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Created July 21, 2016 01:17
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"id" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"revisionNumber" : 2,
"baseUrl" : "",
"resources" : [ {
"id" : "a5494eba-3bef-498d-9124-6116ed8511ca",
"name" : "deleteAPIMask",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/maskconfigs/{maskconfig_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the data mask name",
"name" : "maskconfig_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "d0b7e312-df7e-4bbb-bfdc-fbc664281206",
"name" : "deleteAPIMaskDelete",
"displayName" : "Delete Data Masks for an API Proxy",
"description" : "Delete a data mask for an API proxy.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Data Mask" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1407162107914,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/maskconfigs/{maskconfig_name}",
"resourceId" : "a5494eba-3bef-498d-9124-6116ed8511ca",
"resourceName" : "deleteAPIMask",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ad35de70-7e02-479e-bc88-c9df1d7e37bc",
"name" : "deleteAPIMaskGet",
"displayName" : "Get Data Mask Details for an API Proxy",
"description" : "Get the details for a data mask for an API proxy.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Data Mask" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1407162188235,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/maskconfigs/{maskconfig_name}",
"resourceId" : "a5494eba-3bef-498d-9124-6116ed8511ca",
"resourceName" : "deleteAPIMask",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f6f63c3e-a9db-4c27-86a4-79098211cd03",
"name" : "createDebugSessionFilter1",
"displayName" : "createDebugSessionFilter1",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/debugsessions?{filter}",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "5e1e8d90-df38-4100-ad17-587e9c84aaed",
"name" : "Createadebugsessionwithafilter",
"displayName" : "Create a debug session with a filter",
"description" : "<p>Create a debug session that captures specific API calls.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>This API is an alternative to the basic debug session creation described at <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/apis/%7Bapi_name%7D/revisions/%7Brevision_number%7D/debugsessions\">Create a debug session</a>. With this API, you can set a filter that captures only API calls that have specific query parameters and/or HTTP headers.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>For example, if you wanted to capture only API calls with an <code>Accept: application/json</code> header, you'd create a debug session with that filter.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Filtering API calls in a debug session is particularly useful for root-case analysis to target specific calls that may be causing problems.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>The filter is set using query parameters on this API call, in the <code>{filter}</code> portion of the URL. The query parameters begin with either <code>header_</code> or <code>qparam_</code> to indicate a header or query parameter. For example:<br />\n\t </p>\n<ul><li>\n\t\t<p><code><strong>header_</strong><em>name=value</em></code>: Captures only calls that contain the specific header and value. Header name and value must be URL encoded. For example: <code>header_Accept=application%2Fjson</code><br />\n\t\t\t </p>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>\n\t\t<p><code><strong>qparam_</strong><em>name=value</em></code>: Captures only calls that contain the specific query parameter and value. Query parameter name and value must be URL encoded. For example: <code>qparam_user=john%20doe</code></p>\n\t</li>\n</ul><p> </p>\n<p>If you use <strong>multiple</strong> headers and/or query parameters in the filter, all conditions must be met in order for API call to be captured. Here's how the previous two examples would be combined into a single filter:<br />\n\t </p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: monospace;\">header_Accept=application%2Fjson&amp;</span><span style=\"font-family: monospace;\">qparam_user=john%20doe</span></p>\n<p> </p>\n<div class=\"note\">\n\t<p>The filter query parameters in the API call are combined with the query parameters you set in the fields below.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The user-given name of the debug session (used to retrieve the results after debugging completes).",
"name" : "session",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"description" : "The time in seconds after which the particular session should be discarded. Default is 120 seconds.",
"name" : "timeout",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/x-www-url-form-encoded",
"description" : "",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-url-form-encoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Debug Session" ],
"createdTime" : 1466095836043,
"modifiedTime" : 1466106303035,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/debugsessions?{filter}",
"resourceId" : "f6f63c3e-a9db-4c27-86a4-79098211cd03",
"resourceName" : "createDebugSessionFilter1",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1466095570261,
"modifiedTime" : 1466100324417,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "978e4dbe-253b-4bdd-af9f-1d575b8cd804",
"name" : "addAnalyticsToEnv",
"displayName" : "addAnalyticsToEnv",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/analytics/admin",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "9dfcdd3b-0374-4e0f-a87e-750ef22978a2",
"name" : "Enableanalyticsforanenvironment",
"displayName" : "Enable analytics for an environment",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>After you create an environment, by using <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments\">Create Environment</a>, you have to enable analytics for the environment. </p>\n<p>If you enable analytics for one environment in an organization, you must enable analytics for all environments in the organization. </p>\n<p><strong>Note:</strong> This call requires that you pass a file named <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">sample.json</span> that contains entries for Analytics onboarding. Contact <a href=\"\">Apigee Support</a> to obtain the JSON file.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<div class=\"note\">\n\t<p>If you are using Edge for Private Cloud 4.16.01 or later, rather than use the API call, use the following command to enable Analytics:</p>\n\t<pre>\n&gt; /&lt;inst_root&gt;/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-provision enable-ax -f <em><strong>configFile</strong></em></pre>\n\t<p>Where <em><strong>configFile</strong></em> contains:</p>\n\t<pre>\nORG_NAME=orgName # lowercase only, no spaces, underscores, or periods.\nENV_NAME=envName</pre>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ {
"description" : "Specify the JSON file that you received from Apigee support.",
"name" : "file",
"required" : true
} ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Analytics" ],
"createdTime" : 1466689075328,
"modifiedTime" : 1466778973175,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/analytics/admin",
"resourceId" : "978e4dbe-253b-4bdd-af9f-1d575b8cd804",
"resourceName" : "addAnalyticsToEnv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1466688482901,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e94d0903-d40c-4b94-bb07-9f89bcee2282",
"name" : "cachedlogcategory",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/o/{org_name}/e/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/cachedlogs/categories",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "1a37f036-4685-4641-be1e-68e09617886d",
"name" : "getCachedLogCategories",
"displayName" : "Get Cached Log Categories",
"description" : "Retrieves the names of the available cached log categories. Currently, \"nodejs\" is the only category supported.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Cached Logs" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1415902992386,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/o/{org_name}/e/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/cachedlogs/categories",
"resourceId" : "e94d0903-d40c-4b94-bb07-9f89bcee2282",
"resourceName" : "cachedlogcategory",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"modifiedTime" : 1415908739950,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e035fd57-e170-43b5-ab84-36b4b2b711bd",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2--revoke",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/revoke",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "61468e10-0f47-4c53-9ae5-5409d5152143",
"name" : "revokeOAuth2AccessTokenbyEndUserIDorAppID",
"displayName" : "Revoke OAuth2 Access Token by End User or App ID",
"description" : "<p>Revokes an OAuth2 access tokens associated with an App End User ID or Developer App ID, or both. </p>\n<div class=\"paid\">\n\t<p>This API call is available for Apigee Edge Enterprise plans only.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"note\">\n\t<p>This API requires the <strong>orgadmin</strong> or <strong>opsadmin</strong> role.</p>\n</div>\n<h3>Revoke by Developer App ID</h3>\n<p>Note that all OAuth2 access tokens generated by Edge include the ID of the developer app associated with the token, and you can always revoke tokens based on that ID using this API. To get a list of Developer App IDs for a specific developer, you can use this API: <a href=\"/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/developers/%7Bdeveloper_email_or_id%7D/apps\">List Developer Apps</a>. To find tokens based on Developer App ID, see <a href=\"/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/oauth2/search\">Get OAuth2 Access Token by End User or App ID</a>. </p>\n<h3>Revoke by App End User ID</h3>\n<p>In some cases, you may wish to revoke tokens associated with the ID of the user to whom they were issued (the actual user of the client app). This ID has to be present in the token. Adding an End User ID to an access token requires some preliminary setup in the OAuthV2 policy that generates the token. For details, see <a href=\"/api-reference/content/enable-retrieval-and-revocation-oauth-20-access-tokens-end-user-id-app-id-or-both\">Enable retrieval and revocation of OAuth 2.0 access tokens by end user ID, app id, or both</a>. You can use another API to search for tokens based on End User ID. See <a href=\"/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/oauth2/search\">Get OAuth2 Access Token by End User or App ID</a>. <br />\n\t </p>\n<p>For example, you may wish to provide a way for users to revoke their own access tokens. </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Use to revoke OAuth2 access tokens associated with a specific app end user's ID. The user's ID must be present in the token itself, as explained above. This value is not required, but you must query by either End User ID or Developer App ID.",
"name" : "enduser",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Use to revoke OAuth2 access tokens associated with a Developer App ID. This value is not required, but you must query by either End User ID or Developer App ID.",
"name" : "app",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : " ",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"contentType" : "application/xml",
"doc" : "When your API request has been successfully sent, the HTTP status code will be \"202\nAccepted\" and the response will display the number of OAuth 2.0 tokens that were submitted\nfor revocation. <br><br>\nThe \"202 Accepted\" status does not mean that the revocation has been completed. For\nexample, you may do a GET for access tokens after performing a revoke and see an OAuth 2.0\naccess token that should have been revoked. This may just mean that the revocation process is\nstill in-progress. The processing time depends on the number of access tokens being revoked.",
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : " "
"tags" : [ "OAuth 2.0 Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1464029103905,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/revoke",
"resourceId" : "e035fd57-e170-43b5-ab84-36b4b2b711bd",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2--revoke",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "1e40689b-8918-4f35-aa8c-44c257d2fdb0",
"name" : "-users",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/users",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "d05bed1f-d98f-4e86-94ef-160053ce47b8",
"name" : "ListUsers",
"displayName" : "List Users",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Returns a list of all global users. See <a href=\"/api-services/content/about-global-users\">About global users</a> for more on Edge users, user types, and user roles. </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Users" ],
"createdTime" : 1467210396422,
"modifiedTime" : 1467213281501,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/users",
"resourceId" : "1e40689b-8918-4f35-aa8c-44c257d2fdb0",
"resourceName" : "-users",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "532c1968-bde9-4ca1-ae64-26621081a34b",
"name" : "CreateUser",
"displayName" : "Create User",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Creates a global user. See <a href=\"/api-services/content/about-global-users\">About global users</a> for more on Edge users, user types, and user roles. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>You must pass all information to the call, including first name, last name, email address, and password.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>After you create the user in an organization, you must assign the user to a role in an organization. Roles determine the access rights of the user on Edge. See <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/userroles/%7Brole_name%7D/users-0\">Add a user to a role</a> for more.</p>\n<div class=\"note\">\n\t<p>The user cannot log in to the Edge UI, and does not appear in the list of users in the Edge UI, until you assign it to a role in an organization. </p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as application/json or application/xml.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>firstName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The first name of the new user.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>lastName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The last name of the new user.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>password</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The password for the new user. The user enters this password to log in to the Edge UI.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>emailId</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The email address of the new user.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{ \r\n \"firstName\" : \"{first_name}\", \r\n \"lastName\" : \"{last_name}\", \r\n \"password\" : \"{new_pword}\", \r\n \"emailId\" : \"{email_address}\" \r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Users" ],
"createdTime" : 1467210719714,
"modifiedTime" : 1467213344493,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/users",
"resourceId" : "1e40689b-8918-4f35-aa8c-44c257d2fdb0",
"resourceName" : "-users",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8714a3e7-241c-482d-96bd-6754bc74b40b",
"name" : "keystoreKey",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/keys",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "6aeabd5f-897e-4192-b28f-98ac1239d501",
"name" : "postKSKey",
"displayName" : "Upload a JAR file to a Keystore",
"description" : "<p>After you've created a keystore in an environment, you can use this API to upload your JAR files that contain a cert and private key. For more information on keystores, see <a href=\"/api-services/content/keystores-and-truststores\">KeyStores and TrustStores</a>.</p>\n<p>This API validates the following:</p>\n<ul><li>That file size is no larger than 50KB.</li>\n\t<li>That the certificate is of type PEM or DER.</li>\n\t<li>That the certificate is not expired. To bypass this validation, set ignoreExpiryValidation=true.</li>\n</ul>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the keystore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Specifies the alias name of the JAR file used to create a virtual host.",
"name" : "alias",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Specifies the password of the private key, if it exists.",
"name" : "password",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "boolean",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "By default, this API checks to make sure the certificate hasn't expired. Set to <code>false</code> to validate for certificate expiration.",
"name" : "ignoreExpiryValidation",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ {
"description" : "Specify the JAR file containing the cert and private key.",
"name" : "file",
"required" : true
} ],
"contentType" : "multipart/form-data",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Keystores and Truststores" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1457475165882,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/keys",
"resourceId" : "8714a3e7-241c-482d-96bd-6754bc74b40b",
"resourceName" : "keystoreKey",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "c9fbbdbd-6b56-4679-a838-08f76422609b",
"name" : "resourceFileApi",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the resource type",
"name" : "resource_type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the resource name",
"name" : "resource_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API revision number",
"name" : "revision_number",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "81b77d0c-5a93-4062-a24b-5a6de13334f6",
"name" : "UpdatearesourcefileinanAPIfileupload",
"displayName" : "Update a resource file in an API (file upload)",
"description" : "<p>Updates a resource file in an API proxy through file upload. This is an alternative to updating a resource file by passing the file contents in the request body, as described in <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/put/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/apis/%7Bapi_name%7D/revisions/%7Brevision_number%7D/resourcefiles/%7Bresource_type%7D/%7Bresource_name%7D\">Update a resource file in an API</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "multipart/form-data",
"description" : "Use <code>multipart/form-data<code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ {
"description" : "Attach the resource file you want to update.",
"name" : "file",
"required" : true
} ],
"contentType" : "multipart/form-data",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1440461566240,
"modifiedTime" : 1440524026736,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "c9fbbdbd-6b56-4679-a838-08f76422609b",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileApi",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "49d3f804-b86a-4c43-b1d6-2aecd25aa4a6",
"name" : "UpdatearesourcefileinanAPI",
"displayName" : "Update a resource file in an API",
"description" : "<p>Updates a resource file in an API proxy.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Paste the contents of the file in the request body.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>You can also PUT a file to this API by using a cURL command in the form:<br />\n\t </p>\n<pre>\ncurl -H \"Content-type: multipart/form-data\" -F file=@{filename_with_extension} \\\n-X PUT{org}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name} \\\n-u email\n</pre>\n<p>For more information on resource files, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/resource-files\">Resource files</a>.</p>\n",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "Paste the updated content of the file here."
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "null" ],
"createdTime" : 1440453150948,
"modifiedTime" : 1440453976064,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "c9fbbdbd-6b56-4679-a838-08f76422609b",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileApi",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "6e8600f5-5181-4ee1-9e88-a6914d6b7ec2",
"name" : "getResourceFileApi",
"displayName" : "Get a resource file from an API",
"description" : "Gets the content of an API proxy-scoped resource file.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1440521936005,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "c9fbbdbd-6b56-4679-a838-08f76422609b",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileApi",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "9d3376f6-a8cc-4080-8de2-f52be8f38f70",
"name" : "deleteResourceFileEApi",
"displayName" : "Delete a resource file from an API",
"description" : "Deletes a resource file from an API.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1440455927269,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "c9fbbdbd-6b56-4679-a838-08f76422609b",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileApi",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7e2c9d52-4734-4d1a-83f7-5db161503958",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "629a324f-d623-4d63-9ef0-e09e24f4cdd2",
"name" : "addRolesToOrg",
"displayName" : "Create Roles in an Organization",
"description" : "<p>Creates one ore more user roles in an organization.</p>\n<p>After you create the role, you can use the following APIs to add permissions to the role:</p>\n<ul><li><a href=\"\">Add Multiple Resource Permissions for Resource</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">Add Permissions for Resource to a Role</a></li>\n</ul>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code>application/json</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"role\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"role1\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"role2\"\r\n } \r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Roles at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1461357921355,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles",
"resourceId" : "7e2c9d52-4734-4d1a-83f7-5db161503958",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8869ed3f-c199-48d8-9bc2-29392a5fc476",
"name" : "listRolesofOrg",
"displayName" : "List Roles of Organization",
"description" : "Gets a list of roles available to users in an organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Roles at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1407170999028,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles",
"resourceId" : "7e2c9d52-4734-4d1a-83f7-5db161503958",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "edcc8744-c38b-4044-95f8-a2eb92b2b0d9",
"name" : "-userroles--role-name--resourcepermissions",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/userroles/{role_name}/resourcepermissions",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "feb44da3-b6ff-43e1-8fd2-4912d31740c3",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key--apiproducts--apiproduct-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "consumer_key",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Product name",
"name" : "apiproduct_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "9ed86818-5d1a-4834-ba99-125aa83e2267",
"name" : "deleteApiProductofSpecificKeyOfDeveloperApp",
"displayName" : "Remove API Product for a Specific Key",
"description" : "Removes an API product from an app's consumer key, and thereby renders the app unable to access the API resources defined in that API product.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nNote that the consumer key itself still exists after this call. Only the association of the key with the API product is removed.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Keys" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1406750138313,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}",
"resourceId" : "feb44da3-b6ff-43e1-8fd2-4912d31740c3",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key--apiproducts--apiproduct-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "185bcd9d-34e5-4a76-bc80-c02e43ff4e25",
"name" : "approveApiProductofSpecificKeyOfDeveloperApp",
"displayName" : "Approve or Revoke API Product for a Key for a Developer App",
"description" : "Sets the association of an app's consumer key with an API product to 'approved' or 'revoked'. The API product must already be associated with the app.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nYou can approve a consumer key that is currently revoked or pending for the API product. You can also reapprove a revoked key.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nTo consume API resources defined in an API product, an app's consumer key must be approved and it must also be approved for that specific API product.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Set action to <code>approve</code> or <code>revoke</code>.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify the Content-Type as <code>application/octet-stream</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Keys" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1406749686435,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}",
"resourceId" : "feb44da3-b6ff-43e1-8fd2-4912d31740c3",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key--apiproducts--apiproduct-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"modifiedTime" : 1419345052862,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "559bbb4d-b86b-4b06-87de-fe6e43f28d8d",
"name" : "prodAllAttributes",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}/attributes",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Product name",
"name" : "apiproduct_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a30cf977-7b38-4d3d-8835-cb37faa97fc4",
"name" : "updateProdAllAttributes",
"displayName" : "Updates all API Product Attributes",
"description" : "<p>Updates or creates API product attributes.</p>\n<p>This API replaces the current list of attributes with the attributes specified in the request body. This lets you update existing attributes, add new attributes, or delete existing attributes by omitting them from the request body.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the custom attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"attribute\" : [\r\n {\"name\" :\"attr1_name\", \"value\" : \"attr1_val1\"},\r\n {\"name\" :\"attr2_name\", \"value\" : \"attr2_val1\"},\r\n ...\r\n {\"name\" :\"attrN_name\", \"value\" : \"attrN_val1\"}\r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1440015691828,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}/attributes",
"resourceId" : "559bbb4d-b86b-4b06-87de-fe6e43f28d8d",
"resourceName" : "prodAllAttributes",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "cabf5264-7976-4089-9db4-745473fd5db0",
"name" : "getProdAllAttributes",
"displayName" : "Gets all API Product Attributes",
"description" : "Returns a list of all API product attributes.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1411670460414,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}/attributes",
"resourceId" : "559bbb4d-b86b-4b06-87de-fe6e43f28d8d",
"resourceName" : "prodAllAttributes",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "100d79a6-22b2-4adb-9bff-6fa5a415bac5",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--companies",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "b7c09061-c6ca-4b51-bf79-932acb61dc0c",
"name" : "createCompany",
"displayName" : "Create Company",
"description" : "<p>Creates a company in an organization.</p>\n<p>The company is always created with a <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">status</span></code> of <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">active</span></code>. To set the status explicitly, use <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/put/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/companies/%7Bcompany_name%7D-0\">Set the Status of a Company</a>.</p>\n<p>The attributes in the sample payload below apply to company configuration in <strong>monetization</strong>. For non-monetized companies, you need send only name and displayName.</p>\n<p>To set the company's billing type (PREPAID to POSTPAID), make sure the organization profile is configured to support your setting (for example, set to accept BOTH). See <a href=\"/docs/monetization/content/edit-organization-profile\">Edit the organization profile</a>.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content-Type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">application</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">json</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">text</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">xml</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name of the company to be created. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">A</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">Z0</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">9.</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">_\\-$ </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">%</span></code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>displayName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Display name of the company to be created. </td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value formatted attributes used to extend the default company profile.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\": \"{unique-company-name-that-won't-change}\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"{company name displayed in the UI}\",\r\n \"attributes\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"ADMIN_EMAIL\",\r\n \"value\": \"{company owner email address}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_BILLING_TYPE\",\r\n \"value\": \"{one of PREPAID | POSTPAID}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_LEGAL_NAME\",\r\n \"value\": \"{legal name of company for reports}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_TAX_EXEMPT_AUTH_NO\",\r\n \"value\": \"{government tax exemption number, if applicable}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_PHONE\",\r\n \"value\": \"{company phone number}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_ADDRESS\",\r\n \"value\": \"{\\\"address1\\\":\\\"123 Main St.\\\",\\\"city\\\":\\\"Anytown\\\",\\\"country\\\":\\\"US\\\",\\\"isPrimary\\\":true}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{custom_attribute1_name}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value1}\"\r\n } \r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1440017908106,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies",
"resourceId" : "100d79a6-22b2-4adb-9bff-6fa5a415bac5",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4fcdc660-c173-43ee-92b5-9251db909959",
"name" : "listAndExpandCompanies",
"displayName" : "List Companies",
"description" : "List all companies in an organization, and optionally returns an expanded list of companies, displaying a full profile for each company in the organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "false",
"description" : "Set expand to <code>true</code> to return a full profile for each company.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1406739607960,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies",
"resourceId" : "100d79a6-22b2-4adb-9bff-6fa5a415bac5",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a6ae05e7-f9e2-4f33-9ce6-f68612712db6",
"name" : "createPolicy",
"displayName" : "createPolicy",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/policies",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "30482136-12bc-4b04-988a-9b4a34b379a4",
"name" : "ListpoliciesforanAPIproxyrevision",
"displayName" : "List policies for an API proxy revision",
"description" : "<p>Lists policies in a specific revision of an API proxy.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Policy" ],
"createdTime" : 1441214471559,
"modifiedTime" : 1441214670387,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/policies",
"resourceId" : "a6ae05e7-f9e2-4f33-9ce6-f68612712db6",
"resourceName" : "createPolicy",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8fb48e04-0660-4e3a-8b18-88e3c2ad3ba7",
"name" : "Createapolicy",
"displayName" : "Create a policy for an API proxy revision",
"description" : "<p>Creates a policy for a specific API proxy revision. Use this as an alternative to creating a policy in the management UI. Edge validates the policy, and you'll receive an error if the policy is invalid. For information on creating policies, see the documentation for individual policies in the <a href=\"/docs/api-services/reference/reference-overview-policy\">Policy reference overview</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>To use the new policy in the API proxy revision, you must attach it to the desired place in the proxy flow. </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/xml",
"description" : "<code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/xml",
"description" : "<code>application/xml</code> or <code>application/json</code>. Policy definitions are in XML, but you can alternatively view the response in JSON.",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "Replace this text with the policy XML."
