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Created June 24, 2014 22:13
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* famous-angular - Bring structure to your apps with the power of AngularJS. integrates seamlessly with existing Angular and apps.
* @version v0.0.16
* @link
* @license MPL v2.0
'use strict';
// Put angular bootstrap on hold = "NG_DEFER_BOOTSTRAP!" +;
var requirements = [
//declare the module before the async callback so that
//it will be accessible to other synchronously loaded angular
var ngFameApp = angular.module('famous.angular', []);
require(requirements, function(/*args*/) {
//capture 'arguments' in a variable that will exist in
//child scopes
var required = arguments;
* @ngdoc provider
* @name $famousProvider
* @module famous.angular
* @description
* This provider is loaded as an AMD module and will keep a reference on the complete library.
* We use this provider to avoid needing to deal with AMD on any other angular files.
* @usage
* You probably won't have to configure this provider
* ```js
* angular.module('mySuperApp', ['famous.angular']).config(
* function($famousProvider) {
* // Register your modules
* $famousProvider.registerModule('moduleKey', module);
* };
* });
* ```
ngFameApp.provider('$famous', function() {
// hash for storing modules
var _modules = {};
* @ngdoc method
* @name $famousProvider#registerModule
* @module famous.angular
* @description
* Register the modules that will be available in the $famous service
* @param {String} key the key that will be used to register the module
* @param {Misc} module the data that will be returned by the service
this.registerModule = function(key, module) {
//TODO warning if the key is already registered ?
_modules[key] = module;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $famousProvider#getIsolate
* @module famous.angular
* @description
* Given an scope, retrieves the corresponding isolate.
* @param {Object} scope
* @returns {Object} The requested isolate
_modules.getIsolate = function(scope) {
return ('isolate' in scope) ? scope.isolate[scope.$id] : {};
* @ngdoc method
* @name $famousProvider#find
* @module famous.angular
* @description given a selector, retrieves
* the isolate on a template-declared scene graph element. This is useful
* for manipulating objects directly after they've been declared in the DOM.
* As in normal Angular, this DOM look-up should be performed in the postLink function
* of a directive.
* @returns {Array} an array of the isolate objects of the selected elements.
* @param {String} selector - the selector for the elements to look up
* @usage
* View:
* ```html
* <fa-scroll-view id="myScrollView"></fa-scroll-view>
* ```
* Controller:
* ```javascript
* var scrollViewReference = $famous.find('#myScrollView')[0].renderNode;
* //Now scrollViewReference is pointing to the Scrollview object
* //that we created in the view.
* ```
_modules.find = function(selector){
var elems = angular.element(window.document.querySelectorAll(selector));
var scopes = function(elems) {
var _s = [];
angular.forEach(elems, function(elem, i) {
_s[i] = angular.element(elem).scope();
return _s;
var isolates = function(scopes) {
var _s = [];
angular.forEach(scopes, function(scope, i) {
_s[i] = _modules.getIsolate(scope);
return _s;
return isolates;
this.$get = function() {
* @ngdoc service
* @name $famous
* @module famous.angular
* @description
* This service gives you access to the complete library.
* @usage
* Use this service to access the registered modules as an object.
* ```js
* angular.module('mySuperApp', ['famous.angular']).controller(
* function($scope, $famous) {
* // Access any registered module
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.eventHandler = new EventHandler();
* };
* });
* ```
return _modules;
ngFameApp.config(['$famousProvider', function($famousProvider) {
for(var i = 0; i < requirements.length; i++) {
$famousProvider.registerModule(requirements[i], required[i]);
// console.log('registered modules', famousProvider.$get());
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
// For some reason Karma evaluates angular.resumeBootstrap as undefined.
// Our versions of angular, angular-mocks and karma the latest stable
// releases, so not sure why this is happening.
// Quick fix until then.
if (angular.resumeBootstrap) {
// To delay Karma's bootstrapping until $famous is ready, fire off a global
// event to allow karma to know when the $famous provider has been declared.
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('$famousModulesLoaded'));
* @ngdoc service
* @name $famousDecorator
* @module famous.angular
* @description
* Manages the creation and handling of isolate scopes.
* Isolate scopes are like a namespacing inside plain Angular child scopes,
* with the purpose of storing properties available only to one particular
* scope.
* The scopes are still able to communicate with the parent via events
* ($emit, $broadcast), yet still have their own $scope properties that will
* not conflict with the parent or other siblings.
.factory('$famousDecorator', function () {
//TODO: add repeated logic to these roles
var _roles = {
child: {
parent: {
return {
//TODO: patch into _roles and assign the
// appropriate role to the given scope
addRole: function(role, scope){
* @ngdoc method
* @name $famousDecorator#ensureIsolate
* @module famous.angular
* @description
* Checks the passed in scope for an existing isolate property. If
* scope.isolate does not already exist, create it.
* If the scope is being used in conjunction with an ng-repeat, assign
* the default ng-repeat index onto the scope.
* @returns {Object} the isolated scope object from scope.isolate
* @param {String} scope - the scope to ensure that the isolate property
* exists on
* @usage
* ```js
* var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate($scope);
* ```
ensureIsolate: function(scope){
scope.isolate = scope.isolate || {};
scope.isolate[scope.$id] = scope.isolate[scope.$id] || {};
//assign the scope $id to the isolate
var isolate = scope.isolate[scope.$id]; = scope.$id;
//assign default ng-repeat index if it exists
//and index isn't already assigned
var i = scope.$eval("$index");
if(i && i !== '$index' && !isolate.index) isolate.index = i;
return isolate;
* @ngdoc service
* @name $famousPipe
* @module famous.angular
* @description
* Provides common helpers for the event pipe directives fa-pipe-from and fa-pipe-to.
.service('$famousPipe', function() {
* @param {EventHandler|Array} pipes - pipes to negotatiate
* @param {Engine|RenderNode|Array} targets - nodes to negotiate
* @param {String} method - action to apply from targets to pipes, e.g. "pipe" or "unpipe"
function bulkUpdatePipes(pipes, targets, method) {
if (! (pipes instanceof Array)) {
pipes = [pipes];
if (! (targets instanceof Array)) {
targets = [targets];
for (var i = 0; i < pipes.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < targets.length; j++) {
if (targets[j] !== undefined && pipes[i] !== undefined) {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $famousPipe#unpipesFromTargets
* @module famous.angular
* @param {EventHandler|Array} pipes - pipes to unpipe
* @param {Engine|RenderNode|Array} targets - nodes to unpipe from
* @description
* Unpipes the specified pipes from the specified targets.
this.unpipesFromTargets = function(pipes, targets) {
bulkUpdatePipes(pipes, targets, "unpipe");
* @ngdoc method
* @name $famousPipe#pipesToTargets
* @module famous.angular
* @param {EventHandler|Array} pipes - pipes to pipe
* @param {Engine|RenderNode|Array} targets - nodes to pipe to
* @description
* Pipes the specified pipes to the specified targets.
this.pipesToTargets = function(pipes, targets) {
bulkUpdatePipes(pipes, targets, "pipe");
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faAnimation
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @description
* This directive is used to animate an element in conjunction with an {@link api/directive/animate animate} directive
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-animation timeline="functionThatReturnsATimelineValueBetween0And1">
* <animate targetModSelector="#topMod" field="rotateX" startValue="3.1415" endValue="0" curve="inQuad" timelineLowerBound="0" timelineUpperBound=".25" />
* </fa-animation>
* ```
* @example
* ### Animating with Transitionables
* The most flexible way to animate modifier properties is by creating a Transitionable object on the scope and binding the property in the html.
* Any changes to the Transitionable object on the scope will be reflected in the view immediately via Angular's two-way data binding.
* ```javascript
* var Transitionable = $famous['famous/transitions/Transitionable'];
* var Easing = require('famous/transitions/Easing');
* $scope.boxTransitionable = new Transitionable([0, 0, 0]);
* $scope.animate = function() {
* $scope.boxTransitionable.set([200, 300, 0], {duration: 2000, curve: Easing.inOutBack});
* };
* ```
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]" fa-translate="boxTransitionable.get()">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'" fa-click="animate()">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* In the html, `fa-translate` is passed `boxTransitionable.get()`, a function expression that will return a value of [0,0,0] initially.
* All transitionables have a `.get()` method that returns the interpolated state of the transition at the current time of invocation, returning either a number/array or an object.
* This means that during this transition, calls to `.get()` provide the interpolated state along the way, perhaps [100, 150], [150, 185], and so on, until it reaches [200, 300].
* When the user clicks the `fa-surface`, it will trigger the `animate()` function defined on the scope. In turn, this calls the `.set()` method on the `boxTransitionable`,
* which is passed the end state and a transition.
* ### Passing Transitionables & values
* One may also choose to pass an array, with one or more of its values a function expression or a number.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]" fa-translate="[yTrans.get(), 0, 0]" fa-touchstart="animate()">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'" fa-click="animateY()">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.yTrans = new Transitionable(0);
* $scope.animateY = function() {
* $scope.yTrans.set(200, {duration: 2000, curve: 'easeInOut'})
* };
* ```
* In this example, `fa-translate` is passed an array, with the x value bound to a function expression that will return 0, and y & z values as 0's.
* When `animateY()` is called, `yTrans` begins its transition, and its values are interpolated, updated on the view through Angular's two-way data binding.
* ### Transitionables & .get()
* A point of possible confusion is the fact that some modifier properties (`faOpacity`, `faSize`, `faOrigin`, `faAlign`) can be bound to a Transitionable object directly, without needing to be passed a `.get()` function expression, unlike the example above.
* In the example below, we create transitionable objects that will perform transitions on opacity (which accepts a Transitionable object directly) and translate (which does not accept a transitionable object directly).
* The value of `fa-opacity` is bound to a Transitionable directly, `box.opacity`.
* Whereas `fa-translate` is bound to a method of a Transitionable, `box.translate.get()`, that returns an interpolated value.
* Clicking the fa-surface invokes `animateBox()` on the scope, in turn, executing the `.set()` methods of each prospective Transitionable from initial state to end state.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-translate="box.translate.get()" fa-opacity="box.opacity" fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-click="animateBox()" fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var Transitionable = $famous['famous/transitions/Transitionable'];
* $ = {
* translate: new Transitionable([200,200,0]),
* opacity: new Transitionable(.3)
* };
* $scope.animateBox = function() {
* $[0, 100, 0], {duration: 500, curve: 'easeInOut'});
* $, {duration: 500, curve: 'easeInOut'});
* };
* ```
* #### Why the difference?
* `FaTranslate` (along with `faRotate`, `faTranslate`, `faScale`, `faSkew`, & more) pass through a Famous Transform function (`Transform.translate()`), whereas `faOpacity`, `faSize`, `faOrigin`, and `faAlign` are passed through a Famous Modifier.
* A Famous `Transform.translate()` function does not accept a Transitionable object, but only an array.
* A `.get()` function of a Transitionable returns an interpolated value of a current transition, therefore in the case of a `faTranslate`, it can return an array that a `Transform.translate()` can accept.
* `faOpacity` passes through a Famous Modifier, which has an `.opacityFrom()` method that can accept a Transitionable object directly.
* As a design principle, Famous-Angular attempts to pass values directly to Famous as much as possible, and these differences are due to the core Famous library.
* ### Callbacks at Transition completion
* The `.set()` method of a Transitionable can accept 3 arguments: an endState, a transition, and an optional callback to be called upon observed completion of the transition.
* In the example below, when the first transition completes, with the element translated to [200, 300, 0], the callback function is called, and the element begins the transition to [100, 100, 0].
* ```javascript
* var Transitionable = $famous['famous/transitions/Transitionable'];
* $scope.boxTrans = new Transitionable([0, 0, 0]);
* $scope.animateWithCallback = function() {
* $scope.boxTrans.set([200, 300, 0], {duration: 1000, curve: 'easeInOut'},
* function() {
* $scope.boxTrans.set([100, 100, 0], {duration: 1000, curve: 'easeInOut'});
* }
* );
* };
* ```
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]" fa-translate="boxTrans.get()">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'" fa-click="animateWithCallback()">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ### Nesting modifiers & animations
* Famous Modifiers affect all renderable child nodes (Modifiers & Surfaces) below them on the Render Tree.
* In this example, two properties will be animated: the outermost Modifier's `fa-scale` property and innermost Modifier's `fa-rotate-Z` property.
* Because Famous Modifiers affect all child nodes nested within them, when the outermost Modifier's scale property changes, it affects the scale of every modifier and surface below it.
* The innermost Modifier with the `fa-rotate-Z` property affects the innermost surface only.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-scale="boxes.outer.scale.get()">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[50, 50]" fa-origin="[.5, .5]" fa-rotate-z="boxes.inner.rotateZ.get()">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'blue'" fa-click="animateBoxes()"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var Transitionable = $famous['famous/transitions/Transitionable'];
* $scope.boxes = {
* outer: {
* scale: new Transitionable([2, 2])
* },
* inner: {
* rotateZ: new Transitionable(0)
* }
* };
* $scope.animateBoxes = function() {
* $scope.boxes.outer.scale.set([1, 1], {duration: 2000, curve: 'easeInOut'});
* $scope.boxes.inner.rotateZ.set(.8, {duration: 1000, curve: 'easeInOut'});
* };
* ```
* ### $famous.find()
* `$famous.find()` is a method that can be used to perform a DOM look-up to retrieve the Famous isolate (node) of the appropriate object.
* It accepts one argument, a string css selector (e.g. an #id or a .class,) and returns an array of elements matching the query.
* It is useful for manipulation of Famous objects after they have been declared in the DOM.
* With Angular, it is best to do DOM manipulation (including look-ups) in a directive's post-link function; Famous-Angular is no exception.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier id="myBox">
* <fa-surface></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var myBox = $famous.find('#myBox'); // [Object]
* // myBox[0] is the isolate object belonging to the modifier of id 'myBox' in the DOM.
* // myBox[0].modifier is a reference to the modifier corresponding to that element.
* ```
* If this is done outside of a directive's post-link function, there is no guarantee that `$famous.find()` will return anything, because the element may not have compiled yet.
