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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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zf2 module scoring
__author__ = 'nikolajus'
import subprocess
import requests
import json
from urlparse import urlparse
from time import strptime, mktime
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from math import log10
Kpn scores
It does by considering the following factors:
1 point for each followers on GitHub. This is an indicator of the bundle's popularity in the community.
5 points if your README is more than 300 characters long. Encourages maintainer to write a proper README.
5 points if you use Travis CI, since it means you have a running test suite.
5 more points if your Travis CI build status is actually ok ;)
5 points if you provide a Composer package.
5 points per person recommending the bundle on KnpBundles.
Small boost (the actual formula is (30 - days) / 5) for bundles with commits in the past 30 days. Active bundles get more points, but not much to avoid spoiling stable bundles.
For more details on the items above please refer to the remaining answers.
1*info[watchers_count] same as 1*info[stargazers_count]
size of repo
last push info[pushed_at]
if travis
if readme
package exists if:
is HTTP 200 OK
modules = [
def get_repo_info(uri):
link = "" + uri
r = requests.get(link, auth=('****', '****'))
if r.status_code != 200:
return None
return json.loads(r.text)
except KeyError:
return None
returns 1 if it has travis config 0 if no
lets assume everyone has travis
def has_travis(uri):
return 1
returns 1 if there is readme and 0 if no
lets assume everyone has readme
def has_readme(uri):
return 1
returns 1 if there is composer package and 0 if not
lets assume everyone has package registered
def has_composer_package(uri):
return 1
repos_data = []
forks = []
subscribers = []
watchers = []
size = []
last_commit_in = []
issues = []
idx = 0
for url in modules:
idx += 1
print("Fetch {0} out of {1}".format(idx, len(modules)))
uri = urlparse(url).path
info = get_repo_info(uri)
if info is None:
last_push = datetime.strptime(info['pushed_at'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
delta = - last_push
last_commit_in.append(1. / (1+log10(1+delta.days)))
repos_data.append([uri, info['forks'], info['subscribers_count'], info['watchers_count'], info['size'], 1. / (1+log10(1+delta.days)), info['open_issues_count']])
def score(repo):
# forks
f1 = (float(repo[1])-min(forks)) / (max(forks) - min(forks))
# subscribers
f2 = (float(repo[2])-min(subscribers)) / (max(subscribers) - min(subscribers))
# watchers
f3 = (float(repo[3])-min(watchers)) / (max(watchers) - min(watchers))
# size
f4 = ((float(repo[4])-min(size)) / (max(size) - min(size)))
# last push
f5 = float(repo[5])
# issues
f6 = ((float(repo[6])-min(issues)) / (max(issues) - min(issues)))
f7 = 1. * has_readme(repo[0])
f8 = 1. * has_travis(repo[0])
f9 = 1. * has_composer_package(repo[0])
# sum = f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5 + f6 + f7 + f8 + f9
s = f1 + f2 + f3 + f6 + .1 * f5
print("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}".format(repo[0], f1, f2, f3, f6, .1*f5, s))
# rescale to 1-10 scale
rescale = (99./4.1)*(s-0+1)
return rescale
for_sort = {}
for repo in repos_data:
for_sort[repo[0]] = score(repo)
for i in sorted(for_sort.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
print("{0}\t{1}".format(int(i[1]), i[0]))
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