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Policy" ],
"createdTime" : 1441212599869,
"modifiedTime" : 1441214884704,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/policies",
"resourceId" : "a6ae05e7-f9e2-4f33-9ce6-f68612712db6",
"resourceName" : "createPolicy",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1441212381153,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "88233425-2377-43e6-9753-d71561c53352",
"name" : "appProdAttribute",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Product name",
"name" : "apiproduct_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the attribute name",
"name" : "attribute_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "9ef81c1a-db8c-47cc-a957-d2d1cd6ee637",
"name" : "updateProdAttribute",
"displayName" : "Updates API Product Attribute",
"description" : "Updates the value of an API product attribute.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\"value\" : \"attr_val\"}"
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1411670396524,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"resourceId" : "88233425-2377-43e6-9753-d71561c53352",
"resourceName" : "appProdAttribute",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "942c1101-4c8c-4206-8878-71470a9378c5",
"name" : "delProdAttribute",
"displayName" : "Delete API Product Attribute",
"description" : "Deletes an API product attribute.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1411670424102,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"resourceId" : "88233425-2377-43e6-9753-d71561c53352",
"resourceName" : "appProdAttribute",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f5b13eb0-85d5-43e4-b1b8-a8cf61c54d86",
"name" : "getProdAttribute",
"displayName" : "Get API Product Attribute",
"description" : "Returns the value of an API product attribute.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1411670353265,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"resourceId" : "88233425-2377-43e6-9753-d71561c53352",
"resourceName" : "appProdAttribute",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "90eef6ab-c3cb-4523-b304-ebec73078eca",
"name" : "apiKVMap",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API proxy name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the map name",
"name" : "map_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "99d3e866-ffeb-4add-b0fa-f830b11c3955",
"name" : "delAPIKVMap",
"displayName" : "Delete KeyValueMap from an API proxy",
"description" : "Deletes a KeyValueMap and all associated entries from an API proxy.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1412773549347,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"resourceId" : "90eef6ab-c3cb-4523-b304-ebec73078eca",
"resourceName" : "apiKVMap",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7bc2f48d-2f21-421c-85dc-63d3acab2aef",
"name" : "getAPIKVMap",
"displayName" : "Get KeyValueMap in an API proxy",
"description" : "Gets a KeyValueMap in an API proxy by name, along with associated entries.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1412773760250,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"resourceId" : "90eef6ab-c3cb-4523-b304-ebec73078eca",
"resourceName" : "apiKVMap",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "19a3fecb-c32b-41db-8920-5f8474b15c2d",
"name" : "updateAPIKVMap",
"displayName" : "Update KeyValueMap in an API proxy",
"description" : "<p><strong>DEPRECATED</strong>: This API is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Update map entries individually instead of in bulk.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: This API isn't supported with <a href=\"/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>. For CPS, use <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/apis/%7Bapi_name%7D/keyvaluemaps/%7Bmap_name%7D/entries/%7Bentry_name%7D\">Update a KeyValueMap entry in an API proxy (CPS)</a>.</p>\n</div>\n<p>Updates an existing KeyValueMap in an API proxy. Does not override the existing map. Instead, this method updates the entries if they exist or adds them if not.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>It can take several minutes before the new value is visible to runtime traffic.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type as <code>application/json</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>entry</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name/value pairs for the entry that defines the data to be stored. Characters you can use in the entry are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the map to be created. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"Map_name\",\r\n \"entry\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value1\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Key2\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value2\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Key3\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value3\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1453337328898,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"resourceId" : "90eef6ab-c3cb-4523-b304-ebec73078eca",
"resourceName" : "apiKVMap",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"modifiedTime" : 1431708740068,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "3eef662c-994f-4294-9782-aa0b7f316e8d",
"name" : "reports",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/reports",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "2faae459-ea0b-4cb0-ba0c-0f5fa9c5c0af",
"name" : "createReport",
"displayName" : "Create an Analytics report",
"description" : "Generates metadata for an analytics report.<br>\n<br>\nFor more information on metrics, dimensions, and other report settings, see the custom reports documentation.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify content type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\n \"displayName\": \"Policy errors\",\n \"chartType\": \"line\",\n \"properties\": [\n {\n \"property\": \"__ui__\",\n \"value\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"description\",\n \"value\": \"This report shows the total number policy errors for API proxies. Proxies with zero errors are not shown.\"\n } ]\n }\n ],\n \"environment\": \"test\",\n \"metrics\": [\n {\n \"function\": \"sum\",\n \"name\": \"policy_error\"\n }\n ],\n \"dimensions\": [\n \"apiproxy\"\n ],\n \"filter\": \"(policy_error gt 0)\",\n \"timeUnit\": \"hour\"\n}"
"tags" : [ "Reports" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1430329406558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/reports",
"resourceId" : "3eef662c-994f-4294-9782-aa0b7f316e8d",
"resourceName" : "reports",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5addfd65-c5c1-4301-b92b-a3afadc444ae",
"name" : "getReports",
"displayName" : "Lists Reports",
"description" : "Lists all the reports in an organization.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe report name is the report's numeric UUID, such as 62d9de1f-9b56-4a27-ad74-14199eb07201. ",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Reports" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1407354813400,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/reports",
"resourceId" : "3eef662c-994f-4294-9782-aa0b7f316e8d",
"resourceName" : "reports",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "195ad202-5686-49ad-8af9-2924f4054dc4",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--deployments",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/deployments",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a8f78382-9803-4c18-bfde-8826f7aa88a5",
"name" : "getApiProxyDeployments",
"displayName" : "Get API Proxy Deployment Details",
"description" : "Returns detail on all deployments of the API proxy for all environments. All deployments are listed in the test and prod environments, as well as other environments, if they exist.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1406746019925,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/deployments",
"resourceId" : "195ad202-5686-49ad-8af9-2924f4054dc4",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--deployments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f14dbba9-7280-47ce-a533-7ed86299628d",
"name" : "createAliasCertKey",
"displayName" : "createAliasCertKey",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/aliases",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "7668883e-9d45-419f-addb-ddaade5e2d56",
"name" : "envKVMapEntry",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the map name",
"name" : "map_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the entry name",
"name" : "entry_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "ae1af20b-83de-4008-a950-a295e3618ea9",
"name" : "UpdateaKeyValueMapentryinanenvironmentCPS",
"displayName" : "Update a KeyValueMap entry in an environment (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Updates an entry in a KeyValueMap scoped to an environment. A key cannot be larger than 2 KB.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong> This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"counterpart\">\n\t<p>You can also create and manage environment-scoped key/value maps in the management UI. For more information, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/creating-and-editing-environment-keyvalue-maps\">Creating and editing environment key/value maps</a>.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"Env_Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"updated_value\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nor\r\n\r\n<Entry name=\"Env_Key1\">updated_value</Entry>"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438353957772,
"modifiedTime" : 1444070259374,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "7668883e-9d45-419f-addb-ddaade5e2d56",
"resourceName" : "envKVMapEntry",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "61741845-2a15-460b-aa40-4cea8fed85d9",
"name" : "getEnvKVMapEntry",
"displayName" : "Get KeyValueMap Entry in an Environment",
"description" : "Gets a specific key/value map entry in an environment by name, along with associated entries.<br /><br /><div class=\"counterpart\">\n\t<p>You can also create and manage environment-scoped key/value maps in the management UI. For more information, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/creating-and-editing-environment-keyvalue-maps\">Creating and editing environment key/value maps</a>.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1444070003390,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "7668883e-9d45-419f-addb-ddaade5e2d56",
"resourceName" : "envKVMapEntry",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "17718650-6702-42be-b067-8f69110fd1c4",
"name" : "delEnvKVMapEntry",
"displayName" : "Delete KeyValueMap Entry in an Environment",
"description" : "Deletes a specific key/value map entry in an environment by name, along with associated entries.<br /><br /><div class=\"counterpart\">\n\t<p>You can also create and manage environment-scoped key/value maps in the management UI. For more information, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/creating-and-editing-environment-keyvalue-maps\">Creating and editing environment key/value maps</a>.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1444069921678,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "7668883e-9d45-419f-addb-ddaade5e2d56",
"resourceName" : "envKVMapEntry",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974557,
"modifiedTime" : 1412713908018,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5f8d5ee2-9660-4b3f-8fdc-35d55d3ec7f9",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "d25848ee-b2d4-4a12-a428-7d1fd7bc5621",
"name" : "Updateanenvironment",
"displayName" : "Update an environment",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Updates an existing environment.</p>\n<p><strong>Note</strong>: If you have set any properties on the environment, and want to update one or more of those properties, you must pass all properties to the API, even if they are not being changed. To get the current list of properties for the environment, use the <a href=\"/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D\">Get Environment Details</a> API. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>description</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Environment description.</code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>properties</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value pairs that may be used for customizing the environment.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"description\":\"{env_descrip}\",\r\n \"properties\":{\r\n \"property\":[\r\n {\r\n \"name\":\"name1\",\r\n \"value\":\"value1\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\":\"name2\",\r\n \"value\":\"value2\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1466620480922,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779551628,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}",
"resourceId" : "5f8d5ee2-9660-4b3f-8fdc-35d55d3ec7f9",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "9e397781-c7f7-4dcb-b3a8-0fe3272159ea",
"name" : "getEnvironment",
"displayName" : "Get Environment Details",
"description" : "Gets environment details, such as the UNIX times at which the environment was created and last modified, the user name of the Apigee user who created and last modified the environment, the name of the environment, and a list of property names and values that are reserved for use by Apigee.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "appliction/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779494909,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}",
"resourceId" : "5f8d5ee2-9660-4b3f-8fdc-35d55d3ec7f9",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "fa76f841-e92f-4cad-ab74-3a74924d3f59",
"name" : "Deleteanenvironment",
"displayName" : "Delete an environment",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<div> </div>\n<div>Deletes an environment, You can only delete an environment after you have:</div>\n<ol><li>Deleted all virtual hosts in the environment. See <a href=\"/management/apis/delete/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/virtualhosts/%7Bvirtualhost_name%7D\">Delete a Virtual Host</a>.</li>\n\t<li>Disassociated the environment from all Message Processors. See <a href=\"/management/apis/delete/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/servers\">Disassociate an environment with a Message Processor</a>.</li>\n\t<li>Cleaned up analytics. See <a href=\"/management/apis/delete/analytics/groups/ax/%7Bgroup_name%7D/scopes\">Remove analytics information about an environment</a>.</li>\n</ol>",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1466620818513,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779584565,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}",
"resourceId" : "5f8d5ee2-9660-4b3f-8fdc-35d55d3ec7f9",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "0d05d728-f8a5-4456-8717-4fc9ce6b92e3",
"name" : "getAliasCSR",
"displayName" : "getAliasCSR",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/aliases/{alias_name}/csr",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the alias name",
"name" : "alias_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "3cd8e4a8-33c2-4676-9cd5-575676f65dcf",
"name" : "debugSession",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/debugsessions",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API revision number",
"name" : "revision_number",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "6d33f04f-4f23-4502-8a62-1ea61205ca90",
"name" : "createDebugSession",
"displayName" : "Create a debug session",
"description" : "<p>Create a debug session.<br /><br />\n\tA debug session records detailed information on messages, the Flow processing, and policy execution during processing by an API proxy.<br /><br />\n\tThe data returned in the debug session is a single XML or JSON representation of all debug data for each message exchange. The debug data is the same as that used to generate the 'Trace' view in the edge management UI.<br /><br />\n\tA debug session captures a maximum of 20 messages, or records, for a maximum for 2 minutes (by default), whichever comes first.<br /><br />\n\tDebugging involves the following steps:<br />\n\t1. Start a debug session by creating a debug session.<br />\n\t2. Send a message for that deployed API proxy.<br />\n\t3. Retrieve the debug data associated with the debug session. The data can be fetched by issuing a GET call on the session.<br />\n\t4. Close the debug session. (Closing the debug session discards all the associated data).</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Alternatively, you can create a debug session that captures only API calls with specific query parameters and/or HTTP headers. Filtering is particularly useful for troubleshooting. For more information, see <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/apis/%7Bapi_name%7D/revisions/%7Brevision_number%7D/debugsessions%3F%7Bqparam%7D_%7Bqpvalue%7D\">Create a debug session with a filter</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The user-given name of the debug session (used to retrieve the results after debugging completes).",
"name" : "session",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The time in seconds after which the particular session should be discarded. Default is 120 seconds.",
"name" : "timeout",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/x-www-url-form-encoded",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code>application/x-www-url-form-encoded</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-url-form-encoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Debug Session" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1466104373158,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/debugsessions",
"resourceId" : "3cd8e4a8-33c2-4676-9cd5-575676f65dcf",
"resourceName" : "debugSession",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "249a8a87-7b4c-4887-8b7f-0d24d34b2c16",
"name" : "listDebugSession",
"displayName" : "List debug sessions",
"description" : "List all debug sessions created by the Create Debug Session APi call or by the Trace tool in the Edge management UI.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Debug Session" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1406745067902,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/debugsessions",
"resourceId" : "3cd8e4a8-33c2-4676-9cd5-575676f65dcf",
"resourceName" : "debugSession",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7fa4a926-da8a-47ce-adac-ebfbf120cb61",
"name" : "debugSessionDel",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/debugsessions/{session_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API revision number",
"name" : "revision_number",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the debug session name",
"name" : "session_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "7c204dca-e660-4a51-9c8c-86a104a50a1f",
"name" : "deleteDebugSession",
"displayName" : "Delete debug session",
"description" : "Deletes a debug session.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Debug Session" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1406744898096,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/debugsessions/{session_name}",
"resourceId" : "7fa4a926-da8a-47ce-adac-ebfbf120cb61",
"resourceName" : "debugSessionDel",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"modifiedTime" : 1399379789584,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "42046016-b2ca-45d4-8e0e-cb9b94744322",
"name" : "auditAPI",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "e3ba9278-1654-4ac6-bafc-dda3add0b2de",
"name" : "auditAPIGet",
"displayName" : "List Audit Entries for an API Proxy",
"description" : "Lists audit records for management operations for an API proxy in an organization.\n<br><br>\nFor API proxy revisions, deploy and undeploy actions are recorded as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">CREATE</span></code> operations. You can distinguish between them by examining the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">requestUri</span></code> element in the output.\n<br><br>\nFor every call made to the management API, Apigee Edge logs an audit record. This API enables you to obtain a record of all management calls made against API proxies in an organization. The audit logs provide access to the actions (create, read, update, delete) executed on organizations.\n<br><br>\nIf there are no audit records, or if the entity does not exist, this API returns an empty array.\n\n<br><br>\nIf you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is to use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "false",
"description" : "<code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">true</span></code> - Returns all of the audit results from the specified API proxy entity and all of its sub-entities, including revisions, policies, resources, etc.<br><br><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">false</span></code> (default) - Only returns results for the specified&nbsp;API&nbsp;proxy entity (where the query URI is an exact match). Records for \"sub-entities\" including revisions, policies, resources, etc, are excluded.<br><br>Note: With <code>expand=false</code>, you can also ask for a specific \"sub-entity\", such as a specific revision. For example:<br><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/apis/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">apiname</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">revisions</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">2</span></code>",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Filters results by the specified time interval. Valid values are <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">week</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">month</span></code>. If you use<code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, don't use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "timeline",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The beginning date/time from which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "startTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The ending date/time up to which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "endTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "A limit on the total number of audit entries to be returned when you specify either <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">octet</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">stream</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Audits" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1431463566138,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}",
"resourceId" : "42046016-b2ca-45d4-8e0e-cb9b94744322",
"resourceName" : "auditAPI",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7b4d477b-a9cb-4123-a347-5c231e50b6e3",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--apis",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "053158cf-8308-4236-80ca-2a2fdc7e8bc3",
"name" : "createAPIProxy",
"displayName" : "Create an API Proxy",
"description" : "Creates an API Proxy. The API proxy that is created using this call will not be accessible at runtime until the proxy is deployed to an environment. Usually, this request is followed up with an export API proxy method call, which exports the API proxy bundle to the developer's local machine for development.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the API. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\": \"{api_name}\" \r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1457391853089,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis",
"resourceId" : "7b4d477b-a9cb-4123-a347-5c231e50b6e3",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f0d194ee-0db8-4a5b-a05c-9cea3e7bd552",
"name" : "Api Transformation API Collection - student",
"displayName" : "Import a new API Proxy",
"description" : "<p>Uploads a ZIP-formatted API proxy configuration bundle from a local machine to an organization on Edge. If the API proxy already exists, then create a new revision of the API proxy. If the API proxy does not exist, then create it. </p>\n<p>Once imported, the API revision must be deployed before it can be accessed at runtime.</p>\n<p>By default, API proxy configurations are not validated on import:</p>\n<ul><li><strong>To validate the API proxy definition on import</strong>, set the <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">validate</span> query parameter to <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">true</span>. Invalid API proxy configurations are rejected, and a list of validation errors returned to the client.</li>\n\t<li><strong>To validate the API only but not import it</strong>, set the <span style=\"font-family: 'courier new', courier, monospace;\">action</span> query parameter to <span style=\"font-family: 'courier new', courier, monospace;\">validate</span>. </li>\n</ul><p>In the following cURL example, Content-Type is automatically set to <code>multipart/form-data</code></p>\n<pre>\ncurl -X POST -u email:password -F \"\" \"{org-name}/apis?action=import&amp;name=example\"\n</pre>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "import",
"description" : "Available actions:<ul><li><code>import</code> - Imports the bundle</li><li><code>validate</code> - Validates the bundle without importing it</li></ul>",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Specify the API proxy name.",
"name" : "name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "multipart/form-data",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as <code>multipart/form-data</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "boolean",
"defaultValue" : "false",
"description" : "Specify to validate, <code>true</code>, or not validate, <code>false</code>, the proxy definition. ",
"name" : "validate",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ {
"description" : "Specify the ZIP file containing the API proxy configuration bundle.",
"name" : "file",
"required" : true
} ],
"contentType" : "multipart/form-data",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1462911650889,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis",
"resourceId" : "7b4d477b-a9cb-4123-a347-5c231e50b6e3",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "79f96f9b-c334-4246-854d-683df4f7b97c",
"name" : "listApiProxy",
"displayName" : "List API Proxies",
"description" : "Gets the names of all API proxies in an organization. The names correspond to the names defined in the configuration files for each API proxy.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1411595177859,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis",
"resourceId" : "7b4d477b-a9cb-4123-a347-5c231e50b6e3",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d8c11f6e-13a2-487f-8aad-14cf1e19450a",
"name" : "-users--user-email-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/users/{user_email}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the user email",
"name" : "user_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "456d3a94-2b99-49bd-a930-31413259aa13",
"name" : "Updateuser",
"displayName" : "Update user",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Updates a global user. See <a href=\"/api-services/content/about-global-users\">About global users</a> for more on Edge users, user types, and user roles. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>When calling this API:</p>\n<ul><li>You must pass first name, last name, and email address to the call, even if you are not changing those values. </li>\n\t<li>The password is the only optional property. Only specify password when you want to change the user's password.</li>\n</ul><p> </p>\n<p>To determine the current information about the user, see <a href=\"/management/apis/get/users/%7Buser_email%7D\">Get User</a>.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as application/json or application/xml.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>firstName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The first name of the new user.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>lastName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The last name of the new user.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>password</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The password for the new user. The user enters this password to log in to the Edge UI.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>emailId</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The email address of the new user.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{ \r\n \"firstName\" : \"{first_name}\", \r\n \"lastName\" : \"{last_name}\", \r\n \"password\" : \"{new_pword}\", \r\n \"emailId\" : \"{email_address}\" \r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Users" ],
"createdTime" : 1467211423231,
"modifiedTime" : 1467213404638,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/users/{user_email}",
"resourceId" : "d8c11f6e-13a2-487f-8aad-14cf1e19450a",
"resourceName" : "-users--user-email-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7c0ce980-68e4-4292-b0ae-082ec5731f49",
"name" : "GetUser",
"displayName" : "Get User",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Returns information about a global user. See <a href=\"/api-services/content/about-global-users\">About global users</a> for more on Edge users, user types, and user roles. </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Users" ],
"createdTime" : 1467211056702,
"modifiedTime" : 1467213314942,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/users/{user_email}",
"resourceId" : "d8c11f6e-13a2-487f-8aad-14cf1e19450a",
"resourceName" : "-users--user-email-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "efa05bde-4a77-4a15-8007-df8ab862be3d",
"name" : "DeleteUser",
"displayName" : "Delete User",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Delete a global user. See <a href=\"/api-services/content/about-global-users\">About global users</a> for more on Edge users, user types, and user roles. </p>\n",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Users" ],
"createdTime" : 1467211130480,
"modifiedTime" : 1467213375753,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/users/{user_email}",
"resourceId" : "d8c11f6e-13a2-487f-8aad-14cf1e19450a",
"resourceName" : "-users--user-email-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7393ca58-f929-4abd-886a-3e86461cf65e",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--pods",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/pods",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "9af154e6-f4ac-42e4-a694-498ee8747d9c",
"name" : "Associateanorganizationwithapod",
"displayName" : "Associate an organization with a pod",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Associates an organization with a pod.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>By default, the name of the region is \"dc-1\" and the name of the pod is \"gateway. This names are set by the following properties in the Edge config file when you installed Edge:</p>\n<pre>\nMP_POD=gateway\nREGION=dc-1</pre>\n<p>For more information, see the Edge installation instructions. </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"description" : "Set the Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>region</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specify the region name.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>pod</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The pod name.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "region={region_name}&pod={pod_name}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Organization" ],
"createdTime" : 1466708396039,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779354714,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/pods",
"resourceId" : "7393ca58-f929-4abd-886a-3e86461cf65e",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--pods",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7a191a15-1da4-4eb4-ae44-ee30866908fc",
"name" : "Disassociateanorganizationfromapod",
"displayName" : "Disassociate an organization from a pod",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Disassociates an organization from a pod. Use the <a href=\"/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/pods\">Get pods associated with an organization</a> API to determine the list of pods and regions associated with the organization.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"description" : "Set the Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>action</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specify the action as \"remove\".</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>region</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specify the region name.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>pod</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The pod name.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "region={region_name}&pod={pod_name}&action=remove"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Organization" ],
"createdTime" : 1466708784891,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779389626,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/pods",
"resourceId" : "7393ca58-f929-4abd-886a-3e86461cf65e",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--pods",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "994a0a20-ee32-47ff-8923-08d2b76f97fb",
"name" : "Getpodsassociatedwithanorganization",
"displayName" : "Get pods associated with an organization",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Gets pods associated with an organization.</p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Organization" ],
"createdTime" : 1466707962920,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779320515,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/pods",
"resourceId" : "7393ca58-f929-4abd-886a-3e86461cf65e",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--pods",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "27d61234-9d30-4f87-864c-38405961d363",
"name" : "auditApp",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps/{app_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email",
"name" : "developer_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "2a6aac49-29eb-4b52-b47a-3e2efa130d59",
"name" : "getAuditApp",
"displayName" : "List Audit Entries for a Developer App",
"description" : "Lists audit records for management operations for a developer app.<br>\n<br>\nFor every call made to the management API, Apigee Edge logs an audit record. This API enables you to obtain a record of all management calls made against apps in an organization. The audit logs provide access to the actions (create, read, update, delete) executed on the apps.\n<br><br>\nIf there are no audit records, or if the entity does not exist, this API returns an empty array.\n<br>\n<br>\nIf you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is to use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "Set expand as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">true</span></code> to expand the audit records to return all audit records for the app.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Filters results by the specified time interval. Valid values are <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">week</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">month</span></code>. If you use<code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, don't use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "timeline",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The beginning date/time from which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "startTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The ending date/time up to which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "endTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "A limit on the total number of audit entries to be returned when you specify either <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">octet</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">stream</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Audits" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1431461943843,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "27d61234-9d30-4f87-864c-38405961d363",
"resourceName" : "auditApp",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a2c0da66-43c0-4d8a-8385-a1721346503b",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--deployments",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/deployments",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "0e7689ea-8a9b-40fb-9f50-fa4add0202c6",
"name" : "GetallAPIsdeployedtoanorganization",
"displayName" : "Get all APIs deployed to an organization",
"description" : "<p>Returns a description of all APIs deployed to all environments in the organization.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Organization" ],
"createdTime" : 1466707683379,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779291614,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/deployments",
"resourceId" : "a2c0da66-43c0-4d8a-8385-a1721346503b",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--deployments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b793f350-ba0b-457b-ad61-5ad5b5dc9475",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2--search",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/search",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "4426636d-7087-4a0f-a6ee-d60ddcae26ea",
"name" : "retrieveOAuth2AccessTokenbyEndUserIDorAppID",
"displayName" : "Get OAuth2 Access Token by End User or App ID",
"description" : "<p>Retrieves an OAuth2 access token by App End User ID or Developer App ID, or both. </p>\n<div class=\"paid\">\n\t<p>This API call is available for Apigee Edge Enterprise plans only.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"note\">\n\t<p>This API requires the <strong>orgadmin</strong> or <strong>opsadmin</strong> role.</p>\n</div>\n<h3>Search by Developer App ID</h3>\n<p>Note that all OAuth2 access tokens generated by Edge include the ID of the developer app associated with the token, and you can always search for tokens based on that ID using this API. To get a list of Developer App IDs for a specific developer, you can use this API: <a href=\"/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/developers/%7Bdeveloper_email_or_id%7D/apps\">List Developer Apps</a>.</p>\n<h3>Search by App End User ID</h3>\n<p>In some cases, you may wish to search for tokens based on the ID of the user to whom the token was issued (the actual user of the client app). This ID has to be available as a flow variable when the token is generated by the OAuthV2 policy. You can pass this ID as a query parameter or in a header with the access token request, or you can retrieve it from an external identity provider, as may be the case with the password grant type. </p>\n<br /><p>For example, you may wish to provide a way for users to discover which third-party apps they've authorized and to revoke their own access tokens for those apps. To search for tokens by user, you must first configure the OAuthV2 policy to insert a user ID into the token when it is created. This setup is described in <a href=\"/api-reference/content/enable-retrieval-and-revocation-oauth-20-access-tokens-end-user-id-app-id-or-both\">Enable retrieval and revocation of OAuth 2.0 access tokens by end user ID, app id, or both</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Use to retrieve OAuth2 access tokens associated with the unique ID of a specific end user. This value is not required, but you must query by either enduser or app.",
"name" : "enduser",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Use to retrieve OAuth2 access tokens associated with a Developer App ID. This value is not required, but you must query by either End User ID or Developer App ID.<br><br>",
"name" : "app",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Use to set the number of OAuth2 access token results you want to display per “page,” or list, of results. Set this parameter if you have many results and want to paginate them, but don’t want to use the default limit of 10. <br><br>Note: You cannot retrieve more results that the number defined by the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">oauth_max_search_limit</span></code> property in your files for your management server and message processor.",
"name" : "limit",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "When the number of access tokens returned exceeds the limit value, use start to navigate the multiple pages, or lists of results.<br><br>For usage details, see \"Use start and next to Navigate Through Multiple Pages of Results\" below.",
"name" : "start",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"contentType" : "application/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\n\t\t<thead>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</thead>\n\t\t<tbody>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>list</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Provides the OAuth2 access code for the end user ID and/or app ID defined in the request.</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t <td>totalResults</td>\n\t\t\t <td>Provides the total number of OAuth2 access codes associated with the specified end user ID.</td>\n\t\t </tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t <td>next</td>\n\t\t\t <td>When the number of access tokens returned exceeds the limit defined in the query parameters, next displays the value of the next access token to be displayed in the list. Use this value to navigate through multiple \"pages,\" or lists of results.<br><br>For usage details, see \"Use start and next to Navigate Through Multiple Pages of Results\" below.</td>\n\t\t </tr>\n\t\t</tbody>\n</table>\n<h3>Use start and next to Navigate Through Multiple Pages of Results </h3>\nWhen the number of access tokens returned exceeds the limit defined in the query parameters, you will have multiple \"pages,\" or lists, of access token results to scroll through. Use the start query parameter and next response payload element to navigate through the results.\n<br><br>\nFor example, let's say your first call returns the following response payload:\n<br><br>\n<pre class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">{</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"list\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">[</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"0XXX0wX4vX43lXXXX4f8e3504oXX\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"0oXzhtXdXX8kXgeXv22zv7bXXdj4\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">(...+</span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\">8</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> more</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">)],</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"meta\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">{</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"limit\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\">10</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"next\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"</span><strong><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">3gwbXXX2thXXzX7XXdyOblXtXyXX</span></strong><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"query\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">{</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"endUser\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"{enduser}\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">},</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"start\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"totalResults\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\">100</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">}</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">}</span></pre>\n<br>\nNote that the request limited the results returned per page, or list, to 10 and that the total number of results is 100. You need a way to navigate through nine more pages of results to see all 100 results.\n<br><br>\nTo do this, make another call with the next value in bold above as the start query parameter as shown in bold below. The request URL may look something like this:\n<br><br>\n<pre class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">https</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"com\" data-original-title=\"\">//{org-name}/oauth2/search?enduser={enduser}&amp;start=</span><strong><span class=\"com\" data-original-title=\"\">3gwbXXX2thXXzX7XXdyOblXtXyXX</span></strong><span class=\"com\" data-original-title=\"\">&amp;limit=10</span></pre>\n<br>\nSee the response payload below:\n<br><br>\n<pre class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">{</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"list\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">[</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"</span><strong><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">3gwbXXX2thXXzX7XXdyOblXtXyXX</span></strong><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"482XXv8XfXiouXvcXq6geXXkXXXX\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">(...+</span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\">8</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> more</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">)],</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"meta\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">{</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"limit\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\">10</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"next\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"</span><strong><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">Xa8mXidgXXtXXXcXnX8XXeXgXX6X</span></strong><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"query\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">{</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"endUser\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"{enduser}\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">},</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"start\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"3gwbXXX2thXXzX7XXdyXblXtXyXX\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\">\"totalResults\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\">100</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">}</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">}</span></pre>\n<br>\nNote that this next page of 10 results shown above starts with the access token requested by the start parameter. To see the next 10 results, make the same call, just using the next value in bold above as the start value as shown in bold below:\n<br><br>\n<pre class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\">https</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"com\" data-original-title=\"\">//{org-name}/oauth2/search?enduser={enduser}&amp;start=</span><strong><span class=\"com\" data-original-title=\"\">Xa8mXidgXXtXXXcXnX8XXeXgXX6X&amp;limit=10</span></strong></pre>\n<br>\nYou can page through each set of results by repeating this pattern of calls.",
"errors" : [ {
"code" : "keymanagement.service. app_id_not_found",
"description" : "An app ID provided in the query parameters was not found."
}, {
"code" : "keymanagement.service. parameters_missing",
"description" : "An end user ID provided in the query parameters was not found."
}, {
"code" : "keymanagement.service. InvalidValueForLimitParam",
"description" : "The limit value provided in the query parameters exceeds the value of the oauth_max_search_limit property defined in your files for your management server and message processor."
} ],
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : " "
"tags" : [ "OAuth 2.0 Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1464021562003,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/search",
"resourceId" : "b793f350-ba0b-457b-ad61-5ad5b5dc9475",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2--search",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a04f105d-a793-40c4-91ff-60cb51804093",
"name" : "orgKVMapsCps",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Replace with your organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "8d65288e-5d1f-4cbc-b19d-51f26c05d498",
"name" : "CreateKeyValueMapinanOrganizationCPS",
"displayName" : "Create an entry in an organization KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Creates an entry in an existing KeyValueMap scoped to an organization. A key (name) cannot be larger than 2 KB.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"Org_Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value_one\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nor\r\n\r\n<Entry name=\"Org_Key1\">value_one</Entry>"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438302768729,
"modifiedTime" : 1447109445064,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries",
"resourceId" : "a04f105d-a793-40c4-91ff-60cb51804093",
"resourceName" : "orgKVMapsCps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1438300345540,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "67bd8f69-db5b-4e51-8814-a3323f40f33d",
"name" : "removeenvfromanalytics",
"displayName" : "remove-env-from-analytics",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/analytics/groups/ax/{group_name}/scopes",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the analytics group name",
"name" : "group_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "677c1186-c881-4452-a2d1-74913bd61a59",
"name" : "Removeanalyticsinformationaboutanenvironment",
"displayName" : "Remove analytics information about an environment",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Before you can delete an environment, you must remove analytics infomration about that environment.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>By default, the name of the analytics group is \"analytics-001\". If you have to determine the group name, you can use the following cURL command:</p>\n<pre>\ncurl -u <em><strong>sysAdminEmail:pWrod</strong></em> \"http://<em><strong>&lt;MS_IP</strong></em>&gt;:8080/v1/analytics/groups/ax\"</pre>\n<p>where <em><strong>sysAdminEmail:pWord</strong></em> is the email address and password of the system administrator, and <em><strong>MS_IP</strong></em> is the IP address or DNS name of the Edge Management Server.</p>\n",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The name of the organization.",
"name" : "org",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The name of the environment.",
"name" : "env",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Analytics" ],
"createdTime" : 1466618185250,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779006620,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/analytics/groups/ax/{group_name}/scopes",
"resourceId" : "67bd8f69-db5b-4e51-8814-a3323f40f33d",
"resourceName" : "removeenvfromanalytics",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1466608177097,
"modifiedTime" : 1466617694995,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "9cdcfbf7-a7c1-468c-bb8f-3017fd186ded",
"name" : "-userroles--role-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/userroles/{role_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ce7393d8-231b-4b07-9e55-1aa1e6bfa1ca",
"name" : "UpdateaKeyValueMapentryinanAPIproxyrevisionCPS",
"displayName" : "Update a KeyValueMap entry in an API proxy revision (CPS)",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "d9ab075a-6a5c-40a2-bcb9-6eaf301c0ab1",
"name" : "UpdateaKeyValueMapentryinanAPIproxyrevisionCPS",
"displayName" : "Update a KeyValueMap entry in an API proxy revision (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Updates an entry in a KeyValueMap scoped to an API proxy revision. A key cannot be larger than 2 KB.</p>\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong> This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"ProxyRevision_Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"updated_value\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nor\r\n\r\n<Entry name=\"ProxyRevision_Key1\">updated_value</Entry>"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438355858029,
"modifiedTime" : 1438722501938,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "ce7393d8-231b-4b07-9e55-1aa1e6bfa1ca",
"resourceName" : "UpdateaKeyValueMapentryinanAPIproxyrevisionCPS",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1438355006317,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "28cf0b5c-4ade-41c2-ae4e-3c791be43d37",
"name" : "reportsModify",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/reports/{report_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the report name",
"name" : "report_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "ed2ebd46-b399-4d22-8fa6-7f692ebc4da8",
"name" : "getReport",
"displayName" : "Get a Report",
"description" : "Gets the contents of a report stored in an organization on Apigee Edge.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nFor the report name, use the \"name\" value, which is the report's numeric UUID, such as 62d9de1f-9b56-4a27-ad74-14199eb07201. Get this report name by using the list reports API.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Reports" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1406830956203,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/reports/{report_name}",
"resourceId" : "28cf0b5c-4ade-41c2-ae4e-3c791be43d37",
"resourceName" : "reportsModify",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e4dadfa4-83c8-406b-9b15-3d294c16fee5",
"name" : "deleteReport",
"displayName" : "Delete a Report",
"description" : "Delete a report from an organization.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nFor the report name, use the \"name\" value, which is the report's numeric UUID, such as 62d9de1f-9b56-4a27-ad74-14199eb07201. Get this report name by using the list reports API.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Reports" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1406830885935,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/reports/{report_name}",
"resourceId" : "28cf0b5c-4ade-41c2-ae4e-3c791be43d37",
"resourceName" : "reportsModify",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "1c58fda8-7134-4057-99ce-182fdae06493",
"name" : "updateReport",
"displayName" : "Update a Report",
"description" : "Update the definition of an existing report.<br>\n<br>\nFor the report name, use the 'name' value, which is the report's numeric UUID, such as 62d9de1f-9b56-4a27-ad74-14199eb07201. Get this report name by using the list reports API.<br>\n<br>\n<strong>IMPORTANT</strong>: To update a report, you must send the entire report definition that includes your report updates; otherwise the report definition is rewritten to include only the updated properties.<br>\n<br>\nFor more information on metrics, dimensions, and other report settings, see the custom reports documentation.",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "application/json is the supported Content-Type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\n \"displayName\": \"Policy errors\",\n \"chartType\": \"line\",\n \"properties\": [\n {\n \"property\": \"__ui__\",\n \"value\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"description\",\n \"value\": \"This report shows the total number policy errors for API proxies. Proxies with zero errors are not shown.\"\n } ]\n }\n ],\n \"environment\": \"test\",\n \"metrics\": [\n {\n \"function\": \"sum\",\n \"name\": \"policy_error\"\n }\n ],\n \"dimensions\": [\n \"apiproxy\"\n ],\n \"filter\": \"(policy_error gt 0)\",\n \"timeUnit\": \"day\"\n}"
"tags" : [ "Reports" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1430329439410,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/reports/{report_name}",
"resourceId" : "28cf0b5c-4ade-41c2-ae4e-3c791be43d37",
"resourceName" : "reportsModify",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "0c5a353e-192b-47d0-83ac-cd9106548fec",
"name" : "cachesClearEntry",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/caches/{cache_name}/entries/{entry}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the cache name",
"name" : "cache_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the cache entry to clear",
"name" : "entry",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "736b53c2-d1f7-4473-91da-8253287b56c1",
"name" : "cacheClearEntry",
"displayName" : "Clear a cache entry",
"description" : "Clears a cache entry, which is identified by the full CacheKey prefix and value. For more on cache keys, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/reference/working-cachekeys\">Working with cache keys</a>.<br /><br />\nTo learn how to clear a cache using policies, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/reference/optimize-performance-using-cache\">Example: General purpose caching</a>.<br /><br />\nTo use the API call, specify the complete <strong>CacheKey</strong> (any Prefix and KeyFragments) and the value of the entry that you want to clear.<br /><br />\nFor example, for the following Cache entry:<br /><br /><pre>\napifactory__test__cacheforecast__8__default__12797282</pre>\n<br />\nClear with the following:<br /><br /><pre>\n\napifactory__test__cacheforecast__8__default__1279728?\"action=clear</pre>\n<br />\nCacheKey is specified in the Cache or Response Cache policy responsible for interacting with the specified Cache resource.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Specifies the action to take against the entry in the specified cache. The only valid value is 'clear'.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code>application/octet-stream</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Caches" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1439998827260,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/caches/{cache_name}/entries/{entry}",
"resourceId" : "0c5a353e-192b-47d0-83ac-cd9106548fec",
"resourceName" : "cachesClearEntry",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4f857299-e939-4c18-8513-398c00fd9119",
"name" : "resourceFileEnv",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the resource type",
"name" : "resource_type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the resource name",
"name" : "resource_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "33a54a12-992c-4d3c-b924-9e59b41d070a",
"name" : "Updatearesourcefileinanenvironment",
"displayName" : "Update a resource file in an environment",
"description" : "<p>Updates a resource file in an environment.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Paste the contents of the file in the request body.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>You can also PUT a file to this API by using a cURL command in the form:<br />\n\t </p>\n<pre>\ncurl -H \"Content-type: multipart/form-data\" -F file=@{filename_with_extension} \\\n-X PUT{org}/environments/{env_name}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name} \\\n-u email\n</pre>\n<p>For more information on resource files, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/resource-files\">Resource files</a>.</p>\n",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "Paste the updated content of the file here."