* ##Animating with directives
* Below is an example of a custom directive called `fade-in` used to animate an element by transitioning its opacity from the values of `fa-opacity` to `opacity-end`, with the duration of `duration`. Note: `opacity-end` and `duration` are NOT Famous-Angular attributes; they are custom to this particular example.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fade-in fa-opacity="0.2" opacity-end="1" duration="500">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* .directive('fadeIn',
* ['$famous', '$famousDecorator', '$timeout',
* function ($famous, $famousDecorator, $timeout) {
* return {
* restrict: 'A',
* scope: false,
* priority: 16,
* compile: function(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {
* var Transitionable = $famous['famous/transitions/Transitionable'];
* return {
* pre: function(scope, element, attrs) {
* },
* post: function(scope, element, attrs) {
* $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope)
* $timeout(function() {
* var opacityStartValue = attrs.faOpacity;
* var opacityEndValue = attrs.opacityEnd;
* var duration = attrs.duration;
* var opacityTransitionable = new Transitionable(opacityStartValue);
* scope.isolate[scope.$id].modifier.opacityFrom(function() {
* return opacityTransitionable.get();
* });
* opacityTransitionable.set(opacityEndValue, {duration: duration, curve: 'easeInOut'});
* });
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }]);
* ```
* In the compile function, load up the AMD module for a Famous Transitionable, which will be used for the animation.
* The `fade-in` directive's priority is 16, higher than the priority of an `fa-modifier` (4) to ensure that the `fa-modifier` will be compiled first. Therefore the post-link function of `fade-in` allows access to the `scope` of `fa-modifier`.
* `$famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope)` checks the passed in scope for an existing isolate; if `scope.isolate` does not exist, it creates one.
* Below, the rest of the directive is wrapped in a $timeout function to ensure that the animation will call on the next Famous engine tick.
* `opacityStartValue`, `opacityEndValue`, and `duration` are convenience variables that access the `fa-opacity`, `opacity-end`, and `duration` attributes from the html.
* A transitionable called `OpacityTransitionable` is instantiated with `startOpacity` (value of 0.2 in this example).
* `scope.isolate` is a reference to the Famous-Angular `isolate` object that stores properties available to each particular Famous-Angular element. The `isolate` object may look like this: {004: {Context Object} 005: {Modifier Object} 006: {Surface Object}}.
* A particular element's "isolate" is accessed from the isolate object by key, with the unique $id property of the element, like so: `scope.isolate[scope.$id]`. (The `fa-modifier`'s unique `$id` property might be 005, for example)
* Accessing the reference of the Famous Modifier that corresponds to the element, (`scope.isolate[scope.$id].modifier`), use the `.opacityFrom()` method (available to Famous Modifiers), and pass it a callback function that will return `opacityTransitionable.get()`. In this particular example, we passed the value of `opacityStartValue (0.2)` into the constructor of opacityTransitionable earlier. Therefore, at this point, `opacityTransitionable.get()` will return `0.2`.
* The transition begins when `opacityTransitionable.set()` is called, which passes in the `opacityEndValue` and a transition object.
.directive('faAnimation', ['$famous', '$famousDecorator', function ($famous, famousDecorator) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
scope: true,
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs, transclude){
var Transform = $famous['famous/core/Transform'];
var Transitionable = $famous['famous/transitions/Transitionable'];
var Easing = $famous['famous/transitions/Easing'];
return {
pre: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
post: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
isolate.timeline = scope.$eval(attrs.timeline);
isolate._trans = new Transitionable(0);
var setOnRender = scope.$eval(attrs.setOnRender);
if(setOnRender===undefined) {
setOnRender = true;
} = function(callback, reverse){
var transition = {
duration: scope.$eval(attrs.duration),
curve: scope.$eval(attrs.curve) || 'linear'
isolate._trans.set(1, transition, function(){
// silently breaks its transitionable if this runs in
//the same execution context. Maybe a suppressed SO error somewhere?
setTimeout(function(){isolate.replay(callback)}, 0);
//TODO: handle $animate with a callback
isolate.reset = function(){
isolate.replay = function(callback, reverse){
isolate.reset();, reverse);
isolate.animationsSegments = [];
isolate.declarations = {};
//Domain: timeline function bounded [0,1]
//Subdomains (between pipes): specified subdomains of timeline segments
//Range: output value, determined by interpolating startValue and
// endValue through the easing curves.
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | (ease) | | (ease) |
// | -/|-----------------------|-\ |
// | -/ | | -\ |
// | -/ | | -\ |
// | -/ | | -\ |
// ----|-/ | | -\|-------
// | | | |
// |x(0,0) |x(0,1) |x(1,0) |x(1,1)
//TODO: in order to support nested fa-animation directives,
// this function needs to be exposed somehow. (pass a reference into the directive;
// and then assign this function to that reference?)
//TODO: if needed: make this more efficient. This is a hot-running
// function and we should be able to optimize.
isolate.transformFunction = function(segments) {
var isolate = this;
var x = isolate.timeline() || 0;
var relevantIndex = 0;
var relevantSegment = segments[relevantIndex];
for(var j = 0; j < segments.length; j++){
//this is the relevant segment if x is in the subdomain
if(x >= segments[j].lowerBound && x <= segments[j].upperBound){
relevantSegment = segments[j];
//this is the relevant segment if it is the last one
if(j === segments.length - 1){
relevantSegment = segments[j];
//this is the relevant segment if x is greater than its upper
//bound but less than the next segment's lower bound
if(x >= segments[j].upperBound && x < segments[j + 1].lowerBound){
relevantSegment = segments[j];
if(x <= relevantSegment.lowerBound)
return relevantSegment.startValue;
if(x >= relevantSegment.upperBound)
return relevantSegment.endValue;
//normalize our domain to [0, 1]
var subDomain = (relevantSegment.upperBound - relevantSegment.lowerBound)
var normalizedX = (x - relevantSegment.lowerBound) / subDomain;
//Support interpolating multiple values, e.g. for a Scale array [x,y,z]
var ret = [];
for(var j = 0; j < relevantSegment.startValue.length; j++){
relevantSegment.startValue[j] + relevantSegment.curve(normalizedX)
(relevantSegment.endValue[j] - relevantSegment.startValue[j])
return ret;
return relevantSegment.startValue
+ relevantSegment.curve(normalizedX)
* (relevantSegment.endValue
- relevantSegment.startValue);
isolate.prepareAll = function(reverse) {
reverse = reverse ? reverse : false;
for(var i=0; i<isolate.animationsSegments.length; i++) {
if(!reverse) {
isolate.prepare(isolate.animationsSegments[i].modScope, isolate.animationsSegments[i].segments);
} else {
var segments = angular.copy(isolate.animationsSegments[i].segments);
for(var j = 0; j < segments.length; j++) {
var endValue = segments[j].endValue;
segments[j].endValue = segments[j].startValue;
segments[j].startValue = endValue;
isolate.prepare(isolate.animationsSegments[i].modScope, segments);
isolate.prepare = function(modScope, segments) {
var modifier = modScope.isolate[modScope.$id].modifier;
var getTransform = modScope.isolate[modScope.$id].getTransform;
var modDecs = isolate.declarations[modScope.$id] = isolate.declarations[modScope.$id] || {};
var transformComponents = modDecs.transformComponents = modDecs.transformComponents || [];
var field = segments[0].field;
if(field === 'opacity'){
return isolate.transformFunction(segments);
}else if (field === 'origin'){
return isolate.transformFunction(segments);
}else if (field === 'size'){
return isolate.transformFunction(segments);
}else{ //transform field
field: field,
fn: isolate.transformFunction.bind(this, segments)
var usedFields = {};
var mult = getTransform && getTransform() ? [getTransform()] : [];
for(var j = 0; j < transformComponents.length; j++){
var f = transformComponents[j].field;
var transVal = transformComponents[j].fn();
mult.push(Transform[f].apply(this, transVal));
usedFields[f] = true;
//Transform.multiply fails on arrays of <=1 matricies
if(mult.length === 1)
return mult[0]
return Transform.multiply.apply(this, mult);
if(setOnRender) {
//disengage is a function that
//can unassign the event listener
var _disengage = false;
if(typeof _disengage === 'function') {
_disengage = scope.$on(attrs.event, function(evt, data){
var callback = data && data.callback ? data.callback : undefined;
var reverse = data && data.reverse ? data.reverse : false;
isolate.replay(callback, reverse);
var id =;
if(isolate.timeline === undefined){
isolate.timeline = isolate._trans.get.bind(isolate._trans);
if(attrs.autoplay) {;
if(!isolate.timeline instanceof Function) {
throw 'timeline must be a reference to a function or duration must be provided';
* @ngdoc directive
* @name animate
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict E
* @description
* This element is used to specify the animation of an element in a {@link api/directive/faAnimation faAnimation} directive
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-animation timeline="functionThatReturnsATimelineValueBetween0And1">
* <animate targetModSelector="#topMod" field="rotateX" startValue="3.1415" endValue="0" curve="inQuad" timelineLowerBound="0" timelineUpperBound=".25" />
* </fa-animation>
* ```
var animates = element[0].querySelectorAll('animate');
for(var i = 0; i < animates.length; i++){
var animate = animates[i];
//DOM selector string that points to our mod of interest
//dig out the reference to our modifier
//TODO: support passing a direct reference to a modifier
// instead of performing a DOM lookup
var modElements = angular.element(element[0].parentNode)[0].querySelectorAll(animate.attributes['targetmodselector'].value);
angular.forEach(modElements, function(modElement){
var modScope = angular.element(modElement).scope();
var modifier = modScope.isolate[modScope.$id].modifier;
var getTransform = modScope.isolate[modScope.$id].getTransform;
//TODO: won't need to special-case curve type 'linear'
// once/if it exists in Easing.js
var curve =
animate.attributes['curve'] &&
animate.attributes['curve'].value !== 'linear'
? Easing[animate.attributes['curve'].value]
: function(j) {return j;}; //linear
//assign the modifier functions
var field = animate.attributes['field'].value;
var lowerBound =
? parseFloat(animate.attributes['timelinelowerbound'].value)
: 0;
var upperBound =
? parseFloat(animate.attributes['timelineupperbound'].value)
: 1;
throw 'you must provide a start value for the animation'
var startValue = scope.$eval(animate.attributes['startvalue'].value);
throw 'you must provide an end value for the animation'
var endValue = scope.$eval(animate.attributes['endValue'].value);
//Keep arrays of all declarations so that transformFunctions
//can handle all of the appropriate segments
var modDecs =
isolate.declarations[modScope.$id] =
isolate.declarations[modScope.$id] || {};
var segments = modDecs[field] = modDecs[field] || [];
field: field,
lowerBound: lowerBound,
upperBound: upperBound,
startValue: startValue,
endValue: endValue,
curve: curve
//Keep modDecs[field] sorted
segments.sort(function(a, b){
return a.lowerBound - b.lowerBound;
//Check domain overlap:
//after sorting by lowerBounds, if any segment's lower bound
//is lower than the lower bound of any item before it, domains are
for(var j = 1; j < segments.length; j++){
var lower = segments[j].lowerBound;
for(var k = 0; k < j; k++){
if(lower < segments[k].upperBound){
throw "Animate segments have overlapping \
domains for the same field (" + field + "). \
At any point in the timeline, only one <animate> \
can affect a given field on the same modifier."
modScope: modScope,
segments: segments,
scope.$emit('registerAnimation', isolate);
}, 1)//end setTimeout
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faApp
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @description
* This directive is the container and entry point to Behind the scenes,
* it creates a Famous context and then adds child elements
* to that context as they get compiled. Inside of this directive,
* normal HTML content will not get rendered to the screen unless
* it is inside of a {@link api/directive/faSurface fa-surface} directive.
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-app ng-controller="MyCtrl">
* <!-- other fa- scene graph components -->
* </fa-app>
* ```
* @example
* `Fa-app` creates a Famous Context, the root of the Render Tree. Renderables (such as `fa-modifier`'s & `fa-surface`'s) nested within an `fa-app` are added to this root context.
* Declaring `fa-app` appends a div with the class of `"famous-angular-container"` to the DOM. It then instantiates a Context via Famous' Engine `.createContext()` method, passing in a reference to the `famous-angular-container` div, resulting in a Famous context that renderables can be added to connected to Angular. `Fa-app` can be declared as an element or as an attribute within another element.
* ```html
* <fa-app style="width: 320px; height: 568px;">
* <fa-modifier>
* <fa-surface>This will be shown on screen.</fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* <div>This will not appear on screen because it is not inside an fa-surface.</div>
* </fa-app>
* ```
* ## Common Qustions
* ### Multiple fa-app's
* Nesting an `fa-app` within another `fa-app` is possible, and the use case of this approach would be for css content overflow.
* In the example below, there is an `fa-surface` with an `fa-app` nested inside. Normally, an `fa-surface` should not nest another Famous element within it because it is a leaf node that has the purpose of being a container for html content. The exception is nesting an `fa-app` within an `fa-surface`, which creates another Famous context, in which Famous elements can be nested inside.
* ```html
* <fa-app style="width: 500px; height: 500px;">
* <fa-surface>
* <fa-app style="width: 200px; height: 200px;">
* <fa-image-surface
* fa-image-url=""
* fa-size="[400, 400]">
* </fa-image-surface>
* </fa-app>
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-app>
* ```
* The outer `fa-app` is sized 500x500, and it contains all of the content. The use case of this `fa-app` within another `fa-app` is to clip content using the css overflow:hidden property. The `fa-image-surface` links to a 400x400 sized image of the Famous logo. Its parent is the nested `fa-app`, whose size is only 200x200.
* The larger image content (400x400) will overflow the boundaries of its parent, the the nested `fa-app` (200x200). Because `fa-app` has a css overflow:hidden property, it will clip the content of any of its children that is outside the 200x200 region. Any part of the 400x400 image that reaches outside of these boundaries are ignored. This may be useful for complex animations.
* Take note: declaring multiple `fa-app`s within a page is permitted, but each new one incurs a penalty for performance. `fa-app` is similar to a ContainerSurface, in that it creates an additional Context that the Engine must manage.
* ### Fa-app must be declared with a height & width
* The element `fa-app` is declared within must have a set height and width styling, declared inline or as a css declaration in an external stylesheet.
* ```html
* <fa-app style="width: 320px; height: 568px;">
* <!-- other fa- scene graph components -->
* </fa-app>
* ```
* If `fa-app` is declared as an attribute of another element, that element must be a `display:block` element, such as a `div` or `p`.
