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Created November 12, 2019 09:03
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Jenkins: execute pytest on remote machines
library 'openstack'
def target_ip
def vm_id
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choice(choices: "IntegEnv\ProdEnv\TestEnv", description: "Environment", name: 'TESTENV')
stages {
stage ('Start Virtual Machine') {
steps {
script {
vm_id = openstack.getVMIdByName("testautomat-${params.TESTENV}")
target_ip = openstack.getVMIpById(vm_id)
echo "waiting for ${target_ip} to be up"
timeout(5) { //minutes
waitUntil {
script {
def r = sh script: "nc -zv ${target_ip} 22", returnStatus: true
return (r == 0);
stage('Prepare Test Runner') {
steps {
sh "ssh -i /home/jenkins/myKey jenkins@${target_ip} \"rm -rf /opt/smoketest && cd /opt && mkdir smoketest && git clone ssh://jenkins/home/git/gitea-repositories/smoketest.git\""
sh "ssh -i /home/jenkins/myKey jenkins@${target_ip} \"cd /opt/smoketest && pip install -r requirements.txt\""
stage('Run Test') {
steps {
sh "ssh -i /home/jenkins/myKey jenkins@${target_ip} \"/opt/smoketest/ ${params.TESTENV}\""
stage('Stop VM') {
steps {
echo "Stopping VM"
script {
post {
failure {
mail to: ',',
subject: "Failed Pipeline: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
body: "Something is wrong with ${env.BUILD_URL}"
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