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "null" ],
"createdTime" : 1440453440623,
"modifiedTime" : 1440453978711,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "4f857299-e939-4c18-8513-398c00fd9119",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileEnv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "6a4cc4bd-f3fd-4d40-b7a4-edd724ed0a4b",
"name" : "deleteResourceFileEnv",
"displayName" : "Delete a resource file from an environment",
"description" : "Deletes a resource file from an environment.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1440455431034,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "4f857299-e939-4c18-8513-398c00fd9119",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileEnv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ab25d957-c1c7-486f-8056-bf1abe4dfe54",
"name" : "Updatearesourcefileinanenvironmentfileupload",
"displayName" : "Update a resource file in an environment (file upload)",
"description" : "<p>Updates a resource file in an environment through file upload. This is an alternative to updating a resource file by passing the file contents in the request body, as described in <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/put/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/resourcefiles/%7Bresource_type%7D/%7Bresource_name%7D\">Update a resource file in an environment</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "multipart/form-data",
"description" : "Use <code>multipart/form-data</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ {
"description" : "Attach the resource file you want to update.",
"name" : "file",
"required" : true
} ],
"contentType" : "multipart/form-data",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1440461816888,
"modifiedTime" : 1440523875007,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "4f857299-e939-4c18-8513-398c00fd9119",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileEnv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b0a5419f-91e5-4360-987e-bf12bbf0f8be",
"name" : "getResourceFileEnv",
"displayName" : "Get a resource file from an environment",
"description" : "Gets the content of an environment-scoped resource file.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1440521857534,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "4f857299-e939-4c18-8513-398c00fd9119",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileEnv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "95dd0943-198d-49a6-9236-77cb88061042",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--appfamilies--appfamily-name--apps--app-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}/apps/{app_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention app family name",
"name" : "appfamily_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "ca96bf25-0638-44da-96dd-40d074066fe1",
"name" : "removeDeveloperAppfromFamily",
"displayName" : "Remove Developer App from Family",
"description" : "Removes an app from a developer's app family. An app family requires at least one app. Therefore, removing all apps from an app family also deletes the app family.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1407168101260,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "95dd0943-198d-49a6-9236-77cb88061042",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--appfamilies--appfamily-name--apps--app-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"modifiedTime" : 1419345505965,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "6eafcd31-296a-461b-b0e3-fe9fd6b21fd6",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the consumer key",
"name" : "consumer_key",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "b2b9e028-2425-4434-aec7-ca601b2bec37",
"name" : "getSpecificKeyOfDeveloperApp",
"displayName" : "Get Key Details for a Developer App",
"description" : "Returns details for a consumer key for a developer app, including the key and secret value, associated API products, and other information. All times are displayed as UNIX times.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Keys" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1406750241254,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}",
"resourceId" : "6eafcd31-296a-461b-b0e3-fe9fd6b21fd6",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b80f390e-bfc8-4ff0-a00d-42d46680ab90",
"name" : "updateKeyWithAPIProduct",
"displayName" : "Add API Product to Key",
"description" : "<p>Adds an API product to a developer app key, enabling the app that holds the key to access the API resources bundled in the API product. You can also use this API to add attributes to the key.</p>\n<br /><p>Use this API to add a new API product to an existing app. After adding the API product, you can use the same key to access all API products associated with the app.</p>\n<br /><p>You can use this API to add:</p>\n<ul><li>Products, by omitting any attributes</li>\n\t<li>Attributes, by omitting any products</li>\n\t<li>Both products and attributes</li>\n</ul>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content-Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>apiProducts</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the API product to added to the developer app key. The name of the API product is the name returned by a GET request to the \"List API Products\" endpoint. For example, if the Display Name of the API product in the Edge UI is 'Premium API Product', then the name is 'premium-api-product' (all lowercase with spaces replaced by hyphens).</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Arbitrary name/value attributes added to the profile for the developer app key, usually used for app specific processing or metadata/analytics</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"apiProducts\": [\"product_1\", \"product_2\"]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Keys" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1447961110323,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}",
"resourceId" : "6eafcd31-296a-461b-b0e3-fe9fd6b21fd6",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "fa49839e-2c8d-4024-be48-5cf3b0be56c8",
"name" : "approveSpecificKeyOfDeveloperApp",
"displayName" : "Approve or Revoke Specific Key of Developer App",
"description" : "Set the status of an app's consumer key to 'approved' or 'revoked'.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nYou can approve a consumer key that is currently revoked or pending. Once approved, the app can use the consumer key to access APIs. You can also use this call to reapprove a revoked key.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nRevoking a consumer key renders it unusable for the app to use to access an API. \r\n<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<strong>Note: </strong>Any access tokens associated with a revoked app key will remain active, but Apigee Edge checks the status of the app key first. If the status is set to \"revoked,\" Apigee Edge will not allow the call go through.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Set the action to <code>approve</code> or <code>revoke</code>.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify Content-Type as <code>application/octet-stream</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Keys" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1407192864338,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}",
"resourceId" : "6eafcd31-296a-461b-b0e3-fe9fd6b21fd6",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d2a824a8-5d0c-4e15-bce6-2e37568194b9",
"name" : "deleteSpecificKeyOfDeveloperApp",
"displayName" : "Delete Key for a Developer App",
"description" : "Deletes a consumer key that belongs to an app, and removes all API products associated with the app. Once deleted, the consumer key cannot be used to access any APIs.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Keys" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1406749945200,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}",
"resourceId" : "6eafcd31-296a-461b-b0e3-fe9fd6b21fd6",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a3848e56-858d-4230-a751-98df791fec84",
"name" : "updateAppScope",
"displayName" : "Update the Scope of an App",
"description" : "Updates the scope of an app. Note that this API sets the <code>scopes</code> element under the <code>apiProducts</code> element in the attributes of the app.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe specified scopes must already exist on the API products associated with the app.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nSpecify the complete list of scopes to apply. The specified list replaces the existing scopes on the app. Therefore, if you are only adding a new scope, you must specify all of the existing scopes along with the new scope.",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json or text/xml",
"doc" : "The specified scope names must already exist on the API product that you have associated with the app.",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\n \"scopes\": [ \"ScopeName1\",\"ScopeName2\",\"ScopeName3\", ...]\n}"
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1412958922236,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}",
"resourceId" : "6eafcd31-296a-461b-b0e3-fe9fd6b21fd6",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"modifiedTime" : 1419344900186,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f8f5bd95-3dbe-4d4c-94a1-6eff72296178",
"name" : "refresh20Token",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/refreshtokens/{refresh_token}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the refreh token",
"name" : "refresh_token",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "7f23ed19-4a5c-4bb5-b78f-3d10f2f32b47",
"name" : "refresh20TokenAppRev",
"displayName" : "Approve or revoke an OAuth 2.0 refresh token",
"description" : "Approve or revoke an OAuth 2.0 refresh token.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Specifies the action, <code>approve</code> or <code>revoke</code>, to be taken against the specified token.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Specifies whether the action should also be applied to the access token associated with the specified refresh token.",
"name" : "cascade",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify the Content-Type as application/octet-stream.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 2.0 Refresh Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1430508445053,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/refreshtokens/{refresh_token}",
"resourceId" : "f8f5bd95-3dbe-4d4c-94a1-6eff72296178",
"resourceName" : "refresh20Token",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"modifiedTime" : 1430508552411,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b5c539ff-6eda-4188-9fb0-22420fd1c9c3",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-verifiers",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/verifiers",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "06414714-a984-4ae5-9760-f2449ea46fe8",
"name" : "listOAuth1VerifierCode",
"displayName" : "List OAuth 1.0a Verifier Code",
"description" : "Gets a list of all OAuth 1.0a verifier codes and details for each verifier in an organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Verifier Code" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1406826797393,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/verifiers",
"resourceId" : "b5c539ff-6eda-4188-9fb0-22420fd1c9c3",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-verifiers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d8ea95ac-543c-44a4-bf6f-d6081c9ca877",
"name" : "auditUser",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/users/{user_email}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the user's email address",
"name" : "user_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "841304ca-401a-4076-9167-b3266eb4dbc0",
"name" : "CreateentriesinanenvironmentKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "Create entries in an environment KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "ef597cbf-badb-43e5-ab13-fee805d45bbd",
"name" : "CreateentriesinanenvironmentKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "Create an entry in an environment KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Creates an entry in an existing KeyValueMap scoped to an environment. A key (name) cannot be larger than 2 KB.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong> This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"counterpart\">\n\t<p>You can also create and manage environment-scoped key/value maps in the management UI. For more information, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/creating-and-editing-environment-keyvalue-maps\">Creating and editing environment key/value maps</a>.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"Env_Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value_one\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nor\r\n\r\n<Entry name=\"Env_Key1\">value_one</Entry>"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438353539574,
"modifiedTime" : 1447109222521,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries",
"resourceId" : "841304ca-401a-4076-9167-b3266eb4dbc0",
"resourceName" : "CreateentriesinanenvironmentKeyValueMapCPS",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1438353124095,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4a9e0f9b-979c-4e8a-8676-7db58f923717",
"name" : "-resources",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/resources",
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d54b9c0c-d967-4f25-a681-eea336389384",
"name" : "envKVMaps",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "f3dbece2-ac72-473b-8562-26b16daed492",
"name" : "listEnvKVMaps",
"displayName" : "List KeyValueMaps in an Environment",
"description" : "Lists the name of all key/value maps in an environment and optionally returns an expanded view of all key/value maps for the environment.<br /><br /><div class=\"counterpart\">\n\t<p>You can also create and manage environment-scoped key/value maps in the management UI. For more information, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/creating-and-editing-environment-keyvalue-maps\">Creating and editing environment key/value maps</a>.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Set expand value to <code>true</code> to get an expanded view of the KeyValueMaps.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1444070063996,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps",
"resourceId" : "d54b9c0c-d967-4f25-a681-eea336389384",
"resourceName" : "envKVMaps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b18db88f-5af3-4a5f-851b-4150a052e6d9",
"name" : "createEnvKVMaps",
"displayName" : "Create KeyValueMap in an Environment",
"description" : "Creates a key/value map in an environment.<br /><br />\nA key/value map is a simple structure for persistently storing name/value pairs as entries in a named map. The entries in a key/value map can be retrieved at runtime by policies or code running on Apigee Edge. Key/value maps can be used to support profile-based access control, for supporting certain non-standard protocols, application specific behavior, and so on.<br /><br /><div class=\"counterpart\">\n\t<p>You can also create and manage environment-scoped key/value maps in the management UI. For more information, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/creating-and-editing-environment-keyvalue-maps\">Creating and editing environment key/value maps</a>.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type as <code>application/json</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>entry</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name/value pairs for the entry that defines the data to be stored. Characters you can use in the entry are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the map to be created. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{ \r\n \"name\" : \"Map_name\",\r\n \"entry\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value_one\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Key2\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value_two\"\r\n } \r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1444069881826,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps",
"resourceId" : "d54b9c0c-d967-4f25-a681-eea336389384",
"resourceName" : "envKVMaps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b801a463-0696-424c-98fd-db83dbb80d6c",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-accesstokens--access-token-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/accesstokens/{access_token}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the access token",
"name" : "access_token",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "1f27447d-4302-47ac-a7fc-1674b4e2952f",
"name" : "deleteOAuth1AccessToken",
"displayName" : "Delete OAuth 1.0a Access Token",
"description" : "Deletes the specified access token.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1406825535939,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/accesstokens/{access_token}",
"resourceId" : "b801a463-0696-424c-98fd-db83dbb80d6c",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-accesstokens--access-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "2053f07a-5215-4ff0-80f0-65cbebfe0644",
"name" : "approveOAuth1AccessToken",
"displayName" : "Approve or Revoke OAuth 1.0a Access Token",
"description" : "Approves or revokes the specified access token.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Set action to <code>approve</code> or <code>revoke</code>.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as <code>application/octet-stream</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1406825363402,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/accesstokens/{access_token}",
"resourceId" : "b801a463-0696-424c-98fd-db83dbb80d6c",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-accesstokens--access-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "3023fada-2148-4c1b-be9f-54e3369d5dd8",
"name" : "getOAuth1AccessToken",
"displayName" : "Get OAuth 1.0a Access Token",
"description" : "Gets the details for the specified access token.\n<br><br>\n<b>DEPRECATED:</b> This API is deprecated and will be removed from Apigee Edge in a future release.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1432681121868,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/accesstokens/{access_token}",
"resourceId" : "b801a463-0696-424c-98fd-db83dbb80d6c",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-accesstokens--access-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "3d2081cd-f475-4ec1-9008-598dd3eca270",
"name" : "updateOAuth1AccessToken",
"displayName" : "Update OAuth 1.0a Access Token",
"description" : "<p>Updates the attributes of given access token. The scope property is required. Only specify other properties if you want to update them.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value elements used to extend the default profile</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>scope</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A list of scopes associated with access token, validated at runtime against scopes defined in API product</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{ \r\n \"attributes\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name1}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value1}\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name2}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value2}\"\r\n } \r\n ],\r\n \"scope\" : \"global\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1440018411061,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/accesstokens/{access_token}",
"resourceId" : "b801a463-0696-424c-98fd-db83dbb80d6c",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-accesstokens--access-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5427cf5a-f15d-43bc-9e93-928919b7ffc4",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--oauth1accesstokens",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps/{app_name}/oauth1accesstokens",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization Name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email",
"name" : "developer_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "9bf0d15a-93e6-40a5-ab98-2da64c9fad09",
"name" : "getOauth1-0AccessTokenCountforApp",
"displayName" : "Get Count of OAuth 1.0 Access Tokens for a Developer App",
"description" : "Get count of OAuth 1.0 access tokens for a developer's app.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1405644964714,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps/{app_name}/oauth1accesstokens",
"resourceId" : "5427cf5a-f15d-43bc-9e93-928919b7ffc4",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--oauth1accesstokens",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"modifiedTime" : 1394453487044,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b8390d3c-dc38-4d33-8dcd-1eb09b470f6b",
"name" : "auditDevelopers",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/developers",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "3c4af9c7-906d-4be6-9007-70e03920224a",
"name" : "auditDevelopersGet",
"displayName" : "List Audit Entries for all Developers in an Organization",
"description" : "Lists audit records for management operations for all developers in an organization.<br>\n<br>\nFor every call made to the management API, Apigee Edge logs an audit record. This API enables you to obtain a record of all management calls made against developers in an organization. The audit logs provide access to the actions (create, read, update, delete) executed on organizations.\n<br><br>\nIf there are no audit records, or if the entity does not exist, this API returns an empty array.\n<br>\n<br>\nIf you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is to use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "Set expand as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">true</span></code> to expand the audit records.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Filters results by the specified time interval. Valid values are <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">week</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">month</span></code>. If you use<code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, don't use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "timeline",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The beginning date/time from which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "startTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The ending date/time up to which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "endTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "A limit on the total number of audit entries to be returned when you specify either <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">octet</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">stream</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Audits" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1426781471591,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/developers",
"resourceId" : "b8390d3c-dc38-4d33-8dcd-1eb09b470f6b",
"resourceName" : "auditDevelopers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "196e1b03-70fe-4d0d-a48a-c4c242f224ff",
"name" : "Createconsumerkeyandsecret",
"displayName" : "Create consumer key and secret",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/keys/create",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "d398ef46-6b4a-4b41-8000-09fac459ad0b",
"name" : "Createaconsumerkeyandsecret",
"displayName" : "Create a consumer key and secret",
"description" : "<p>Creates a custom consumer key and secret for a developer app. This is particularly useful if you want to migrate existing consumer keys/secrets to Edge from another system.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>After creating the consumer key and secret, associate the key with an API product using this API: <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/developers/%7Bdeveloper_email_or_id%7D/apps/%7Bapp_name%7D/keys/%7Bconsumer_key%7D\">Add API Product to Key</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>If a consumer key and secret already exist, you can either keep them or delete them with this API: <a href=\"/management/apis/delete/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/developers/%7Bdeveloper_email_or_id%7D/apps/%7Bapp_name%7D/keys/%7Bconsumer_key%7D\">Delete Key for a Developer App</a>.</p>\n<div class=\"tipstricks\">\n<p>Also use this API if you have existing API keys and secrets that you want to copy into Edge from another system. For more information, see <a href=\"/developer-services/content/import-existing-consumer-keys-and-secrets\">Import existing consumer keys and secrets</a>.</p>\n</div>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"consumerKey\": \"the_key\",\r\n \"consumerSecret\": \"the_secret\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nor\r\n\r\n<CredentialRequest> \r\n<ConsumerKey>the_key</ConsumerKey> \r\n<ConsumerSecret>the_secret</ConsumerSecret> \r\n</CredentialRequest>"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Keys" ],
"createdTime" : 1447798583421,
"modifiedTime" : 1463418346951,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/keys/create",
"resourceId" : "196e1b03-70fe-4d0d-a48a-c4c242f224ff",
"resourceName" : "Createconsumerkeyandsecret",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1447798443100,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d2c42d44-0674-4839-84d1-8963d979d1ca",
"name" : "keystoresGetDel",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore or truststore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "7ff9edc2-3fcd-4096-98c5-75201c8d5662",
"name" : "getKeystore",
"displayName" : "Get a Keystore or Truststore",
"description" : "Returns a specific keystore or truststore in the environment, including the list of keys and certs.\n<div> </div>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Keystores and Truststores" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1457098728224,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}",
"resourceId" : "d2c42d44-0674-4839-84d1-8963d979d1ca",
"resourceName" : "keystoresGetDel",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "1ad87601-adbf-49b8-bb6b-d6a31ba99001",
"name" : "delKeystores",
"displayName" : "Delete a Keystore or Truststore",
"description" : "Deletes a keystore or truststore in an environment.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Keystores and Truststores" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1416591800344,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}",
"resourceId" : "d2c42d44-0674-4839-84d1-8963d979d1ca",
"resourceName" : "keystoresGetDel",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "1a49a7c0-1885-4ee1-b9b2-ed5315c82c5c",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "2bde3410-a1a9-4995-966f-1654546657b2",
"name" : "getDeveloperforApp",
"displayName" : "Get Developer by App",
"description" : "Gets the developer profile by app name. The profile retrieved is for the developer associated with the app in the organization. All time values are UNIX time values.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Specify the app name.",
"name" : "app",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1406821050736,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers",
"resourceId" : "1a49a7c0-1885-4ee1-b9b2-ed5315c82c5c",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "29d53584-3115-4b0b-885d-48241a0ed614",
"name" : "createDeveloper",
"displayName" : "Create Developer",
"description" : "<p>Creates a profile for a developer in an organization. Once created, the developer can register an app and receive an API key.</p>\n<p>The developer is always created with a <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">status</span></code> of <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">active</span></code>. To set the status explicitly, use <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/developers/%7Bdeveloper_email%7D\">Set Developer Status</a>.</p>\n<p>For more information about the monetization attributes, see <a href=\"/developer-services/content/adding-developers-your-api-product\">Adding developers to your organization</a>.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>email</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The developer's email. This value is used to uniquely identify the developer in Apigee Edge.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>firstName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The first name of the developer.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>lastName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The last name of the developer.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>userName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The developer's username. This value is not used by Apigee Edge.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value pairs that can be used to extend the default developer profile.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "<Developer>\r\n <Email></Email>\r\n <FirstName>Joe</FirstName>\r\n <LastName>Developer</LastName>\r\n <UserName>joedev</UserName>\r\n <Attributes>\r\n <Attribute>\r\n <Name>attribute1_name</Name>\r\n <Value>attribute1_value</Value>\r\n </Attribute>\r\n </Attributes>\r\n</Developer>\r\n\r\n*** OR, if you use monetization, delete the payload above and use \r\nthe following payload with the additional \"MINT\" properties. ***\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"email\" : \"{developer_email}\",\r\n \"firstName\" : \"{first_name}\",\r\n \"lastName\" : \"{last_name}\",\r\n \"userName\" : \"{user_name}\",\r\n \"attributes\" : [\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute1_name}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value1}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute2_name}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value2}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"MINT_APPROX_TAX_RATE\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{approximate tax rate for developer}\"\r\n },\r\n { \r\n \"name\": \"MINT_BILLING_TYPE\",\r\n \"value\": \"{one of PREPAID | POSTPAID}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_COMPANY_ID,\r\n \"value\": \"{company ID, if applicable}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_ADDRESS\",\r\n \"value\": \"{\"address1\":\"Dev One Address\",\"city\":\"Pleasanton\",\"country\":\"US\",\"isPrimary\":true,\"state\":\"CA\",\"zip\":\"94588\"}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_CATEGORY\",\r\n \"value\": \"{developer category into which you want to group the developer}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_LEGAL_NAME\",\r\n \"value\": \"{legal name of developer for reports}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_PHONE\",\r\n \"value\": \"{developer phone number}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_TYPE\",\r\n \"value\": \"{one of TRUSTED | UNTRUSTED}\"\r\n },\r\n { \r\n \"name\": \"MINT_HAS_SELF_BILLING,\r\n \"value\": \"{one of TRUE | FALSE for self-billing invoice support}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_IS_BROKER\",\r\n \"value\": \"{one of TRUE | FALSE for revenue based on net}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_REGISTRATION_ID\",\r\n \"value\": \"{registration ID of developer for reports}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"MINT_SUPPORTED_CURRENCY\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{supported currency, e.g., usd}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"MINT_TAX_EXEMPT_AUTH_NO\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{government tax exemption number, if applicable}\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1459545439314,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers",
"resourceId" : "1a49a7c0-1885-4ee1-b9b2-ed5315c82c5c",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "445f4e19-e6af-4862-9032-32c53dc65c56",
"name" : "listDevelopers",
"displayName" : "List Developers",
"description" : "Lists all developers in an organization by email address. This call does not list any company developers who are a part of the designated organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "boolean",
"defaultValue" : "false",
"description" : "Set to <code>true</code> to list developers exanded with details.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n<p><strong>CPS</strong> This parameter can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\nTo filter the keys that are returned, enter the email of a developer that the list will start with. For example, if the an unfiltered list returns:<br />\r\n<br />\r\<br />\r\<br />\r\<br />\r\n<br />\r\nand your <code>startKey</code> is, the returned list will be<br />\r\n<br />\r\<br />\r\<br />",
"name" : "startKey",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"description" : "<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n<p><strong>CPS</strong> This parameter can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\nLimits the list to the number you specify. Use with the <code>startKey</code> parameter to provide more targeted filtering. The limit is 1000.",
"name" : "count",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1439854720460,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers",
"resourceId" : "1a49a7c0-1885-4ee1-b9b2-ed5315c82c5c",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "1c8719b9-dd93-4d04-84e5-6046d3dfd6af",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "3c07fd34-782b-4dfa-b362-6c793d99932d",
"name" : "getApiProxy",
"displayName" : "Get API Proxy",
"description" : "Gets an API proxy by name, including a list of existing revisions of the proxy.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text.xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1405695097693,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}",
"resourceId" : "1c8719b9-dd93-4d04-84e5-6046d3dfd6af",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "459a835d-14ab-4b2f-9cd4-3420ccd5fcb9",
"name" : "deleteApiProxy",
"displayName" : "Delete API Proxy",
"description" : "Deletes an API proxy and all associated endpoints, policies, resources, and revisions. The API proxy must be undeployed before you can delete it.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1405694765211,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}",
"resourceId" : "1c8719b9-dd93-4d04-84e5-6046d3dfd6af",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "6f0b1d0c-a548-488c-b8cb-4310208ffd21",
"name" : "appDevAttribute",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the attribute name",
"name" : "attribute_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "6ba260b5-1feb-416a-8672-2f5ce8f7a8bf",
"name" : "getDevAttribute",
"displayName" : "Get Developer Attribute",
"description" : "Returns the value of a developer attribute.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1411671574896,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"resourceId" : "6f0b1d0c-a548-488c-b8cb-4310208ffd21",
"resourceName" : "appDevAttribute",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d798ff14-1d0f-44c6-9e94-e5d0a01fcb5c",
"name" : "delDevAttribute",
"displayName" : "Delete Developer Attribute",
"description" : "Deletes a developer attribute.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1411671531937,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"resourceId" : "6f0b1d0c-a548-488c-b8cb-4310208ffd21",
"resourceName" : "appDevAttribute",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "28c06980-d912-4bf3-aec7-40d02eedf64e",
"name" : "updateDevAttribute",
"displayName" : "Update a Developer Attribute",
"description" : "Updates the value of a developer attribute.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\"value\" : \"attr_val\"}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1439830437939,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"resourceId" : "6f0b1d0c-a548-488c-b8cb-4310208ffd21",
"resourceName" : "appDevAttribute",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"modifiedTime" : 1419345190543,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5e596ff2-6296-4450-b949-71a7d44860d0",
"name" : "appAttribute",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the attribute name",
"name" : "attribute_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "687575cd-fe4a-4c90-b57e-9982780afa90",
"name" : "updateAttribute",
"displayName" : "Update an App Attribute",
"description" : "Updates an app attribute.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\"value\" : \"attr_val\"}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1439833829963,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"resourceId" : "5e596ff2-6296-4450-b949-71a7d44860d0",
"resourceName" : "appAttribute",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "0f893c24-8b2d-4c5d-90bb-389faa4bff86",
"name" : "delAttribute",
"displayName" : "Delete App Attribute",
"description" : "Deletes an app attribute.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1411672071037,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"resourceId" : "5e596ff2-6296-4450-b949-71a7d44860d0",
"resourceName" : "appAttribute",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "644dea2c-620f-4752-b973-71879467cc02",
"name" : "getAttribute",
"displayName" : "Get App Attribute",
"description" : "Returns the value of an app attribute.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1411672007194,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/attributes/{attribute_name}",
"resourceId" : "5e596ff2-6296-4450-b949-71a7d44860d0",
"resourceName" : "appAttribute",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"modifiedTime" : 1419344815372,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "9c789e89-0929-49ac-a5af-90eb10971fa0",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--developers",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/developers",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the company name",
"name" : "company_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "b20814f8-3ccd-494d-a644-43b95e100e7f",
"name" : "listDevelopersOfCompany",
"displayName" : "List Developers in Company",
"description" : "Lists all developers associated with a company.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer within Company" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1406741633038,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/developers",
"resourceId" : "9c789e89-0929-49ac-a5af-90eb10971fa0",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--developers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "86eeb1b1-2d60-4971-a7b5-28b397a73e21",
"name" : "addDevelopertoCompany",
"displayName" : "Add or Update Company Developers",
"description" : "Adds a developer to a company, or updates an existing developer in the company. When updating an existing developer, specify both the developer's email and role.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the company name",
"name" : "company_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content-Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\n\t\t<thead>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</thead>\n\t\t<tbody>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>email</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>The unique ID for a company developer</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>role</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>An entry that may be used for access control to app information by a client, but which is not enforced by Apigee</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\n \"developer\" : [ \n {\n \"email\" : \"{developer1_email}\",\n \"role\" : \"{developer1_role}\"\n },\n {\n \"email\" : \"{developer2_email}\",\n \"role\" : \"{developer2_role}\"\n } \n ]\n}"
"tags" : [ "Developer within Company" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1406741373535,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/developers",
"resourceId" : "9c789e89-0929-49ac-a5af-90eb10971fa0",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--developers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "dea85eb5-c206-4a7d-82ca-853bba3fd310",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key--oauth2accesstokens",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}/oauth2accesstokens",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer name",
"name" : "developer_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the consumer key",
"name" : "consumer_key",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "e62d1cda-ebe7-4e2e-a473-2fd1d3b8cfdb",
"name" : "getOauth2-0AccessTokenCountforAppKey",
"displayName" : "Get OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens Count for a Developer App Key",
"description" : "Get count of OAuth 2.0 access tokens for a developer's app key.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Key Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1405688621244,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}/oauth2accesstokens",
"resourceId" : "dea85eb5-c206-4a7d-82ca-853bba3fd310",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key--oauth2accesstokens",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "05235d5a-2749-4a70-afa2-9b440b815f0f",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-requesttokens",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/requesttokens",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "fbfce0ce-3a0e-4a17-a763-1e0d4a8306a0",
"name" : "listOAuth1RequestToken",
"displayName" : "List OAuth 1.0a Request Tokens",
"description" : "Returns a detailed list of all OAuth 1.0a request tokens.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Request Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1406826267770,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/requesttokens",
"resourceId" : "05235d5a-2749-4a70-afa2-9b440b815f0f",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-requesttokens",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "15ba796c-e2c8-4cbc-9d58-bd0ee5846c55",
"name" : "cachesClear",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/caches/{cache_name}/entries",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the cache name",
"name" : "cache_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "92b84a1a-b76d-40ba-b543-def0603618b8",
"name" : "cacheClearAll",
"displayName" : "Clear all cache entries",
"description" : "Clears all cache entries. Entries to be cleared can be scoped by CacheKey prefix by using the 'prefix' parameter.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "clear",
"description" : "Specifies the action to take against the entries in the specified cache. The only valid value is 'clear'.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Scopes the entries to be cleared by the CacheKey prefix specified. (The CacheKey Prefix is defined in the Cache or ResponseCache policy that creates the entries.)",
"name" : "prefix",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code>application/octet-stream</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Caches" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1406738269140,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/caches/{cache_name}/entries",
"resourceId" : "15ba796c-e2c8-4cbc-9d58-bd0ee5846c55",
"resourceName" : "cachesClear",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4e49d3b6-447b-4646-a326-a4d8ccd52dfb",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-accesstokens",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/accesstokens",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "62a78796-b217-432d-8b20-c646b78d7a40",
"name" : "getCountOAuth1AccessToken",
"displayName" : "Get Count Of OAuth 1.0a Access Token",
"description" : "Returns a count of all 1.0a access tokens in an organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1406825611542,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/accesstokens",
"resourceId" : "4e49d3b6-447b-4646-a326-a4d8ccd52dfb",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-accesstokens",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "2442fde3-4bd2-4f65-b48f-3491fe2a85b2",
"name" : "statsbaseURL",
"displayName" : "stats base URL",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/stats/",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name, such as test or prod",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "0935c829-62f5-4b5a-a2b5-1e58a58637dc",
"name" : "GetAPImessagecountspermonth",
"displayName" : "Get API message counts per month",
"description" : "<p>Use this API call to get the number of API messages made per month in an organization and environment.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>If you have multiple organizations and environments</strong>, make this API call for each one and add them to get the total number of calls per month for your API program.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<div class=\"tipstricks\">\n\t<p>To convert the JSON response to a CSV format for use in spreadsheets, use a tool like <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n<p>For different and more granular metrics, use the <a href=\"/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/stats/%7Bdimension_name%7D-0\">Get metrics for a dimension</a> management API. For more information on the analytics management API, see <a href=\"/analytics-services/content/use-analytics-api-measure-api-program-performance\">Use the analytics API to measure API program performance</a>.</p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "sum(message_count)",
"description" : "Use <code>sum(message_count)</code> to tell the API you want the message count.",
"name" : "select",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "03/01/2016 00:00~03/31/2016 24:00",
"description" : "The <strong>UTC</strong> start and end time for the desired interval. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. For example, 03/01/2016 00:00~03/31/2016 24:00 returns data for the month of March 2016.<br><br>If you make a request through this SmartDocs page, it automatically URL encodes the space character before HH:MM. However, if you are entering the time range in a cURL command from the command line, manually insert \"%20\" for the space character, in the form: MM/DD/YYYY%20HH:MM~MM/DD/YYYY%20HH:MM. (See the cURL tab below after you make a request.)\r\n<br><br><div class=\"note\"><strong>Note:</strong> Data older than six months from the current date is not accessible by default. If you want to access data older than six months, contact <a href=\"\">Apigee Support</a>.</div>\r\n",
"name" : "timeRange",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Leave this blank to return the total number of API calls. However, if you want to return counts in time intervals, specify a value of <code>second</code>, <code>minute</code>, <code>hour</code>, <code>day</code>, or <code>week</code>.<br><br>The Epoch timestamp in milliseconds that is returned is the start time of each interval.",
"name" : "timeUnit",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Analytics" ],
"createdTime" : 1457548178010,
"modifiedTime" : 1457557798959,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/stats/",
"resourceId" : "2442fde3-4bd2-4f65-b48f-3491fe2a85b2",
"resourceName" : "statsbaseURL",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"modifiedTime" : 1457548363382,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d05aad88-c46b-4ee9-98c5-fc76920be94b",
"name" : "auditAPIProducts",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "3c1380f3-0b75-47c3-8435-434bf4da64b0",
"name" : "auditAPIProductsGet",
"displayName" : "List Audit Entries for all API Products in an Organization",
"description" : "Lists audit records for management operations for all API products in an organization.\n<br><br>\nFor every call made to the management API, Apigee Edge logs an audit record. This API enables you to obtain a record of all management calls made against API products in an organization. The audit logs provide access to the actions (create, read, update, delete) executed on organizations.\n<br><br>\nIf there are no audit records, or if the entity does not exist, this API returns an empty array.\n<br><br>\nIf you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is to use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "Set expand as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">true</span></code> to expand the audit records.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Filters results by the specified time interval. Valid values are <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">week</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">month</span></code>. If you use<code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, don't use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "timeline",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The beginning date/time from which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "startTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The ending date/time up to which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add &quot;000&quot; to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "endTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "A limit on the total number of audit entries to be returned when you specify either <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">octet</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">stream</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Audits" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1426782166293,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts",
"resourceId" : "d05aad88-c46b-4ee9-98c5-fc76920be94b",
"resourceName" : "auditAPIProducts",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974554,
