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Last active September 28, 2021 01:35
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Transportation problem solver in Python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
def transport(supply, demand, costs, init_method="LCM"):
# Only solves balanced problem
assert sum(supply) == sum(demand)
assert init_method in ["LCM", "NCM", "VOGEL"]
s = np.copy(supply)
d = np.copy(demand)
C = np.copy(costs)
has_degenerated_init_solution = False
has_degenerated_mid_solution = True
has_unique_solution = True
n, m = C.shape
# Finding initial solution
X = np.full((n, m), np.nan)
allow_fill_X = np.ones((n, m), dtype=bool)
indices = [(i, j) for i in range(n) for j in range(m)]
def _fill_zero_indice(i, j):
allow_fill_X[i, j] = False
allowed_indices_i = [
(i, jj) for jj in range(m)
if allow_fill_X[i, jj]]
allowed_indices_j = [
(ii, j) for ii in range(n)
if allow_fill_X[ii, j]]
allowed_indices = allowed_indices_i + allowed_indices_j
if allowed_indices:
return allowed_indices[0]
return None
if init_method == "VOGEL":
# vogel
n_iter = 0
while n_iter < m + n - 1:
row_diff = np.array([np.nan]*n)
col_diff = np.array([np.nan]*m)
for i in range(n):
row_allowed = []
for j in range(m):
if allow_fill_X[i, j]:
row_allowed.append(C[i, j])
row_allowed_sorted = sorted(row_allowed)
row_diff[i] = abs(row_allowed_sorted[0] - row_allowed_sorted[1])
# only one element in row_allowed_sorted
row_diff[i] = np.nan
for j in range(m):
col_allowed = []
for i in range(n):
if allow_fill_X[i, j]:
col_allowed.append(C[i, j])
col_allowed_sorted = sorted(col_allowed)
col_diff[j] = abs(col_allowed_sorted[0] - col_allowed_sorted[1])
# only one element in row_allowed_sorted
col_diff[j] = np.nan
diff = np.concatenate((row_diff, col_diff))
max_diff_index = np.nanargmax(diff)
max_diff = diff[max_diff_index]
max_diff = None
if max_diff:
located = False
while not located:
for i in range(n):
if row_diff[i] == max_diff:
located = True
located_type = "row"
located_index = i
for j in range(m):
if col_diff[j] == max_diff:
located = True
located_type = "col"
located_index = j
assert isinstance(located_index, int)
assert located_type in ["row", "col"]
if located_type == "row":
row_indices = [(located_index, j) for j in range(m) if allow_fill_X[located_index, j]]
row_values = [C[located_index,j] for j in range(m) if allow_fill_X[located_index, j]]
xs = sorted(zip(row_indices, row_values), key=lambda (a, b): b)
col_indices = [(i, located_index) for i in range(n) if allow_fill_X[i, located_index]]
col_values = [C[i, located_index] for i in range(n) if allow_fill_X[i, located_index]]
xs = sorted(zip(col_indices, col_values), key=lambda (a, b): b)
(i, j), _ = xs[0]