* ```html
* <div fa-app style="width: 320px; height: 568px;">
* <!-- other fa- scene graph components -->
* </div>
* ```
.directive('faApp', ["$famous", "$famousDecorator", function ($famous, $famousDecorator) {
return {
template: '<div style="display: none;"><div></div></div>',
transclude: true,
scope: true,
restrict: 'EA',
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs, transclude){
return {
pre: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var View = $famous['famous/core/View'];
var Engine = $famous['famous/core/Engine'];
var Transform = $famous['famous/core/Transform']
element.append('<div class="famous-angular-container"></div>');
isolate.context = Engine.createContext(element[0].querySelector('.famous-angular-container'));
function AppView(){
View.apply(this, arguments);
AppView.prototype = Object.create(View.prototype);
AppView.prototype.constructor = AppView;
var getOrValue = function(x) {
return x.get ? x.get() : x;
var getTransform = function(data) {
var transforms = [];
if (data.mod().translate && data.mod().translate.length) {
var values = data.mod()
transforms.push(Transform.translate.apply(this, values));
if (scope["faRotateZ"])
if (scope["faSkew"])
transforms.push(Transform.skew(0, 0, scope["faSkew"]));
return Transform.multiply.apply(this, transforms);
isolate.view = new AppView();
//HACK: Since Engine doesn't yet
//support unregistering contexts, this will keep
//the context from getting updated by the engine
scope.$on('$destroy', function(){
isolate.context.update = angular.noop;
scope.$on('registerChild', function(evt, data){
post: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
transclude(scope, function(clone) {
angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('div div')[0]).append(clone);
isolate.readyToRender = true;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faClick
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict A
* @param {expression} faClick {@link Expression} to evaluate upon
* click. ({@link Event object is available as `$event`})
* @description
* This directive allows you to specify custom behavior when an element is clicked.
* @usage
* ```html
* <ANY fa-click="expression">
* </ANY>
* ```
* @example
* ### Fa-click on an fa-surface
* `Fa-click` can be used on an `fa-surface`. Internally, a Famous Surface has a `.on()` method that binds a callback function to an event type handled by that Surface.
* The function expression bound to `fa-click` is bound to that `fa-surface`'s click eventHandler, and when the `fa-surface` is clicked, the function expression will be called.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-click="myClickHandler($event)" fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.myClickHandler = function($event) {
* console.log("click");
* console.log($event);
* };
* ```
* ### Fa-click on an fa-view
* `Fa-click` may be used on an `fa-view`. The function expression bound to `fa-click` will be bound to the `fa-view`'s internal `_eventInput`, the aggregation point of all events received by the `fa-view`. When it receives a `click` event, it will call the function expression bound to `fa-click`.
* In the example below, the `fa-surface` pipes its Surface events to an instantied Famous Event Handler called `myEvents`.
* `Fa-view` pipes from `myEvents`, receiving all events piped by the `fa-surface`.
* When a click event occurs on the `fa-surface`, it is piped to the `fa-view`.
* `fa-click` defines a callback function in which to handle click events, and when it receives a click event, it calls `myClickHandler()`.
* ```html
* <fa-view fa-click="myClickHandler($event)" fa-pipe-from="myEvents">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="myEvents"
* fa-background-color="'orange'">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.myEvents = new EventHandler();
* $scope.myClickHandler = function($event) {
* console.log($event);
* console.log("fa-view receives the click event from the fa-surface, and calls myClickHandler defined on fa-click");
* };
* ```
.directive('faClick', ["$parse", "$famousDecorator",function ($parse, $famousDecorator) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
compile: function() {
return {
post: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
if (attrs.faClick) {
var renderNode = (isolate.renderNode._eventInput || isolate.renderNode)
renderNode.on("click", function(data) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.faClick);
fn(scope, {$event:data});
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faContainerSurface
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @description
* This directive will create a ContainerSurface containing the
* specified child elements. The provided `options` object
* will pass directly through to the ContainerSurface's
* constructor. See []
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-container-surface fa-options="scopeOptionsObject">
* <!-- zero or more render nodes -->
* </fa-container-surface>
* ```
.directive('faContainerSurface', ["$famous", "$famousDecorator", function ($famous, $famousDecorator) {
return {
template: '<div></div>',
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: true,
compile: function(tElem, tAttrs, transclude){
return {
pre: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var ContainerSurface = $famous["famous/surfaces/ContainerSurface"];
var options = scope.$eval(attrs.faOptions) || {};
isolate.renderNode = new ContainerSurface(options);
scope.$on('registerChild', function(evt, data){
if(evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id){
scope.$on('unregisterChild', function(evt, data){
//TODO: support removing children
throw "unimplemented: fa-container-surface does not support removing children"
post: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
transclude(scope, function(clone) {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
.directive('faFlexibleLayout', ["$famous", "$famousDecorator", function ($famous, $famousDecorator) {
return {
template: '<div></div>',
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: true,
compile: function (tElem, tAttrs, transclude) {
return {
pre: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var FlexibleLayout = $famous["famous/views/FlexibleLayout"];
var ViewSequence = $famous['famous/core/ViewSequence'];
var _children = [];
var options = scope.$eval(attrs.faOptions) || {};
isolate.renderNode = new FlexibleLayout(options);
var updateFlexibleLayout = function () {
_children.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.index - b.index;
isolate.renderNode.sequenceFrom(function (_children) {
var _ch = [];
angular.forEach(_children, function (c, i) {
_ch[i] = c.renderNode;
return _ch;
scope.$on('registerChild', function (evt, data) {
if (evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id) {
scope.$on('unregisterChild', function (evt, data) {
if (evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id) {
_children = function (_children) {
var _ch = [];
angular.forEach(_children, function (c) {
if ( !== {
return _ch;
post: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
transclude(scope, function (clone) {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faFlipper
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @description
* This directive will create a Flipper containing the
* specified front and back elements. The provided `options` object
* will pass directly through to the Flipper's
* constructor. See []
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-flipper fa-options="scopeOptionsObject">
* <!-- two render nodes -->
* </fa-flipper>
* ```
* A Famous Flipper has a `.flip()` method that toggles a rotation between front and back sides.
* In the example below, when an `fa-surface` is clicked, it calls the function `flipIt`.
* This function attempts a DOM lookup for an isolate of an `fa-flipper` element, and calls the `.flip()` function of `fa-flipper`.
* <fa-flipper>
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'yellow'" fa-click="flipIt()"></fa-surface>
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'" fa-click="flipIt()"></fa-surface>
* </fa-flipper>
* $scope.flipHandler = function() {
* $famous.find('fa-flipper')[0].flip();
* };
.directive('faFlipper', ["$famous", "$famousDecorator",
function ($famous, $famousDecorator) {
return {
template: '<div></div>',
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: true,
compile: function (tElem, tAttrs, transclude) {
return {
pre: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var Flipper = $famous["famous/views/Flipper"];
//TODO: $watch and update, or $parse and attr.$observe
var options = scope.$eval(attrs.faOptions) || {};
isolate.renderNode = new Flipper(options);
isolate.children = [];
isolate.flip = function (overrideOptions) {
isolate.renderNode.flip(overrideOptions || scope.$eval(attrs.faOptions));
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
scope.$emit('unregisterChild', {id: scope.$id});
scope.$on('registerChild', function (evt, data) {
if (evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id) {
var _childCount = isolate.children.length;
if (_childCount == 0) {
}else if (_childCount == 1) {
throw "fa-flipper accepts only two child elements; more than two have been provided"
//TODO: handle unregisterChild
scope.$on('unregisterChild', function(evt, data){
if(evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id){
post: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
transclude(scope, function (clone) {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faGridLayout
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @description
* This directive will create a GridLayout containing the
* specified child elements. The provided `options` object
* will pass directly through to the GridLayout's
* constructor. See []
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-grid-layout fa-options="scopeOptionsObject">
* <!-- zero or more render nodes -->
* </fa-grid-layout>
* ```
* @example
* A Famous Grid Layout divides a context into evenly-sized grid cells. Pass an option such as `dimension` by binding an object with the property to `fa-options`.
* In the example below, `fa-options` references `myGridLayoutOptions` on the scope.
* ```javascript
* $scope.myGridLayoutOptions = {
* dimensions: [2,2], // specifies number of columns and rows
* };
* ```
* In the example below, `fa-size` is specified as `[100, 100]`, so each `fa-surface` will have these dimensions.
* ```html
* <fa-grid-layout fa-options="myGridLayoutOptions">
* <fa-modifier ng-repeat="grid in grids"
* fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="grid.bgColor"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-grid-layout>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.grids = [{bgColor: "orange"}, {bgColor: "red"}, {bgColor: "green"}, {bgColor: "yellow"}];
* ```
* If `fa-size` is not specified, as in this example below, the fa-surface's will collectively fill the height and width of its parent modifier/context.
* ```html
* <fa-grid-layout fa-options="myGridLayoutOptions">
* <fa-surface ng-repeat="grid in grids" fa-background-color="grid.bgColor"></fa-surface>
* </fa-grid-layout>
* ```
.directive('faGridLayout', ["$famous", "$famousDecorator", function ($famous, $famousDecorator) {
return {
template: '<div></div>',
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: true,
compile: function(tElem, tAttrs, transclude){
return {
pre: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var GridLayout = $famous["famous/views/GridLayout"];
var ViewSequence = $famous['famous/core/ViewSequence'];
var _children = [];
var options = scope.$eval(attrs.faOptions) || {};
isolate.renderNode = new GridLayout(options);
var updateGridLayout = function(){
_children.sort(function(a, b){
return a.index - b.index;
isolate.renderNode.sequenceFrom(function(_children) {
var _ch = [];
angular.forEach(_children, function(c, i) {
_ch[i] = c.renderNode;
return _ch;
scope.$on('registerChild', function(evt, data){
if(evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id){
scope.$on('unregisterChild', function(evt, data){
if(evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id){
_children = function(_children) {
var _ch = [];
angular.forEach(_children, function(c) {
if( !== {
return _ch;
post: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
transclude(scope, function(clone) {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faHeaderFooterLayout
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @description
* This directive will create a HeaderFooterLayout containing
* a Header, Content, and Footer based on the order of its child elements.
* See []
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-header-footer-layout>
* <!-- header rendernode -->
* <!-- content rendernode -->
* <!-- footer rendernode -->
* </fa-header-footer-layout>
* ```
* @example
* `Fa-header-footer` is a View that arranges three renderables into a header and footer area with defined sizes, and a content area that fills up the remaining space.
* To use it, declare it in the html and nest 3 renderables inside. In the example below, there are three direct children elements: a Modifier (with an `fa-surface` nested inside), a Surface, and another Modifier (with an `fa-surface` nested inside). The order that they are declared in the html determines whether each corresponds to a header, content, and footer.
* Since the header and footer Modifiers have fixed heights of `[undefined, 75]` (fill the parent container horizontally, 75 pixels vertically), the content will fill the remaining height of the parent modifier or context.
* <fa-header-footer-layout>
* <!-- header -->
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[undefined, 75]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'">Header</fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* <!-- content -->
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'blue'">Content</fa-surface>
* <!-- footer -->
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[undefined, 75]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'green'">Footer</fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-header-footer-layout>
* ## ng-repeat inside a fa-header-footer
* `Fa-header-footer` works with ng-repeat'ed renderables:
* ```html
* <fa-header-footer-layout>
* <fa-modifier ng-repeat="view in views" fa-size="view.size" >
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="view.bgColor">
* {{view.text}}
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-header-footer-layout>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.views = [
* {bgColor: "red", text: "header", size: [undefined, 100]},
* {bgColor: "green", text: "content", size: [undefined, undefined]},
* {bgColor: "blue", text: "footer", size: [undefined, 100]}
* ];
* ```
* In the example above, 3 renderables are generated through an ng-repeat. The header and footer `Modifier`s generated by the ng-repeat have defined sizes of `[undefined, 100]` (they will fill their parent container horizontally, and be 100 pixels vertically). The content has a size of `[undefined, undefined]`, and it will fill the remaining heght and width of its container.
* Note: If more than 3 renderables are nested inside an `fa-header-footer-layout`, it will throw an error: `fa-header-footer-layout can accept no more than 3 children.`
.directive('faHeaderFooterLayout', ["$famous", "$famousDecorator", function ($famous, $famousDecorator) {
return {
template: '<div></div>',
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: true,
compile: function (tElem, tAttrs, transclude) {
var HeaderFooterLayout = $famous["famous/views/HeaderFooterLayout"],
RenderNode = $famous["famous/core/RenderNode"],
_children = [];
return {
pre: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope),
options = scope.$eval(attrs.faOptions) || {},
numberOfChildren = 0,
order = [0, 1, 2];
isolate.renderNode = new HeaderFooterLayout(options);
if (isolate.renderNode.options !== undefined) {
order = isolate.renderNode.options;
scope.$on('registerChild', function (evt, data) {
if (evt.targetScope.$id !== scope.$id) {
var place;
if (numberOfChildren < 3) {
place = order[numberOfChildren];
if (place === 0) {
} else if (place === 1) {
} else if (place === 2) {
if (place === undefined || [0, 1, 2].indexOf(place) === -1) {
throw "fa-header-footer-layout can accept no more than 3 children";
numberOfChildren += 1;
scope.$on('unregisterChild', function (evt, data) {
if(_children.indexOf(evt.targetScope) !== -1) {
// Promise to solve that in next commit
throw "unimplemented: fa-header-footer-layout does not support removing children";
post: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
transclude(scope, function (clone) {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faImageSurface
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @param {String} faImageUrl - String url pointing to the image that should be loaded into the ImageSurface
* @description
* This directive creates a ImageSurface and loads
* the specified ImageUrl.
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-image-surface fa-image-url="img/my-image.png">
* </fa-image-surface>
* ```
* To use `fa-image-surface`, declare an `fa-image-url` attribute with a string url.
* ```html
* <fa-image-surface
* fa-image-url="img/my-image.png"
* class="img"
* fa-color="'blue'"
* fa-background-color="'#fff'"
* fa-size="[200, 300]">
* </fa-image-surface>
* ```
* `Fa-image-surface` accepts two css-style properties: `color` and `background color`, which may be assigned values by the `fa-color` and `fa-background-color` attributes respectively.
* `Fa-size` may also be declared as an attribute. If void, the `fa-image-surface` will inherit the size of its parent node.
