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Last active August 7, 2019 07:31
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import asyncio
from typing import AsyncGenerator, Dict, List, Tuple
import cv2
import uvicorn
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import HTMLResponse
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reusable ASGI framework
# Takes care of waiting to start sending
# Nice way to be peacefully notified when the client has left
# Usage: ```
# async with ASGILifespan(receive) as lifespan:
# # do your thing, and periodically, do
# if lifespan.end:
# # cleanup tasks
# return
# ```
class ASGILifespan:
def __init__(self, receive):
self._receive = receive
self._task = None
def is_msg_start(message):
return (message["type"] == "http.request") and (not message["more_body"])
def is_msg_end(message):
return message["type"] == "http.disconnect"
# Blocks until it is time to start the response
# Private, internal use only
async def _task_start(self):
while True:
message = await self._receive()
if self.is_msg_start(message) or self.is_msg_end(message):
# Blocks until it is time to end the response
# Private, internal use only
async def _task_end(self):
while True:
message = await self._receive()
if self.is_msg_end(message):
# Blocks until it is time to end the response
# Why would you use this, though?
async def wait_end(self):
if self.end:
await self._task
# Returns True if it is time to end the response
def end(self):
if self._task is None:
return True # Invalid state
return self._task.done()
# Blocks until it is time to start the response
async def __aenter__(self):
await self._task_start()
if self._task is None:
self._task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._task_end())
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *exc_info):
if self._task is not None:
self._task = None
# Takes care of all headers, preamble, and postamble
# Usage: ```
# async with ASGIApplication(receive, send) as app:
# # do your thing, and periodically, do
# if app.end:
# # cleanup tasks
# return
# ```
class ASGIApplication(ASGILifespan):
def __init__(self, receive, send, *, status=200, headers={}):
self._send = send
self._status = status
self._headers = headers
def _encode_bytes(val):
return val.encode("latin-1")
def _convert_headers(cls, headers={}):
return [
(cls._encode_bytes(k), cls._encode_bytes(v)) for k, v in headers.items()
async def send(self, data):
await self._send(
{"type": "http.response.body", "body": data, "more_body": True}
async def __aenter__(self):
await super().__aenter__()
await self._send(
"type": "http.response.start",
"status": self._status,
"headers": self._convert_headers(self._headers),
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *exc_info):
await self._send({"type": "http.response.body"})
return await super().__aexit__(*exc_info)
# Takes care of streaming with multipart/x-mixed-replace
# Usage: ```
# async with ASGIStreamer(receive, send) as app:
# # do your thing, and periodically, do
# if app.end:
# # cleanup tasks
# return
# ```
class ASGIStreamer(ASGIApplication):
def __init__(self, receive, send, *, boundary="frame", status=200, headers={}):
self._boundary = self._encode_bytes(f"\r\n--{boundary}\r\n")
headers["Content-Type"] = f"multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary={boundary}"
headers["Connection"] = "close"
super().__init__(receive, send, status=status, headers=headers)
async def send(self, data):
await super().send(self._boundary + data)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# An ASGI application that streams mjpeg from a jpg iterable
class MjpegResponse:
HEADERS = ASGIApplication._encode_bytes("Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n")
def __init__(self, src):
self.src = src
async def __call__(self, scope, receive, send):
async with ASGIStreamer(receive, send) as app:
for img in self.src:
if app.end:
await app.send(self.HEADERS + img)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OpenCV wrappers
def mat_to_jpg(mat):
return cv2.imencode(".jpg", mat)[1].tobytes()
def camera_to_jpg(cam):
yield from map(mat_to_jpg, cam)
# Context Manager and iterable
# Usage: ```
# with Camera(0) as cam:
# # cam is now an iterable of mats
# ```
class Camera:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs = None
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
def __enter__(self):
if is None: = cv2.VideoCapture(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
if is None:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application
class WebServer:
IMAGE_URL = "/image.mjpeg"
def __init__(self, cam): = camera_to_jpg(cam) = Starlette() = True"/")(self.index)
def image(self, request):
return MjpegResponse(
def index(self, request):
return HTMLResponse(
f"""<html><title>Hello</title><body><h1>Hello</h1><br/><img src="{self.IMAGE_URL}"/></body></html>"""
def desktop_demo():
with Camera(0) as cam:
for img in cam:
cv2.imshow("Asdf", img)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"):
def web_demo():
with Camera(0) as cam:
server = WebServer(cam)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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