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Last active February 9, 2017 22:28
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Cliqz data
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# coding: utf-8
# In[1]:
import ujson as json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime
from __future__ import division
import feather
import boto3
from boto3.s3.transfer import S3Transfer
get_ipython().magic(u'pylab inline')
from moztelemetry.dataset import Dataset
from moztelemetry.spark import get_pings_properties
from pyspark.sql import Row
import pyspark.sql.functions as fun
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None)
# In[2]:
## Not including spot nodes...
# In[3]:
def format_submission_date(submission_date):
""" Convert a submission datestring of the form 'yyyymmdd' to an ISO format datestring. """
return datetime.datetime.strptime(submission_date, "%Y%m%d").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
def format_pcd(pcd):
""" Convert a profile creation date as a Unix datestamp to an ISO format datestring. """
if pcd is None or pcd <= 0:
return None
## Convert the PCD to seconds since the epoch first.
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(pcd * 86400).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
def iso_to_submission_format(iso_date):
""" Convert an ISO datestring back to the submission date format 'yyyymmdd'. """
if not iso_date:
return None
return iso_date.replace("-", "")
client = boto3.client('s3', 'us-west-2')
transfer = S3Transfer(client)
def write_file_to_s3(filename, s3_path):
""" Write a file in the current dir to S3. """
## Remove "s3://" prefix and split out bucket name.
data_bucket, s3_path_key = s3_path[5:].split("/", 1)
transfer.upload_file(filename, data_bucket, s3_path_key + filename)
def none_to_zero(DF, cols):
""" Convert None in given numeric cols to zeros. """
for colname in cols:
col = fun.col(colname)
DF = DF.withColumn(colname, fun.when(col.isNull(), 0).otherwise(col))
return DF
# ## Test pilot pings
# __Note__: The study was launched on Jan 10, 2017.
# In[3]:
#prev_shield_s3_path = "s3://mozilla-metrics/user/dzeber/tmp/unified_search/raw_pings_2016-12-19/"
#new_shield_s3_path = "s3://mozilla-metrics/user/dzeber/tmp/unified_search/shield_pings_20161121-20170103/"
#txp_s3_path = "s3://mozilla-metrics/user/dzeber/tmp/txp_cliqz/"
start_date = "20170101"
#end_date = "20170103"
# ### `testpilot` pings
# In[4]:
txp_data = Dataset.from_source("telemetry") .where(docType="testpilot") .where(submissionDate=lambda d: d >= start_date) .where(appName="Firefox") .records(sc) .cache()
# In[5]:
# In[6]:
def is_txp_cliqz(ping):
""" Determine if a `testpilot` ping is related to Cliqz. """
payload = ping.get("payload")
if not payload:
return False
events = payload.get("events")
if not events:
return False
return payload.get("test") == "@testpilot-addon" and events[0].get("object") == ""
# Tabulate events by submission date
# In[8]:
cliqz_txp = txp_data.filter(is_txp_cliqz)
# In[57]:
def cliqz_events_row(ping):
date = ping["meta"]["submissionDate"]
event = ping["payload"].get("events")[0]["event"]
return Row(date=date, event=event)
cliqz_txp_events = spark.createDataFrame(
cliqz_total_sub = cliqz_txp_events.groupBy("date").count() .withColumnRenamed("count", "total_pings")
cliqz_events_df = cliqz_txp_events.groupBy("date").pivot("event").count()
df_cols = cliqz_events_df.columns
cliqz_events_df = none_to_zero(cliqz_events_df, df_cols)
# In[59]:
cliqz_events_df = cliqz_events_df.join(cliqz_total_sub, on="date")
# In[60]:
# ### `testpilottest` pings
# In[49]:
txp_test_data = Dataset.from_source("telemetry") .where(docType="testpilottest") .where(submissionDate=lambda d: d >= start_date) .where(appName="Firefox") .records(sc)