"modifiedTime" : 1401979171184,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "c68ad0e1-d4e3-46e3-9cc5-46ec07d8828c",
"name" : "CreateentriesinanAPIproxyrevisionKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "Create entries in an API proxy revision KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "80cea779-b7b2-41fb-99f8-5c01e5b87652",
"name" : "CreateentriesinanAPIproxyrevisionKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "Create an entry in an API proxy revision KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Creates an entry in an existing KeyValueMap scoped to an API proxy revision. A key (name) cannot be larger than 2 KB.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong> This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{ \r\n \"name\" : \"ProxyRevision_Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value_one\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nor\r\n\r\n<Entry name=\"ProxyRevision_Key1\">value_one</Entry>"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438354891781,
"modifiedTime" : 1447109379807,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries",
"resourceId" : "c68ad0e1-d4e3-46e3-9cc5-46ec07d8828c",
"resourceName" : "CreateentriesinanAPIproxyrevisionKeyValueMapCPS",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1438354738116,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "721c5a6c-0de2-46d3-b963-28fcf82a0d51",
"name" : "addOrgMask",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/maskconfigs",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "16bb7f17-faef-4c8e-aa6d-3fdd1506fa0d",
"name" : "addOrgMaskPost",
"displayName" : "Create Data Masks for an Organization",
"description" : "Create a data masks for an organization.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nYou can capture message content to assist in runtime debugging of APIs calls. In many cases, API traffic contains sensitive data, such credit cards or personally identifiable health information (PHI) that needs to filtered out of the captured message content.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nData masks enable you to specify data that will be filtered out of trace sessions. Data masking is only enabled when a trace session (also called a 'debug' session) is enabled for an API proxy. If no trace session are enabled on an API proxy, then the data will not be masked.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nMask configurations enable you to identify sensitive data in these sources:\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><b>XML payloads:</b> Using XPath, you identify XML elements to be filtered from request or response message payloads.</li>\r\n\t<li><b>JSON payloads:</b> Using JSONPath, you identify JSON properties to be filtered from request or response message payloads.</li>\r\n\t<li><b>Flow variables:</b> You can specify a list of variables that should be masked in debug output.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nThe basic structure of a mask configuration is shown by the following XML representation:<br />\r\n<br />\r\nNote that the name of the mask must be \"default\".<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<pre>\r\n&lt;MaskDataConfiguration name=\"default\"&gt;\r\n &lt;XPathsRequest&gt;\r\n\t&lt;XPathRequest&gt;/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User&lt;/XPathRequest&gt;\r\n &lt;/XPathsRequest&gt;\r\n &lt;XPathsResponse&gt;\r\n &lt;XPathResponse&gt;/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User&lt;/XPathResponse&gt;\r\n &lt;/XPathsResponse&gt;\r\n &lt;JSONPathsRequest&gt;\r\n &lt;JSONPathRequest&gt;$[*].author&lt;/JSONPathRequest&gt;\r\n &lt;/JSONPathsRequest&gt;\r\n &lt;JSONPathsResponse&gt;\r\n\t&lt;JSONPathResponse&gt;$[*].author&lt;/JSONPathResponse&gt;\r\n &lt;/JSONPathsResponse&gt;\r\n &lt;XPathsFault&gt;\r\n\t&lt;XPathFault&gt;/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User&lt;/XPathFault&gt;\r\n &lt;/XPathsFault&gt;\r\n &lt;JSONPathsFault&gt;\r\n\t&lt;JSONPathFault&gt;$[*].author&lt;/JSONPathFault&gt;\r\n &lt;/JSONPathsFault&gt;\r\n &lt;Variables&gt;\r\n\t&lt;Variable&gt;request.header.user-agent&lt;/Variable&gt;\r\n &lt;Variable&gt;request.formparam.password&lt;/Variable&gt;\r\n &lt;/Variables&gt;\r\n&lt;/MaskDataConfiguration&gt;</pre>\r\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "text/xml",
"description" : "Specify the Content-Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table\" style=\"width: 690px;\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"1\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<th>Field Name</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</thead>\n\t<tbody>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>XPathsRequest</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of XPath expressions that will be evaluated against XML payloads (if any) in the request path. Any XPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the XML element being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>XPathsResponse</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of XPath expressions that will be evaluated against XML payloads (if any) in the response path. Any XPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the XML element being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>JSONPathsRequest</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of JSONPath expressions that will be evaluated against JSON payloads (if any) in the request path. Any JSONPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the JSON property being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>JSONPathsResponse</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of JSONPath expressions that will be evaluated against JSON payloads (if any) in the response path. Any JSONPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the JSON property being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>XPathsFault</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of XPath expressions that will be evaluated against XML payloads (if any) in the error flow (which executes if a fault is thrown at any point in the flow). Any XPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the XML element being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>JSONPathsFault</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of JSON expressions that will be evaluated against XML payloads (if any) in the error flow (which executes if a fault is thrown at any point in the flow). Any JSONPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the XML element being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>Variables</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of variables (either pre-defined or custom) who values will be masked. </td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</tbody>\n</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "<MaskDataConfiguration name=\"default\">\n <XPathsRequest>\n\t<XPathRequest>/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User</XPathRequest>\n </XPathsRequest>\n <XPathsResponse>\n <XPathResponse>/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User</XPathResponse>\n </XPathsResponse>\n <JSONPathsRequest>\n <JSONPathRequest>$[*].author</JSONPathRequest>\n </JSONPathsRequest>\n <JSONPathsResponse>\n\t<JSONPathResponse>$[*].author</JSONPathResponse>\n </JSONPathsResponse>\n <XPathsFault>\n\t<XPathFault>/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User</XPathFault>\n </XPathsFault>\n <JSONPathsFault>\n\t<JSONPathFault>$[*].author</JSONPathFault>\n </JSONPathsFault>\n <Variables>\n\t<Variable>request.header.user-agent</Variable>\n <Variable>request.formparam.password</Variable>\n </Variables>\n</MaskDataConfiguration>"
"tags" : [ "Data Mask" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1407162086660,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/maskconfigs",
"resourceId" : "721c5a6c-0de2-46d3-b963-28fcf82a0d51",
"resourceName" : "addOrgMask",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a32dd8c6-3347-4287-bfc1-33422d91ed77",
"name" : "addOrgMaskGet",
"displayName" : "List Data Masks for an Organization",
"description" : "List all data masks for an organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Data Mask" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1407162254005,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/maskconfigs",
"resourceId" : "721c5a6c-0de2-46d3-b963-28fcf82a0d51",
"resourceName" : "addOrgMask",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "20915699-d7e1-418b-970d-d3e86447a43d",
"name" : "userunlock",
"displayName" : "userunlock",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/users/{user_email}/status",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the user email",
"name" : "user_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "321f2738-71b6-4b76-a5a0-537dc568b493",
"name" : "Unlockasuser",
"displayName" : "Unlock a user",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Unlocks a global user. See <a href=\"/api-services/content/about-global-users\">About global users</a> for more on Edge users, user types, and user roles. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>A user’s account may be locked due to attributes set in the password policy. A user with the sysadmin Apigee role assigned can use this API to unlock the user’s account. </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content-Type as application/json.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "unlock",
"description" : "Specify the \"action\" as \"unlock\".",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Users" ],
"createdTime" : 1467212057743,
"modifiedTime" : 1467310651090,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/users/{user_email}/status",
"resourceId" : "20915699-d7e1-418b-970d-d3e86447a43d",
"resourceName" : "userunlock",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1467211790492,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5b906d31-62c8-424c-9db6-489654a87ee0",
"name" : "vaultentrybyorgbyenv",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_env}/entries/{entry_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the vault name",
"name" : "vault_name_in_env",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the entry name",
"name" : "entry_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "8744bc3c-32e5-423e-93bb-30a92ea4e5e0",
"name" : "replaceEntryValue",
"displayName" : "Validate a Vault Entry's Secure Value in an Environment",
"description" : "Compares a value that you supply against a vault entry's secured value in a specified environment.<br>\n<br>\nEnter the value that you want to compare against the secured value in the Request Body below.<br>\n<br>\nThe response returns 'true' if the value you supply matches the vault entry's secured value. The response returns 'false' if the value you supply does not match.<br>\n<br>\nBoth responses return an HTTP status code of 200.<br>\n<br>\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "verify",
"description" : "Enter 'verify'.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "text/plain",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "Enter the value that you want to compare to the existing secured value."
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1435353730555,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_env}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "5b906d31-62c8-424c-9db6-489654a87ee0",
"resourceName" : "vaultentrybyorgbyenv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "63816242-c4a8-4911-83a8-4d1eec4733d3",
"name" : "getVaultEntrybyEnv",
"displayName" : "Get a Vault Entry in an Environment",
"description" : "Gets an entry in a vault in a specified environment. This will not retrieve the encrypted value of the entry.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1440006125716,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_env}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "5b906d31-62c8-424c-9db6-489654a87ee0",
"resourceName" : "vaultentrybyorgbyenv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "c730c771-cabf-44a9-b8ec-4b47e4a538b8",
"name" : "deleteVaultEntrybyEnv",
"displayName" : "Delete a Vault Entry in an Environment",
"description" : "Deletes an entry in a vault in a specified environment.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1440006152858,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_env}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "5b906d31-62c8-424c-9db6-489654a87ee0",
"resourceName" : "vaultentrybyorgbyenv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "2a7516a6-09e2-4eb3-889d-8d6d97bee266",
"name" : "replaceVaultEntryforEnv",
"displayName" : "Replace Secured Value of Vault Entry in an Environment",
"description" : "Replaces the existing secured value of a vault entry with a value that you supply.<br /><br />\nEnter the value that you want to use to replace the existing secured value in the Request Body below.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "text/plain",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "Enter the value that you want to replace the existing secured value"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1440006021129,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_env}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "5b906d31-62c8-424c-9db6-489654a87ee0",
"resourceName" : "vaultentrybyorgbyenv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"modifiedTime" : 1410923853800,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "89df1c83-de22-4896-b936-8d0d8ff659f7",
"name" : "resourceFileUrlOrg",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/resourcefiles",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "8595e99c-4f33-4a9a-8828-9edf883a5203",
"name" : "Postresourcefilestoanorganizaionfileupload",
"displayName" : "Import a resource file to an organizaion (file upload)",
"description" : "<p>Imports a resource file into an organization through file upload. This is an alternative to importing a resource file by passing the file contents in the request body, as described in <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/resourcefiles\">Import a resource file for an organization</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The name of the resource, including the file type extension.",
"name" : "name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The resource type (jsc, java, py, node, xsl, wsdl, xsd).",
"name" : "type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "multipart/form-data",
"description" : "Use <code>multipart/form-data</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ {
"description" : "Attach the resource file you want to import.",
"name" : "file",
"required" : true
} ],
"contentType" : "multipart/form-data",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1440458365319,
"modifiedTime" : 1440523916218,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/resourcefiles",
"resourceId" : "89df1c83-de22-4896-b936-8d0d8ff659f7",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileUrlOrg",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "cb1a6f16-f95c-465a-a674-faaf84060da8",
"name" : "importResourceFileUrlOrg",
"displayName" : "Import a resource file for an organization",
"description" : "<p>Import and create a resource file for an organization by pasting the contents of the file in the request body.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>To import a resource file via file upload, see <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/resourcefiles-0\">Import a resource file to an organizaion (file upload)</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>For more information on resource files, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/resource-files\">Resource files</a>.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The name of the resource, including the file type extension.",
"name" : "name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The resource type (jsc, java, py, node, xsl, wsdl, xsd).",
"name" : "type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Use <code>application/octet-stream</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "The body of the resource file."
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1440523124119,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/resourcefiles",
"resourceId" : "89df1c83-de22-4896-b936-8d0d8ff659f7",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileUrlOrg",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "fb12e015-f214-48db-8288-e06a0d1375a8",
"name" : "listResourceFileUrlOrg",
"displayName" : "List resource files in an organization",
"description" : "Lists the resource files in an organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1440455638717,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/resourcefiles",
"resourceId" : "89df1c83-de22-4896-b936-8d0d8ff659f7",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileUrlOrg",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "21c95e76-5a7d-4af1-b3a2-bde2eae3832f",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-requesttokens--request-token-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/requesttokens/{request_token}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the request token",
"name" : "request_token",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "beb6af02-a56d-4a8a-8dba-139301778bc7",
"name" : "deleteOAuth1RequestToken",
"displayName" : "Delete OAuth 1.0a Request Token",
"description" : "Deletes the specified OAuth 1.0a request token.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Request Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1406826111455,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/requesttokens/{request_token}",
"resourceId" : "21c95e76-5a7d-4af1-b3a2-bde2eae3832f",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-requesttokens--request-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "83c11bfe-bff6-4aa2-9be6-e5126a01be09",
"name" : "approveOAuth1RequestToken",
"displayName" : "Approve or Revoke OAuth 1.0a Request Token",
"description" : "Approves or revokes an OAuth 1.0 a request token.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Set action to <code>approve</code> or <code>revoke</code>.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type as <code>application/octet-stream</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Request Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1406825951285,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/requesttokens/{request_token}",
"resourceId" : "21c95e76-5a7d-4af1-b3a2-bde2eae3832f",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-requesttokens--request-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "394854a6-6361-470d-a1b7-6755a7bfabcd",
"name" : "getOAuth1RequestToken",
"displayName" : "Get OAuth 1.0a Request Token",
"description" : "Gets the Oauth 1.0 a request token for the speficied consumer key.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Specify a valid consumer key.",
"name" : "consumerKey",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : " application/json, text/xml ",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Request Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1406826190547,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/requesttokens/{request_token}",
"resourceId" : "21c95e76-5a7d-4af1-b3a2-bde2eae3832f",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-requesttokens--request-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "76fcae92-057b-4b4b-9688-11812f4bf66b",
"name" : "updateOAuth1RequestToken",
"displayName" : "Update OAuth 1.0a Request Token",
"description" : "<p>Updates an OAuth 1.0a request token with a new profile.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value elements used to extend the default profile.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>scope</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A list of scopes associated with access token, validated at runtime against scopes defined in API product.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>callbackUrl</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The callback URL of the token.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"attributes\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name1}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value1}\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name2}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value2}\"\r\n } \r\n ],\r\n \"callbackUrl\" : \"{url}\",\r\n \"scope\" : \"{scope}\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Request Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1440018532753,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/requesttokens/{request_token}",
"resourceId" : "21c95e76-5a7d-4af1-b3a2-bde2eae3832f",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-requesttokens--request-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ca509697-720a-4849-8756-32a134c3072c",
"name" : "sslcertnotificationsDelUser",
"displayName" : "sslcertnotificationsDelUser",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/sslcertnotifications/users/{user_email} ",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the user's email address",
"name" : "user_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "f067f892-5283-4f89-aef8-d80bc65a7fd3",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "856aa168-4a92-4055-ae10-765b454337d4",
"name" : "deleteRoleOfOrg",
"displayName" : "Delete Role",
"description" : "Deletes a role from an organization. Roles can only be deleted when no users are in the role.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Roles at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1406833033395,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}",
"resourceId" : "f067f892-5283-4f89-aef8-d80bc65a7fd3",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b1e7dd96-c13d-4f64-9b8d-88e71f25d14f",
"name" : "getRoleofOrg",
"displayName" : "Get Role",
"description" : "<p>Gets the name of a user role. (Really.)</p>\n<p>If you want to view permissions for the role, see <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/userroles/%7Brole_name%7D/permissions-0\">List Permissions for All Resources Associated with a Role</a>.</p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Roles at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1440005563594,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}",
"resourceId" : "f067f892-5283-4f89-aef8-d80bc65a7fd3",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e176f7cf-b89c-44c7-835b-7a1e6a380178",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--virtualhosts",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/virtualhosts",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "ea5b4abb-b0f2-4393-a82e-953a7c96a818",
"name" : "createVHost",
"displayName" : "Create a Virtual Host",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p><br />\n\tCreates a virtual host.<br /><br />\n\tVirtual hosts let multiple domain names connect to the same host. A virtual host on Edge defines the domains and ports on which an API proxy is exposed, and, by extension, the URL that apps use to access an API proxy. A virtual host also defines whether the API proxy is accessed by using the HTTP protocol, or by the encrypted HTTPS protocol.<br /><br />\n\tWhen you create a new API proxy, Edge automatically configures its ProxyEndpoint to use all available virtual hosts. If you create a new API proxy that should not be accessible over a particular virtual host, then you must edit the API proxy to remove that virtual host from its ProxyEndpoint.<br /><br />\n\tIf you created any API proxies before requesting the virtual host, then you must edit the API proxy to add the new virtual hosts to its ProxyEndpoint. Otherwise, the API proxy is not accessible by the virtual host.<br /><br /><strong>Note</strong>: As of Edge for Private Cloud version 4.16.01, you must create a host alias when you create a virtual host. See the Edge Operations Guide, available on the Apigee ftp site: <a href=\"\"></a>. <br /><br />\n\tSee <a href=\"/api-services/content/virtual-hosts\">Virtual hosts</a> for more.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as either application/json or text/xml",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the virtual host. You use that name to reference the virtual host when configuring an API proxy. The characters that you can use in the name attribute are restricted to: A-Z0-9._\\-$ %.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>hostAlias</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The publicly visible DNS name of the virtual host on the Router, optionally including the port number. You must create a DNS record for the virtual host that matches the host alias, and the host alias must match the string that the client passes in the Host header. Or, you can specify two host aliases, one with the port number and one without. If you specify the port as part of the host alias, you must also specify the same port by using the <code>port</code> element.<br><br>You can have multiple host alias definitions in the same virtual host definition, but not multiple ports. If you want multiple ports, create multiple virtual host definitions with different ports.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>interfaces</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the network interfaces that you want <code>port</code> to be bound to. If you omit this element, the port is bound on all interfaces. Determine the interfaces available on your system by running the \"ifconfig -a\" command.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>All interfaces</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>port</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the port number used by the virtual host. Ensure that the port is open on the Edge Router. If you specify a port in a host alias element, then the port number specified by <code>port</code> must match it. </td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>enabled</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Enables one-way TLS. You must have defined a keystore containing the cert and private key.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>clientAuthEnabled</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Enables two-way, or client, TLS between Edge (server) and the app (client) making the request.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>keyStore</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the keystore on Edge.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>keyAlias</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The alias specified when you uploaded the JAR file containing the cert and private key to the keystore.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>trustStore</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the truststore on Edge that contains the certificate or certificate chain used for two-way TLS.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>ciphers</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the ciphers supported by the virtual host. If no ciphers are specified, then all ciphers available for the JVM will be permitted.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>All supported by the JVM</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>protocols</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the protocols supported by the virtual host. For example, <code>TLSv1</code>, <code>TLSv1.2</code>.<br><br> If no protocols are specified, then all protocols available for the JVM will be permitted.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>All supported by the JVM</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\t\t\t\r\n</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\": \"{vhost_name}\",\r\n \"hostAliases\": [\"{vhost_alias_1}\", \"{vhost_alias_2}\", ...],\r\n \"port\": \"{vhost_port}\",\r\n \"interfaces\" : [ \"{interface_1}\", {\"interface_2\"}, ... ],\r\n \"sSLInfo\": {\r\n \"enabled\": \"true | false\",\r\n \"clientAuthEnabled\": \"true | false\",\r\n \"keyStore\": \"{keystore_name}\",\r\n \"trustStore\": \"{truststore_name}\",\r\n \"keyAlias\": \"{key_alias}\",\r\n \"ciphers\": [ \"{cipher_1}\", \"{cipher_2}\", ... ],\r\n \"protocols\": [ \"{protocol_1}\", \"{protocol_2}\", ...]\r\n }\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Virtual Host" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1465823920796,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/virtualhosts",
"resourceId" : "e176f7cf-b89c-44c7-835b-7a1e6a380178",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--virtualhosts",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b5bba5a8-51dd-46b9-b6c7-d812c4f1e350",
"name" : "listVirtualHosts",
"displayName" : "List Virtual Hosts",
"description" : "Lists all virtual hosts in an environment. By default, two virtual hosts are available for each environment: 'default' and 'secure'.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "appliction/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Virtual Host" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1406835634848,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/virtualhosts",
"resourceId" : "e176f7cf-b89c-44c7-835b-7a1e6a380178",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--virtualhosts",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7db919ef-928e-493e-b2b3-c37d1d2800df",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--oauth2accesstokens",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps/{app_name}/oauth2accesstokens",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "organizationName",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email",
"name" : "developerEmail",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "appName",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "9e03d005-bdc4-4b6d-822d-e8a96c8ea36e",
"name" : "getOauth2-0AccessTokenCountforApp",
"displayName" : "Get a Count of OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens for a Developer App",
"description" : "Get count of OAuth 2.0 access tokens for a developer's app.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1405644966422,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps/{app_name}/oauth2accesstokens",
"resourceId" : "7db919ef-928e-493e-b2b3-c37d1d2800df",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--oauth2accesstokens",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"modifiedTime" : 1394453433205,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "93801c12-1678-4b68-85ed-74e710138158",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps--app-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps/{app_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the company name",
"name" : "company_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "8df93ee7-f3b3-48af-8027-17632a028ca2",
"name" : "deleteCompanyApp",
"displayName" : "Delete Company App",
"description" : "Deletes a company app.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"tags" : [ "Company App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1406579013569,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "93801c12-1678-4b68-85ed-74e710138158",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps--app-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8fb64d47-df66-4962-9bb0-7847aea70d11",
"name" : "getApiresourceCountApp",
"displayName" : "Get Count of API Resources for Company App",
"description" : "Gets the count of API resources for a company app. The API resources are aggregated across all API products with which the company app is associated. In other words, this call returns the total number API resources (URIs) that a company app is able to access.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1406579113961,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "93801c12-1678-4b68-85ed-74e710138158",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps--app-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4dc5e615-abdc-4067-9540-1fb5af3d4c14",
"name" : "updateAppofCompany",
"displayName" : "Update Company App",
"description" : "<p>Updates an existing company app.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><b>Request Payload Elements:</b></p>\n<table class=\"table table-bordered\"><thead><tr><th>Name</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\n\t\t</tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>attributes</td>\n\t\t\t<td>Name/value pairs used to extend the default profile\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/31\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr><tr><td>apiProducts</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of API products associated with this company app</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/32\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr><tr><td>callback_url</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A callback that is used as the redirect_uri in OAuth flows</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/33\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr></tbody></table>",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"attributes\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name1}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value1}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name2}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value2}\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"apiProducts\": [ \"{ApiProduct1}\", \"{ApiProduct2}\", ... ], \r\n \"callbackUrl\" : \"{url}\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1440024579516,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "93801c12-1678-4b68-85ed-74e710138158",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps--app-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7eaf2d99-cb0e-4872-9769-051ee7d886d1",
"name" : "addMembershipRole",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/users",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "6aeec8cd-9c18-4ccd-854e-bd9710ef42dd",
"name" : "addMembershipRolePost",
"displayName" : "Add a user to a role",
"description" : "<p>Add a user to a role. Replace the role name in the URL with the specific role for the user. Roles include:</p>\n<ul><li>Organization administrator: <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">orgadmin</span></li>\n\t<li>Read-only organization administrator (Cloud only): <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">readonlyadmin</span></li>\n\t<li>Operations administrator: <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">opsadmin</span></li>\n\t<li>Business user: <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">businessuser</span></li>\n\t<li>User: <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">user</span></li>\n</ul><p><span style=\"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;\">Or, if you created a custom role, specify the name of that role. </span></p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Specify the email address of the user.",
"name" : "id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">application</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">x</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">www</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">form</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">urlencoded</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Roles at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1442496617018,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/users",
"resourceId" : "7eaf2d99-cb0e-4872-9769-051ee7d886d1",
"resourceName" : "addMembershipRole",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8ad07562-50e4-46a4-9697-fcb88901c4f9",
"name" : "addMembershipRoleGet",
"displayName" : "Get users for a role",
"description" : "Returns a list of all system users associated with a role.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Roles at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1406834705196,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/users",
"resourceId" : "7eaf2d99-cb0e-4872-9769-051ee7d886d1",
"resourceName" : "addMembershipRole",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "27420e45-3172-494c-b21d-131f138dcbab",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--virtualhosts--virtualhost-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/virtualhosts/{virtualhost_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the virtual host name",
"name" : "virtualhost_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "e0f01d48-4edd-48dd-9e48-5dbf64117828",
"name" : "deleteVHost",
"displayName" : "Delete a Virtual Host",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p><br />\n\tDeletes a virtual host.<br /><br />\n\tBefore you can delete a virtual host from an environment, you must update any API proxies that reference the virtual host to remove the reference. See <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/virtual-hosts\">Virtual hosts</a> for more.</p>\n<div> </div>\n",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Virtual Host" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1441048033398,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/virtualhosts/{virtualhost_name}",
"resourceId" : "27420e45-3172-494c-b21d-131f138dcbab",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--virtualhosts--virtualhost-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "20587b7b-e449-4875-9da8-32c67f8a5533",
"name" : "updateVHost",
"displayName" : "Update a Virtual Host",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Apigee Edge for Private Cloud installation only. For use in Edge cloud, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<br />\nUpdates a virtual host.<br /><br />\nYou must specify the complete description of the virtual host in the request body, not just the elements that you want to change.<br /><br /><strong>Note:</strong> As of Edge for Private Cloud version 4.16.01, you must create a host alias when you create a virtual host. See the Edge Operations Guide, available on the Apigee ftp site: <a href=\"\"></a>.<br /><br />\nSee <a href=\"/api-services/content/virtual-hosts\">Virtual hosts</a> for more.",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as either application/json or text/xml",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the virtual host. You use that name to reference the virtual host when configuring an API proxy. The characters that you can use in the name attribute are restricted to: A-Z0-9._\\-$ %.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>hostAlias</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The publicly visible DNS name of the virtual host on the Router, optionally including the port number. You must create a DNS record for the virtual host that matches the host alias. While the port number is optional, it is recommended that you specify it. Or, you can specify two host aliases, one with the port number and one without. If you specify the port as part of the host alias, you must also specify the same port by using the <code>port</code> element.<br><br>You can have multiple host alias definitions in the same virtual host definition, but not multiple ports. If you want multiple ports, create multiple virtual host definitions with different ports.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>interfaces</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the network interfaces that you want <code>port</code> to be bound to. If you omit this element, the port is bound on all interfaces. Determine the interfaces available on your system by running the \"ifconfig -a\" command.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>All interfaces</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>port</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the port number used by the virtual host. Ensure that the port is open on the Edge Router. If you specify a port in a host alias element, then the port number specified by <code>port</code> must match it. </td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>enabled</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Enables one-way TLS. You must have defined a keystore containing the cert and private key.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>clientAuthEnabled</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Enables two-way, or client, TLS between Edge (server) and the app (client) making the request.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>keyStore</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the keystore on Edge.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>keyAlias</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The alias specified when you uploaded the JAR file containing the cert and private key to the keystore.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>trustStore</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the truststore on Edge that contains the certificate or certificate chain used for two-way TLS.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>ciphers</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the ciphers supported by the virtual host. If no ciphers are specified, then all ciphers available for the JVM will be permitted.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>All supported by the JVM</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>protocols</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the protocols supported by the virtual host. For example, <code>TLSv1</code>, <code>TLSv1.2</code>.<br><br> If no protocols are specified, then all protocols available for the JVM will be permitted.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>All supported by the JVM</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\t\t\t\r\n</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\": \"{vhost_name}\",\r\n \"hostAliases\": [\"{vhost_alias}\"],\r\n \"port\": \"{vhost_port}\",\r\n \"interfaces\" : [ \"{inerface_1}\", {\"interface_2\"}, ... ],\r\n \"sSLInfo\": {\r\n \"enabled\": \"true | false\",\r\n \"clientAuthEnabled\": \"true | false\",\r\n \"keyStore\": \"{keystore_name}\",\r\n \"trustStore\": \"{truststore_name}\",\r\n \"keyAlias\": \"{key_alias}\",\r\n \"ciphers\": [ \"{cipher_1}\", \"{cipher_2}\", ... ],\r\n \"protocols\": [ \"{protocol_1}\", \"{protocol_2}\", ...]\r\n }\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Virtual Host" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1465823985412,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/virtualhosts/{virtualhost_name}",
"resourceId" : "27420e45-3172-494c-b21d-131f138dcbab",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--virtualhosts--virtualhost-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ce6d0f5c-f555-420c-a28f-cde735ce52af",
"name" : "getVirtualHosts",
"displayName" : "Get Virtual Host",
"description" : "Gets details for a named virtual host. Every environment has at least one virtual host that defines the HTTP settings for connection with the Apigee organization. All API proxies in an environment share the same virtual hosts. By default, two virtual hosts are available for each environment: 'default' and 'secure'.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "appliction/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Virtual Host" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1406835551488,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/virtualhosts/{virtualhost_name}",
"resourceId" : "27420e45-3172-494c-b21d-131f138dcbab",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--virtualhosts--virtualhost-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e7d865a8-c464-4346-b744-8f51be090ed4",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--keyvaluemaps--map-name--entries--entry-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the map name",
"name" : "map_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the entry name",
"name" : "entry_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "0686016a-180f-4b7b-bb75-543917caa0f0",
"name" : "getEntry",
"displayName" : "Get KeyValueMap Entry in an Organization",
"description" : "Gets a specific key/value map entry in an Organization based on the key name of the entry.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1412710308552,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "e7d865a8-c464-4346-b744-8f51be090ed4",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--keyvaluemaps--map-name--entries--entry-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "786180de-8212-46e7-bc0d-a5e594bb836b",
"name" : "deleteEntry",
"displayName" : "Delete KeyValueMap Entry in an Organization",
"description" : "Deletes a single key/value entry in the map of an Organization based on the key name.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1412710360743,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "e7d865a8-c464-4346-b744-8f51be090ed4",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--keyvaluemaps--map-name--entries--entry-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b03e8a30-bbb5-47fd-b003-352ede3d6c8e",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-number--deployments",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/deployments",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy revision number",
"name" : "revision_number",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "ebcdf94a-f4d1-440b-aca5-57c4f8345579",
"name" : "ForceUndeployAPIProxy",
"displayName" : "Force Undeploy API Proxy",
"description" : "<p>Force the undeployment of the API proxy that is partially deployed. This can be necessary if the API proxy becomes partially deployed and must be undeployed, then redeployed. </p>\n<p>You must specify the revision number of the API proxy because multiple revisions of the same API Proxy can be deployed in the same environment if the proxy base path is different.</p>\n<p>See <a href=\"/management/apis/delete/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/apis/%7Bapi_name%7D/revisions/%7Brevision_number%7D/deployments\">Undeploy API Proxy</a> for the standard undeploy API.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "undeploy",
"description" : "Specify as <code>undeploy</code>.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The environment of the API proxy, such as <code>prod</code> or <code>test</code>.",
"name" : "env",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "force",
"description" : "Specify as <code>force</code> to force the undeployment.",
"name" : "force",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1445864271419,
"modifiedTime" : 1453728362822,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/deployments",
"resourceId" : "b03e8a30-bbb5-47fd-b003-352ede3d6c8e",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-number--deployments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "87101be7-9f78-4cdc-a819-4342e20c8780",
"name" : "devAllAttributes",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/attributes",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "5bc481b3-3af1-43a2-9853-76ab791e35d0",
"name" : "getDevAllAttributes",
"displayName" : "Get all Developer Attributes",
"description" : "Returns a list of all developer attributes.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1439830848035,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/attributes",
"resourceId" : "87101be7-9f78-4cdc-a819-4342e20c8780",
"resourceName" : "devAllAttributes",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5e46a8ef-4202-4aca-bf01-0d3dbcab3c61",
"name" : "updateDevAllAttributes",
"displayName" : "Update all Developer Attributes",
"description" : "<p>Updates or creates developer attributes.</p>\n<p>This API replaces the current list of attributes with the attributes specified in the request body. This lets you update existing attributes, add new attributes, or delete existing attributes by omitting them from the request body.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"attribute\" : [\r\n {\"name\" :\"attr1_name\", \"value\" : \"attr1_val1\"},\r\n {\"name\" :\"attr2_name\", \"value\" : \"attr2_val1\"},\r\n ...\r\n {\"name\" :\"attrN_name\", \"value\" : \"attrN_val1\"}\r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1440018313870,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/attributes",
"resourceId" : "87101be7-9f78-4cdc-a819-4342e20c8780",
"resourceName" : "devAllAttributes",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"modifiedTime" : 1419339922165,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "6f1617b5-c17e-4c01-a73b-9641006030a2",
"name" : "envDeployments",
"displayName" : "envDeployments",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/deployments",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "d04b6419-e985-4331-b57e-9c8fb32b064f",
"name" : "GetAPIsdeployedtoenvironment",
"displayName" : "Get APIs deployed to environment",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Returns information about every API proxy deployed to the environment. </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1466690590461,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779611879,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/deployments",
"resourceId" : "6f1617b5-c17e-4c01-a73b-9641006030a2",
"resourceName" : "envDeployments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1466690214305,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "568924b2-492a-4567-86bf-e1fa55e81976",
"name" : "sslcertnotifications",
"displayName" : "sslcertnotifications",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/sslcertnotifications",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "0c7d0366-a255-421d-8451-718b2288eaff",
"name" : "vaultentrybyorg",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_org}/entries/{entry_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the vault name",
"name" : "vault_name_in_org",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the entry name",
"name" : "entry_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "4436e546-3b3c-4e05-ae4f-f11b50bcfdaf",
