ 𝕩 occurence count \O ⊒ 4‿5‿6‿4‿5‿8‿9‿4‿5
𝕨 ⊒ 𝕩 progressive index of \O 2‿2‿1‿2‿2 ⊒ 2‿2‿2‿2‿1‿1‿2
⍋ 𝕩 grade up \T (⍋3‿5‿2)⊏3‿5‿2
𝕨 ⍋ 𝕩 bins up \T 10‿20‿30 ⍋ 18‿19‿20‿21‿22
⍒ 𝕩 grade down \V (⍒3‿5‿2)⊏3‿5‿2
𝕨 ⍒ 𝕩 bins down \V 30‿20‿10 ⍒ 18‿19‿20‿21‿22
∊ 𝕩 mark first \e ∊ "mississippi"
𝕨 ∊ 𝕩 member of \e 3‿7 ∊ 1‿2‿3‿4
⍷ 𝕩 deduplicate \E ⍷ "mississippi"
𝕨 ⍷ 𝕩 find \E "is" ⍷ "mississippi"
⊔ 𝕩 group indices \u ⊔1‿2‿3‿1‿2‿5‿1‿1‿3
𝕨 ⊔ 𝕩 group \u 0‿0‿¯1‿1‿1‿1 ⊔ "ab cde"
! 𝕩 assert ! ! 1>2
𝕨 ! 𝕩 assert with message ! "this is false" ! 1>2
mds name key usage
˙ constant \" (⊢ ÷ 2˙) 10
˜ self/swap \` ט 4
atop \j 10 -∘÷ 2
over \k "abc" +○≠ "abcde"
before/bind \h {𝕩>4}⊸/ ↕10
after/bind \l ÷⟜2 10
under \K {1+𝕩}⌾(1‿0‿1⊸/) 10‿20‿30
rank \! <⎉2 3‿3‿3⥊↕27
˘ cells \1 ⌽˘ 3‿3⥊↕9
depth \@ {+´↕𝕩}⚇0 ⟨1‿2‿3 ⋄ 4⟩
¨ each \2 ×´¨ ⟨1‿2⟩‿⟨3‿4⟩
repeat \# ({𝕩+2}⍟3) 0
undo \3 /⁼ 1‿2‿4‿9
choose \$ {𝕩>0}◶-‿⊢¨ ¯6‿7 ⋄ (7>2)◶0‿{𝕩‿𝕩} 5
table \4 (↕4) ×⌜ ↕8
valences \% F←{-𝕩}⊘{𝕨÷𝕩} ⋄ F 2 ⋄ 8 F 2
´ fold \5 +´1‿2‿3‿4
catch \^ {4⊑𝕩}⎊"error" 1‿2
˝ insert \6 +˝ 3‿3⥊↕9
` scan ` +\`1‿2‿3‿40
arguments name key usage
𝕩 right argument \x {1+𝕩} 5
𝕨 left argument \w 20 {𝕨-𝕩} 5
𝕏 right argument (function) \X F←- ⋄ 4 {𝕏𝕨} f
𝕎 left argument (function) \W F←- ⋄ f {𝕎𝕩} 5
𝕗 modifier left operand (subject) \f -{𝕗‿𝕩} 5
𝕘 modifier right operand (subject) \g -{𝔽 𝕘⊑𝕩}1 5‿6‿7‿8
𝔽 modifier left operand \F -{𝔽 𝕩} 5
𝔾 modifier right operand \G -{𝔽 𝔾 𝕩}÷ 10
𝕤 current function (subject) \s {𝕤 ⋄ 2+2}
𝕊 current function \S {𝕩 × (𝕩>1)◶1‿𝕊 𝕩-1}5
𝕣 current modifier \R ×{𝕩 𝔽 (𝕩>1)◶1‿(𝕗 _𝕣) 𝕩-1}
constants name key usage
π pi \p 2 × π
infinity \8 ¯∞ ≡ ¯5÷0
@ null character @ "foo"-@
· nothing \: (÷ ·- ⊑) 5‿6‿7
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