# In[ ]:
## Slow.
# In[6]:
def is_txp_test_cliqz(ping):
""" Determine if a `testpilottest` ping is related to Cliqz. """
payload = ping.get("payload")
if not payload:
return False
test = payload.get("test")
if not test:
return False
return test == "" and payload.get("payload", {}).get("event")
# In[51]:
## 1 master, 10 spot nodes
txpt_cliqz = txp_test_data.filter(is_txp_test_cliqz) .cache()
get_ipython().magic(u'time txpt_cliqz.count()')
# In[71]:
def cliqz_test_row(ping):
date = ping["meta"]["submissionDate"]
event = ping["payload"].get("payload", {}).get("event")
return Row(date=date, event=event)
cliqz_txpt_events = spark.createDataFrame(
cliqz_total_sub_test = cliqz_txpt_events.groupBy("date").count() .withColumnRenamed("count", "total_pings")
cliqz_txpt_events_df = cliqz_txpt_events.groupBy("date").pivot("event").count()
df_cols = cliqz_txpt_events_df.columns
cliqz_txpt_events_df = none_to_zero(cliqz_txpt_events_df, df_cols)
cliqz_events_df = cliqz_events_df.join(cliqz_total_sub_test, on="date")
# In[72]:
# -----
# ### Take a look at the data from `testpilot` pings
# In[17]:
## Test pilot pings by submission date. p: p["meta"]["submissionDate"]).countByValue()
# In[54]:
txp_payloads = p: p["payload"])
## Look at some sample payloads.
# In[65]:
## What keys does the `payload` block have?
txp_payloads.flatMap(lambda p: p.keys()).countByValue()
# In[55]:
## What are the different values for "test"? p: p.get("test")).countByValue()
# In[56]:
## Looks like we want the ones with `test == "@testpilot-addon"`.
txp_payloads_tpa = txp_payloads.filter(lambda p: p.get("test") == "@testpilot-addon")
# In[57]:
## From above, we see `events` is an array. Does it ever have multiple entries?
## No.
txp_payloads_tpa.filter(lambda p: len(p.get("events")) > 1).count()
# In[59]:
## What are the different event types? p: p.get("events")[0].get("event")) .countByValue()
# In[61]:
## What `object`s are recorded for enabled/disabled events?
## These are TxP experiments.
txp_payloads_tpa.filter(lambda p: p.get("events")[0].get("event") in ("enabled", "disabled")) .map(lambda p: p.get("events")[0].get("object")) .countByValue()
# In[63]:
## What keys (add-on IDs) are in the payloads with `tests` rather than `test`?
txp_payloads.filter(lambda p: "test" not in p) .flatMap(lambda p: p.get("tests").keys()) .countByValue()
# ### Take a look at the `testpilottest` pings for Cliqz
# In[61]:
txpt_payloads = p: p["payload"])
## Look at some sample payloads.
# In[62]:
## What keys does the `payload` block have?
txpt_payloads.flatMap(lambda p: p.keys()).countByValue()
# In[63]:
## What keys does the nested `payload` block have?
txpt_payloads.flatMap(lambda p: p["payload"].keys()).countByValue()
# In[64]:
## What are the different event types? p: p["payload"].get("event")).countByValue()
# In[65]:
## What are the different values for `contentSearch`? p: p["payload"].get("contentSearch")).countByValue()
# In[66]:
## Some payloads with content search:
txpt_payloads.filter(lambda p: p["payload"].get("contentSearch")).take(10)
# ## Try out the Cliqz client ID decryption
# Note the mapping from UT clientID to Cliqz ID is one-to-many, since the encrypted Cliqz ID changes regularly.
# In[4]:
txp_test_data = Dataset.from_source("telemetry") .where(docType="testpilottest") .where(submissionDate=lambda d: d >= "20170111" and d <= "20170118") .where(appName="Firefox") .records(sc)
# In[ ]:
## 1 master, 30 spot nodes
## Took about 30 min.
txpt_cliqz = txp_test_data.filter(is_txp_test_cliqz) .cache()
get_ipython().magic(u'time txpt_cliqz.count()')
# In[10]:
# In[20]:
def get_id_pair(ping):
return Row(
client_id = ping.get("clientId"),
cliqz_id = ping["payload"]["payload"].get("cliqzSession")
id_mapping = spark.createDataFrame( .dropDuplicates()