.directive('faImageSurface', ["$famous", "$famousDecorator", function ($famous, $famousDecorator) {
return {
scope: true,
template: '<div class="fa-image-surface"></div>',
restrict: 'EA',
compile: function(tElem, tAttrs, transclude){
return {
pre: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var ImageSurface = $famous['famous/surfaces/ImageSurface'];
var Transform = $famous['famous/core/Transform']
var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
//update properties
//TODO: is this going to be a bottleneck?
return isolate.getProperties()
var _propToFaProp = function(prop){
return "fa" + prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1);
isolate.getProperties = function(){
var baseProperties = scope.$eval(attrs.faProperties) || {};
var properties = [
for(var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++){
var prop = properties[i];
var faProp = _propToFaProp(prop);
if(attrs[faProp]) baseProperties[prop] = scope.$eval(attrs[faProp]);
return baseProperties;
var getOrValue = function(x) {
return x.get ? x.get() : x;
isolate.renderNode = new ImageSurface({
size: scope.$eval(attrs.faSize),
class: scope.$eval(attrs.class),
properties: isolate.getProperties()
if (attrs.class) {
isolate.renderNode.setClasses(attrs['class'].split(' '));
post: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var updateContent = function(){
attrs.$observe('faImageUrl', updateContent);
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faIndex
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict A
* @description
* This directive is used to specify the rendering order of elements
* inside of a ViewSequence-based component, such as @link api/directive/faScrollView faScrollView}
* or @link api/directive/faGridLayout faGridLayout}. As a special case, when elements are added to
* these controls using ng-repeat, they are automatically assigned the
* $index property exposed by ng-repeat. When adding elements manually
* (e.g. to a faScrollView but not using ng-repeat) or in a case where custom
* order is desired, then the index value must be assigned/overridden using the faIndex directive.
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-scroll-view>
* <fa-surface fa-index="0">Surface 1</fa-surface>
* <fa-surface fa-index="1">Surface 2</fa-surface>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* ```
* @example
* `Fa-index` determines the order of which the surfaces appear in the sequential view.
* In this example below, a Scroll View is created with two nested `fa-view`'s, both of which have an `fa-index` of 0 and 1, respectively.
* If `fa-index` is declared explicitly, it will override any default order of `fa-view`'s declared in html.
* If `fa-views` are created with an ng-repeat, they are automatically assigned the $index property, unless explicitly set.
* The `fa-view` with the blue background color appears after the one with the red background because its `fa-index` is set to 1.
* `fa-scroll-view` accepts another directive called `fa-start-index` as an attribute, which determines which `fa-view` the Scroll View displays by default.
* `Fa-start-index` will not affect the sequential order of the layout; the `fa-view` with the red background will be layed out first, followed by the one with the blue background.
* By setting `fa-start-index` to 1, the Scroll View will display the View with the index of 1, which is the View with the blue background color.
* ```html
* <fa-app style="width: 320px; height: 568px;">
* <!-- The scroll View will start at the index of 1 -->
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandler" fa-options="options.scrollView" fa-start-index="1">
* <!-- Even though this view is declared first in html, it will will be layed out 2nd -->
* <!-- On page load, the scroll View will scroll to this view, and display it. -->
* <fa-view fa-index="1">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[320, 568]">
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
* fa-background-color="'blue'">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* <fa-view fa-index="0">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[320, 568]">
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
* fa-background-color="'red'">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* </fa-app>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.eventHandler = new EventHandler();
* $scope.list = [{content: "famous"}, {content: "angular"}, {content: "rocks!"}];
* $scope.options = {
* scrollView: {
* direction: 0 // displays the fa-views horizontally
* }
* };
.directive('faIndex', ["$parse", "$famousDecorator", function ($parse, $famousDecorator) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
priority: 16,
compile: function() {
return {
post: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
isolate.index = scope.$eval(attrs.faIndex);
return scope.$eval(attrs.faIndex)
}, function(){
isolate.index = scope.$eval(attrs.faIndex)
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faModifier
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @param {Array|Function} faRotate - Array of numbers or function returning an array of numbers to which this Modifier's rotate should be bound.
* @param {Number|Function} faRotateX - Number or function returning a number to which this Modifier's rotateX should be bound
* @param {Number|Function} faRotateY - Number or function returning a number to which this Modifier's rotateY should be bound
* @param {Number|Function} faRotateZ - Number or function returning a number to which this Modifier's rotateZ should be bound
* @param {Array|Function} faScale - Array of numbers or function returning an array of numbers to which this Modifier's scale should be bound
* @param {Array|Function} faSkew - Array of numbers or function returning an array of numbers to which this Modifier's skew should be bound
* @param {Array|Function} faAboutOrigin - Array of arguments (or a function returning an array of arguments) to pass to Transform.aboutOrigin
* @param {Number|Function} faPerspective - Number or array returning a number to which this modifier's perspective (focusZ) should be bound.
* @param {Transform} faTransform - Manually created Transform object (an array) that can be passed to the modifier. *Will override all other transform attributes.*
* @param {Number|Function|Transitionable} faOpacity - Number or function returning a number to which this Modifier's opacity should be bound
* @param {Array|Function|Transitionable} faSize - Array of numbers (e.g. [100, 500] for the x- and y-sizes) or function returning an array of numbers to which this Modifier's size should be bound
* @param {Array|Function|Transitionable} faOrigin - Array of numbers (e.g. [.5, 0] for the x- and y-origins) or function returning an array of numbers to which this Modifier's origin should be bound
* @param {Array|Function|Transitionable} faAlign - Array of numbers (e.g. [.5, 0] for the x- and y-aligns) or function returning an array of numbers to which this Modifier's align should be bound
* @param {Array.String} faTransformOrder - Optional array of strings to specify which transforms to apply and in which order. (e.g. `fa-transform-order="['rotateZ', 'translate', 'scale']"`) Default behavior is to evaluate all supported transforms and apply them in alphabetical order.
* @description
* This directive creates a Modifier that will affect all children render nodes. Its properties can be bound
* to values (e.g. `fa-translate="[15, 20, 1]"`, Transitionable objects, or to functions that return numbers.
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-opacity=".25" fa-skew="myScopeSkewVariable" fa-translate="[25, 50, 2]" fa-scale="myScopeFunctionThatReturnsAnArray">
* <!-- Child elements of this fa-modifier will be affected by the values above -->
* <fa-surface>I'm translucent, skewed, rotated, and translated</fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* $scope.myScopeSkewVariable = [0,0,.3];
* $scope.myScopeFunctionThatReturnsAnArray = function() {
* return [0.5, 0.5];
* };
* @example
* ## Values that fa-modifier attributes accept
* `Fa-modifier` properties, (such as `faRotate`, `faScale`, etc) can be bound to number/arrays, object properties defined on the scope, function references, or function expressions.
* Some properties (`faOpacity`, `faSize`, `faOrigin`, `faAlign`) can be bound to a Transitionable object directly.
* ### Number/Array values
* `Fa-modifier` properties can be bound to number/array values.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-origin="[.5,.5]" fa-size="[100, 100]" fa-rotate=".3">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ### Object properties on the scope
*`Fa-modifier` properties can be bound to object properties defined on the scope.
* ```html
*<fa-modifier fa-origin="boxObject.origin" fa-size="boxObject.size">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.boxObject = {
* origin: [.4, .4],
* size: [50, 50]
* }
* ```
* ### Function references
* `Fa-modifier` properties can be bound to a function reference that returns a value.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-origin="genBoxOrigin">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.getX = function() {
* return .2;
* };
* $scope.getY = function() {
* return .3;
* }
* $scope.genBoxOrigin = function() {
* return [$scope.getX(), $scope.getY()];
* };
* ```
* ### Function expressions
* `Fa-modifier` properties can be bound to a function expression. `boxTransitionable` is an instantiated `Transitionable` object with the value of `[0,0,0]`.
* The `.get()` method is available to all `Transitionable` objects, and it returns an interpolated value of a transition at calltime.
* When `fa-translate` calls `boxTransitionable.get()`, it returns `[0,0,0]`.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]" fa-translate="boxTransitionable.get()">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'" fa-click="animate()"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var Transitionable = $famous['famous/transitions/Transitionable'];
* $scope.boxTransitionable = new Transitionable([0, 0, 0]);
* ```
* ### Transitionables
* Some properties (`faOpacity`, `faSize`, `faOrigin`, `faAlign`) can be bound to a `Transitionable` object directly.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]" fa-opacity="opacityTrans">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'orange'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.opacityTrans = new Transitionable(.25);
* ```
* ### Transitionable.get() vs Transitionable
* `FaTranslate` (along with `faRotate`, `faTranslate`, `faScale`, `faSkew`, & more) pass through a Famous Transform function (`Transform.translate()`), whereas `faOpacity`, `faSize`, `faOrigin`, and `faAlign` are passed through a Famous Modifier.
* A Famous `Transform.translate()` function does not accept a Transitionable object, but only an array.
* A `.get()` function of a Transitionable returns an interpolated value of a current transition, therefore in the case of a `faTranslate`, it can return an array that a `Transform.translate()` can accept.
* `faOpacity` passes through a Famous Modifier, which has an `.opacityFrom()` method that can accept a Transitionable object directly, therefore a `.get()` method is not required.
* As a design principle, Famous-Angular attempts to pass values directly to Famous as much as possible, and these differences are due to the core Famous library.
* ## Fa-transform
* Whenever a "transform" property is used on a `fa-modifier`, such as `fa-translate`, `fa-scale`, `fa-origin`, etc, their values are passed through a `Transform function` which returns a 16 element transform array.
* `Fa-transform` can be used to directly pass a 16-element transform matrix to a `fa-modifier`.
* ### Values that fa-transform accepts
* Passed as an array:
* ```html
* <fa-modifier
* fa-transform="[1, .3, 0, 0, -.3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 20, 110, 0, 1]"
* fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* Passed as an object on the scope:
* ```javascript
* $scope.matrix = [1, .3, 0, 0, -.3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 20, 110, 0, 1];
* ```
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-transform="matrix" fa-size="[50, 50]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'green'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* Passed as a function reference that returns a 16-element matrix3d webkit array:
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-transform="variousTransforms" fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var Transform = $famous['famous/core/Transform'];
* $scope.variousTransforms = function() {
* var translate = Transform.translate(100, 100, 0);
* var skew = Transform.skew(0, 0, 0.3);
* return Transform.multiply(translate, skew);
* };
* ```
* `Transform` is a Famous math object used to calculate transforms. It has various methods, such as `translate`, `rotate`, and `skew` that returns a 16-element matrix array. `Transform.multiply` multiplies two or more Transform matrix types to return a final Transform 16-element matrix array, and this is what is passed into `fa-transform`.
* ###Fa-transform overrides other transform attributes
* `Fa-transform` will override all other transform attributes on the `fa-modifier` it is used on:
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-transform="skewFunc" fa-translate="[100, 100, 0]" fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.skewFunc = function() {
* return Transform.skew(0, 0, 0.3);
* };
* ```
* The fa-surface will only be skewed; fa-translate will be overriden, and not translated 100 pixels right and down.
* ## Animate modifier properties and not surfaces
* Famous surfaces are styled with position:absolute, and their positions are defined by matrix3d webkit transforms.
* The role of Modifiers is to to hold onto size, transform, origin, and opacity states, and applying those layout and styling properties to its child nodes.
* As in vanilla Famous, you should animate properties of modifiers, such as transform, opacity, etc, rather than animate properties on the surface itself, as modifiers are responsible for layout and visibility.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-rotate-z="boxA.rotate.get()">
* <fa-surface fa-click="animateBoxA()" fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ## The order of transforms matter
* ### Fa-Transform-order
* `Fa-transform-order` can be used to specify the order of transforms on a modifier. In the first example below, the translate is applied first, translating the box over to the right, and then it is rotated around its origin.
* In the second example, the rotation happens first, and then the translation is calculated in relation to the origin that has been rotated.
* If fa-transform-order is not specified and there are multiple transforms on a Modifier, they will be be transformed in alphabetical order of their properties (e.g. "r" in rotate comes before "t" in translate).
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-transform-order="['translate', 'rotateZ']" fa-rotate-z="0.3" fa-translate="[100, 0, 0]" fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* <fa-modifier fa-transform-order="['rotateZ', 'translate']" fa-rotate-z="0.3" fa-translate="[100, 0, 0]" fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'blue'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ### Nesting Modifiers
* You can also specify the order of transforms by nesting Modifiers. In the example below, each Mdifier has one Transform property (e.g. translate, rotate, skew, scale, etc). Each Famous modifier affects all child nodes below it on the Render Tree.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-translate="[100, 100]">
* <fa-modifier fa-rotate-z=".6" fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="red"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-modifier>
* <fa-modifier fa-rotate-z=".6">
* <fa-modifier fa-translate="[100, 100]" fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface class="red"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
.directive('faModifier', ["$famous", "$famousDecorator", "$parse", function ($famous, $famousDecorator, $parse) {
return {
template: '<div></div>',
transclude: true,
restrict: 'EA',
priority: 2,
scope: true,
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs, transclude){
return {
post: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var RenderNode = $famous['famous/core/RenderNode']
var Modifier = $famous['famous/core/Modifier']
var Transform = $famous['famous/core/Transform']
var get = function(x) {
if (x instanceof Function) return x();
return x.get ? x.get() : x;
//TODO: make a stand-alone window-level utility
// object to store stuff like this
/* Copied from angular.js */
var SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP = /([\:\-\_]+(.))/g;
var MOZ_HACK_REGEXP = /^moz([A-Z])/;
function camelCase(name) {
return name.
replace(SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP, function(_, separator, letter, offset) {
return offset ? letter.toUpperCase() : letter;
replace(MOZ_HACK_REGEXP, 'Moz$1');
var PREFIX_REGEXP = /^(x[\:\-_]|data[\:\-_])/i;
function directiveNormalize(name) {
return camelCase(name.replace(PREFIX_REGEXP, ''));
/* end copy from angular.js */
var _transformFields = [
attrs.$observe('faTransformOrder', function(){
var candidate = scope.$eval(attrs.faTransformOrder);
if(candidate !== undefined) _transformFields = candidate;
var _parsedTransforms = {};
angular.forEach(_transformFields, function(field){
var attrName = directiveNormalize('fa-' + field);
attrs.$observe(attrName, function(){
_parsedTransforms[field] = $parse(attrs[attrName]);
var _transformFn = angular.noop;
attrs.$observe('faTransform', function(){
_transformFn = $parse(attrs.faTransform);
isolate.getTransform = function() {
//if faTransform is provided, return it
//instead of looping through the other transforms.