"name" : "deleteVaultEntry",
"displayName" : "Delete a Vault Entry in an Org",
"description" : "Deletes an entry in a vault in a specified org.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1440005909626,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_org}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "0c7d0366-a255-421d-8451-718b2288eaff",
"resourceName" : "vaultentrybyorg",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "c3aaf8c8-2abf-4f24-803c-982c3cc9dd7f",
"name" : "validateVaultEntryValueforOrg",
"displayName" : "Validate a Vault Entry's Secure Value in an Org",
"description" : "Compares a value that you supply against a vault entry's secured value in a specified org.<br /><br />\nEnter the value that you want to compare against the secured value in the Request Body below.<br /><br />\nThe response returns 'true' if the value you supply matches the vault entry's secured value. The response returns 'false' if the value you supply does not match.<br /><br />\nBoth responses return an HTTP status code of 200.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "verify",
"description" : "Set to 'verify'.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "text/plain",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "Enter the value that you want to replace the existing secured value"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1440005725282,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_org}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "0c7d0366-a255-421d-8451-718b2288eaff",
"resourceName" : "vaultentrybyorg",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "216208fb-b6eb-45c6-a15e-ff83736e055c",
"name" : "replaceVaultEntryValueforOrg",
"displayName" : "Replace a Vault Entry Value in an Org",
"description" : "Replaces the existing secured value of a vault entry with a value that you supply.<br /><br />\nEnter the value that you want to use to replace the existing secured value in the Request Body below.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "text/plain",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "Enter the value that you want to replace the existing secured value"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1440005757637,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_org}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "0c7d0366-a255-421d-8451-718b2288eaff",
"resourceName" : "vaultentrybyorg",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "45767f3f-bb43-4a09-8e3b-a67b77131188",
"name" : "getVaultEntry",
"displayName" : "Get a Vault Entry in an Org",
"description" : "Gets an entry in a vault in a specified org. This will not retrieve the encrypted value of the vault entry.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1440005883518,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_org}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "0c7d0366-a255-421d-8451-718b2288eaff",
"resourceName" : "vaultentrybyorg",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"modifiedTime" : 1410923749850,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8bfba56f-a44c-4643-81e3-64a72c1bf626",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--appfamilies",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/appfamilies",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the company name",
"name" : "company_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "7545ddc6-29ba-43b5-8474-e110a5a3679a",
"name" : "listExpandCompanyAppFamilies",
"displayName" : "List Company App Families",
"description" : "<p><strong>DEPRECATED</strong>: This API is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release.</p>\n\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: This API isn't supported with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>.</p>\n</div>\n<p>Lists all app families for a company in an organization, and optionally provide an expanded view of the app families. A company app family is a collection of apps associated with a company entity.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the company name",
"name" : "company_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Set to <code>true</code> to expand the list of company apps, which includes the app profile for each app in the list.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1440021296188,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/appfamilies",
"resourceId" : "8bfba56f-a44c-4643-81e3-64a72c1bf626",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--appfamilies",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "eca9421c-f990-4cc0-8dfe-d08800f659fd",
"name" : "CreateCompanyAppFamilies",
"displayName" : "Create Company App Family",
"description" : "Creates a company app family. A company app family is a collection of apps associate with a company entity.<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<b>Note:</b> Characters you can use in the <code>name</code> attribute are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type of the request.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\n \"name\" : \"{appfamily_name}\",\n \"apps\": [\"{app1}\",\"{app2}\", ...]\n}"
"tags" : [ "Company App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1407164622139,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/appfamilies",
"resourceId" : "8bfba56f-a44c-4643-81e3-64a72c1bf626",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--appfamilies",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5bf0143a-937a-4a24-a38b-490c7ccab453",
"name" : "-userroles--role-name--users",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/userroles/{role_name}/users",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a8e0f740-00a4-4e14-83f4-f5594cea7ae8",
"name" : "-userroles--role-name--permissions",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/userroles/{role_name}/permissions",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "49e047a2-54f3-42fb-b466-b558f9759626",
"name" : "ListkeysinanAPIproxyKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "List keys in an API proxy KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/keys",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "72832dc0-3714-474e-919b-802f67bf9694",
"name" : "ListkeysinanAPIproxyKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "List keys in an API proxy KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Lists keys in a KeyValueMap scoped to an API proxy.</p>\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong> This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "To filter the keys that are returned, enter the name of a key that the list will start with. For example, if the an unfiltered list returns:<br />\r\n<br />\r\nmykey_12<br />\r\nmykey_products<br />\r\nab_test_key<br />\r\n<br />\r\nand your <code>startkey</code> is mykey_products, the returned list will be<br />\r\n<br />\r\nmykey_products<br />\r\nab_test_key",
"name" : "startkey",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"description" : "Limits the list of keys to the number you specify, up to a maximum of 100. Use with the <code>startkey</code> parameter to provide more targeted filtering.",
"name" : "count",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438350571714,
"modifiedTime" : 1438723486346,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/keys",
"resourceId" : "49e047a2-54f3-42fb-b466-b558f9759626",
"resourceName" : "ListkeysinanAPIproxyKeyValueMapCPS",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1438350418310,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "45cea07a-d3dc-48ac-a6d3-14e77b9d430f",
"name" : "auditDev",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email",
"name" : "developer_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "b141520d-a8c2-42f3-a213-e26dc411b544",
"name" : "getAuditDev",
"displayName" : "List Audit Entries for a Developer",
"description" : "Lists audit records for management operations for a developer.<br>\n<br>\nFor every call made to the management API, Apigee Edge logs an audit record. This API enables you to obtain a record of all management calls made against a developer in an organization. The audit logs provide access to the actions (create, read, update, delete) executed on the developer.\n<br><br>\nIf there are no audit records, or if the entity does not exist, this API returns an empty array.\n<br>\n<br>\nIf you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is to use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "Set expand as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">true</span></code> to returns all audit records for the developer, including for any apps associated with the developer. Set to <code>false</code> to return records only for the developer.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Filters results by the specified time interval. Valid values are <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">week</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">month</span></code>. If you use<code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, don't use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "timeline",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The beginning date/time from which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "startTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The ending date/time up to which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "endTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "A limit on the total number of audit entries to be returned when you specify either <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">octet</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">stream</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Audits" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1431460924755,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}",
"resourceId" : "45cea07a-d3dc-48ac-a6d3-14e77b9d430f",
"resourceName" : "auditDev",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "92312b71-2e86-4609-a04f-ac5c9ae780ed",
"name" : "truststoreCert",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/certs",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the truststore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a6a40b20-bab4-4935-9538-0b4df0169e0b",
"name" : "postTSCert",
"displayName" : "Upload a Certificate to a Truststore",
"description" : "<p>Uploads a certificate to a truststore in an environment.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>If the cert is part of a chain, then the truststore must contain all certs in the chain, either as individual PEM or DER files or as a single file. If you use a single file, then the certs must be in order where the first cert in the file is the certificate used for TLS followed by the chain of certs, in order, to the CA certificate.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>The final certificate is typically signed by the certificate issuer. For example, in the truststore, you upload a client certificate, client_cert_1, and the client certificate issuer's certificate, ca_cert. For more information, see <a href=\"/api-services/content/keystores-and-truststores\">KeyStores and TrustStores</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>This API validates the following:</p>\n<ul><li>That file size is no larger than 50KB.</li>\n\t<li>That the certificate is of type PEM or DER.</li>\n\t<li>That the certificate is not expired. To bypass this validation, set ignoreExpiryValidation=true.</li>\n</ul>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Specifies the alias name of the certificate used to create a virtual host.",
"name" : "alias",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "boolean",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "By default, the API checks to make sure the certificate hasn't expired. Set to <code>false</code> to have the API validate for certificate expiration.",
"name" : "ignoreExpiryValidation",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ {
"description" : "Specify the PEM or DER file containing the cert.",
"name" : "file",
"required" : true
} ],
"contentType" : "multipart/form-data",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Keystores and Truststores" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1465823797488,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/certs",
"resourceId" : "92312b71-2e86-4609-a04f-ac5c9ae780ed",
"resourceName" : "truststoreCert",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "66779ac0-97e9-41a6-9145-7c22c943dfc0",
"name" : "Getallcertificatesforakeystore",
"displayName" : "Get all certificates for a keystore or truststore",
"description" : "Get all the certificates for the specified keystore or truststore. ",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "null" ],
"createdTime" : 1445522563287,
"modifiedTime" : 1445547617402,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/certs",
"resourceId" : "92312b71-2e86-4609-a04f-ac5c9ae780ed",
"resourceName" : "truststoreCert",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "89015a60-5d29-43b3-833c-321c6b57c586",
"name" : "users--user-email-permissions-get",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/users/{user_email}permissions/get",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the user name",
"name" : "userEmail",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "cbed0041-b2e6-4798-a6d1-b602049e935b",
"name" : "envKVMap",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the map name",
"name" : "map_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "f9c79197-54c5-4754-8aeb-7a4d16808172",
"name" : "getEnvKVMap",
"displayName" : "Get KeyValueMap in an Environment",
"description" : "Gets a key/value map in an environment by name, along with associated entries.<br /><br /><div class=\"counterpart\">\n\t<p>You can also create and manage environment-scoped key/value maps in the management UI. For more information, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/creating-and-editing-environment-keyvalue-maps\">Creating and editing environment key/value maps</a>.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1444069961625,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"resourceId" : "cbed0041-b2e6-4798-a6d1-b602049e935b",
"resourceName" : "envKVMap",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d5c72512-5b45-4057-bfdd-80e84599f25e",
"name" : "updateEnvKVMap",
"displayName" : "Update KeyValueMap in an Environment",
"description" : "<p><strong>DEPRECATED</strong>: This API is being deprecated and will be be unavailable when your organization is updated to use <a href=\"/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> (CPS).</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: If your organization has CPS enabled (see link above), use <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/keyvaluemaps/%7Bmap_name%7D/entries/%7Bentry_name%7D\">Update a KeyValueMap entry in an environment (CPS)</a>.</p>\n</div>\n<p>Updates an existing KeyValueMap in an environment. Does not override the existing map. Instead, this method updates the entries if they exist or adds them if not.</p>\n<p>It can take several minutes before the new value is visible to runtime traffic.</p>\n<br /><div class=\"counterpart\">\n\t<p>You can also create and manage environment-scoped key/value maps in the management UI. For more information, see <a href=\"/api-services/content/creating-and-editing-environment-keyvalue-maps\">Creating and editing environment key/value maps</a>.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type as <code>application/json</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>entry</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name/value pairs for the entry that defines the data to be stored. Characters you can use in the entry are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the map to be created. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"Map_name\",\r\n \"entry\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value1\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Key2\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value2\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Key3\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value3\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1457526358087,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"resourceId" : "cbed0041-b2e6-4798-a6d1-b602049e935b",
"resourceName" : "envKVMap",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a2bc0b37-a5c2-4842-9fdf-9da8a32473b9",
"name" : "delEnvKVMap",
"displayName" : "Delete KeyValueMap from an Environment",
"description" : "Deletes a key/value map and all associated entries from an environment.<br /><br /><div class=\"counterpart\">\n\t<p>You can also create and manage environment-scoped key/value maps in the management UI. For more information, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/creating-and-editing-environment-keyvalue-maps\">Creating and editing environment key/value maps</a>.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1444069840127,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"resourceId" : "cbed0041-b2e6-4798-a6d1-b602049e935b",
"resourceName" : "envKVMap",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"modifiedTime" : 1412713819831,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d482b791-fbd1-4541-b3c5-79611c236bd7",
"name" : "-users--user-email--userroles--role-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/users/{user_email}/userroles/{role_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the user email",
"name" : "user_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "0eb5efed-4681-4891-b24f-4ac26acebfc8",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--deployments",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/deployments",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "18bc703d-00bc-461b-a7e6-98da51e584ac",
"name" : "getEnvironmentDeployments",
"displayName" : "Get API Proxy Deployments for an Environment",
"description" : "Gets a list of all API proxies that are deployed to a specific environment.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe server element is used to identify servers that support the API proxy deployment. The values are used internally by Apigee to provide information for support.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "appliction/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1406746556827,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/deployments",
"resourceId" : "0eb5efed-4681-4891-b24f-4ac26acebfc8",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--deployments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "c170f6ad-96ea-4e69-acf4-3548fca3f214",
"name" : "sslcertnotificationsGetUserAlias",
"displayName" : "sslcertnotificationsGetUserAlias",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/keystores/{keystore}/aliases/{alias}/sslcertnotifications/users",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore name",
"name" : "keystore",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the alias name",
"name" : "alias",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "494dc333-7d1d-487b-8eea-1f5d5937e5c9",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2-accesstokens--access-token-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/accesstokens/{access_token}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the Access Token",
"name" : "access_token",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "37b5fd7d-a3ef-4299-9c77-8ab70966a462",
"name" : "deleteOAuth2AccessToken",
"displayName" : "Delete OAuth 2.0 Access Token",
"description" : "Deletes a specific OAuth 2.0 access token.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 2.0 Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1406827344139,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/accesstokens/{access_token}",
"resourceId" : "494dc333-7d1d-487b-8eea-1f5d5937e5c9",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2-accesstokens--access-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f9e1276f-7e2b-4f17-b4f8-d2f96dfc835a",
"name" : "getOAuth2AccessToken",
"displayName" : "Get OAuth 2.0 Access Token",
"description" : "Gets details of a specific OAuth 2.0 access token.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : " application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 2.0 Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1406827415894,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/accesstokens/{access_token}",
"resourceId" : "494dc333-7d1d-487b-8eea-1f5d5937e5c9",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2-accesstokens--access-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ad4b9231-bdb9-42b9-961d-7689473d42b8",
"name" : "updateOAuth2AccessToken",
"displayName" : "Update OAuth 2.0 Access Token",
"description" : "<p>Updates the OAuth 2.0 access token attributes. Only attributes specified in the request body are updated. Any other existing attributes are not affected.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value elements used to extend the default profile</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>scope</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A list of scopes associated with access token, validated at runtime against scopes defined in API product</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"attributes\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name1}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value1}\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name2}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value2}\"\r\n } \r\n ],\r\n \"scope\" : \"read\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 2.0 Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1440018612388,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/accesstokens/{access_token}",
"resourceId" : "494dc333-7d1d-487b-8eea-1f5d5937e5c9",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2-accesstokens--access-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "fa9cb3c8-6c9d-4a35-997c-c8bb3a985a7c",
"name" : "approveOAuth2AccessToken",
"displayName" : "Approve or Revoke OAuth 2.0 Access Token",
"description" : "Approves or revokes an OAuth 2.0 access token.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Set action to <code>approve</code> or <code>revoke</code>.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "false",
"description" : "Setting cascade to <code>true</code> causes refresh tokens associated with the access token to be affected by the same action. Setting cascade to <code>false</code> leaves associated refresh tokens unaffected by this action.",
"name" : "cascade",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify Content Type to <code>application/octet-stream</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 2.0 Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1406827080517,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/accesstokens/{access_token}",
"resourceId" : "494dc333-7d1d-487b-8eea-1f5d5937e5c9",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2-accesstokens--access-token-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8002e25d-61d9-4819-9f9a-954593f57ce2",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "96d61e34-302d-4d21-abb9-f4c4cdee644a",
"name" : "Updateanorganization",
"displayName" : "Update an organization",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Update an organization.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>Note</strong>: If you have set any properties on the organization, and want to update one or more of those properties, you must pass all properties to the API, even if they are not being changed. To get the current list of properties for the environment, use the <a href=\"/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D\">Get Organization</a> API. </p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as application/json or application/xml.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>displayName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the org as it appears in the Edge UI.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>properties</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value pairs that may be used for customizing the organization.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>type</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Set the type as \"paid\".</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"displayName\" : \"{display_name}\",\r\n \"properties\" : {\r\n \"property\" : [ {\r\n \"name\" : \"prop1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value1\"\r\n }, {\r\n \"name\" : \"prop2\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value2\"\r\n } ]\r\n },\r\n \"type\" : \"paid\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Organization" ],
"createdTime" : 1466707356728,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779154836,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}",
"resourceId" : "8002e25d-61d9-4819-9f9a-954593f57ce2",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e4122f54-e198-4bd9-9a14-55b5660639a8",
"name" : "Deleteorganization",
"displayName" : "Delete an organization",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Delete an organization.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>You can only delete an organization after you have:</p>\n<ol><li>Deleted all virtual hosts in all environments in the organization. See <a href=\"/management/apis/delete/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/virtualhosts/%7Bvirtualhost_name%7D\">Delete a Virtual Host</a> for more.</li>\n\t<li>Deleted all environments in the organization. See <a href=\"/management/apis/delete/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D\">Delete an environment</a> for more.</li>\n\t<li>Disassociated the organization from all pods. See <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/pods-0\">Disassociate an organization from a pod</a> for more.</li>\n</ol>",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Organization" ],
"createdTime" : 1466707499732,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779240407,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}",
"resourceId" : "8002e25d-61d9-4819-9f9a-954593f57ce2",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "2a720d0e-e9c7-459c-a891-ae6f54f22c22",
"name" : "getOrganization",
"displayName" : "Get Organization",
"description" : "<p>Gets the profile of a specific organization.</p>\n<br /><p>An organization is the base container for all objects in an API provider's account on Apigee Edge. An organization contains API proxies, API products, apps, and developers, and the other entities. A user account is required for each organization for which you may be a member. (Most users will have an account in only one organization.) You pass in your credentials (username and password) and the name of your organization with each API request you submit.</p>\n<br /><p>In the response, the value of the <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">type</span> property is \"<span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">trial</span>\" if you are requesting information about an organization associated with a free developer account, and \"<span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">paid</span>\" for a paid account. </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Organization" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779101616,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}",
"resourceId" : "8002e25d-61d9-4819-9f9a-954593f57ce2",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5e6f1d48-7cf5-4f01-8979-5411f20d08f4",
"name" : "membershipRole",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/users/{user_email}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the user email address",
"name" : "user_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "d59b9e6d-d404-4128-8a8e-dc495293c1d0",
"name" : "membershipRoleDelete",
"displayName" : "Remove user membership in role",
"description" : "Remove user membership in role.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Roles at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1406835009494,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/users/{user_email}",
"resourceId" : "5e6f1d48-7cf5-4f01-8979-5411f20d08f4",
"resourceName" : "membershipRole",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "20676a03-dc27-493d-8f2f-2ee190567a12",
"name" : "membershipRoleGet",
"displayName" : "Verify user role membership",
"description" : "Verify user role membership.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Roles at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1406835228499,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/users/{user_email}",
"resourceId" : "5e6f1d48-7cf5-4f01-8979-5411f20d08f4",
"resourceName" : "membershipRole",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5ad5556c-0966-4ca2-87d6-fda6e7574b36",
"name" : "apiKVMaps",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API proxy name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "aa0c725a-51d4-4382-bb19-eaa8002f227b",
"name" : "listAPIKVMaps",
"displayName" : "List KeyValueMaps for an API proxy",
"description" : "List the name of all KeyValueMaps for an API proxy, and optionally returns an expanded view of all KeyValueMaps for the environment.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Set expand value to <code>true</code> to get an expanded view of the KeyValueMaps.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1412773856106,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps",
"resourceId" : "5ad5556c-0966-4ca2-87d6-fda6e7574b36",
"resourceName" : "apiKVMaps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d4c040e3-02d4-444c-97d5-e79381d2b01d",
"name" : "createAPIKVMaps",
"displayName" : "Create KeyValueMap in an API proxy",
"description" : "Creates a KeyValueMap in an API proxy.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nA key/value map is a simple structure for persistently storing name/value pairs as entries in a named map. The entries in a key/value map can be retrieved at runtime by policies or code running on Apigee Edge. Key/value maps can be used to support profile-based access control, for supporting certain non-standard protocols, application specific behavior, and so on.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type as <code>application/json</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\n\t\t<thead>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</thead>\n\t\t<tbody>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>entry</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name/value pairs for the entry that defines the data to be stored. Characters you can use in the entry are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the map to be created. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{ \n \"name\" : \"Map_name\",\n \"entry\" : [ \n {\n \"name\" : \"Key1\",\n \"value\" : \"value_one\"\n },\n {\n \"name\" : \"Key2\",\n \"value\" : \"value_two\"\n } \n ]\n}"
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1412773464165,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps",
"resourceId" : "5ad5556c-0966-4ca2-87d6-fda6e7574b36",
"resourceName" : "apiKVMaps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "133f8cea-89fe-4397-9fbd-8114a5bc0dcb",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "872dcf9a-2355-4f2d-a92c-bd7f62a6e976",
"name" : "createDeveloperApp",
"displayName" : "Create Developer App",
"description" : "<p>Creates an app associated with a developer.</p>\n<p>The <code>name</code> is the unique ID of the app, which can be different from the <code>DisplayName</code> attribute value that is displayed in the Apigee Edge management UI. If you don't provide a <code>DisplayName</code> when you create a developer app with this method, the <code>name</code> is used.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the developer email",
"name" : "developer_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify Content Type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the app. The name becomes the unique ID of the app for this organization and developer. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>. While you can use spaces in the name, you should instead use camel case or hyphens. Otherwise, you will have to URL encode the app name when you need to include it in the URL of other Edge API calls. For example, when getting app details by using the [node:16551] API. </td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>apiProducts</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A list of API products with which the app is associated. The name of the API product is the name returned by a GET request to the \"List API Products\" endpoint. For example, if the Display Name of the API product in the Apigee Edge management UI is 'Premium API Product', then the name is 'premium-api-product' (all lowercase with spaces replaced by hyphens).</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\t\t\t\r\n<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>keyExpiresIn</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A setting, in milliseconds, for the lifetime of the consumer key that will be generated for the developer app. The default value, -1, indicates an infinite validity period. Once set, the expiration can't be updated.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>-1</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>scopes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The scopes to apply to the app. The specified scope names must already exist on the API product that you associate with the app.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value pairs that may be used for customizing profile information or for app-specific processing. \r\n<ul><li><code>DisplayName</code> (see the sample request body) is an attribute that provides the app name in the Edge management UI. This can be different from the <code>name</code> (unique ID) of the app.</li><li>The <code>Notes</code> attribute lets you add notes about the developer app.</li><li>Any other arbitrary name/value pairs you create are included as custom attributes.</li></ul></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>callbackUrl</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The callbackUrl is used by OAuth 2.0 authorization servers to communicate authorization codes back to apps. See the documentation on OAuth 2.0 for more details.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No, with the exception of 3-legged OAuth 2.0.</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"{app_name}\",\r\n \"apiProducts\": [ \"{apiproduct1}\", \"{apiproduct2}\", ...],\r\n \"keyExpiresIn\" : \"{milliseconds}\",\r\n \"scopes\": [ \"ScopeName1\",\"ScopeName2\",\"ScopeName3\", ...], \r\n \"attributes\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"DisplayName\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{display_name_value}\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Notes\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{notes_for_developer_app}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{custom_attribute_name}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{custom_attribute_value}\"\r\n } \r\n ],\r\n \"callbackUrl\" : \"{url}\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"contentType" : "application/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\n\t\t<thead>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</thead>\n\t\t<tbody>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>createdAt</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Unix time when the app was created</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>createdBy</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>User name of the Apigee developer who created the app</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>credentials</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>A set of credentials for the app--credentials are app key/secret pairs associated with API products</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>apiProducts</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>A list of API products with which the app is associated</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>keyExpiresIn</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>A setting, in milliseconds, for the lifetime of the consumer key that will be generated for the developer app. The default value, -1, indicates an infinite validity period. Once set, the expiration can't be updated.</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>status</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>The status of the API product association: 'approved' or 'pending'</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value pairs used to extend the default app profile</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>consumerKey</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>The value of the consumer key for the app</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>consumerSecret</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>The value of the consumer secret associated with the consumer key</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>status</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>The status of the consumer key: 'approved' or 'pending'</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>lastModifiedAt</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Unix time when the app was last modified</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>lastModifiedBy</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>User name of the Apigee developer who last modified the app</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name of the app. The name is the unique ID of the app for this organization and developer.</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>status</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Status of the app: 'approved' or 'unapproved'</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value formatted attributes used to extend the default profile</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>callbackUrl</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>The callbackUrl is used by OAuth 2.0 authorization servers to communicate authorization codes back to apps. CallbackUrl must match the value of redirect_uri in some OAuth 2.0 See the documentation on OAuth 2.0 for more details.</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</tbody>\n\t</table>",
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : " "
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1456162097631,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps",
"resourceId" : "133f8cea-89fe-4397-9fbd-8114a5bc0dcb",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4123b1eb-8c5c-465a-9e84-957eb0b92e8b",
"name" : "listExpandDeveloperApp",
"displayName" : "List Developer Apps",
"description" : "Lists all apps created by a developer in an organization, and optionally provides an expanded view of the apps. All time values in the response are UNIX times.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "false",
"description" : "Set to <code>true</code> to expand app details.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1447457296118,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps",
"resourceId" : "133f8cea-89fe-4397-9fbd-8114a5bc0dcb",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"modifiedTime" : 1419344968994,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "cf8d5049-2e40-4607-9184-3607022eec1a",
"name" : "cachesCreate",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/caches",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "c60992dc-4845-43d7-9ad1-094eff7514d2",
"name" : "cacheList",
"displayName" : "List caches in an environment",
"description" : "List caches in an environment.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Caches" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1406738646529,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/caches",
"resourceId" : "cf8d5049-2e40-4607-9184-3607022eec1a",
"resourceName" : "cachesCreate",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ca3e6455-99c2-4e6c-8072-6612f6e0e729",
"name" : "cacheCreate",
"displayName" : "Create a cache in an environment",
"description" : "Creates a cache in an environment.<br /><br />\nCaches are created per environment. For data segregation, a cache created in 'test', for example, cannot be accessed by API proxies deployed in 'prod'.<br /><br />\nThe JSON object in the request body can be empty, or the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;Cache/&gt;</span></code> tag in XML can be empty, to create a cache with the default settings.<br /><br />",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Enter the name of the cache to create.&nbsp;Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">A</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">Z0</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">9.</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">_\\-$ </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">%</span></code>.",
"name" : "name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">application</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">json</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">text</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">xml</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table\" style=\"width: 690px;\" width=\"690\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Name</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Description</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Default</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Required?</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p><span title=\"\" data-original-title=\"\" style=\"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;\">description</span></p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>A description of the cache resource.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>N/A</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>diskSizeInMB</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Deprecated -- will be removed in the future. Specifies the disk space used for the cache, in megabytes.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>0</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>expirySettings</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Enables different expiration mechanisms to be applied to entries in the cache. Cache entries can be expired a certain number of seconds after creation, at a specific time of day each day, or on a specific date.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Options include:</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<ul>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeoutInSec</span></code></li>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeOfDay </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">(</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">hh</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">mm</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">ss</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">)</span></code></li>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">expiryDate </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">(</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">mm</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">dd</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">yyyy</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">)</span></code></li>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\r\n<p>The Populate Cache policy also lets you set expiry settings. The <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">valuesNull</span></code> property controls which expiry settings are applied for each entry.</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>If <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">valuesNull</span></code> is false (default), expiry settings in the Populate Cache policy are used.</li>\r\n<li>If <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">valuesNull</span></code> = true, expiry settings in the policy are ignored.</li></ul>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>300 seconds</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>maxElementsInMemory</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Deprecated -- will be removed in the future. Maximum number of entries the cache keeps in memory. Upon reaching the max limit the entries are evicted using the LRU algorithm.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>100</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>maxElementsOnDisk</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Deprecated -- will be removed in the future. Maximum number of entries kept on disk. Upon reaching the max limit the entries are evicted using the LRU algorithm.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>1000</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>inMemorySizeInKB</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Deprecated -- will be removed in the future. All entries larger than the configured setting size, in kilobytes, will be compressed before being cached.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>0</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>compression</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Deprecated -- will be removed in the future. If specified, enables you to configure the size threshold above which cache entries will be compressed. If not specified, compression is disabled.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Options include:</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<ul>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><span title=\"\" data-original-title=\"\" style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">minimumSizeInKB</span>: All entries larger than the configured setting size, in kilobytes, will be compressed before being cached.</li>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>false</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>overflowToDisk</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies to overflow the in-memory cache to disk.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>persistent</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Deprecated. Use ExpirySettings.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>skipCacheIfElementSizeInKBExceeds</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>If specified, enables you to configure the maximum size of data to be cached. Specify the size limit, in kilobytes, for cache entries. Data larger than the limit you set will not be cached.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>disabled</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"compression\": {\r\n \"minimumSizeInKB\": \"{size_in_KB}\"\r\n },\r\n \"description\": \"{cache_description}\",\r\n \"diskSizeInMB\": \"{size_in_MB}\",\r\n \"expirySettings\": {\r\n \"expiryDate\": {\r\n \"value\": \"{mm-dd-yyyy}\"\r\n },\r\n \"valuesNull\": \"{true_false}\"\r\n },\r\n \"inMemorySizeInKB\": \"{size_in_KB}\",\r\n \"maxElementsInMemory\": \"{num_elements}\",\r\n \"maxElementsOnDisk\": \"{num_elements}\",\r\n \"overflowToDisk\": \"{true_false}\",\r\n \"persistent\": \"{true_false}\",\r\n \"skipCacheIfElementSizeInKBExceeds\": \"{num_elements}\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Caches" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1441140697460,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/caches",
"resourceId" : "cf8d5049-2e40-4607-9184-3607022eec1a",
"resourceName" : "cachesCreate",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b5c2901e-8ef9-408a-91a8-bbdc9d5048aa",
"name" : "resourceFileUrlApi",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/resourcefiles",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API revision number",
"name" : "revision_number",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "4d900abe-8576-486b-acce-d347e6ff7f3e",
"name" : "listResourceFileUrlApi",
"displayName" : "List resource files in an API",
"description" : "Lists the resource files in an API.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1440455879424,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/resourcefiles",
"resourceId" : "b5c2901e-8ef9-408a-91a8-bbdc9d5048aa",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileUrlApi",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "6a70d6bc-9ae2-4b7e-94bb-8c0dba47a2b1",
"name" : "importResourceFileUrlApi",
"displayName" : "Import a resource file for an API",
"description" : "<p>Import and create a resource file for an API proxy revision by pasting the contents of the file in the request body.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>To import a resource file via file upload, see <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/put/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/apis/%7Bapi_name%7D/revisions/%7Brevision_number%7D/resourcefiles\">Import a resource file for an API (file upload)</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>For more information on resource files, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/resource-files\">Resource files</a>.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The name of the resource, including the file type extension.",
"name" : "name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The resource type (jsc, java, py, node, xsl, wsdl, xsd).",
"name" : "type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">application</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">octet</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">stream</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "The body of the resource file."