# In[25]:
## How many mapping pairs?
# In[26]:
## How many unique UT client IDs?"client_id").dropDuplicates().count()
# In[28]:
## How many Cliqz IDs are recorded per UT client ID?
id_mapping.groupBy("client_id").count() .withColumnRenamed("count", "num_cliqz_ids") .groupBy("num_cliqz_ids").count() .orderBy("num_cliqz_ids").toPandas()
# In[29]:
## What do the IDs look like?
# In[31]:
id_mapping_pd = id_mapping.toPandas()
# In[34]:
write_file_to_s3("cliqz_id_mapping.csv", "s3://mozilla-metrics/user/dzeber/tmp/txp_cliqz/")
# In[46]:
import json
import base64
import random
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
KEY = "" ## Ask me for the key
def encrypt(input):
secret =[:32])
tmp = (str(input) + (AES.block_size - len(str(input)) % AES.block_size) * "\0")
return base64.b64encode(secret.encrypt(tmp))
def decrypt(input):
secret =[:32])
raw = secret.decrypt(base64.b64decode(input))
return raw.rstrip("\0")
def is_decrypted(val):
if val == "not-found":
return True
if len(val) <= 10:
return False
parts = val.split('|')
return (
(len(parts) == 3 and len(parts[1]) == 5)
(len(parts) == 2 and len(parts[1]) == 5)
def encode_session(ses):
return encrypt(str(random.random())[-4:] + ses + str(random.random())[-4:])
def decode_session(enc_ses):
return decrypt(enc_ses)[4:-4]
def decode(data):
decrypted = False
encrypted = False
# session ids might get unconsistent at start -> use only one for all the signals in a set
for line in data:
if line and 'session' in line and len(line['session']) > 0:
if is_decrypted(line['session']):
# unecrypted session
decrypted = line['session']
encrypted = encode_session(decrypted)
# already encrypted - decryption needed
decrypted = decode_session(line['session'])
# the decrypted value is valid
if decrypted and len(decrypted) > 10 and is_decrypted(decrypted):
# if it was an encrypted signal - decript it
for line in data:
line['session'] = decrypted
# re-encrypt the session id on startup signal if
# it was already decrypted
# it was not already encrypted
if not encrypted and line.get('startup', False):
encrypted = encode_session(decrypted)
ret = {
'data': data
# if a new encryption is generated, send it back
if encrypted and len(encrypted) > 10:
ret['session'] = encrypted
# if something wrong is happening do not store anything
ret = {
'data': []
return ret
def decrypt_cliqz_id(cliqz_id):
if is_decrypted(cliqz_id):
return cliqz_id
return decode_session(cliqz_id.strip())
# In[47]:
decrypt_cliqz_udf = fun.udf(decrypt_cliqz_id, StringType())
# In[48]:
id_mapping_decr = id_mapping.withColumn("cliqz_id_decrypted", decrypt_cliqz_udf("cliqz_id"))
# In[50]:
# ## Cliqz derived datasets
# In[2]:
s3_path_txp = "s3://telemetry-parquet/harter/cliqz_testpilot/v1/"
s3_path_txpt = "s3://telemetry-parquet/harter/cliqz_testpilottest/v1/"
s3_path_search = "s3://telemetry-parquet/harter/cliqz_search/v1/"
# In[13]:
DF_txp =
DF_txpt =
DF_search =
# In[29]:
def print_table_summary(DF, datecol="submission", numrows=20):
""" Print # rows, submission date range, schema, and top few rows. """
print("Num row: {:,}".format(DF.count()))
daterange = DF.selectExpr(
"min({}) as min_date".format(datecol),
"max({}) as max_date".format(datecol)).first()
print("Submission date range: {} to {}".format(daterange.min_date, daterange.max_date))
# In[25]:
# In[26]:
# In[30]:
print_table_summary(DF_search, datecol="start_time")
# In[32]:
## Daily overall search counts
DF_search.groupBy("id", "start_time").count() .groupBy("start_time").count() .orderBy("start_time").toPandas()
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