var override = _transformFn(scope);
if(override !== undefined){
if(override instanceof Function) return override();
else if(override instanceof Object && override.get !== undefined) return override.get();
else return override;
var transforms = [];
angular.forEach(_transformFields, function(field){
var candidate = _parsedTransforms[field] ? _parsedTransforms[field](scope) : undefined;
if(candidate !== undefined){
//TODO:feat Support Transitionables
if(candidate instanceof Function) candidate = candidate();
if(candidate instanceof Array) transforms.push(Transform[field].apply(this, candidate))
else transforms.push(Transform[field].call(this, candidate));
if(!transforms.length) return undefined;
else if (transforms.length === 1) return transforms[0]
else return Transform.multiply.apply(this, transforms);
var _alignFn = angular.noop;
attrs.$observe('faAlign', function(){
_alignFn = $parse(attrs.faAlign);
isolate.getAlign = function(){
var ret = _alignFn(scope);
if(ret instanceof Function) return ret();
else if(ret instanceof Object && ret.get !== undefined) return ret.get();
else return ret;
var _opacityFn = angular.noop;
attrs.$observe('faOpacity', function(){
_opacityFn = $parse(attrs.faOpacity);
isolate.getOpacity = function(){
var ret = _opacityFn(scope);
if(ret === undefined) return 1;
else if(ret instanceof Function) return ret();
else if(ret instanceof Object && ret.get !== undefined) return ret.get();
else return ret;
var _sizeFn = angular.noop;
attrs.$observe('faSize', function(){
_sizeFn = $parse(attrs.faSize);
isolate.getSize = function(){
var ret = _sizeFn(scope);
if(ret instanceof Function) return ret();
else if(ret instanceof Object && ret.get !== undefined) return ret.get();
else return ret;
var _originFn = angular.noop;
attrs.$observe('faOrigin', function(){
_originFn = $parse(attrs.faOrigin);
isolate.getOrigin = function(){
var ret = _originFn(scope);
if(ret instanceof Function) return ret();
else if(ret instanceof Object && ret.get !== undefined) return ret.get();
else return ret;
isolate.modifier = new Modifier({
transform: isolate.getTransform,
size: isolate.getSize,
opacity: isolate.getOpacity,
origin: isolate.getOrigin,
align: isolate.getAlign
isolate.renderNode = new RenderNode().add(isolate.modifier)
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
scope.$emit('unregisterChild', {id: scope.$id});
scope.$on('registerChild', function(evt, data){
if(evt.targetScope.$id !== evt.currentScope.$id){
transclude(scope, function(clone) {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
// Trigger a $digest loop to make sure that callbacks for the
// $observe listeners are executed in the compilation phase.
if(!scope.$$phase) scope.$apply();
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faPipeFrom
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict A
* @priority 16
* @param {Object} EventHandler - Event handler target object
* @description
* This directive pipes a target event handler to an element's event handler.
* @usage
* ```html
* <ANY fa-pipe-from="EventHandler">
* <!-- zero or more render nodes -->
* </ANY>
* ```
* @example
* ##ScrollView example
* In Famous, events are used to move information between widgets (such as ScrollView) and Views, and to listen to DOM events.
* To pass information between two unrelated views, or even between a nested View to its parent, use `fa-pipe-to` and `fa-pipe-from` to pipe and receive events.
* In the example below, even though `fa-view`, `fa-modifier`, and `fa-surface` are all nested within an `fa-scroll-view`, all of these elements' events (such as touch or scroll) do not propagate upwards towards their parent.
* Note: This example will not work.
* ```html
* <!-- fa-scroll-view is not receiving any events from its children -->
* <fa-scroll-view>
* <fa-view ng-repeat="view in views">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[320, 320]">
* <!-- Events on fa-surface are not propagated upwards to its parents automatically -->
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'blue'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* ```
* In the example below, events from the `fa-surface` are piped to `myEventHandler`, a source event handler, via `fa-pipe-to`. `Fa-scroll-view` receives events from `myEventHandler`, its target event handler, via `fa-pipe-from`.
* `myEventHandler` refers to an instantiated Famous EventHandler declared on the scope. Using pipes allows events to propagate between `fa-surface`s and the `fa-scroll-view`.
* ```html
* <!-- fa-scroll-view receives all events from $scope.myEventHandler, and decides how to handle them -->
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="myEventHandler">
* <fa-view ng-repeat="view in views">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[320, 320]">
* <!-- All events on fa-surfaces (click, mousewheel) are piped to $scope.myEventHandler -->
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'blue'"
* fa-pipe-to="myEventHandler">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.myEventHandler = new EventHandler();
* ```
* ##Event Handlers on the Controller
* The example below is more in line with a "vanilla" Famous approach to event piping. There are two Views, each with one Surface. In the html, the second View has a`fa-pipe-from` bound to `eventHandlerB`.
* Two event handlers are instantiated on the controller. `EventHandlerA` pipes to `eventHandlerB`, using: `eventHandlerA.pipe(eventHandlerB)`.
* If the fa-surface on the first View is clicked, it calls `surfaceClick()` via fa-click, which causes `eventHandlerA` to emit a custom event called `myEvent`.
* Because `evenHandlerA` pipes to `eventHandlerB`, `eventHandlerB` receives `myEvent`.
* An event handler for `myEvent` is declared for `eventHandlerB` using an `.on()` method. When eventHandlerB receives a `myEvent` event, the event is handled with a callback function that translates the `fa-surface` on the second view.
* ```html
* <fa-view>
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'blue'" fa-click="surfaceClick()"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* <fa-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandlerB">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]" fa-translate="redTrans.get()">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.eventHandlerA = new EventHandler();
* $scope.eventHandlerB = new EventHandler();
* $scope.eventHandlerA.pipe($scope.eventHandlerB);
* // all events received by eventHandlerA wil be piped to eventHandlerB
* var Transitionable = $famous['famous/transitions/Transitionable'];
* $scope.redTrans = new Transitionable([0, 0, 0]);
* // eventHandlerA emits 'myEvent' on click
* $scope.surfaceClick = function() {
* $scope.eventHandlerA.emit('myEvent');
* };
* // eventHandlerA pipes all events it receives to eventHandlerB
* // This is an event handler defined on eventHandlerB for handling 'myEvent'
* $scope.eventHandlerB.on('myEvent', function() {
* $scope.redTrans.set([0, 200, 0], {duration: 2000, curve: 'easeInOut'})
* });
* ```
* ##Switching Pipes
* Another feature of `fa-pipe-to` and `fa-pipe-from` is the ability to switch pipes.
* Using fa-pipe-to & fa-pipe-from involves binding it to a reference of an event handler on the scope.
* If the event handler bound to `fa-pipe-to/fa-pipe-from` changes, the directives unpipes from that event handler, and can pipe to another event handler.
* The Famous approach to events allows more flexibility than DOM events which are hierarchical. The example below shows a case in which eventing to non-hierarchical eventing & switching pipes dynamically can allow more expressiveness with events than a hierarchical DOM event propagation model.
* ### Example & Explanation
* Touch events from a directional pad conditionally affect three different Scroll Views on a page.
* Based on which checkboxes are checked, the scroll events on the directional pad will affect either Scroll View A, Scroll View B, or Scroll View C.
* The pipes are databound using `fa-pipe-to` and `fa-pipe-from`, and they are swapped out using the controller.
* There are two main `fa-view`s: the directional pad which contains a Scroll View (for input) & 3 checkboxes, and the other `fa-view` that contains 3 Scroll Views.
* The Scroll View of the directional pad uses `fa-pipe-from` to pipe events from `mainPipe` to its Scroll View's event handler.
* The surface within the directional pad uses `fa-pipe-to` to pipe `fa-surface` events to `mainPipe`.
* In the second view containing 3 Scroll Views, each Scroll View pipes from `emptyPipe` by default, another instantiated EventHandler that has no events piped to it.
* ```html
* <!-- directional pad view -->
* <fa-view>
* <!-- scroll view used as a directional pad input, receives events from mainPipe-->
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="mainPipe">
* <fa-modifier fa-translate="[0, 0, 15]" fa-size="[320, 50]">
* <fa-view>
* <fa-modifier>
* <!-- mousewheel events will be piped to mainPipe -->
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'orange'" fa-pipe-to="mainPipe">
* <div>Directional pad</div>
* <span ng-repeat="input in inputList">
* <label>{{input.letter}}</label>
* <!-- checkboxes -->
* <input type="checkbox"
* ng-model="input.model"
* name="scrollPipeTo"
* ng-change="checkBoxChange(input.letter, input.model)"
* ng-true-value="true"
* ng-false-value="false">
* </span>
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* </fa-view>
* <!-- view with 3 Scroll Views -->
* <fa-view>
* <!-- ng-repeat creating 3 different scroll Views -->
* <fa-modifier ng-repeat="view in scrollViews"
* fa-translate="[100 * $index, 50, 0]">
* <fa-view>
* <!-- each Scroll View conditionally receives events from mainPipe or emptyPipe, default is emptyPipe -->
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="{{view.pipe}}" fa-options="options.scrollViewTwo">
* <fa-view ng-repeat="items in list">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="view.bgColor">
* Index: {{$index}}
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* ```
* The directional pad has a list of input checkboxes created by an ng-repeated list from `$scope.inputList`.
* If a checkbox is checked, it calls `checkBoxChange()`, passing the letter (such as `'A'`) and and the model (such as `'checkBox.A'`) of the respective checkbox.
* If the checkbox is checked, the model (`checkBox.A`) is assigned the value of "true", and if it is unchecked, it is asigned the value of "false".
* In the controller, `$scope.checkBoxChange()` changes the value of the pipe of the respective Scroll View (A, B, or C) that corresponds to the checkBox.
* If the checkbox is checked, it assigns the respective Scroll View (A, B, or C) to pipe from `$scope.mainPipe`, and if unchecked, it will continue to pipe from `$scope.emptyPipe`.
* In short, the checkboxes act as switches to change piping events.
* ```javascript
* // Event Handlers
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.mainPipe = new EventHandler();
* $scope.emptyPipe = new EventHandler();
* // items in ng-repeated list in each of the 3 Scroll Views
* $scope.list = [];
* for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
* $scope.list.push({});
* };
* // 3 inputs in the directional pad corresponding to the 3 scroll views
* $scope.inputList = [{model: "checkBox.A", letter: "A"},{model: "checkBox.B", letter: "B"}, {model: "checkBox.C", letter: "C"}];
* // 3 scrollviews
* $scope.scrollViews = [{pipe: "pipes.A", bgColor: "blue"}, {pipe: "pipes.B", bgColor: "red"}, {pipe: "pipes.C", bgColor: "green"}];
* // pipes that each of the 3 scroll views is binded to through fa-pipe-from
* $scope.pipes = {
* A: $scope.emptyPipe,
* B: $scope.emptyPipe,
* C: $scope.emptyPipe
* };
* // function that is called whenever a checkbox is checked/unchecked that assigns the fa-pipe-from
* $scope.checkBoxChange = function(model, value) {
* if (value !== "false") {
* $scope.pipes[model] = $scope.mainPipe;
* } else {
* $scope.pipes[model] = $scope.emptyPipe;
* };
* };
* ```
.directive('faPipeFrom', ['$famous', '$famousDecorator', '$famousPipe', function ($famous, $famousDecorator, $famousPipe) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
priority: 16,
compile: function() {
var Engine = $famous['famous/core/Engine'];
return {
post: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
return scope.$eval(attrs.faPipeFrom);
function(newTarget, oldTarget){
var source = isolate.renderNode || Engine;
$famousPipe.unpipesFromTargets(source, oldTarget);
$famousPipe.pipesToTargets(source, newTarget);
// Destroy listeners along with scope
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
isolate.renderNode || Engine,
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faPipeTo
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict A
* @priority 16
* @param {Object} EventHandler - Event handler source object
* @description
* This directive pipes an element's event handler to a source event handler.
* @usage
* ```html
* <ANY fa-pipe-to="EventHandler">
* <!-- zero or more render nodes -->
* </ANY>
* ```
* @example
* ##ScrollView example
* In Famous, events are used to move information between widgets (such as ScrollView) and Views, and to listen to DOM events.
* To pass information between two unrelated views, or even between a nested View to its parent, use `fa-pipe-to` and `fa-pipe-from` to pipe and receive events.
* In the example below, even though `fa-view`, `fa-modifier`, and `fa-surface` are all nested within an `fa-scroll-view`, all of these elements' events (such as touch or scroll) do not propagate upwards towards their parent.
* Note: This example will not work.
* ```html
* <!-- fa-scroll-view is not receiving any events from its children -->
* <fa-scroll-view>
* <fa-view ng-repeat="view in views">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[320, 320]">
* <!-- Events on fa-surface are not propagated upwards to its parents automatically -->
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'blue'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* ```
* In the example below, events from the `fa-surface` are piped to `myEventHandler`, a source event handler, via `fa-pipe-to`. `Fa-scroll-view` receives events from `myEventHandler`, its target event handler, via `fa-pipe-from`.
* `myEventHandler` refers to an instantiated Famous EventHandler declared on the scope. Using pipes allows events to propagate between `fa-surface`s and the `fa-scroll-view`.
* ```html
* <!-- fa-scroll-view receives all events from $scope.myEventHandler, and decides how to handle them -->
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="myEventHandler">
* <fa-view ng-repeat="view in views">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[320, 320]">
* <!-- All events on fa-surfaces (click, mousewheel) are piped to $scope.myEventHandler -->
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'blue'"
* fa-pipe-to="myEventHandler">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.myEventHandler = new EventHandler();
* ```
* ##Event Handlers on the Controller
* The example below is more in line with a "vanilla" Famous approach to event piping. There are two Views, each with one Surface. In the html, the second View has a`fa-pipe-from` bound to `eventHandlerB`.
* Two event handlers are instantiated on the controller. `EventHandlerA` pipes to `eventHandlerB`, using: `eventHandlerA.pipe(eventHandlerB)`.
* If the fa-surface on the first View is clicked, it calls `surfaceClick()` via fa-click, which causes `eventHandlerA` to emit a custom event called `myEvent`.
* Because `evenHandlerA` pipes to `eventHandlerB`, `eventHandlerB` receives `myEvent`.
* An event handler for `myEvent` is declared for `eventHandlerB` using an `.on()` method. When eventHandlerB receives a `myEvent` event, the event is handled with a callback function that translates the `fa-surface` on the second view.