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1440523155935,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/resourcefiles",
"resourceId" : "b5c2901e-8ef9-408a-91a8-bbdc9d5048aa",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileUrlApi",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "bd9483fe-d256-4302-9692-7758ba2bbf84",
"name" : "ImportaresourcefileforanAPIfileupload",
"displayName" : "Import a resource file for an API (file upload)",
"description" : "<p>Imports a resource file into an API proxy through file upload. This is an alternative to importing a resource file by passing the file contents in the request body, as described in <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/apis/%7Bapi_name%7D/revisions/%7Brevision_number%7D\">Import a resource file for an API</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The name of the resource, including the file type extension.",
"name" : "name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The resource type (jsc, java, py, node, xsl, wsdl, xsd).",
"name" : "type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "multipart/form-data",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code>multipart/form-data</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ {
"description" : "Attach the resource file you want to import.",
"name" : "file",
"required" : true
} ],
"contentType" : "multipart/form-data",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1440459898645,
"modifiedTime" : 1440523990475,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/resourcefiles",
"resourceId" : "b5c2901e-8ef9-408a-91a8-bbdc9d5048aa",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileUrlApi",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e147245f-62a2-4e2c-a36a-ab03c137846a",
"name" : "CreateKeyValueMaponanAPIproxyrevisionCPS",
"displayName" : "Create KeyValueMap on an API proxy revision (CPS)",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/keyvaluemaps",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "c65ce63f-7453-4e8b-a873-bda659c5ac27",
"name" : "CreateKeyValueMapinanAPIproxyrevisionCPS",
"displayName" : "Create KeyValueMap in an API proxy revision (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Creates a KeyValueMap scoped to an API proxy revision.</p>\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong> This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{ \r\n \"name\" : \"map_name\",\r\n \"entry\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"ProxyRevision_Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value_one\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"ProxyRevision_Key2\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value_two\"\r\n } \r\n ]\r\n}\r\n\r\nor\r\n\r\n<KeyValueMap name=\"map_name\">\r\n <Entry name=\"ProxyRevision_Key1\">value_one</Entry>\r\n <Entry name=\"ProxyRevision_Key2\">value_two</Entry>\r\n <Entry name=\"hello\">kitty</Entry>\r\n</KeyValueMap>"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438717172645,
"modifiedTime" : 1438724098127,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/keyvaluemaps",
"resourceId" : "e147245f-62a2-4e2c-a36a-ab03c137846a",
"resourceName" : "CreateKeyValueMaponanAPIproxyrevisionCPS",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1438716930999,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a6acc58e-a799-4412-9e8b-08cd523b21ed",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-verifiers--verifier-code-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/verifiers/{verifier_code}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the verifier code",
"name" : "verifier_code",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "c608ec19-4b62-4d10-aae9-4c5673849b9c",
"name" : "getOAuth1VerifierCode",
"displayName" : "Get OAuth 1.0a Verifier Code",
"description" : "Gets the detail of an OAuth 1.0a verifier code.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Verifier Code" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1406826578737,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/verifiers/{verifier_code}",
"resourceId" : "a6acc58e-a799-4412-9e8b-08cd523b21ed",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-verifiers--verifier-code-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "af929f04-eb7b-4e09-ab38-631d41785f3e",
"name" : "deleteOAuth1VerifierCode",
"displayName" : "Delete OAuth 1.0a Verifier Code",
"description" : "Deletes the specified OAuth 1.0a verifier code, which is the verifier code given by the provider.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 1.0a Verifier Code" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1406826496219,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth1/verifiers/{verifier_code}",
"resourceId" : "a6acc58e-a799-4412-9e8b-08cd523b21ed",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth1-verifiers--verifier-code-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ece1da77-6fa9-41e0-9b1e-b4d548c7e4bc",
"name" : "users--user-name--permissions",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/users/{user_name}/permissions",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the user name",
"name" : "user_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "496bc705-648d-4a44-b2af-e046cbe5ec8d",
"name" : "Getapolicy",
"displayName" : "Get a policy for an API proxy revision",
"description" : "<p>Gets a policy definition for a specific API proxy revision.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/xml",
"description" : "<code>application/xml</code> or <code>application/json</code>. The required format for policies is XML, but you can view the response in JSON.",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Policy" ],
"createdTime" : 1441211595642,
"modifiedTime" : 1441214798691,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/policies/{policy_name}",
"resourceId" : "6573da01-8f00-4ffa-ac1b-6845629ccb9b",
"resourceName" : "updatePolicy",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1441209138456,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a78c0b48-4ea5-4552-8ee0-480aa47cba0e",
"name" : "UpdateKeyValueMapinanOrganizationCPS",
"displayName" : "Update KeyValueMap in an Organization (CPS)",
"description" : "Updates a KeyValueMap in an Organization. For Core Persistence Services only.",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "937fb872-6e75-482e-8831-b56faeead116",
"name" : "UpdateaKeyValueMapentryinanorganizationCPS",
"displayName" : "Update a KeyValueMap entry in an organization (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Updates an entry in a KeyValueMap scoped to an organization. A key cannot be larger than 2 KB.</p>\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"Org_Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"updated_value\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nor\r\n\r\n<Entry name=\"Org_Key1\">updated_value</Entry>"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438304929254,
"modifiedTime" : 1438721469193,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "a78c0b48-4ea5-4552-8ee0-480aa47cba0e",
"resourceName" : "UpdateKeyValueMapinanOrganizationCPS",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1438303471821,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7df01513-d3e1-415a-bf2f-6002cfbe572b",
"name" : "vaultbyorgbyenvandname",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_env}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the vault name",
"name" : "vault_name_in_env",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a027a898-2b85-4683-9d35-0417ec3546e6",
"name" : "getVaultbyEnv",
"displayName" : "Get List of Entries in a Vault in an Environment",
"description" : "Gets a list of entries in a vault in a specified environment. This will not retrieve the encrypted values of the entries.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1440006085374,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_env}",
"resourceId" : "7df01513-d3e1-415a-bf2f-6002cfbe572b",
"resourceName" : "vaultbyorgbyenvandname",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5b98681f-fe3a-4232-a9e6-ef6432693919",
"name" : "deleteVaultbyinEnv",
"displayName" : "Delete a Vault in an Environment",
"description" : "Deletes an entire vault in a specified environment.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1440006181398,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_env}",
"resourceId" : "7df01513-d3e1-415a-bf2f-6002cfbe572b",
"resourceName" : "vaultbyorgbyenvandname",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"modifiedTime" : 1410923057138,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7f804ea0-ebd1-47b2-b37a-5db97467be41",
"name" : "-userroles--role-name--permissions-get",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/userroles/{role_name}/permissions/get",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "46d83c8f-2576-48b0-bab2-77fa3ed648b6",
"name" : "debugSessionGet",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/debugsessions/{session_name}/data",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API revision number",
"name" : "revision_number",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the debug session name",
"name" : "session_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a23c8367-329f-4815-ade2-98d8c4d02c2e",
"name" : "getDebugSessionData",
"displayName" : "Get debug session transaction IDs",
"description" : "Retrieves a list of transaction IDs for a debug session that was created by the Create Debug Session API call or by the Trace tool in the Edge management UI.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nEach item in the returned list is the unique ID for a debug session transaction associated with a single request to the API proxy specified.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nUse the \"Get debug session transaction data\" API to retrieve the raw debug data for the transaction.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Debug Session" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1406743905890,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/debugsessions/{session_name}/data",
"resourceId" : "46d83c8f-2576-48b0-bab2-77fa3ed648b6",
"resourceName" : "debugSessionGet",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"modifiedTime" : 1399379903141,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ecba2c92-f4aa-42e4-bd6a-b0b1890b3220",
"name" : "createAliasFromCert",
"displayName" : "createAliasFromCert",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/aliases",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "fd7fd8d3-b858-4e92-9770-d215ade0e29f",
"name" : "vaultsbyorg",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "2f651739-db51-4568-8741-662ccd81ab46",
"name" : "getVaultsbyOrg",
"displayName" : "Get Vault Names in an Org",
"description" : "Gets a list of vault names in a specific org.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1440005829149,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults",
"resourceId" : "fd7fd8d3-b858-4e92-9770-d215ade0e29f",
"resourceName" : "vaultsbyorg",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "50154e6b-2d30-4f30-afb6-cbdc67366d9b",
"name" : "createVault",
"displayName" : "Create a Vault in an Org",
"description" : "Creates a vault in a specified org.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{ \r\n \"name\": \"{name}\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1440005639665,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults",
"resourceId" : "fd7fd8d3-b858-4e92-9770-d215ade0e29f",
"resourceName" : "vaultsbyorg",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e5f797af-7879-4ba0-80f9-07756859ff16",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--appfamilies--appfamily-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the company name",
"name" : "company_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention app family name",
"name" : "appfamily_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "bd1cba14-3f54-4aca-86eb-9d18817f8fac",
"name" : "updateCompanyAppFamily",
"displayName" : "Update Company App Family",
"description" : "Updates a company app family by modifying the apps associated with it. This method does not simply add the app you specify. You need to specify the entire list of apps when you call this method.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\n \"apps\": [\"{app1}\",\"{app2}\", ...],\n \"name\" : \"{appfamily_name}\"\n}"
"tags" : [ "Company App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1407164837742,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}",
"resourceId" : "e5f797af-7879-4ba0-80f9-07756859ff16",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--appfamilies--appfamily-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a070762a-6999-4ead-9137-da013dd33271",
"name" : "deleteAppFamily",
"displayName" : "Delete Company App Family",
"description" : "Deletes a company app family.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1407164657426,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}",
"resourceId" : "e5f797af-7879-4ba0-80f9-07756859ff16",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--appfamilies--appfamily-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "9974be25-893b-4e3b-94b8-c46f92b63188",
"name" : "getCompanyAppFamily",
"displayName" : "Get Company App Family",
"description" : "Gets a list of apps in an company app family.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1407164683027,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}",
"resourceId" : "e5f797af-7879-4ba0-80f9-07756859ff16",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--appfamilies--appfamily-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8fc2eb99-dbed-4aeb-b260-1232a639c2d4",
"name" : "getRolePermission",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/permissions",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "52e9236c-99c8-444c-a3e8-25d0d4bb5fcb",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2-authorizationcodes",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/authorizationcodes",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "379b15ed-b235-46b2-845d-8b616f5ed60c",
"name" : "listOAuth2AuthCodes",
"displayName" : "List OAuth 2.0 Authorization Codes",
"description" : "Lists all OAuth 2.0 authorization codes in an organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1406827821089,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/authorizationcodes",
"resourceId" : "52e9236c-99c8-444c-a3e8-25d0d4bb5fcb",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2-authorizationcodes",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e302f3a5-8bbf-4dc3-ae23-50417d10e85e",
"name" : "ListkeysinaKeyValueMap",
"displayName" : "List keys in a KeyValueMap",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/keys",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "c986c64e-5233-4440-9c5e-ba246e544e80",
"name" : "ListkeysinanorganizationKeyValueMap",
"displayName" : "List keys in an organization KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Lists keys in a KeyValueMap scoped to an organization.</p>\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong> This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "To filter the keys that are returned, enter the name of a key that the list will start with. For example, if the an unfiltered list returns:<br />\r\n<br />\r\nmykey_12<br />\r\nmykey_products<br />\r\nab_test_key<br />\r\n<br />\r\nand your <code>startkey</code> is mykey_products, the returned list will be<br />\r\n<br />\r\nmykey_products<br />\r\nab_test_key<br />",
"name" : "startkey",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"description" : "Limits the list of keys to the number you specify, up to a maximum of 100. Use with the <code>startkey</code> parameter to provide more targeted filtering.",
"name" : "count",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438348832229,
"modifiedTime" : 1438723894424,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/keys",
"resourceId" : "e302f3a5-8bbf-4dc3-ae23-50417d10e85e",
"resourceName" : "ListkeysinaKeyValueMap",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1438346764110,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5f8f276a-e038-4e31-9d21-ad752c3d0709",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--developers--developer-email-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/developers/{developer_email}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the company name",
"name" : "company_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email",
"name" : "Developer_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "67a0162e-b9d8-45db-be1c-ab4131166815",
"name" : "removeDeveloper",
"displayName" : "Remove Developer from Company",
"description" : "Removes the association of a developer with a company.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer within Company" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1406741541849,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/developers/{developer_email}",
"resourceId" : "5f8f276a-e038-4e31-9d21-ad752c3d0709",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--developers--developer-email-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4a8950c7-651a-44b2-9076-c85e8532c045",
"name" : "listAuditEntriesProduct",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API product name",
"name" : "apiproduct_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "d2311d7b-4b22-4936-af7e-8339682e6c91",
"name" : "listAuditEntriesProduct",
"displayName" : "List Audit Entries for an API Product",
"description" : "Lists audit records for management operations for a specific API product in an organization.<br>\n<br>\nFor every call made to the management API, Apigee Edge logs an audit record. This API enables you to obtain a record of all management calls made against a single API product in an organization. The audit logs provide access to the actions (create, read, update, delete) executed on organizations.\n<br><br>\nIf there are no audit records, or if the entity does not exist, this API returns an empty array.\n<br>\n<br>\nIf you omit the timeline, startTime, and endTime query parameters, the default is to use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "Set expand as true to expand the audit records.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Filters results by the specified time interval. Valid values are <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">week</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">month</span></code>. If you use<code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, don't use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "timeline",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The beginning date/time from which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "startTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The ending date/time up to which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add &quot;000&quot; to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "endTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "A limit on the total number of audit entries to be returned when you specify either startTime or endTime.",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Audits" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1426782054637,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}",
"resourceId" : "4a8950c7-651a-44b2-9076-c85e8532c045",
"resourceName" : "listAuditEntriesProduct",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e9c4e43a-cd37-43cc-b3de-283bc6922e5f",
"name" : "auditAPIs",
"displayName" : "auditAPIs",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/apis",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "c20043b1-3052-41b9-9b39-cd33e447a06c",
"name" : "ListAuditEntriesforAllAPIProxies",
"displayName" : "List Audit Entries for All API Proxies",
"description" : "Lists audit records for management operations for all API proxies in an organization.<br /><br />\nFor every call made to the management API, Apigee Edge logs an audit record. This API enables you to obtain a record of all management calls made against API proxies in an organization. The audit logs provide access to the actions (create, read, update, delete) executed on the proxies.<br /><br />\nIf you omit the <code>timeline</code>, <code>startTime</code>, and <code>endTime</code> query parameters, the default is to use <code>timeline=today</code>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "Set expand as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">true</span></code> to expand the audit records.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Filters results by the specified time interval. Valid values are <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">week</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">month</span></code>. If you use<code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, don't use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "timeline",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The beginning date/time from which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "startTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The ending date/time up to which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "endTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">octet</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">stream</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Audits" ],
"createdTime" : 1462986581213,
"modifiedTime" : 1462988960555,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/apis",
"resourceId" : "e9c4e43a-cd37-43cc-b3de-283bc6922e5f",
"resourceName" : "auditAPIs",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1462986101150,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "465ea205-4bbe-40e4-89f0-6163af78c4fb",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "4b7f7d63-c692-4cca-b783-c74eb827cc67",
"name" : "updateDeveloper",
"displayName" : "Update Developer",
"description" : "<p>Update an existing developer profile.</p>\n<p>To add new values or update existing values, submit the new or updated portion of the developer profile along with the rest of the developer profile, even if no values are changing.</p>\n<p>To delete attributes from a developer profile, submit the entire profile without the attributes that you want to delete.</p>\n<p>For more information about the monetization attributes, see <a href=\"/docs/developer-services/content/adding-developers-your-api-product\">Adding developers to your organization</a>.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the developer email",
"name" : "developer_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify Content Type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>email</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The developer's email, used to unique identify the developer in Apigee Edge</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>firstName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The first name of the developer</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>lastName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The last name of the developer</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>userName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The developer's username (currently unused by Apigee)</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value pairs used to extend the default profile</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes, unless you want to delete the attributes.</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"firstName\" : \"{first_name}\",\r\n \"lastName\" : \"{last_name}\",\r\n \"userName\" : \"{username}\",\r\n \"email\" : \"{email}\",\r\n \"attributes\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute1_name}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value1}\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute2_name}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value2}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"MINT_APPROX_TAX_RATE\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{approximate tax rate for developer}\"\r\n },\r\n { \r\n \"name\": \"MINT_BILLING_TYPE\",\r\n \"value\": \"{one of PREPAID | POSTPAID}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_COMPANY_ID,\r\n \"value\": \"{company ID, if applicable}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_ADDRESS\",\r\n \"value\": \"{\"address1\":\"Dev One Address\",\"city\":\"Pleasanton\",\"country\":\"US\",\"isPrimary\":true,\"state\":\"CA\",\"zip\":\"94588\"}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_CATEGORY\",\r\n \"value\": \"{developer category into which you want to group the developer}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_LEGAL_NAME\",\r\n \"value\": \"{legal name of developer for reports}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_PHONE\",\r\n \"value\": \"{developer phone number}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_TYPE\",\r\n \"value\": \"{one of TRUSTED | UNTRUSTED}\"\r\n },\r\n { \r\n \"name\": \"MINT_HAS_SELF_BILLING,\r\n \"value\": \"{one of TRUE | FALSE for self-billing invoice support}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_IS_BROKER\",\r\n \"value\": \"{one of TRUE | FALSE for revenue based on net}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_REGISTRATION_ID\",\r\n \"value\": \"{registration ID of developer for reports}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"MINT_SUPPORTED_CURRENCY\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{supported currency, e.g., usd}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"MINT_TAX_EXEMPT_AUTH_NO\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{government tax exemption number, if applicable}\"\r\n } \r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1448910673357,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}",
"resourceId" : "465ea205-4bbe-40e4-89f0-6163af78c4fb",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "daec76b2-f5ea-456d-b903-5003e8583e68",
"name" : "getDeveloper",
"displayName" : "Get Developer",
"description" : "Returns the profile for a developer by email address or ID. All time values are UNIX time values. The profile includes the developer's email address, ID, name, and other information.<br /><br />\nIf you set the <span data-original-title=\"\" style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\" title=\"\">query</span> and <span data-original-title=\"\" style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\" title=\"\">entity</span> paramaters, returns just a count of apps for the developer.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "If set, the value must be 'count' and you must set <code>entity</code> to 'apps'.",
"name" : "query",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "If set, the value must be 'apps' and you must set <code>query</code> to 'count'.",
"name" : "entity",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1452538561337,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}",
"resourceId" : "465ea205-4bbe-40e4-89f0-6163af78c4fb",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "621242bb-4bc2-4035-8d5f-344f82c0336f",
"name" : "deleteDeveloper",
"displayName" : "Delete Developer",
"description" : "<p>Deletes a developer from an organization. All apps associated with the developer are also removed from the organization. All times in the response are UNIX times.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, deletion of the developer and associated artifacts happens asynchronously. The developer is deleted immediately, but the resources associated with that developer, such as apps, may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to be automatically deleted.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1445449106558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}",
"resourceId" : "465ea205-4bbe-40e4-89f0-6163af78c4fb",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "45da7794-5a49-4704-b2d4-c05927841ef1",
"name" : "setDeveloperStatus",
"displayName" : "Set Developer Status",
"description" : "Sets a developer's status to <code>active</code>, <code>inactive</code>, or <code>login_lock</code>.<br>\n<br>\nBy default, the status of a developer is set to <code>active</code>. An Apigee developer with admin credentials can change a developer's status using this API call.<br>\n<br>\nIf you set a developer's status to <code>inactive</code>, the developer will not be allowed to create apps, view and update her profile, and view statistics. Any apps created by the developer will be deactivated.<br>\n<br>\nIf you set a developer's status to <code>login_lock</code>, the developer will not be able to access his account or change his apps. However, his apps will remain active.<br>\n<br>\nThe HTTP status code for success is: 204 No Content.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email",
"name" : "developer_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "inactive",
"description" : "Set to <code>active</code>, <code>inactive</code>, or <code>login_lock</code>.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as <code>application/octet-stream</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1417703152157,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}",
"resourceId" : "465ea205-4bbe-40e4-89f0-6163af78c4fb",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"modifiedTime" : 1419339831866,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "39c688b3-0ca6-49f2-ba85-781d5ed5c48f",
"name" : "addAPIMask",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/maskconfigs",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "ea01e38e-c560-4d74-9a4f-448088953e41",
"name" : "addAPIMaskGet",
"displayName" : "List Data Masks for an API Proxy",
"description" : "List all data masks for an API proxy.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Data Mask" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1407162232417,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/maskconfigs",
"resourceId" : "39c688b3-0ca6-49f2-ba85-781d5ed5c48f",
"resourceName" : "addAPIMask",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f586bce3-d865-476d-be6f-42af49c5ca82",
"name" : "addAPIMaskPost",
"displayName" : "Create Data Masks for an API Proxy",
"description" : "Create a data masks for an API proxy.<br>\n<br>\nYou can capture message content to assist in runtime debugging of APIs calls. In many cases, API traffic contains sensitive data, such credit cards or personally identifiable health information (PHI) that needs to filtered out of the captured message content.<br>\n<br>\nData masks enable you to specify data that will be filtered out of trace sessions. Data masking is only enabled when a trace session (also called a 'debug' session) is enabled for an API proxy. If no trace session are enabled on an API proxy, then the data will not be masked.<br>\n<br>\nMask configurations enable you to identify sensitive data in these sources:\n<ul>\n\t<li><b>XML payloads:</b> Using XPath, you identify XML elements to be filtered from request or response message payloads.</li>\n\t<li><b>JSON payloads:</b> Using JSONPath, you identify JSON properties to be filtered from request or response message payloads.</li>\n\t<li><b>Flow variables:</b> You can specify a list of variables that should be masked in debug output.</li>\n</ul>\nThe basic structure of a mask configuration is shown by the following XML representation:<br>\n<br>\nNote that the name of the mask must be \"default\".<br>\n<br>\n<pre class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;MaskDataConfiguration</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"atn\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">name</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"atv\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"default\"</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;XPathsRequest&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n\t</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;XPathRequest&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/XPathRequest&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/XPathsRequest&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;XPathsResponse&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;XPathResponse&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/XPathResponse&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/XPathsResponse&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;JSONPathsRequest&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;JSONPathRequest&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">$[*].author</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/JSONPathRequest&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/JSONPathsRequest&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;JSONPathsResponse&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n\t</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;JSONPathResponse&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">$[*].author</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/JSONPathResponse&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/JSONPathsResponse&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;XPathsFault&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n\t</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;XPathFault&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/XPathFault&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/XPathsFault&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;JSONPathsFault&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n\t</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;JSONPathFault&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">$[*].author</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/JSONPathFault&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/JSONPathsFault&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;Variables&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n\t</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;Variable&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">request.header.user-agent</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/Variable&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;Variable&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">request.formparam.password</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/Variable&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n </span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/Variables&gt;</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\n</span><span class=\"tag\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">&lt;/MaskDataConfiguration&gt;</span></pre>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "text/xml",
"description" : "Specify the Content-Type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">application</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">json</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">text</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">xml</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table\" style=\"width: 690px;\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"1\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<th>Field Name</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</thead>\n\t<tbody>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>XPathsRequest</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of XPath expressions that will be evaluated against XML payloads (if any) in the request path. Any XPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the XML element being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>XPathsResponse</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of XPath expressions that will be evaluated against XML payloads (if any) in the response path. Any XPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the XML element being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>JSONPathsRequest</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of JSONPath expressions that will be evaluated against JSON payloads (if any) in the request path. Any JSONPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the JSON property being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td> </td>\n\t\t\t<td> </td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>JSONPathsResponse</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of JSONPath expressions that will be evaluated against JSON payloads (if any) in the response path. Any JSONPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the JSON property being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>XPathsFault</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of XPath expressions that will be evaluated against XML payloads (if any) in the error flow (which executes if a fault is thrown at any point in the flow). Any XPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the XML element being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>JSONPathsFault</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of JSON expressions that will be evaluated against XML payloads (if any) in the error flow (which executes if a fault is thrown at any point in the flow). Any JSONPaths that successfully resolve will result in the value of the XML element being masked.</td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>Variables</td>\n\t\t\t<td>A list of variables (either pre-defined or custom) who values will be masked. </td>\n\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t<td>No</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</tbody>\n</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "<MaskDataConfiguration name=\"default\">\n <XPathsRequest>\n\t<XPathRequest>/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User</XPathRequest>\n </XPathsRequest>\n <XPathsResponse>\n <XPathResponse>/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User</XPathResponse>\n </XPathsResponse>\n <JSONPathsRequest>\n <JSONPathRequest>$[*].author</JSONPathRequest>\n </JSONPathsRequest>\n <JSONPathsResponse>\n\t<JSONPathResponse>$[*].author</JSONPathResponse>\n </JSONPathsResponse>\n <XPathsFault>\n\t<XPathFault>/apigee:Greeting/apigee:User</XPathFault>\n </XPathsFault>\n <JSONPathsFault>\n\t<JSONPathFault>$[*].author</JSONPathFault>\n </JSONPathsFault>\n <Variables>\n\t<Variable>request.header.user-agent</Variable>\n <Variable>request.formparam.password</Variable>\n </Variables>\n</MaskDataConfiguration>"
"tags" : [ "Data Mask" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1411077561713,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/maskconfigs",
"resourceId" : "39c688b3-0ca6-49f2-ba85-781d5ed5c48f",
"resourceName" : "addAPIMask",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e7490a94-0551-458c-9991-45e05c413cf4",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-number-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy revision",
"name" : "revision_number",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "eb8ade39-488d-48d9-914b-a2e105683cac",
"name" : "deleteApiProxyRevision",
"displayName" : "Delete API Proxy Revision",
"description" : "Deletes a revision of an API proxy and all policies, resources, endpoints, and revisions associated with it. The API proxy revision must be undeployed before you can delete it.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1405694792043,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}",
"resourceId" : "e7490a94-0551-458c-9991-45e05c413cf4",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-number-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e09d42fd-647f-4942-af2a-88a4a8733305",
"name" : "exportApiProxy",
"displayName" : "Export API Proxy",
"description" : "Outputs an API proxy revision as a ZIP formatted bundle of code and config files. This enables local configuration and development, including attachment of policies and scripts.<br>\n<br>\nFor example, if you were to call this API with cURL, you could export the API proxy to a local ZIP file by adding <code>-o {file_name}.zip</code> to the cURL command:\n<br>\n<br>\n<code>curl\n<br> \n-u myEMail:myPWord -o</code>",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "bundle",
"description" : "Set format to 'bundle'.",
"name" : "format",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1422536806732,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}",
"resourceId" : "e7490a94-0551-458c-9991-45e05c413cf4",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-number-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "85eac207-d45e-4186-8b2f-1c96d5158d69",
"name" : "GetanAPIproxyrevision",
"displayName" : "Get an API proxy revision",
"description" : "<p>Gets a specific revision of an API proxy.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/xml",
"description" : "<code>application/xml</code> or <code>application/json</code>. API proxy definitions are in XML, but you can alternatively view the response in JSON.",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1441220106617,
"modifiedTime" : 1441220915316,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}",
"resourceId" : "e7490a94-0551-458c-9991-45e05c413cf4",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-number-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a536d60c-fcf9-4f83-bc75-b1cf53d52271",
"name" : "UpdateAPIProxyRevision",
"displayName" : "Update API Proxy Revision",
"description" : "<p>Uploads a ZIP-formatted API proxy configuration bundle from a local machine to an existing revision of an API proxy.</p>\n<ul><li><strong>If the API proxy revision is deployed</strong>, the API undeploys the revision, updates it, and then redeploys it.</li>\n\t<li><strong>If the API proxy revision is undeployed</strong>, the API updates the revision but does not deploy it.</li>\n</ul><div class=\"warning\">\n\t<p><strong>Caution</strong>: Be aware that the API proxy is immediately updated in all environments where it is deployed.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "Always set this value to <code>true</code> to validate the API proxy bundle. Invalid API proxy bundles are rejected, no update to the API proxy occurs, and a list of validation errors returned to the client.",
"name" : "validate",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"defaultValue" : "multipart/form-data",
"description" : "Specify Content Type: either multipart/form-data or application/octet-stream",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ {
"description" : "Specify the ZIP file containing the API proxy configuration bundle.",
"name" : "file",
"required" : true
} ],
"contentType" : "multipart/form-data, application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1453902191034,
"modifiedTime" : 1456771590648,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}",
"resourceId" : "e7490a94-0551-458c-9991-45e05c413cf4",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-number-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "fdf7d61a-f70c-4079-ab1f-c739cf546760",