# there's the last cell needed to be filled.
xs = [(i, j) for i in range(n) for j in range(m) if allow_fill_X[i, j]]
(i, j) = xs[0]
#(i, j), _ = xs[0]
assert allow_fill_X[i, j]
grabbed = min([s[i], d[j]])
X[i, j] = grabbed
# *both* supply i and demand j is met
if s[i] == grabbed and d[j] == grabbed:
fill_zero_indices = _fill_zero_indice(i, j)
if fill_zero_indices:
# fill a 0 in X with allowed_indices
X[fill_zero_indices] = 0
allow_fill_X[fill_zero_indices] = False
n_iter += 1
has_degenerated_init_solution = True
s[i] -= grabbed
d[j] -= grabbed
if d[j] == 0:
allow_fill_X[:, j] = False
if s[i] == 0:
allow_fill_X[i, :] = False
n_iter += 1
if init_method == "LCM":
# Least-Cost method
xs = sorted(zip(indices, C.flatten()), key=lambda (a, b): b)
elif init_method == "NCM":
# Northwest Corner Method
xs = sorted(zip(indices, C.flatten()), key=lambda (a, b): (a[0],a[1]))
# Iterating C elements in increasing order
for (i, j), _ in xs:
grabbed = min([s[i],d[j]])
# supply i or demand j has been met
if grabbed == 0:
# X[i,j] is has been filled
elif not np.isnan(X[i,j]):
X[i, j] = grabbed
# *both* supply i and demand j is met
if s[i] == grabbed and d[j] == grabbed:
fill_zero_indices = _fill_zero_indice(i, j)
if fill_zero_indices:
# fill a 0 in X with allowed_indices
X[fill_zero_indices] = 0
allow_fill_X[fill_zero_indices] = False
has_degenerated_init_solution = True
s[i] -= grabbed
d[j] -= grabbed
if d[j] == 0:
allow_fill_X[:,j] = False
if s[i] == 0:
allow_fill_X[i,:] = False
# Finding optimal solution
while True:
u = np.array([np.nan]*n)
v = np.array([np.nan]*m)
S = np.full((n, m), np.nan)
_x, _y = np.where(~np.isnan(X))
basis = zip(_x, _y)
f = basis[0][0]
u[f] = 0
# Finding u, v potentials
while any(np.isnan(u)) or any(np.isnan(v)):
for i, j in basis:
if np.isnan(u[i]) and not np.isnan(v[j]):
u[i] = C[i, j] - v[j]
elif not np.isnan(u[i]) and np.isnan(v[j]):
v[j] = C[i, j] - u[i]
# Finding S-matrix
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
if np.isnan(X[i,j]):
S[i, j] = C[i, j] - u[i] - v[j]
# Stop condition
s = np.nanmin(S)
print S
if s > 0:
elif s == 0:
has_unique_solution = False
i, j = np.argwhere(S == s)[0]
start = (i, j)
# Finding cycle elements
T = np.zeros((n, m))
# Element with non-nan value are set as 1
for i in range(0,n):
for j in range(0,m):
if not np.isnan(X[i, j]):
T[i, j] = 1
T[start] = 1
while True:
_xs, _ys = np.nonzero(T)
xcount, ycount = Counter(_xs), Counter(_ys)
for x, count in xcount.items():
if count <= 1:
T[x,:] = 0
for y, count in ycount.items():
if count <= 1:
T[:,y] = 0
if all(x > 1 for x in xcount.values()) \
and all(y > 1 for y in ycount.values()):
# Finding cycle chain order
dist = lambda (x1, y1), (x2, y2): (abs(x1-x2) + abs(y1-y2)) \
if ((x1==x2 or y1==y2) and not (x1==x2 and y1==y2)) else np.inf
fringe = set(tuple(p) for p in np.argwhere(T > 0))
size = len(fringe)
path = [start]
while len(path) < size:
last = path[-1]
if last in fringe:
next = min(fringe, key=lambda (x, y): dist(last, (x, y)))
# Improving solution on cycle elements
neg = path[1::2]
pos = path[::2]
q = min(X[zip(*neg)])
if q == 0:
has_degenerated_mid_solution = True
X[start] = 0
X[zip(*neg)] -= q
X[zip(*pos)] += q
# set the first element with value 0 as nan
for ne in neg:
if X[ne] == 0:
X[ne] = np.nan
# for calculation of total cost
X_final = np.copy(X)
for i in range(0, n):
for j in range(0,m):
if np.isnan(X_final[i, j]):
X_final[i, j] = 0
return X, np.sum(X_final*C), has_degenerated_init_solution,\
has_degenerated_mid_solution, has_unique_solution
if __name__ == '__main__':
supply = np.array([105, 125, 70])
demand = np.array([80, 65, 70, 85])
costs = np.array([[9., 10., 13., 17.],
[7., 8., 14., 16.],
[20., 14., 8., 14.]])
routes, z, \
has_degenerated_init_solution, \
has_degenerated_mid_solution, \
has_unique_solution = transport(supply, demand, costs, init_method="VOGEL")
#print routes, z, has_degenerated_init_solution, has_degenerated_mid_solution, has_unique_solution
assert z == 3125
assert has_degenerated_init_solution, has_degenerated_mid_solution
assert not has_unique_solution
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key=lambda (a, b): b), Giving error with parenthesis as invalid syntax. i.e. (a,b)

You are using a higher version of python which doesnt need brackets for lambda. Hence, its showing you that error

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