* ```html
* <fa-view>
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'blue'" fa-click="surfaceClick()"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* <fa-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandlerB">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]" fa-translate="redTrans.get()">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.eventHandlerA = new EventHandler();
* $scope.eventHandlerB = new EventHandler();
* $scope.eventHandlerA.pipe($scope.eventHandlerB);
* // all events received by eventHandlerA wil be piped to eventHandlerB
* var Transitionable = $famous['famous/transitions/Transitionable'];
* $scope.redTrans = new Transitionable([0, 0, 0]);
* // eventHandlerA emits 'myEvent' on click
* $scope.surfaceClick = function() {
* $scope.eventHandlerA.emit('myEvent');
* };
* // eventHandlerA pipes all events it receives to eventHandlerB
* // This is an event handler defined on eventHandlerB for handling 'myEvent'
* $scope.eventHandlerB.on('myEvent', function() {
* $scope.redTrans.set([0, 200, 0], {duration: 2000, curve: 'easeInOut'})
* });
* ```
* ##Switching Pipes
* Another feature of `fa-pipe-to` and `fa-pipe-from` is the ability to switch pipes.
* Using fa-pipe-to & fa-pipe-from involves binding it to a reference of an event handler on the scope.
* If the event handler bound to `fa-pipe-to/fa-pipe-from` changes, the directives unpipes from that event handler, and can pipe to another event handler.
* The Famous approach to events allows more flexibility than DOM events which are hierarchical. The example below shows a case in which eventing to non-hierarchical eventing & switching pipes dynamically can allow more expressiveness with events than a hierarchical DOM event propagation model.
* ### Example & Explanation
* Touch events from a directional pad conditionally affect three different Scroll Views on a page.
* Based on which checkboxes are checked, the scroll events on the directional pad will affect either Scroll View A, Scroll View B, or Scroll View C.
* The pipes are databound using `fa-pipe-to` and `fa-pipe-from`, and they are swapped out using the controller.
* There are two main `fa-view`s: the directional pad which contains a Scroll View (for input) & 3 checkboxes, and the other `fa-view` that contains 3 Scroll Views.
* The Scroll View of the directional pad uses `fa-pipe-from` to pipe events from `mainPipe` to its Scroll View's event handler.
* The surface within the directional pad uses `fa-pipe-to` to pipe `fa-surface` events to `mainPipe`.
* In the second view containing 3 Scroll Views, each Scroll View pipes from `emptyPipe` by default, another instantiated EventHandler that has no events piped to it.
* ```html
* <!-- directional pad view -->
* <fa-view>
* <!-- scroll view used as a directional pad input, receives events from mainPipe-->
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="mainPipe">
* <fa-modifier fa-translate="[0, 0, 15]" fa-size="[320, 50]">
* <fa-view>
* <fa-modifier>
* <!-- mousewheel events will be piped to mainPipe -->
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'orange'" fa-pipe-to="mainPipe">
* <div>Directional pad</div>
* <span ng-repeat="input in inputList">
* <label>{{input.letter}}</label>
* <!-- checkboxes -->
* <input type="checkbox"
* ng-model="input.model"
* name="scrollPipeTo"
* ng-change="checkBoxChange(input.letter, input.model)"
* ng-true-value="true"
* ng-false-value="false">
* </span>
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* </fa-view>
* <!-- view with 3 Scroll Views -->
* <fa-view>
* <!-- ng-repeat creating 3 different scroll Views -->
* <fa-modifier ng-repeat="view in scrollViews"
* fa-translate="[100 * $index, 50, 0]">
* <fa-view>
* <!-- each Scroll View conditionally receives events from mainPipe or emptyPipe, default is emptyPipe -->
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="{{view.pipe}}" fa-options="options.scrollViewTwo">
* <fa-view ng-repeat="items in list">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="view.bgColor">
* Index: {{$index}}
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* ```
* The directional pad has a list of input checkboxes created by an ng-repeated list from `$scope.inputList`.
* If a checkbox is checked, it calls `checkBoxChange()`, passing the letter (such as `'A'`) and and the model (such as `'checkBox.A'`) of the respective checkbox.
* If the checkbox is checked, the model (`checkBox.A`) is assigned the value of "true", and if it is unchecked, it is asigned the value of "false".
* In the controller, `$scope.checkBoxChange()` changes the value of the pipe of the respective Scroll View (A, B, or C) that corresponds to the checkBox.
* If the checkbox is checked, it assigns the respective Scroll View (A, B, or C) to pipe from `$scope.mainPipe`, and if unchecked, it will continue to pipe from `$scope.emptyPipe`.
* In short, the checkboxes act as switches to change piping events.
* ```javascript
* // Event Handlers
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.mainPipe = new EventHandler();
* $scope.emptyPipe = new EventHandler();
* // items in ng-repeated list in each of the 3 Scroll Views
* $scope.list = [];
* for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
* $scope.list.push({});
* };
* // 3 inputs in the directional pad corresponding to the 3 scroll views
* $scope.inputList = [{model: "checkBox.A", letter: "A"},{model: "checkBox.B", letter: "B"}, {model: "checkBox.C", letter: "C"}];
* // 3 scrollviews
* $scope.scrollViews = [{pipe: "pipes.A", bgColor: "blue"}, {pipe: "pipes.B", bgColor: "red"}, {pipe: "pipes.C", bgColor: "green"}];
* // pipes that each of the 3 scroll views is binded to through fa-pipe-from
* $scope.pipes = {
* A: $scope.emptyPipe,
* B: $scope.emptyPipe,
* C: $scope.emptyPipe
* };
* // function that is called whenever a checkbox is checked/unchecked that assigns the fa-pipe-from
* $scope.checkBoxChange = function(model, value) {
* if (value !== "false") {
* $scope.pipes[model] = $scope.mainPipe;
* } else {
* $scope.pipes[model] = $scope.emptyPipe;
* };
* };
* ```
.directive('faPipeTo', ['$famous', '$famousDecorator', '$famousPipe', function ($famous, $famousDecorator, $famousPipe) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
priority: 16,
compile: function() {
var Engine = $famous['famous/core/Engine'];
return {
post: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
return scope.$eval(attrs.faPipeTo);
function(newSource, oldSource) {
var target = isolate.renderNode || Engine;
$famousPipe.unpipesFromTargets(oldSource, target);
$famousPipe.pipesToTargets(newSource, target);
// Destroy listeners along with scope
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
isolate.renderNode || Engine
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faRenderNode
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @description
* A directive to insert a {@link RenderNode} that is
* a wrapper for inserting a renderable component (like a Modifer or Surface) into the render tree.
* It allows you to pass a reference to an arbitrary render node from your controller.
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-render-node fa-node="arbitrary render node reference">
* <!-- content -->
* </fa-render-node>
* ```
* @example
* `Fa-render-node` can wrap a custom-made widget or any renderable component from Famous and allow it to be inserted in the Render Tree.
* All Famous widgets, such as a Scroll View, a Sequential Layout, or a Header-footer-layout, are extended Famous Views.
* `Fa-render-node` allows a developer to create & extend their own Famous View, and use it within their own Famous-Angular app.
* In the example below, a Famous View is instantiated on the scope; a Modifier is added to it, and then a Surface is added below.
* This approach of creating a View and adding renderables to it with the `.add()` method is more in line with a "vanilla Famous" approach than a declarative approach with Famous-Angular.
* In the html view, an `fa-render-node` is declared, with an `fa-node` attribute bound to the newly-created View on the scope, resulting in our custom View appearing on the page.
* ```javascript
* var View = $famous['famous/core/View'];
* var Modifier = $famous['famous/core/Modifier'];
* var Surface = $famous['famous/core/Surface'];
* var Transform = $famous['famous/core/Transform'];
* $scope.masterView = new View();
* var _surf = new Surface({properties: {backgroundColor: 'red'}});
* _surf.setContent("I'm a surface");
* var _mod = new Modifier();
* var _width = 320;
* var _height = 568;
* _mod.transformFrom(function(){
* return Transform.translate(Math.random() * _width, 0, 1);
* });
* $scope.masterView.add(_mod).add(_surf);
* ```
* ```html
* <fa-render-node fa-node="masterView" id="render"></fa-render-node>
* ```
.directive('faRenderNode', ["$famous", "$famousDecorator", function ($famous, $famousDecorator) {
return {
template: '<div></div>',
transclude: true,
scope: true,
restrict: 'EA',
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs, transclude){
return {
pre: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var Engine = $famous['famous/core/Engine'];
var getOrValue = function(x) {
return x.get ? x.get() : x;
isolate.children = [];
attrs.$observe('faPipeTo', function(val){
var pipeTo = scope.$eval(val);
isolate.renderNode = scope.$eval(attrs.faNode);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
scope.$emit('unregisterChild', {id: scope.$id});
scope.$on('registerChild', function(evt, data){
if(evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id){
post: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
transclude(scope, function(clone) {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
'use strict';
$ViewDirective.$inject = ['$compile','$state', '$injector', '$uiViewScroll', '$famousDecorator'];
function $ViewDirective($compile, $state, $injector, $uiViewScroll, $famousDecorator) {
var directive = {
restrict: 'E',
priority: 400,
transclude: true,
compile: function (tElement, tAttrs, $transclude) {
return {
pre: function (scope, $element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
isolate.children = [];
scope.$on('registerChild', function (evt, data) {
if (evt.targetScope.$id !== scope.$id) {
isolate.currentIsolate = data;
post: function (scope, $element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var currentEl, currentScope, latestLocals,
onloadExp = attrs.onload || '';
scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function() {
scope.$on('$viewContentLoading', function() {
function updateView(firstTime) {
var inherited, nextLocals,
nextName = '';
inherited = $element.inheritedData('$uiView');
if (nextName.indexOf('@') < 0) {
nextName = nextName + '@' + (inherited ? : '');
nextLocals = $state.$current.locals[nextName];
if (!firstTime && isolate.currentLocals === nextLocals) return; // nothing to do
isolate.hideAnimation = undefined;
if(isolate.currentIsolate && isolate.currentIsolate.hideScope) {
isolate.hideAnimation = isolate.currentIsolate.hideScope;
isolate.currentName = nextName;
isolate.currentLocals = nextLocals;
var e = angular.element('<fa-route-state></fa-route-state>');'$uiViewName', nextName);
var link = $compile(e);
var result = link(scope);
var hideAnimation = function(fn) {
fn(function() {
// Find a way to detach compiled element from dom.
// And this is not the solution
if(isolate.hideAnimation) {
return directive;
$ViewDirectiveFill.$inject = ['$compile', '$controller', '$state', '$famousDecorator'];
function $ViewDirectiveFill ($compile, $controller, $state, $famousDecorator) {
function animateEnter (scope, cb) {
if(cb===undefined) {
cb = function() {};
if(scope.faEnterEvent) {
scope.$emit(scope.faEnterEvent, {callback: cb});
scope.$broadcast(scope.faEnterEvent, {callback: cb});
} else {
function animateLeave (scope, cb) {
if(cb===undefined) {
cb = function() {};
if(scope.faLeaveEvent) {
scope.$broadcast(scope.faLeaveEvent, {callback: cb});
} else if(scope.faLeaveEvent!==false && scope.faEnterEvent) {
scope.$broadcast(scope.faEnterEvent, {reverse: true, callback: cb});
} else {
function waitForAnimationsRendered(scope, cb) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var animElements = isolate.compileResult.find('fa-animation'),
animElementsLength = animElements.length,
animElementsLoaded = 0;
angular.forEach(animElements, function(animElement) {
var animScope = angular.element(animElement).scope();
animScope.$on('registerAnimation', function() {
if(animElementsLoaded===animElementsLength) {
return {
restrict: 'ECA',
scope: true,
compile: function (tElement) {
var initial = tElement.html();
var currentScope, currentEl, filledView;
return {
pre: function (scope, $element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var name = $'$uiViewName');
isolate.showScope = function (cb) {
animateEnter(scope, cb);
isolate.hideScope = function (cb) {
animateLeave(scope, cb);
isolate.$uiViewName = name;
$'$uiViewName', isolate.$uiViewName);
var current = $state.$current,
locals = current && current.locals[name];
if (! locals) {
isolate.$uiView = { name: name, state: locals.$$state };
$'$uiView', isolate.$uiView);
filledView = (locals.$template ? locals.$template : initial);
if (locals.$$controller) {
locals.$scope = scope;
var controller = $controller(locals.$$controller, locals);
if (locals.$$controllerAs) {
scope[locals.$$controllerAs] = controller;
$'$ngControllerController', controller);
//$element.children().data('$ngControllerController', controller);
post: function (scope, $element, attrs) {
if(filledView=='') {
var link = $compile(filledView);
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
isolate.compileResult = $element;
waitForAnimationsRendered(scope, function () {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
$ViewDirectiveEnter.$inject = ['$compile', '$controller', '$state'];
function $ViewDirectiveEnter ($compile, $controller, $state) {
return {
priority: 600,
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$parent.faEnterEvent = attrs.faEnter;
$ViewDirectiveLeave.$inject = ['$compile', '$controller', '$state'];
function $ViewDirectiveLeave ($compile, $controller, $state) {
return {
priority: 600,
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
if(scope.$eval(attrs.faLeave)===false) {
scope.$parent.faLeaveEvent = false;
} else {
scope.$parent.faLeaveEvent = attrs.faLeave;
angular.module('famous.angular').directive('faRoute', $ViewDirective);
angular.module('famous.angular').directive('faRouteState', $ViewDirectiveFill);
angular.module('famous.angular').directive('faEnter', $ViewDirectiveEnter);
angular.module('famous.angular').directive('faLeave', $ViewDirectiveLeave);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faScrollView
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict E
* @description
* This directive allows you to specify a {@link Scrollview}
* that will lay out a collection of renderables sequentially in the specified direction
* and will allow you to scroll through them with mousewheel or touch events.
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-scroll-view>
* <fa-view>
* <!-- content -->
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* ```
* @example
* ### Scroll View + Events + ng-repeat
* In the example below, `fa-scroll-view` displays a collection of nested `fa-views` generated by ng-repeat.
* In Famous, events are not propagated from these nested `fa-view`'s to its parent `fa-scroll-view`.
* When a nested View needs to trigger higher-order app behavior within another View (such as a Scroll View), the best practice is to pass data via Famous Events.