"name" : "createAlias",
"displayName" : "createAlias",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/aliases",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "76fad068-3ea3-4bb0-9e03-5e585d220cb7",
"name" : "createAliasSelfSigned",
"displayName" : "createAliasSelfSigned",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/aliases",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "7d81087d-b934-4ec2-80bf-20fb76a4baf5",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2-authorizationcodes--authorization-code-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/authorizationcodes/{authorization_code}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the auth code",
"name" : "authorization_code",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "f56d3ee0-c9b4-4b48-a40f-f6dae8348c91",
"name" : "getOAuth2AuthCode",
"displayName" : "Get OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code",
"description" : "Get details about a specific OAuth 2.0 authorization code.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1406827756932,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/authorizationcodes/{authorization_code}",
"resourceId" : "7d81087d-b934-4ec2-80bf-20fb76a4baf5",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2-authorizationcodes--authorization-code-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "6f420c6a-113b-4518-b820-1bbd3cf97eb1",
"name" : "deleteOAuth2AuthCode",
"displayName" : "Delete OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code",
"description" : "Deletes the OAuth 2.0 authorization code.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1406827684406,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/authorizationcodes/{authorization_code}",
"resourceId" : "7d81087d-b934-4ec2-80bf-20fb76a4baf5",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2-authorizationcodes--authorization-code-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e9c853fa-f773-486d-959e-ef572c7676d5",
"name" : "audits-organizations--org-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "c3f5f4c0-e8d5-4fbf-87bd-93f7aad018d3",
"name" : "listandExpandAudits",
"displayName" : "List Audit Entries for an Organization",
"description" : "Lists audit records for management operations for an organization.\n<br><br>\nFor API proxy revisions, deploy and undeploy actions are recorded as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">CREATE</span></code> operations. You can distinguish between them by examining the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">requestUri</span></code> element in the output.\n<br>\n<br>\nFor every call made to the management API, Apigee Edge logs an audit record. This API enables you to obtain a record of all management calls made against entities in an organization. The audit logs provide access to the actions (create, read, update, delete) executed on organizations.\n<br><br>\nIf there are no audit records, this API returns an empty array.\n<br>\n<br>\nIf you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is to use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "Set expand as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">true</span></code> to expand the audit records to return records for the org and all entities in the org. If set to <code>false</code> then the API only returns records for the org.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Filters results by the specified time interval. Valid values are <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">week</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">month</span></code>. If you use<code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, don't use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "timeline",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The beginning date/time from which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "startTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The ending date/time up to which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "endTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "A limit on the total number of audit entries to be returned when you specify either <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">octet</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">stream</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Audits" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1431460608468,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}",
"resourceId" : "e9c853fa-f773-486d-959e-ef572c7676d5",
"resourceName" : "audits-organizations--org-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ef1156b7-e799-4476-860f-4265753eab6a",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the company name",
"name" : "company_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the consumer key",
"name" : "consumer_key",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a170ff7b-be4e-4005-af99-5ecdf5b4ad1f",
"name" : "approveKeyOfCompanyApp",
"displayName" : "Approve or Revoke a Specific Key of Company App",
"description" : "Sets the state of a key associated with a company app to 'approved' or 'revoked'.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nAn app with an unapproved key cannot access any API products and cannot invoke any APIs managed by Apigee Edge.<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<strong>Note: </strong>Any access tokens associated with a revoked app key will remain active, but Apigee Edge checks the status of the app key first. If the status is set to \"revoked,\" Apigee Edge will not allow the call go through. ",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Set action to <code>approve</code> or <code>revoke</code>.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type as <code>application/octet-stream</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company App Keys" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1407192773855,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}",
"resourceId" : "ef1156b7-e799-4476-860f-4265753eab6a",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "0e3ebda2-2fee-4495-9faf-0b77634ac5b4",
"name" : "deleteCompanyAppKey",
"displayName" : "Delete Key for a Company App",
"description" : "Deletes a key for a company app and removes all API products associated with the app. The key can no longer be used to access any APIs.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company App Keys" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1406740636821,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}",
"resourceId" : "ef1156b7-e799-4476-860f-4265753eab6a",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ba6a3b28-6638-42fe-b37c-272abfed2bfb",
"name" : "updateCompanyKeyWithAPIProduct",
"displayName" : "Update Company App Key with API Product",
"description" : "Updates an existing company app key to add additional API products or attributes. Note that only a single API product can be resolved per app key at runtime. API products are resolved by name, in alphabetical order. The first API product found in the list will be returned.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\n \"apiProducts\" : [\"{ApiProduct1}\",\"{ApiProduct2}\", ...],\n \"attributes\" : [ \n {\n \"name\" : \"{key_attribute_name1}\",\n \"value\" : \"{value1}\"\n },\n {\n \"name\" : \"{key_attribute_name2}\",\n \"value\" : \"{value2}\"\n }\n ]\n}"
"tags" : [ "Company App Keys" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1406740888037,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}",
"resourceId" : "ef1156b7-e799-4476-860f-4265753eab6a",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "62c21e89-383f-4314-a31d-59dd07f36946",
"name" : "getSpecificKeyofCompanyApp",
"displayName" : "Get Key Information for a Company App",
"description" : "Gets information about the consumer key issued to a specific company app.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company App Keys" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1406740740403,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}",
"resourceId" : "ef1156b7-e799-4476-860f-4265753eab6a",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b9a5596d-b494-4f9c-a99f-d2213a9af4ff",
"name" : "getAliasCert",
"displayName" : "getAliasCert",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/aliases/{alias_name}/certificate",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the alias name",
"name" : "alias_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "8fa4af9c-edbc-4313-95f0-5fe0897dc2de",
"name" : "GetaCertificateforanAlias",
"displayName" : "Get a Certificate for an Alias",
"description" : "Exports a certificate or certificate chain for the specified alias in a keystore.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Keystores and Truststores" ],
"createdTime" : 1457108915529,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/aliases/{alias_name}/certificate",
"resourceId" : "b9a5596d-b494-4f9c-a99f-d2213a9af4ff",
"resourceName" : "getAliasCert",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1457108771015,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "be1de6bf-f226-4e75-8a2e-a6fb4012dc27",
"name" : "vaultbyorgandname",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_org}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the vault name",
"name" : "vault_name_in_org",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "645348ca-803a-4298-aca4-facdd11f51b2",
"name" : "deleteVaultbyName",
"displayName" : "Delete a Vault in an Org",
"description" : "Deletes an entire vault in a specified org.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1440005933680,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_org}",
"resourceId" : "be1de6bf-f226-4e75-8a2e-a6fb4012dc27",
"resourceName" : "vaultbyorgandname",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "78119b7e-9bb7-4ff1-9e18-cd1d27d098df",
"name" : "getVaultbyName",
"displayName" : "Get List of Entries in a Vault in an Org",
"description" : "Gets a list of entries in a vault in a specified org. This will not retrieve the encrypted values of the entries.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1440005856537,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_org}",
"resourceId" : "be1de6bf-f226-4e75-8a2e-a6fb4012dc27",
"resourceName" : "vaultbyorgandname",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"modifiedTime" : 1410923196626,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "0cf0ed67-3331-415f-8985-6acac1531fd4",
"name" : "cachesName",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/caches/{cache_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the cache name",
"name" : "cache_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a1cd2794-c516-4119-bfd8-472b716f4d5a",
"name" : "deleteCache",
"displayName" : "Delete a cache",
"description" : "Deletes a cache.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Caches" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1410206613201,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/caches/{cache_name}",
"resourceId" : "0cf0ed67-3331-415f-8985-6acac1531fd4",
"resourceName" : "cachesName",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8b96003d-e21d-4a6c-b147-553e61882be9",
"name" : "cacheUpdate",
"displayName" : "Update a cache in an environment",
"description" : "Updates a cache in an environment.<br /><br />\nYou must specify the complete definition of the cache, including the properties that you want to change and the ones that retain their current value. Any properties omitted from the request body are reset to their default value.<br /><br />\nUse <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/caches/%7Bcache_name%7D\">Get information about a cache</a> to obtain an object containing the current value of all properties, then change only those that you want to update.",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the cache name",
"name" : "cache_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table\" style=\"width: 690px;\" width=\"690\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Name</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Description</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Default</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Required?</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>name</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>The name of the cache. Must be unique in the environment. Reference this cache from policies that interact with the cache resource.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>N/A</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p><span title=\"\" data-original-title=\"\" style=\"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;\">description</span></p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>A description of the cache resource.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>N/A</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>diskSizeInMB</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the disk space used for the cache, in megabytes.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>0</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>expirySettings</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Enables different expiration mechanisms to be applied to entries in the cache. Cache entries can be expired a certain number of seconds after creation, at a specific time of day each day, or on a specific date.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Options include:</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<ul>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><code>timeoutInSec</code></li>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><code>timeOfDay (hh:mm:ss)</code></li>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><code>expiryDate (mm-dd-yyyy)</code></li>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\r\n<p>The Populate Cache policy also lets you set expiry settings. The <code>valuesNull</code> property controls which expiry settings are applied for each entry.</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>If <code>valuesNull</code> is false (default), expiry settings in the Populate Cache policy are used.</li>\r\n<li>If <code>valuesNull</code> = true, expiry settings in the policy are ignored.</li></ul>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>300 seconds</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>maxElementsInMemory</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Maximum number of entries the cache keeps in memory. Upon reaching the max limit the entries are evicted using the LRU algorithm.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>100</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>maxElementsOnDisk</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Maximum number of entries kept on disk. Upon reaching the max limit the entries are evicted using the LRU algorithm.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>1000</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>inMemorySizeInKB</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>All entries larger than the configured setting size, in kilobytes, will be compressed before being cached.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>0</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>compression</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>If specified, enables you to configure the size threshold above which cache entries will be compressed. If not specified, compression is disabled.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Options include:</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<ul>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><span title=\"\" data-original-title=\"\" style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">minimumSizeInKB</span>: All entries larger than the configured setting size, in kilobytes, will be compressed before being cached.</li>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>false</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>overflowToDisk</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies to overflow the in-memory cache to disk.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>persistent</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Enables cache entries to be persistent across restarts.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>skipCacheIfElementSizeInKBExceeds</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>If specified, enables you to configure the maximum size of data to be cached. Specify the size limit, in kilobytes, for cache entries. Data larger than the limit you set will not be cached.</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>disabled</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>No</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"{cache_name}\",\r\n \"compression\": {\r\n \"minimumSizeInKB\": \"{size_in_KB}\"\r\n },\r\n \"description\": \"{cache_description}\",\r\n \"diskSizeInMB\": \"{size_in_MB}\",\r\n \"expirySettings\": {\r\n \"expiryDate\": {\r\n \"value\": \"{mm-dd-yyyy}\"\r\n },\r\n \"valuesNull\": \"{true_false}\"\r\n },\r\n \"inMemorySizeInKB\": \"{size_in_KB}\",\r\n \"maxElementsInMemory\": \"{num_elements}\",\r\n \"maxElementsOnDisk\": \"{num_elements}\",\r\n \"overflowToDisk\": \"{true_false}\",\r\n \"persistent\": \"{true_false}\",\r\n \"skipCacheIfElementSizeInKBExceeds\": \"{num_elements}\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Caches" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1439998983414,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/caches/{cache_name}",
"resourceId" : "0cf0ed67-3331-415f-8985-6acac1531fd4",
"resourceName" : "cachesName",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "c267631e-f2a1-459d-8362-3c9dd8f6c5f7",
"name" : "cacheGet",
"displayName" : "Get information about a cache",
"description" : "Gets information about a cache.<br /><br />\nThe response might contain a property named <code>persistent</code>. That property is no longer used by Edge.<br /><br />\nSee <a href=\"/docs/api-services/reference/optimize-performance-using-cache\">Example: General purpose caching</a> for more.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Caches" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1439998932132,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/caches/{cache_name}",
"resourceId" : "0cf0ed67-3331-415f-8985-6acac1531fd4",
"resourceName" : "cachesName",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "9b307daa-d542-40fa-9235-24eb70799fe7",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name--permissions",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/permissions",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "b5b77c7a-d9a5-49c4-a2f0-f60f5a92bb12",
"name" : "listPermissionatOrgLevel",
"displayName" : "List Permissions for All Resources Associated with a Role",
"description" : "Gets permissions for all resources associated with a user role.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Permissions for Resource at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1406834833813,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/permissions",
"resourceId" : "9b307daa-d542-40fa-9235-24eb70799fe7",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name--permissions",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "422a77d5-97a8-48d6-880f-2b146e13fe4b",
"name" : "getPermissionforSpecificResourceatOrgLevel",
"displayName" : "Get Permission for a Resource",
"description" : "Gets a list of permissions associated with the specified resource.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Specify the resource path. If omitted, show permissions for all resources in the organization.",
"name" : "path",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Permissions for Resource at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1421414488029,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/permissions",
"resourceId" : "9b307daa-d542-40fa-9235-24eb70799fe7",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name--permissions",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f3fa0a25-4c69-4e2b-bd08-1a7b9d118dfa",
"name" : "addPermissionatOrgLevel",
"displayName" : "Add Permissions for Resource to a Role",
"description" : "In Apigee Edge, different user roles are assigned different permissions to view (GET), create or update (both PUT), or delete (DELETE) resources in an organization; for example, modifying API proxies or creating custom reports. Management users in those roles are limited to those specific permissions.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nPermissions for a user role means assigning verbs to different resources for that role. For example, you can assign verb permissions to the /apis resource in Edge, which is the URI for working with API proxies. (Your organization in the Edge URL is considered the root.) For example,<br />\r\n<br />\r\nUse this API to add resource permissions to a user role. You can use the * wild card in the URI pattern to indicate any value; for example, to include either the 'test' or 'prod' environment in the URI: /environments/*/cache.<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<br />\r\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\n \"path\" : \"/resource\",\n \"permissions\" : [ \"put\", \"get\", ... ]\n}"
"tags" : [ "Permissions for Resource at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1425936229700,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/permissions",
"resourceId" : "9b307daa-d542-40fa-9235-24eb70799fe7",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name--permissions",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8dcdd118-00c6-4e5d-bf92-4ceb23297e6b",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--appfamilies--appfamily-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention app family name",
"name" : "appfamily_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "737f33bd-a629-4bc7-9645-d9b094b54d2e",
"name" : "updateDeveloerAppFamily",
"displayName" : "Update Developer App Family",
"description" : "Updates an existing app family to change its name or the list of apps in the family. You must specify the entire request object, including the <code>name</code> property and <code>apps</code> property.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content-Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\n\t\t<thead>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</thead>\n\t\t<tbody>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>App family to which developer apps will be added.</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>apps</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name of developer app to add to app family. An App can only be a associated with one app family.</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</tbody>\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\n \"name\" : \"{appfamily_name}\",\n \"apps\": [\"{app1}\",\"{app2}\", ...]\n}"
"tags" : [ "Developer App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1407168144313,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}",
"resourceId" : "8dcdd118-00c6-4e5d-bf92-4ceb23297e6b",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--appfamilies--appfamily-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7fe3062f-5fb7-4ae8-8214-3565a7d8cd6b",
"name" : "deleteDeveloperAppFamily",
"displayName" : "Delete Developer App Family",
"description" : "Deletes a developer's app family. The apps in the family are not affected.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1407167980642,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}",
"resourceId" : "8dcdd118-00c6-4e5d-bf92-4ceb23297e6b",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--appfamilies--appfamily-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "9b218ba4-f32f-4dad-844a-3654539750d8",
"name" : "getDeveloperAppFamily",
"displayName" : "Get Developer App Family",
"description" : "Gets a list of apps in an app family for a developer.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1407168022339,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}",
"resourceId" : "8dcdd118-00c6-4e5d-bf92-4ceb23297e6b",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--appfamilies--appfamily-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974557,
"modifiedTime" : 1419345696875,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f98950e8-70f0-4333-9e54-ced884424ced",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--environments",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "6b4ba68d-5755-4409-8019-3fb8c4f7df98",
"name" : "listEnvironments",
"displayName" : "Get Environment Names",
"description" : "Gets the names of all environments in an organization. By default, an Apigee organization contains two environments: test and prod.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "appliction/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779474770,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments",
"resourceId" : "f98950e8-70f0-4333-9e54-ced884424ced",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "88c5e1e7-a535-4154-a944-a61ec3fbd32a",
"name" : "CreateEnvironment",
"displayName" : "Create Environment",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Creates an environment in an existing organization. </p>\n<p><strong>Note</strong>: The characters you can use in the <strong><span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">name</span></strong> attribute are restricted to: a-zA-Z0-9._\\-$ %. </p>\n<p>After you create the environment, you must:</p>\n<ul><li>Associate the environment with one or more Message processors. See <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/servers\">Associate an environment with a Message Processor</a>.</li>\n\t<li>Enable analytics on the environment. See <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/analytics/admin\">Enable analytics for an environment</a>.</li>\n</ul><p>Edge provides scripts and other tools that you can use as an alternative to making API calls directly. See the Edge <em>Operations Guide</em> for more information on these tools. For example, for Edge 4.16.05 and later, see <a href=\"/api-services/latest/creating-organization-environment-and-virtual-host\"></a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the environment. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code>a-zA-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>description</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Environment description.</code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>properties</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value pairs that may be used for customizing the environment.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\":\"{env_name}\",\r\n \"description\":\"{env_descrip}\",\r\n \"properties\":{\r\n \"property\":[\r\n {\r\n \"name\":\"name1\",\r\n \"value\":\"value1\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\":\"name2\",\r\n \"value\":\"value2\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1466619910069,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779523688,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments",
"resourceId" : "f98950e8-70f0-4333-9e54-ced884424ced",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "531dd46f-45d1-445e-b872-a70f9e0d30ab",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the company name",
"name" : "company_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a88a7bb9-1ba0-4975-86f6-0131fb39fe78",
"name" : "getCompany",
"displayName" : "Get Company Details",
"description" : "List details for a company.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1406739491519,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}",
"resourceId" : "531dd46f-45d1-445e-b872-a70f9e0d30ab",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5d024c4c-c7c2-4896-8fbf-2ae6486f6bb9",
"name" : "updateCompanyStatus",
"displayName" : "Set the Status of a Company",
"description" : "Sets the status of a company to <code>active</code> or <code>inactive</code>. If you set the status to <code>inactive</code>, you cannot access the developers and apps associated with the company.",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Specify the the status as <code>active</code> or <code>inactive</code>.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1412792594383,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}",
"resourceId" : "531dd46f-45d1-445e-b872-a70f9e0d30ab",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "6f2e61b6-1e8b-488e-88ee-3edf2f2c4060",
"name" : "updateCompany",
"displayName" : "Update Company",
"description" : "<p>Updates an existing company.</p>\n<p>Send the complete company record as a payload with any changes you want to make.</p>\n<p>Note that to change the status of the Company you use <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/put/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/companies/%7Bcompany_name%7D-0\">Set the Status of a Company</a>.</p>\n<p>The attributes in the sample payload below apply to company configuration in <strong>monetization</strong>. For non-monetized companies, you need send only displayName.</p>\n<p>If you want to change the company's billing type (PREPAID to POSTPAID), make sure the organization profile is configured to support your setting (for example, set to accept BOTH). See <a href=\"/docs/monetization/content/edit-organization-profile\">Edit the organization profile</a>.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content-Type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">application</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">json</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">text</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">xml</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name of the company to be created.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>displayName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Display name of the company to be created.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value formatted attributes used to extend the default company profile.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\": \"{unique-company-name-that-won't-change}\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"{company name displayed in the UI}\",\r\n \"attributes\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"ADMIN_EMAIL\",\r\n \"value\": \"{company owner email address}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_BILLING_TYPE\",\r\n \"value\": \"{one of PREPAID | POSTPAID}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_LEGAL_NAME\",\r\n \"value\": \"{legal name of company for reports}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_TAX_EXEMPT_AUTH_NO\",\r\n \"value\": \"{government tax exemption number, if applicable}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_PHONE\",\r\n \"value\": \"{company phone number}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"MINT_DEVELOPER_ADDRESS\",\r\n \"value\": \"{\\\"address1\\\":\\\"123 Main St.\\\",\\\"city\\\":\\\"Anytown\\\",\\\"country\\\":\\\"US\\\",\\\"isPrimary\\\":true}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{custom_attribute1_name}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value1}\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1440017988944,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}",
"resourceId" : "531dd46f-45d1-445e-b872-a70f9e0d30ab",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "57418c19-8d3b-4ca6-80b0-2b80941dff23",
"name" : "deleteCompany",
"displayName" : "Delete Company",
"description" : "Deletes an existing company.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1406739363632,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}",
"resourceId" : "531dd46f-45d1-445e-b872-a70f9e0d30ab",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e776aa6c-ef9e-42b4-b8ff-8f0c4123b421",
"name" : "getCert",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/certs/{cert_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore or truststore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the cert name",
"name" : "cert_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "80544a29-e307-419e-bad9-a1e06021ba3e",
"name" : "getKSTSCert",
"displayName" : "Get Cert Details from a Keystore or Truststore",
"description" : "Returns a specific cert from a keystore or truststore.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Keystores and Truststores" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1444657635317,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/certs/{cert_name}",
"resourceId" : "e776aa6c-ef9e-42b4-b8ff-8f0c4123b421",
"resourceName" : "getCert",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ce159375-1f1c-4e17-99d5-8438a30ffda2",
"name" : "UpdateAliases",
"displayName" : "UpdateAliases",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/aliases/{alias_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the alias name",
"name" : "alias_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "2f02e022-5cad-425b-9f60-24fe69c93860",
"name" : "GetanAlias",
"displayName" : "Get an Alias",
"description" : "Returns details about an alias, including information about the cert and key associated with the alias.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Keystores and Truststores" ],
"createdTime" : 1457107081157,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/aliases/{alias_name}",
"resourceId" : "ce159375-1f1c-4e17-99d5-8438a30ffda2",
"resourceName" : "UpdateAliases",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "264c0172-8da2-4e69-afb1-0b2c8adbe0ed",
"name" : "resourceFile",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the resource type",
"name" : "resource_type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the resource name",
"name" : "resource_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a1e6a4f6-c92d-47c8-b287-40af13e643cd",
"name" : "getResourceFile",
"displayName" : "Get a resource file for an organization",
"description" : "Gets the content of an organization-scoped resource file.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1440521900655,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "264c0172-8da2-4e69-afb1-0b2c8adbe0ed",
"resourceName" : "resourceFile",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ec2ccec5-1382-484f-9f93-d07fa279cfd1",
"name" : "deleteResourceFile",
"displayName" : "Delete a resource file from an organization",
"description" : "Deletes a resource file from an organization.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1440455597085,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "264c0172-8da2-4e69-afb1-0b2c8adbe0ed",
"resourceName" : "resourceFile",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "c8e3b147-7138-4a4d-9f91-ce5aa3bdad31",
"name" : "Updatearesourcefileinanorganization",
"displayName" : "Update a resource file in an organization",
"description" : "<p>Updates a resource file in an organization.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Paste the contents of the file in the request body.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>You can also PUT a file to this API by using a cURL command in the form:<br />\n\t </p>\n<pre>\ncurl -H \"Content-type: multipart/form-data\" -F file=@{filename_with_extension} \\\n-X PUT{org}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name} \\\n-u email\n</pre>\n<p>For more information on resource files, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/resource-files\">Resource files</a>.</p>\n",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "Paste the updated content of the file here."
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "null" ],
"createdTime" : 1440453653114,
"modifiedTime" : 1440453981366,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "264c0172-8da2-4e69-afb1-0b2c8adbe0ed",
"resourceName" : "resourceFile",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "83f0dc93-9e2f-4c27-81b8-7d100ac9e916",
"name" : "Updatearesourcefileinanorganizationfileupload",
"displayName" : "Update a resource file in an organization (file upload)",
"description" : "<p>Updates a resource file in an organization through file upload. This is an alternative to updating a resource file by passing the file contents in the request body, as described in <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/put/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/resourcefiles/%7Bresource_type%7D/%7Bresource_name%7D\">Update a resource file in an organization</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "multipart/form-data",
"description" : "Use <code>multipart/form-data</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ {
"description" : "Attach the resource file you want to update.",
"name" : "file",
"required" : true
} ],
"contentType" : "multipart/form-data",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1440462067541,
"modifiedTime" : 1440523954500,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/resourcefiles/{resource_type}/{resource_name}",
"resourceId" : "264c0172-8da2-4e69-afb1-0b2c8adbe0ed",
"resourceName" : "resourceFile",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974557,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "5aa70643-74cb-458b-af5b-a74088c0dc5a",
"name" : "appAllAttributes",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/attributes",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "e09b4788-51b6-466f-a550-e8567d413d0d",
"name" : "updateAllAttributes",
"displayName" : "Update all App Attributes",
"description" : "<p>Updates or creates app attributes.</p>\n<p>This API replaces the current list of attributes with the attributes specified in the request body. This lets you update existing attributes, add new attributes, or delete existing attributes by omitting them from the request body.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"attribute\" : [\r\n {\"name\" :\"attr1_name\", \"value\" : \"attr1_val1\"},\r\n {\"name\" :\"attr2_name\", \"value\" : \"attr2_val1\"},\r\n ...\r\n {\"name\" :\"attrN_name\", \"value\" : \"attrN_val1\"}\r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1440017768905,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/attributes",
"resourceId" : "5aa70643-74cb-458b-af5b-a74088c0dc5a",
"resourceName" : "appAllAttributes",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "94680fbb-2978-4efe-9477-8df47c16e217",
"name" : "getAllAttributes",
"displayName" : "Get all App Attributes",
"description" : "Returns a list of all app attributes.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1439833575129,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}/attributes",
"resourceId" : "5aa70643-74cb-458b-af5b-a74088c0dc5a",
"resourceName" : "appAllAttributes",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"modifiedTime" : 1419344733367,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "47daff0d-6c19-4cd3-bb5d-c428c24428c5",
"name" : "auditUsers",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/users",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "545386cd-4ab7-4bc7-9a04-89d12e4cbe20",
"name" : "deleteOrgMask",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/maskconfigs/{maskconfig_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the data mask name",
"name" : "maskconfig_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "7800b7dd-f1a9-4dcf-834f-bbc94879bc15",
"name" : "deleteOrgMaskGet",
"displayName" : "Get Data Mask Details for an Organization",
"description" : "Get the details for a data mask for an organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Data Mask" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1407162210707,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/maskconfigs/{maskconfig_name}",
"resourceId" : "545386cd-4ab7-4bc7-9a04-89d12e4cbe20",
"resourceName" : "deleteOrgMask",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "bd12e2ee-b178-4461-9efd-e3ce9f863c44",
"name" : "deleteOrgMaskDelete",
"displayName" : "Delete Data Masks for an Organization",
"description" : "Delete a data mask for an organization.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Data Mask" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1407162132216,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/maskconfigs/{maskconfig_name}",
"resourceId" : "545386cd-4ab7-4bc7-9a04-89d12e4cbe20",
"resourceName" : "deleteOrgMask",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "bd94f950-00a0-4460-a239-83fa821cf4a7",
"name" : "CreateentriesinanAPIproxyKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "Create entries in an API proxy KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a3776a3f-d493-48e2-a510-a750504a5746",
"name" : "CreateentriesinanAPIproxyKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "Create an entry in an API proxy KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Creates an entry in an existing KeyValueMap scoped to an API proxy. A key/entry-name cannot be larger than 2 KB.</p>\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong> This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"Proxy_Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value_one\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nor\r\n\r\n<Entry name=\"Proxy_Key1\">value_one</Entry>"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438354300130,
"modifiedTime" : 1438721969558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries",
"resourceId" : "bd94f950-00a0-4460-a239-83fa821cf4a7",
"resourceName" : "CreateentriesinanAPIproxyKeyValueMapCPS",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1438354131347,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "c1a171a0-137f-4a73-93d8-ac60b793e647",
"name" : "resourceFileUrlEnv",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/resourcefiles",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "1e41dbbf-ab50-41a0-ba95-0b012d07e87f",
"name" : "importResourceFileUrlEnv",
"displayName" : "Import a resource file for an environment",
"description" : "<p>Import and create a resource file for an environment by pasting the contents of the file in the request body.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>To import a resource file via file upload, see <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/resourcefiles-0\">Import a resource file for an environment (file upload)</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>For more information on resource files, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/resource-files\">Resource files</a>.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The name of the resource, including the file type extension.",
"name" : "name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The resource type (jsc, java, py, node, xsl, wsdl, xsd).",
"name" : "type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">application</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">octet</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">stream</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "The body of the resource file."