* To use a Scroll View, create an instance of a Famous Event Handler on the scope. Within each ng-repeated `fa-view` are nested `fa-surface`s. Pipe all Surface events to the event handler using `fa-pipe-to`, and then specify that the Scroll View will receive events from that specific event handler using `fa-pipe-from`.
* Input events (like click or mousewheel) are captured on Surfaces, and piping must be used to specify where the events will broadcast and be received.
* This will enable scrolling by connecting input events from the `fa-surface`s to the `fa-scroll-view`, otherwise the Scroll View will not receive mousewheel events.
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.eventHandler = new EventHandler();
* $scope.list = [{content: "famous"}, {content: "angular"}, {content: "rocks!"}];
* ```
* ```html
* <!-- fa-scroll-view receives all events from $scope.eventHandler, and decides how to handle them -->
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandler" fa-options="options.myScrollView">
* <fa-view ng-repeat="item in list">
* <fa-modifier id="{{'listItem' + $index}}" fa-translate="[0, 0, 0]" fa-size="[300, 300]">
* <!-- All events on fa-surfaces (click, mousewheel) are piped to $scope.eventHandler -->
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
* fa-size="[undefined, undefined]"
* fa-background-color="'red'">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* ```
* To specify (optional) configurable options for the Scroll View, bind an object on the scope to the `fa-options` attribute on `fa-scroll-view`.
* Notable options include `clipSize`, which specifies the size of the area in pixels to display content in, and `direction`, which specifies whether the nested views will scroll horizontally or vertically (1 is vertical, 0 is horizontal).
* A full list of configurable options for Scroll View may be found at
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.eventHandler = new EventHandler();
* $scope.list = [{content: "famous"}, {content: "angular"}, {content: "rocks!"}];
* $scope.options = {
* myScrollView: {
* clipSize: 568,
* paginated: true,
* speedLimit: 5,
* direction: 1,
* }
* };
* ```
* ### Scroll View with explicitly created views
* `Fa-index` determines the order of which the surfaces appear in the sequential view.
* In this example below, a Scroll View is created with two nested `fa-view`'s, both of which have an `fa-index` of 0 and 1, respectively.
* If `fa-index` is declared explicitly, it will override any default order of `fa-view`'s declared in html.
* If `fa-views` are created with an ng-repeat, they are automatically assigned the $index property, unless explicitly set.
* The `fa-view` with the blue background color appears after the one with the red background because its `fa-index` is set to 1.
* `fa-scroll-view` accepts another attribute called `fa-start-index`, which determines which `fa-view` the Scroll View displays by default.
* `Fa-start-index` will not affect the sequential order of the layout; the `fa-view` with the red background will be layed out first, followed by the one with the blue background.
* By setting `fa-start-index` to 1, the Scroll View will display the View with the index of 1 by default, "starting" at the index of 1, which is the View with the blue background color.
* ```html
* fa-app style="width: 320px; height: 568px;">
* <!-- The scroll View will start at the index of 1 -->
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandler" fa-options="options.scrollViewTwo" fa-start-index="1">
* <!-- Even though this view is declared first in html, it will will be layed out 2nd -->
* <!-- On page load, the scroll View will scroll to this view, and display it. -->
* <fa-view fa-index="1">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[320, 568]">
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
* fa-background-color="'blue'">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* <fa-view fa-index="0">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[320, 568]">
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
* fa-background-color="'red'">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* </fa-app>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.eventHandler = new EventHandler();
* $scope.list = [{content: "famous"}, {content: "angular"}, {content: "rocks!"}];
* $scope.options = {
* scrollViewTwo: {
* direction: 0
* }
* };
* ```
* ### Combining multiple Scroll Views
* Combining both approaches above (a Scroll View with ng-repeated views, and one with explicitly created views), one can can nest a Scroll View within another Scroll View.
* A Scroll View is a Famous widget that displays a collection of views sequentially; it is agnostic about the Views that are inside of it; it only requires that events are piped from Surfaces to the ScrollView.
* In the example below, the outer Scroll View contains two explictly created Views. One of those Views contains another Scroll View with sub-views created through an ngRepeat.
* The outer Scroll View is passed an option for its `direction` to be `horizontal (0)`, and the inner Scroll View is passed an option for a `vertical direction (1)`.
* ```html
* <fa-app style="width: 320px; height: 568px;">
* <!-- outer scroll view that scrolls horizontally between "main" view and "sidebar" view-->
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandler" fa-options="options.scrollViewOuter">
* <!-- sidebar view -->
* <fa-view fa-index="0">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, undefined]" id="sideBarMod">
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
* fa-background-color="'blue'"
* fa-size="[undefined, undefined]">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* <!-- main view -->
* <fa-view fa-index="1">
* <!-- inner scroll view that scrolls vertically-->
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandler" fa-options="options.scrollViewInner">
* <fa-view ng-repeat="item in list">
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
* fa-size="[undefined, undefined]"
* fa-background-color="'red'">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* </fa-app>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.eventHandler = new EventHandler();
* $scope.list = [{content: "famous"}, {content: "angular"}, {content: "rocks!"}];
* $scope.options = {
* scrollViewOuter: {
* direction: 0,
* paginated: true
* },
* scrollViewInner :{
* direction: 1
* }
* };
* ```
.directive('faScrollView', ['$famous', '$famousDecorator', '$timeout', function ($famous, $famousDecorator, $timeout) {
return {
template: '<div></div>',
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: true,
compile: function(tElem, tAttrs, transclude){
return {
pre: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var ScrollView = $famous["famous/views/Scrollview"];
var ViewSequence = $famous['famous/core/ViewSequence'];
var Surface = $famous['famous/core/Surface'];
var _children = [];
var options = scope.$eval(attrs.faOptions) || {};
isolate.renderNode = new ScrollView(options);
var updateScrollview = function(init){
//$timeout hack used here because the
//updateScrollview function will get called
//before the $index values get re-bound
//through ng-repeat. The result is that
//the items get sorted here, then the indexes
//get re-bound, and thus the results are incorrectly
_children.sort(function(a, b){
return a.index - b.index;
var options = {
array: function(_children) {
var _ch = [];
angular.forEach(_children, function(c, i) {
_ch[i] = c.renderNode;
return _ch;
//set the first page on the scrollview if
options.index = scope.$eval(attrs.faStartIndex);
var viewSeq = new ViewSequence(options);
scope.$on('registerChild', function(evt, data){
if(evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id){
scope.$on('unregisterChild', function(evt, data){
if(evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id){
_children = function(_children) {
var _ch = [];
angular.forEach(_children, function(c) {
if( !== {
return _ch;
post: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
transclude(scope, function(clone) {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faSequentialLayout
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @description
* This directive will create a SequentialLayout containing the
* specified child elements. The provided `options` object
* will pass directly through to the faSequentialLayout's
* constructor. See []
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-sequential-layout fa-options="scopeOptionsObject">
* <!-- zero or more render nodes -->
* </fa-sequential-layout>
* ```
* @example
* `Fa-sequential-layout` is a Famous View that arranges a collection of renderables sequentially in a specified direction. Pass options (such as `direction`) by binding an object with the property to `fa-options`.
* In the example below, an ng-repeat is used on an `fa-view` and the elements nested below it. The size of each `fa-surface` is `[undefined, 100]`, specifying that the width will fill the parent container, and the height will be 100 pixels.
* There are no positioning properties (such as `fa-translate`) specified on the `fa-modifier`, but these `fa-surface`s will translate automatically in the specified direction as not to overlap each other.
* ```html
* <fa-sequential-layout fa-options="seqOptions">
* <fa-view ng-repeat="view in seq">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[undefined, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="view.bgColor"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-sequential-layout>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.seqOptions = {
* direction: 1, // vertical = 1 (default), horizontal = 0
* };
* $scope.seq = [{bgColor: "orange"}, {bgColor: "red"}, {bgColor: "green"}, {bgColor: "yellow"}];
* ```
.directive('faSequentialLayout', ["$famous", "$famousDecorator", function ($famous, $famousDecorator) {
return {
template: '<div></div>',
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: true,
compile: function (tElem, tAttrs, transclude) {
window.$f = $famous;
return {
pre: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var SequentialLayout = $famous["famous/views/SequentialLayout"];
var _children = [];
var options = scope.$eval(attrs.faOptions) || {};
isolate.renderNode = new SequentialLayout(options);
var _updateSequentialLayout = function() {
_children.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.index - b.index;
isolate.renderNode.sequenceFrom(function(_children) {
var _ch = [];
angular.forEach(_children, function(c, i) {
_ch[i] = c.renderNode;
return _ch;
scope.$on('registerChild', function (evt, data) {
if (evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id) {
scope.$on('unregisterChild', function (evt, data) {
if (evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id) {
_children = function (_children) {
var _ch = [];
angular.forEach(_children, function (c) {
if ( !== {
return _ch;
post: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
transclude(scope, function (clone) {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faSurface
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @description
* This directive is used to create general surfaces, which are the
* leaf nodes of the scene graph. The content inside
* surfaces is what gets rendered to the screen.
* This is where you can create form elements, attach
* images, or output raw text content with one-way databinding {{lb}}{{rb}}.
* You can include entire complex HTML snippets inside a faSurface, including
* ngIncludes or custom (vanilla Angular) directives.
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-surface>
* Here's some data-bound content {{lb}}myScopeVariable{{rb}}
* </fa-surface>
* ```
* @example
* An `fa-surface` can use an ng-include to compile an external HTML fragment:
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[960, undefined]">
* <fa-surface fa-size="[undefined, undefined]">
* <div ng-include src=" 'views/animations.html' "></div>
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* A simple ng-repeat of surfaces can be implemented like this:
* ```html
* <fa-modifier ng-repeat="item in list" fa-size="[100, 100]" fa-translate="[0, $index * 75, 0]">
* <fa-surface fa-size="[undefined, undefined]">
* {{item.content}}
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.list = [{content: "famous"}, {content: "angular"}, {content: "rocks!"}];
* ```
* ##Common Confusions
* ### A Surface is a leaf node
* An fa-surface is a leaf node; this means that there should not be Famous-Angular elements nested within an fa-surface.
* This followin will NOT work correctly:
* ```html
* <fa-surface>
* <!-- the contents of a Surface must be standard HTML, so components will not get rendered correctly. -->
* <fa-modifier>
* <fa-surface></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-surface>
* ```
* The purpose of an fa-surface is to contain viewable HTML content:
* ```html
* <fa-surface>
* <!-- content -->
* <!-- databound content with curly braces -->
* <!-- no other Famous renderable nodes allowed inside a Surface-->
* </fa-surface>
* ```
* ### Properties on surfaces vs modifiers
* With Famous, properties related to layout and visibility belong on a Modifier. A Surface should be added below a Modifier on the Render Tree, as Modifiers affect everything below them.
* You may be tempted to set the `fa-origin` or another layout property on an fa-surface, and discover that it does not work:
* ```html
* <fa-surface fa-origin="[.5, 0]">This will not change the origin.</fa-surface>
* ```
* While you can specify `fa-size` on surfaces themselves, it is not recommended.
* This is not best practice:
* ```html
* <fa-surface fa-size="[100, 100]"></fa-surface>
* ```
* Whereas this is the preferred approach:
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-size="[undefined, undefined]">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* You may also omit `fa-size="[undefined, undefined]"` on the surface and the surface will fill to the size of the modifier, in this case, `[100, 100]`.
* In Famous' Render Tree, Modifiers modify all the nodes (other Modifiers and Surfaces) below them. By setting the `fa-surface`'s `fa-size` to `[undefined, undefined]`, it will inherit from the `fa-modifier`'s `fa-size` of `[100, 100]`.
* `Fa-surfaces` also cannot have an `fa-size`, assigned to a function, as is in the case of modifiers, which can take number/array or a function.
* For example, this will not work:
* ```html
* <fa-surface fa-size="sizeForBoxFunction"></fa-surface>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.sizeForBoxFunction = function() {
* return [75, 75];
* };
* ```
* To reiterate, the best practice to animate or set any layout/visibilty properties of a surface is to do so on a modifier that affects the Surface. The purpose of a Surface is to contain HTML content, whether rendered from a template, or data-bound.
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ### fa-color & fa-background-color
* The exceptions of not setting layout/visibility properties on an `fa-surface` are `fa-color` and `fa-background-color`: these two properties are passed through the `.setProperties()` method available on Famous Surfaces.
* Take note that they accept a string in the html view. If you do not enclose them in quotation marks, Angular will evaluate it as an object on the scope, but surrounding it with quotation marks will specify it as a string expression.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[200, 50]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'orange'" fa-color="'#fff'">
* This text should be white.
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ### ng-class
* Ng-Class works on `fa-surface`s:
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[150, 50]">
* <fa-surface fa-background-color="'blue'" ng-class="{strike: applyStrike}">
* Strikethrough!
* <input type="checkbox" ng-model="applyStrike"></input>
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```css
* .strike {
* text-decoration: line-through;
* }
* ```
.config(['$provide', '$animateProvider', function($provide, $animateProvider) {
// Hook into the animation system to emit ng-class syncers to surfaces
$provide.decorator('$animate', ['$delegate', '$$asyncCallback', '$famous', function($delegate, $$asyncCallback, $famous) {
var Surface = $famous['famous/core/Surface'];
* Check if the element selected has an isolate renderNode that accepts classes.
* @param {Array} element - derived element
* @return {boolean}
function isClassable(element) {
var isolate = $famous.getIsolate(element.scope());
var hasASurface = isolate && isolate.renderNode instanceof Surface;
//TODO: support <div fa-surface>? (rather than just <fa-surface>)
var isAnFaSurface = element[0] && element[0].nodeName === "FA-SURFACE"
return hasASurface && isAnFaSurface;
// Fork $animateProvider methods that update class lists with ng-class
// in the most efficient way we can. Delegate directly to irrelevant methods
// (enter, leave, move). These method forks only get invoked when:
// 1. The element has a directive like ng-class that is updating classes
// 2. The element is an fa-element with an in-scope isolate
// 3. The isolate's renderNode is some kind of Surface
return {
enabled: $delegate.enabled,
enter: $delegate.enter,
leave: $delegate.leave,
move: $delegate.move,
addClass: function(element, className, done) {
$delegate.addClass(element, className, done);
if (isClassable(element)) {
angular.forEach(className.split(' '), function(splitClassName) {
removeClass: function(element, className, done) {
$delegate.removeClass(element, className, done);
if (isClassable(element)) {
angular.forEach(className.split(' '), function(splitClassName) {
setClass: function(element, add, remove, done) {
$delegate.setClass(element, add, remove, done);
if (isClassable(element)) {
var surface = $famous.getIsolate(element.scope()).renderNode;
// There isn't a good way to delegate down to Surface.setClasses
// because Angular has already negotiated the list of items to add
// and items to remove. Manually loop through both lists.
angular.forEach(add.split(' '), function(className) {
angular.forEach(remove.split(' '), function(className) {
.directive('faSurface', ['$famous', '$famousDecorator', '$interpolate', '$controller', '$compile', function ($famous, $famousDecorator, $interpolate, $controller, $compile) {
return {
scope: true,
transclude: true,
template: '<div class="fa-surface"></div>',
restrict: 'EA',
compile: function(tElem, tAttrs, transclude){
return {
pre: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var Surface = $famous['famous/core/Surface'];
var Transform = $famous['famous/core/Transform']
var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
//update properties
//TODO: is this going to be a bottleneck?
return isolate.getProperties()
var _propToFaProp = function(prop){
return "fa" + prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1);
isolate.getProperties = function(){
var baseProperties = scope.$eval(attrs.faProperties) || {};
//TODO: instead of a 'whitelist' like this, consider looping
// through all of the members of attrs that aren't 'fa-size'
// or 'fa-properties' ('blacklist') and considering each of
// them to be CSS properties.
// Alternatively, don't support fa-css-properties on
// the directive, in favor of requiring them to be passed in
// by fa-properties
var properties = [
for(var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++){
var prop = properties[i];
var faProp = _propToFaProp(prop);
if(attrs[faProp]) baseProperties[prop] = scope.$eval(attrs[faProp]);
return baseProperties;
isolate.renderNode = new Surface({
size: scope.$eval(attrs.faSize),
properties: isolate.getProperties()
if (attrs.class) {
isolate.renderNode.setClasses(attrs['class'].split(' '));
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
//TODO: hook into RenderController and hide this render node
// This whole function (scope.$on...) can probably
// be handled by the $famousDecorator
scope.$emit('unregisterChild', {id: scope.$id});
post: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
var updateContent = function() {
transclude(scope, function(clone) {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faTap
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict A
* @param {expression} faTap Expression to evaluate upon tap. (Event object is available as `$event`)
* @description
* This directive allows you to specify custom behavior when an element is tapped.
* @usage
* ```html
* <ANY fa-tap="expression">
* </ANY>
* ```
* @example
* Note: For testing purposes during development, enable mobile emulation:
* `Fa-tap` checks if a touchmove event fires between a touchstart and touchend event. If the touchmove event fired, (the user "dragged" their finger), a `fa-tap` event will not fire. If the user did not "drag" their finger on touch, when releasing their finger, a touchend event will fire, and fa-tap will fire.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-tap="tapHandler($event)" fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* $scope.tapHandler = function($event) {
* console.log($event);
* console.log("tap");
* };
* ```
.directive('faTap', ['$parse', '$famousDecorator', function ($parse, $famousDecorator) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
compile: function() {
return {
post: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
if (attrs.faTap) {
var renderNode = (isolate.renderNode._eventInput || isolate.renderNode)
var _dragging = false;
renderNode.on("touchmove", function(data) {
_dragging = true;
return data;
renderNode.on("touchend", function(data) {
if (!_dragging){
var fn = $parse(attrs.faTap);
fn(scope, {$event:data});
_dragging = false
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faTouchend
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict A
* @param {expression} faTouchend Expression to evaluate upon touchend. (Event object is available as `$event`)
* @description
* This directive allows you to specify custom behavior after an element that {@link has been touched}.
* @usage
* ```html
* <ANY fa-touchend="expression">
* </ANY>
* ```
* Note: For testing purposes during development, enable mobile emulation:
* @example
* Upon a touchend event firing, fa-touchend will evaluate the expression bound to it.
* Touchstart fires once upon first touch; touchend fires as the touch point is moved along a touch surface; touchend fires upon release of the touch point.
* ### Fa-touchend on an fa-surface
* `Fa-touchend` can be used on an `fa-surface`. Internally, a Famous Surface has a `.on()` method that binds a callback function to an event type handled by that Surface.
* The function expression bound to `fa-touchend` is bound to that `fa-surface`'s touchend eventHandler, and when touchend fires, the function expression will be called.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-touchend="touchEnd($event)" fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var touchEndCounter = 0;
* $scope.touchEnd = function($event) {
* touchEndCounter++;
* console.log($event);
* console.log("touchEnd: " + touchEndCounter);
* };
* ```
* ### Fa-touchend on an fa-view
* `Fa-touchend` may be used on an `fa-view`. The function expression bound to `fa-touchend` will be bound to the `fa-view`'s internal `_eventInput`, the aggregation point of all events received by the `fa-view`. When it receives a `touchend` event, it will call the function expression bound to `fa-touchend`.
* In the example below, the `fa-surface` pipes its Surface events to an instantied Famous Event Handler called `myEvents`.
* `Fa-view` pipes from `myEvents`, receiving all events piped by the `fa-surface`.
* When a touchend event occurs on the `fa-surface`, it is piped to the `fa-view`.
* `fa-touchend` defines a callback function in which to handle touchend events, and when it receives a touchend event, it calls `touchEnd()`.
* ```html
* <fa-view fa-touchend="touchEnd($event)" fa-pipe-from="myEvents">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="myEvents"
* fa-background-color="'orange'">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.myEvents = new EventHandler();
* $scope.touchEnd = function($event) {
* console.log($event);
* console.log("fa-view receives the touchend event from the fa-surface, and calls $scope.touchEnd bound to fa-touchend");
* };
* ```
.directive('faTouchend', ['$parse', '$famousDecorator', function ($parse, $famousDecorator) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
compile: function() {
return {
post: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
if (attrs.faTouchend) {
var renderNode = (isolate.renderNode._eventInput || isolate.renderNode)
renderNode.on("touchend", function(data) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.faTouchend);
fn(scope, {$event:data});
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faTouchmove
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict A
* @param {expression} faTouchmove Expression to evaluate upon touchmove. (Event object is available as `$event`)
* @description
* This directive allows you to specify custom behavior when an element is {@link moved along a touch surface}.
* @usage
* ```html
* <ANY fa-touchmove="expression">
* </ANY>
* ```
* Note: For development purposes, enable mobile emulation:
* @example
* Upon a touchmove event firing, `fa-touchmove` will evaluate the expression bound to it.
* touchmove fires once upon first touch; touchmove fires as the touch point (finger) is moved along a touch surface, until release of the touch point.
* The rate of which touchmove events fire is implementation-defined by browser and hardware.
* `fa-touchmove` evaluates the expression bound to it upon each firing of touchmove.
* ### Fa-touchmove on an fa-surface
* `Fa-touchmove`can be used on an `fa-surface`. Internally, a Famous Surface has a `.on()` method that binds a callback function to an event type handled by that Surface.
* The function expression bound to `fa-touchmove` is bound to that `fa-surface`'s touchmove eventHandler, and when touchmove fires, the function expression will be called.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-touchmove="touchMove($event)" fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var touchMoveCounter = 0;
* $scope.touchMove = function($event) {
* touchMoveCounter++;
* console.log($event);
* console.log("touchMove: " + touchMoveCounter);
* };
* ```
* ### Fa-touchmove on an fa-view
* `Fa-touchmove` may be used on an `fa-view`. The function expression bound to `fa-touchmove` will be bound to the `fa-view`'s internal `_eventInput`, the aggregation point of all events received by the `fa-view`. When it receives a `touchmove` event, it will call the function expression bound to `fa-touchmove`.
* In the example below, the `fa-surface` pipes its Surface events to an instantied Famous Event Handler called `myEvents`.
* `Fa-view` pipes from `myEvents`, receiving all events piped by the `fa-surface`.
* When a touchmove event occurs on the `fa-surface`, it is piped to the `fa-view`.
* `fa-touchmove` defines a callback function in which to handle touchmove events, and when it receives a touchmove event, it calls `touchMove()`.
* ```html
* <fa-view fa-touchmove="touchMove($event)" fa-pipe-from="myEvents">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="myEvents"
* fa-background-color="'orange'">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.myEvents = new EventHandler();
* $scope.touchMove = function($event) {
* console.log($event);
* console.log("fa-view receives the touchmove event from the fa-surface, and calls $scope.touchMove bound to fa-touchmove");
* };
* ```
.directive('faTouchmove', ['$parse', '$famousDecorator', function ($parse, $famousDecorator) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
compile: function() {
return {
post: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
if (attrs.faTouchmove) {
var renderNode = (isolate.renderNode._eventInput || isolate.renderNode)
renderNode.on("touchmove", function(data) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.faTouchmove);
fn(scope, {$event:data});
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faTouchstart
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict A
* @param {expression} faTouchstart Expression to evaluate upon touchstart. (Event object is available as `$event`)
* @description
* This directive allows you to specify custom behavior when an element is {@link touched upon a touch surface}.
* @usage
* ```html
* <ANY fa-touchstart="expression">
* </ANY>
* ```
* Note: For development purposes, enable mobile emulation:
* @example
* Upon a `touchstart` event firing, `fa-touchstart` will evaluate the expression bound to it.
* Touchstart fires once when a touch point (finger) is first placed upon the touch surface.
* If the touch point moves or releases touch, it will not fire another touchstart; touchstart fires once upon the first touch.
* If the touch point is placed upon the touch surface again, it will fire another touchstart event.
* ### Fa-touchstart on an fa-surface
* `Fa-touchstart` can be used on an `fa-surface`. Internally, a Famous Surface has a `.on()` method that binds a callback function to an event type handled by that Surface.
* The function expression bound to `fa-touchstart` is bound to that `fa-surface`'s touchstart eventHandler, and when touchstart fires, the function expression will be called.
* ```html
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-touchstart="touchStart($event)" fa-background-color="'red'"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var touchStartCounter = 0;
* $scope.touchStart = function($event) {
* touchStartCounter++;
* console.log($event);
* console.log("touchStart: " + touchStartCounter);
* };
* ```
* ### Fa-touchstart on an fa-view
* `Fa-touchstart` may be used on an `fa-view`. The function expression bound to `fa-touchstart` will be bound to the `fa-view`'s internal `_eventInput`, the aggregation point of all events received by the `fa-view`. When it receives a `touchstart` event, it will call the function expression bound to `fa-touchstart`.
* In the example below, the `fa-surface` pipes its Surface events to an instantied Famous Event Handler called `myEvents`.
* `Fa-view` pipes from `myEvents`, receiving all events piped by the `fa-surface`.
* When a touchstart event occurs on the `fa-surface`, it is piped to the `fa-view`.
* `fa-touchstart` defines a callback function in which to handle touchstart events, and when it receives a touchstart event, it calls `touchStart()`.
* ```html
* <fa-view fa-touchstart="touchStart($event)" fa-pipe-from="myEvents">
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]">
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="myEvents"
* fa-background-color="'orange'">
* </fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* ```
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.myEvents = new EventHandler();
* $scope.touchStart = function($event) {
* console.log($event);
* console.log("fa-view receives the touchstart event from the fa-surface, and calls $scope.touchStart bound to fa-touchstart");
* };
* ```
.directive('faTouchstart', ['$parse', '$famousDecorator', function ($parse, $famousDecorator) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
compile: function() {
return {
post: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
if (attrs.faTouchstart) {
var renderNode = (isolate.renderNode._eventInput || isolate.renderNode)
renderNode.on("touchstart", function(data) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.faTouchstart);
fn(scope, {$event:data});
* @ngdoc directive
* @name faView
* @module famous.angular
* @restrict EA
* @description
* This directive is used to wrap child elements into a View render node. This is especially useful for grouping.
* Use an `<fa-view>` surrounded by a `<fa-modifier>` in order to affect the View's position, scale, etc.
* @usage
* ```html
* <fa-view>
* <!-- content -->
* </fa-view>
* ```
* @example
* A Famous View is used for encapsulating many Modifiers and Surfaces together. Internally, it is a Render Node that has its own input EventHandler (`_eventInput`) and output EventHandler (`_eventOutput`).
* It does not map to DOM elements, but rather, it is an empty Render Node that can be extended by a developer.
* A View's input eventHandler is the aggregation point of all events coming into the View, and from there, the View can listen for specific events and handle them.
* A more concrete example is a Scroll View: it is a Famous View that has been extended with certain sets of behavior to handle events such as a mouse scroll.
* In the example below, when an `fa-surface` within an `fa-scroll-view` propagates an event (such as mouse scroll), these events are piped to the Scroll View (through `fa-pipe-to`). These events go through the Scroll View's `_eventInput` (using `fa-pipe-from`). From there, the Scroll View has pre-defined event handlers to handle these events.
* Famous Views are a way to encapsulate large event systems with renderables (Surfaces & Modifiers).
* <fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="myEventHandler">
* <fa-view>
* <fa-modifier fa-size="[320, 320]">
* <fa-surface fa-pipe-to="myEventHandler"></fa-surface>
* </fa-modifier>
* </fa-view>
* </fa-scroll-view>
* ```javascript
* var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
* $scope.myEventHandler = new EventHandler();
* ```
* ### Event propagation within & between Views
* In the Famous event model, an `fa-view` nested within another `fa-view` does not automatically propagate its events to its parent.
* Not even an `fa-surface` nested inside an `fa-view` propagates its events to the `fa-view`. All events to an `fa-view` must be piped explicitly.
* For a more thorough discussion on Famous-Angular events, go to fa-pipe-from/fa-pipe-to in the docs.
.directive('faView', ["$famous", "$famousDecorator", function ($famous, $famousDecorator) {
return {
template: '<div></div>',
transclude: true,
scope: true,
restrict: 'EA',
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs, transclude){
var View = $famous['famous/core/View'];
return {
pre: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
isolate.children = [];
var getOrValue = function(x) {
return x.get ? x.get() : x;
isolate.renderNode = new View({
size: scope.$eval(attrs.faSize) || [undefined, undefined]
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
scope.$emit('unregisterChild', {id: scope.$id});
scope.$on('registerChild', function(evt, data){
if(evt.targetScope.$id != scope.$id){
post: function(scope, element, attrs){
var isolate = $famousDecorator.ensureIsolate(scope);
transclude(scope, function(clone) {
scope.$emit('registerChild', isolate);
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