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1440523202107,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/resourcefiles",
"resourceId" : "c1a171a0-137f-4a73-93d8-ac60b793e647",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileUrlEnv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "db41affc-499a-4a8d-9317-a662d88c759c",
"name" : "listResourceFileUrlEnv",
"displayName" : "List resource files in an environment",
"description" : "Lists the resource files in an environment.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1440455679026,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/resourcefiles",
"resourceId" : "c1a171a0-137f-4a73-93d8-ac60b793e647",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileUrlEnv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "53668634-7088-4f3d-bba5-fd462308b817",
"name" : "Importaresourcefileforanenvironmentfileupload",
"displayName" : "Import a resource file for an environment (file upload)",
"description" : "<p>Imports a resource file into an API proxy through file upload. This is an alternative to importing a resource file by passing the file contents in the request body, as described in <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/resourcefiles\">Import a resource file for an environment</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The name of the resource, including the file type extension.",
"name" : "name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The resource type (jsc, java, py, node, xsl, wsdl, xsd).",
"name" : "type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "multipart/form-data",
"description" : "Use <code>multipart/form-data</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ {
"description" : "Attach the resource file you want to import.",
"name" : "file",
"required" : true
} ],
"contentType" : "multipart/form-data",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Resource File" ],
"createdTime" : 1440460778790,
"modifiedTime" : 1440523840009,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/resourcefiles",
"resourceId" : "c1a171a0-137f-4a73-93d8-ac60b793e647",
"resourceName" : "resourceFileUrlEnv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "c46fd377-38c5-4711-8346-a7525aa43724",
"name" : "-userroles--role-name--users--user-email-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/userroles/{role_name}/users/{user_email}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the user email",
"name" : "user_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4ab3c26a-e922-4293-bbd0-526da76cec4e",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--appfamilies--appfamily-name--apps--app-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}/apps/{app_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the company name",
"name" : "company_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention app family name",
"name" : "appfamily_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "3f2a76bd-adef-4f53-bd98-d257976a0ce5",
"name" : "removeAppfromFamily",
"displayName" : "Remove Company App from Family",
"description" : "Remove an app from a company app family.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1433255620100,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/appfamilies/{appfamily_name}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "4ab3c26a-e922-4293-bbd0-526da76cec4e",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--appfamilies--appfamily-name--apps--app-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a48022bf-cac9-4c35-814c-beb866e496bc",
"name" : "targetServersName",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/targetservers/{targetserver_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the TargetServer name",
"name" : "targetserver_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "dd7bcd5e-25b4-46c3-9f4a-2173337ab8e4",
"name" : "updateTargetServer",
"displayName" : "Update a TargetServer",
"description" : "<p>Modifies an existing TargetServer.<br /><br />\n\tFor example, use this method to toggles a TargetServer configuration from enabled to disabled. This is useful when TargetServers are used in load balancing configurations, and one or more TargetServers need to taken out of rotation periodically. You could also use this API to modify the hostname of an enabled target server.<br />\n\t </p>\n<p><strong>Note:</strong> In the request body when Content-Type is set to application/json, use the element sSLInfo in the request body, not SSLInfo (note the case). You must use the case sSLInfo exactly. Using SSLInfo will cause an error when Content-Type is set to application/json. The case does not matter if Content-Type is application/xml. </p>\n",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the target server. You can choose anything you like.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Host</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The DNS name or IP address of the machine that this TargetServer will refer to.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Port</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The port on which the backend service is configured to listen. If you don't specify a port, it defaults to zero, which is invalid. If you're not sure, try port 80.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>0</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>IsEnabled</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A boolean (true/false) that determines whether this TargetServer is enabled or not. You can use this setting to take TargetServers out of rotation, without requiring you to delete the TargetServer definition.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr><tr><td>enabled</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Enables one-way TLS. You must have defined a keystore containing the cert and private key.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>clientAuthEnabled</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Enables two-way, or client, TLS between Edge (server) and the app (client) making the request.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>keyStore</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the keystore on Edge.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>keyAlias</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The alias specified when you uploaded the JAR file containing the cert and private key to the keystore.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>trustStore</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the truststore on Edge that contains the certificate or certificate chain used for two-way TLS.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>ignoreValidationErrors</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>If true, specifies to ignore TLS certificate errors. This is similar to the \"-k\" option to cURL.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n<tr><td>ciphers</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the ciphers supported by the virtual host. If no ciphers are specified, then all ciphers available for the JVM will be permitted.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>All supported by the JVM</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>protocols</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the protocols supported by the target server. For example, <code>SSLv3</code>, <code>TLSv1</code>, <code>TLSv1.1</code>, <code>TLSv1.2</code>.<br><br> If no protocols are specified, then all protocols available for the JVM will be permitted.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>All supported by the JVM</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"{target}\",\r\n \"host\" : \"{hostname}\",\r\n \"isEnabled\" : {true | false},\r\n \"port\" : {port_num},\r\n \"sSLInfo\": {\r\n \"enabled\": \"true | false\",\r\n \"clientAuthEnabled\": \"true | false\",\r\n \"keyStore\": \"{keystore_name}\",\r\n \"trustStore\": \"{truststore_name}\",\r\n \"keyAlias\": \"{key_alias}\",\r\n \"ignoreValidationErrors\": \"true | false\",\r\n \"ciphers\": [ \"{cipher_1}\", \"{cipher_2}\", ... ],\r\n \"protocols\": [ \"{protocol_1}\", \"{protocol_2}\", ...]\r\n }\r\n }"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "TargetServers" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1465824087748,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/targetservers/{targetserver_name}",
"resourceId" : "a48022bf-cac9-4c35-814c-beb866e496bc",
"resourceName" : "targetServersName",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b157ec41-3bda-433d-9451-870fcd60c8d8",
"name" : "getTargetServer",
"displayName" : "Get TargetServer",
"description" : "Returns a TargetServer definition.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "TargetServers" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1461777776498,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/targetservers/{targetserver_name}",
"resourceId" : "a48022bf-cac9-4c35-814c-beb866e496bc",
"resourceName" : "targetServersName",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "10bf2db1-b402-401a-8e14-6c50bf82d42e",
"name" : "deleteTargetServer",
"displayName" : "Delete a TargetServer",
"description" : "Delete a TargetServer configuration from an environment. Returns information about the deleted TargetServer.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "TargetServers" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1461777822786,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/targetservers/{targetserver_name}",
"resourceId" : "a48022bf-cac9-4c35-814c-beb866e496bc",
"resourceName" : "targetServersName",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8607b21c-c8d7-4653-b285-e25656f2646f",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--apiproducts",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the Organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "e6736b5d-72c4-44d7-93ba-2b5e16d7d06d",
"name" : "searchAPIProducts",
"displayName" : "Search API Products",
"description" : "Returns a list of API products filtered by attribute names and values.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The name of an attribute defined in the API product profile.",
"name" : "attributename",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The value of the attribute specified.",
"name" : "attributevalue",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1405697711112,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts",
"resourceId" : "8607b21c-c8d7-4653-b285-e25656f2646f",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apiproducts",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4aa5c437-7172-4b1d-8e6e-e298c531e282",
"name" : "listApiProduct",
"displayName" : "List API Products",
"description" : "Get a list of all API product names for an organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Set to 'true' to get expanded details about each product.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1437683866114,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts",
"resourceId" : "8607b21c-c8d7-4653-b285-e25656f2646f",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apiproducts",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "068bd659-5834-43f2-a695-04b8f54b737c",
"name" : "createApiProduct",
"displayName" : "Create API Product",
"description" : "<p>Creates an API product in an organization.<br /><br />\n\tYou create API products after you have proxied backend services using API proxies.<br /><br />\n\tAn API product is a collection of API resources combined with quota settings and metadata that you can use to deliver customized and productized API bundles to your developer community. This metadata may include scope, environments, API proxies, and an extensible profile.<br /><br />\n\tAPI products enable you repackage APIs on-the-fly, without having to do any additional coding or configuration.<br /><br />\n\tWe recommend that you start with a simple API product including only required elements. You then provision credentials to apps to enable them to start testing your APIs.<br /><br />\n\tOnce you have authentication and authorization working against a simple API product, you can iterate to create finer-grained API products, defining different sets of API resources for each API product.</p>\n<div class=\"warning\">\n\t<p>If you don't specify an API proxy in the request body, any app associated with the product can make calls to any API in your entire organization.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"warning\">\n\t<p>If you don't specify an environment in the request body, the product allows access to all environments.</p>\n</div>\n<p>For information about the request attributes that you can specify with this API, see <a href=\"/developer-services/content/creating-api-products\">Creating API products</a>.</p>\n<p>See also <a href=\"/developer-services/content/what-api-product\">What is an API product?</a></p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the custom attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">application</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">json</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">text</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">xml</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>approvalType</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">manual</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">auto</span></code>. If <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">manual</span></code>, consumer key is generated and returned in 'pending' state. If <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">auto</span></code> consumer key generated and returned in 'Approved' state.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/1\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Arbitrary name/value pairs. Use this property to specify the access level of the API product as either <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">public</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">private</span></code>, or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">internal</span></code>. Only products marked <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">public</span></code> are available to developers in the Apigee developer portal. For example, you can set a product to <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">internal</span></code> while it's in development and then change access to <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">public</span></code> when it's ready to release on the portal. API products marked as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">private</span></code> do not appear on the portal but can be accessed by external developers. For example:\r\n<br><br>\r\n<pre class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"attributes\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">[</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">{</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"name\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"access\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"value\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"public\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">}</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">]</span></pre>\r\nFor monetization, you can use the attributes field to <a href=\"/docs/monetization/content/create-transaction-recording-policy#createtrpapi\">specify transaction success criteria</a>. For example:\r\n<br><br>\r\n<pre class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"attributes\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">[</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">{</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"name\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"MINT_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS_CRITERIA\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"value\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"txProviderStatus == 'OK'\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">}</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">]</span></pre>\r\nIn addition, for monetization you can use the attributes field to <a href=\"/docs/monetization/content/create-transaction-recording-policy#spectrpcaapi\">specify custom attributes</a> on which you base rate plan charges. For example:\r\n<br><br>\r\n<pre class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"attributes\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">[</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">{</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"name\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"MINT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_1\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"value\"</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">:</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\"test1\"</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">}</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">\r\n </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">]</span></pre>\r\n</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/2\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>description</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>An overview of the API product. Include key information about the API product that is not captured by other fields.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/1\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>displayName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name to be displayed in the UI or developer portal to developers registering for API access</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/3\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The internal name of the API Product. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">A</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">Z0</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">9.</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">_\\-$ </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">%</span></code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/4\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>apiResources</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A comma separated list of API resources to be bundled in the API Product. See <a href=\"/docs/developer-services/content/creating-api-products\">Creating API products</a> for more on setting this value. \r\n<br><br>For information about setting this value when creating a transaction recording policy for monetization, see <a href=\"/docs/monetization/content/create-transaction-recording-policy#spectrpcaapi\">Creating a transaction recording policy using the API</a>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/5\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>environments</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A comma-separated list of environment name in an organization. Requests to environments not listed are rejected.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/88\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>proxies</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A comma-separated list of API proxy names in an organization. Requests to API proxies not listed are rejected. Api proxy names included here must already exist in the environment specified in the environment property because API Services validates proxy names when you create an API product.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/89\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>quota</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The number of request messages permitted by this API product for the specified quotaInterval and quotaTimeUnit. For example, a quota of 50, for a quotaInterval of 12 and a quotaTimeUnit of hours means 50 requests are allowed every 12 hours.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/90\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>quotaInterval</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The time interval over which the number of request messages is calculated.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/91\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>quotaTimeUnit</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The time unit defined for the quotaInterval, as either: minute, hour, day, month.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/92\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>scopes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A comma separated list of scopes. These must map to the scopes defined in an Oauth policy associated with the API Product. Any scope mismatch between an Acces Token presented and the API Product results in auth failure.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<!-- <td><a href=\"/docs/api/request_elements/6\" class=\"btn btn-mini\">Detail</a></td> --></tr>\r\n\t\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"approvalType\": {\"manual\" or \"auto\"},\r\n \"attributes\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"access\",\r\n \"value\": \"{public, private, or internal}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"{attribute_name2}\",\r\n \"value\": \"{value2}\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"description\": \"{description}\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"{display_name}\",\r\n \"name\" : \"{name}\",\r\n \"apiResources\": [ \"{/resource1}\", \"{/resource2}\", ...],\r\n \"environments\": [ \"{test}\", \"{prod}\", ...],\r\n \"proxies\": [\"{proxy1}\", \"{proxy2}\", ...],\r\n \"quota\": \"{quota}\",\r\n \"quotaInterval\": \"{quota_interval}\",\r\n \"quotaTimeUnit\": \"{quota_unit}\",\r\n \"scopes\": [\"{scope1}\", \"{scope2}\", ...]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"contentType" : "application/xml",
"doc" : "",
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : " "
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1468611877329,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts",
"resourceId" : "8607b21c-c8d7-4653-b285-e25656f2646f",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apiproducts",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4bf0d4ce-3efc-42c7-9549-1e77fa8bc35f",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--apis--api-name--deployments",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/deployments",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "b6ae2bc6-ec85-40da-96bb-9fc86918168d",
"name" : "getAPIProxyEnvironmentDeployments",
"displayName" : "Get Deployment Details for an API Proxy in an Environment",
"description" : "<p>Returns a list of all API proxies that are deployed in the specified environment.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "appliction/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1457045080119,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/deployments",
"resourceId" : "4bf0d4ce-3efc-42c7-9549-1e77fa8bc35f",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--apis--api-name--deployments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "7a669a93-bab1-4843-8167-8c2b149c6af9",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--resources",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/resources",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "db550daa-8466-4d93-bcf9-f96a61b12dad",
"name" : "getCachedLogsforCategory",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/o/{org_name}/e/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/cachedlogs/categories/nodejs",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "60bbaea4-4702-48d9-858b-5dd8ce765ea7",
"name" : "getCachedLogsforNodejs",
"displayName" : "Get Cached Node.js Logs",
"description" : "<p>Retrieve the most recent number of Node.js log records for the specified API.</p><br>\n<p>The exact number of log records retrieved may change depending on system configuration, but it will typically be 500 for each message processor or 1000 in most configurations.</p><br>\n<p>The response format is as follows: [TIMESTAMP CATEGORY SERVER] Record...</p>\n<ul>\n\t<li>TIMESTAMP is the time at which the log record was generated.</li>\n\t<li>CATEGORY denotes that the log is a node.js log and whether it went to stdout or stderr.</li>\n\t<li>SERVER uniquely identifies the server within Apigee Edge where the log was generated.&nbsp;For example: [2014-10-09T00:58:17.619Z nodejs/stdout svr.701] Hello, World!</li>\n</ul>",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Enter a standard time zone abbreviation to express the TIMESTAMP value in that time zone.<br><br> For example, enter \"EST\" or \"PST\". By default, the timestamp value is expressed in UTC/GMT time.",
"name" : "tz",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Set to true to have the last line of the log output use the following format: [state XXXX,] where \"XXXX\" is an opaque value that represents the current position in the log.<br><br>For example: [state 4-Li2Msq8PDg8sn9mlxcHEfYBBafBbEB].",
"name" : "getState",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "If this query parameter is set to the \"state\" of a previous log request with \"getState=true\" in it, then this API call will return only log records that were created since that point.<br><br>Note that each API call to cachedlogs/categories/nodejs may return a different state value.<br><br>A script that wishes to \"tail -f\" the logs must add \"getState=true\" to each API call and then pass the new state every time.<br><br>For example: .../cachedlogs/categories/nodejs?getState=true&amp;state=4-Li2Msq8PDg8sn9mlxcHEfYBBafBbEB.",
"name" : "state",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Cached Logs" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1415908296364,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/o/{org_name}/e/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/cachedlogs/categories/nodejs",
"resourceId" : "db550daa-8466-4d93-bcf9-f96a61b12dad",
"resourceName" : "getCachedLogsforCategory",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"modifiedTime" : 1415908950849,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "c94074d4-0894-4aa0-b2dd-48eddbb12861",
"name" : "getDebugSessionTxId",
"displayName" : "getDebugSessionTxId",
"description" : "Gets the details of a debug session transaction",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/debugsessions/{session_name}/data/{transaction_id}",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "b8d1d42e-8364-4f83-a5c6-c9786a31b203",
"name" : "Getdebugsessiontransactiondata",
"displayName" : "Get debug session transaction data",
"description" : "<p>Get debug session transaction data. Specify the ID of a debug transaction as returned by the \"Get debug session transaction IDs\" API.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>The debug data returned by this APl is the same debug data that populates the Trace tool in the Edge management UI. For more information on the Trace tool, see Troubleshoot API traffic using Trace.</p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Debug Session" ],
"createdTime" : 1440635536830,
"modifiedTime" : 1440694255895,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/debugsessions/{session_name}/data/{transaction_id}",
"resourceId" : "c94074d4-0894-4aa0-b2dd-48eddbb12861",
"resourceName" : "getDebugSessionTxId",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1440635188684,
"modifiedTime" : 1440635325608,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "03214cdd-d1f4-4aea-ade3-a129a8926d38",
"name" : "targetServers",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/targetservers",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "c79679fe-47e3-4a37-9b97-7835784bff26",
"name" : "createTargetServer",
"displayName" : "Create a TargetServer",
"description" : "<p>Create a TargetServer in the specified environment. TargetServers are used to decouple TargetEndpoint HTTPTargetConnections from concrete URLs for backend services.</p>\n<p>To do so, an HTTPConnection can be configured to use a LoadBalancer that lists one or more 'named' TargetSevers. Using TargetServers, you can create an HTTPTargetConnection that calls a different backend server based on the environment where the API proxy is deployed. See also <a href=\"/api-services/content/load-balancing-across-backend-servers\">Load balancing across backend servers</a>.</p>\n<p>For example, instead of the following configuration:</p>\n<pre>\n&lt;TargetEndpoint name=\"default\"&gt;\n &lt;HTTPTargetConnection&gt;\n &lt;URL&gt;;/URL&gt;\n &lt;/HTTPTargetConnection&gt;\n&lt;/TargetEndpoint&gt;</pre>\n<p>You can reference a TargetServer as follows:</p>\n<pre>\n&lt;TargetEndpoint name=\"default\"&gt;\n &lt;HTTPTargetConnection&gt;\n &lt;LoadBalancer&gt;\n &lt;Server name=\"target1\" /&gt;\n &lt;/LoadBalancer&gt;\n &lt;/HTTPTargetConnection&gt;\n&lt;/TargetEndpoint&gt;</pre>\n<p>You can then set up a TargetServer called <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">target1</span></code> in the 'test' environment that points to a test backend service, and a different TargetServer called <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">target1</span></code> in the 'prod' environment that points to a production backend. When you 'promote' the API proxy with this configuration from the test to the prod environment, the TargetEndpoint will use the appropriate backend service, without requiring any changes in the API proxy configuration.</p>\n<div class=\"note\">\n\t<p>Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">A</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">Z0</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">9.</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">_\\-$ </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">%</span></code>.</p>\n</div>\n<p>You can configure a TargetServer to use SSL.TargetServers expose the same SSL configuration settings as TargetEndpoints:</p>\n<pre>\n&lt;TargetServer name=\"TargetServer 1\"&gt; \n &lt;IsEnabled&gt;true&lt;/IsEnabled&gt; \n &lt;Host&gt;;/Host&gt; \n &lt;Port&gt;443&lt;/Port&gt; \n &lt;SSLInfo&gt; \n &lt;Ciphers/&gt; \n &lt;ClientAuthEnabled&gt;true&lt;/ClientAuthEnabled&gt; \n &lt;Enabled&gt;true&lt;/Enabled&gt; \n &lt;IgnoreValidationErrors&gt;false&lt;/IgnoreValidationErrors&gt; \n &lt;KeyAlias&gt;keystore-alias&lt;/KeyAlias&gt; \n &lt;KeyStore&gt;keystore-name&lt;/KeyStore&gt; \n &lt;Protocols/&gt; \n &lt;TrustStore&gt;truststore-name&lt;/TrustStore&gt; \n &lt;/SSLInfo&gt; \n&lt;/TargetServer&gt; </pre>\n<p>See <a href=\"/api-services/content/using-ssl-edge\">Using TLS with Edge</a> for more.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">application</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">json</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">text</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">xml</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the target server. You can choose anything you like.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Host</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The DNS name or IP address of the machine that this TargetServer will refer to.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Port</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The port on which the backend service is configured to listen. If you don't specify a port, it defaults to zero, which is invalid. If you're not sure, try port 80.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>0</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>IsEnabled</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A boolean (true/false) that determines whether this TargetServer is enabled or not. You can use this setting to take TargetServers out of rotation, without requiring you to delete the TargetServer definition.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr><tr><td>enabled</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Enables one-way TLS. You must have defined a keystore containing the cert and private key.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>clientAuthEnabled</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Enables two-way, or client, TLS between Edge (server) and the app (client) making the request.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>keyStore</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the keystore on Edge.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>keyAlias</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The alias specified when you uploaded the JAR file containing the cert and private key to the keystore.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>trustStore</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the truststore on Edge that contains the certificate or certificate chain used for two-way TLS.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>ignoreValidationErrors</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>If true, specifies to ignore TLS certificate errors. This is similar to the \"-k\" option to cURL.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>false</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n<tr><td>ciphers</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the ciphers supported by the virtual host. If no ciphers are specified, then all ciphers available for the JVM will be permitted.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>All supported by the JVM</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr><td>protocols</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specifies the protocols supported by the target server. For example, <code>SSLv3</code>, <code>TLSv1</code>, <code>TLSv1.1</code>, <code>TLSv1.2</code>.<br><br> If no protocols are specified, then all protocols available for the JVM will be permitted.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>All supported by the JVM</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"{target}\",\r\n \"host\" : \"{hostname}\",\r\n \"isEnabled\" : {true | false},\r\n \"port\" : {port_num},\r\n \"sSLInfo\": {\r\n \"enabled\": \"true | false\",\r\n \"clientAuthEnabled\": \"true | false\",\r\n \"keyStore\": \"{keystore_name}\",\r\n \"trustStore\": \"{truststore_name}\",\r\n \"keyAlias\": \"{key_alias}\",\r\n \"ignoreValidationErrors\": \"true | false\",\r\n \"ciphers\": [ \"{cipher_1}\", \"{cipher_2}\", ... ],\r\n \"protocols\": [ \"{protocol_1}\", \"{protocol_2}\", ...]\r\n }\r\n }"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "TargetServers" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1465824041970,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/targetservers",
"resourceId" : "03214cdd-d1f4-4aea-ade3-a129a8926d38",
"resourceName" : "targetServers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4116b29e-aeae-4a1c-ac28-89492e3aac3e",
"name" : "listTargetServer",
"displayName" : "List TargetServers in an environment",
"description" : "List all TargetServers in an environment.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "TargetServers" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1461777862141,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/targetservers",
"resourceId" : "03214cdd-d1f4-4aea-ade3-a129a8926d38",
"resourceName" : "targetServers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "79c4101b-cca3-4ec8-8adf-81bbc42ae42b",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-name--deployments",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/deployments",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy revision",
"name" : "revision_number",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "7fe01fc3-587a-4d5b-b1f1-981ca1b6a4e6",
"name" : "getApiProxyRevisionDeployments",
"displayName" : "Get API Proxy Revision Deployments",
"description" : "Get deployment details for a specific revision number of an API proxy.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml<code>",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text.xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1454102578295,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/deployments",
"resourceId" : "79c4101b-cca3-4ec8-8adf-81bbc42ae42b",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-name--deployments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"modifiedTime" : 1395406828945,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "afaa3462-20cd-4fb6-b04e-da64fcfed429",
"name" : "-organizations",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "24aa0eac-ed76-4a34-a854-a07d480d172f",
"name" : "Createanorganization",
"displayName" : "Create an organization",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Create an organization.</p>\n<p><strong>Note</strong>: The organization name must contain lowercase letters only, no spaces, no underscores, and no periods.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>After you create the organization, you must:</p>\n<ul><li>Associate the organization with a pod. See <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/pods\">Associate an organization with a pod</a> for more.</li>\n\t<li>Add an organization administrator. See <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/userroles/%7Brole_name%7D/users-0\">Add a user to a role</a> for more.</li>\n</ul><p> </p>\n<p>Edge provides scripts and other tools that you can use as an alternative to making API calls directly. See the Edge <em>Operations Guide</em> for more information on these tools. For example, for Edge 4.16.05 and later, see <a href=\"/api-services/latest/creating-organization-environment-and-virtual-host\"></a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as application/json or application/xml.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>displayName</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the org as it appears in the Edge UI.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the organization. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to lowercase letters only, no spaces, no underscores, and no periods.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>properties</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value pairs that may be used for customizing the organization.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>type</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Set the type as \"paid\".</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"displayName\" : \"{display_name}\",\r\n \"name\" : \"{org_name}\",\r\n \"properties\" : {\r\n \"property\" : [ {\r\n \"name\" : \"prop1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value1\"\r\n }, {\r\n \"name\" : \"prop2\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value2\"\r\n } ]\r\n },\r\n \"type\" : \"paid\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Organization" ],
"createdTime" : 1466705808443,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779121239,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations",
"resourceId" : "afaa3462-20cd-4fb6-b04e-da64fcfed429",
"resourceName" : "-organizations",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "af3a91b4-0b48-458c-aca6-fb164b669607",
"name" : "GetOrganizations",
"displayName" : "Get Organizations",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Lists all organization.</p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Organization" ],
"createdTime" : 1466706219652,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779197626,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations",
"resourceId" : "afaa3462-20cd-4fb6-b04e-da64fcfed429",
"resourceName" : "-organizations",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "2529689d-1683-4bef-a853-a1a086aab9a8",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--appfamilies",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/appfamilies",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "1ab59259-f0bf-4f3f-a110-4bbeb91dc034",
"name" : "listExpandDeveloperAppFamilies",
"displayName" : "List Developer App Families",
"description" : "Lists all developer app families in an organization. Optionally returns an expanded list of all app families in an organization, including all apps in each app family.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "false",
"description" : "Set expand to <code>true</code> to return an expanded list.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1407168059634,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/appfamilies",
"resourceId" : "2529689d-1683-4bef-a853-a1a086aab9a8",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--appfamilies",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a8b3ea2e-2b1d-4ee4-b2ae-6c323c0dc272",
"name" : "CreateDeveloperAppFamilies",
"displayName" : "Create Developer App Family",
"description" : "<p><strong>DEPRECATED</strong>: This API is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: This API isn't supported with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>.</p>\n</div>\n<p>Creates an app family for a developer. An app family is an association of one or more apps in the family. An app can only be a associated with a single app family.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>The association of apps in an app family is entirely arbitrary. Apigee does no special processing on such collections, except to maintain the relationship among apps that are contained in an family.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><b>Note:</b> Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content-Type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>App family to which developer apps will be added.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>apps</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>App name of developer app to add to app family. An App can only be a associated with one app family.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"{appfamily_name}\",\r\n \"apps\": [\"{app1}\",\"{app2}\", \"{app3}\", ...]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Family" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974606,
"modifiedTime" : 1440021213293,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/appfamilies",
"resourceId" : "2529689d-1683-4bef-a853-a1a086aab9a8",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--appfamilies",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"modifiedTime" : 1419345613014,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "08fe6b34-9a11-465f-bef9-ffa35adabd6f",
"name" : "-userroles",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/userroles",
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e8fbe0cf-ab3b-452b-9e0d-f6cbd88d638b",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--apiproducts--apiproduct-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Product name",
"name" : "apiproduct_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "d7039b07-51d8-417a-8005-c4bddda1914c",
"name" : "getApiProduct",
"displayName" : "Get API Product",
"description" : "Gets an API product by name.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe API product name required in the request URL is not the \"Display Name\" value displayed for the API product in the Edge UI. While they may be the same, they are not always the same depending on whether the API product was created via UI or API.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nFor this reason, be sure to get the exact API product name by performing a GET request to the List API Products endpoint. Use the \"name\" value returned in the response as the API product name in the request URL.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1405696598954,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}",
"resourceId" : "e8fbe0cf-ab3b-452b-9e0d-f6cbd88d638b",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apiproducts--apiproduct-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "396eeb13-016b-402d-bd5e-919e5ff9948f",
"name" : "getCountforApiProduct",
"displayName" : "Get Keys, Apps, Developers, or Companies for an API Product",
"description" : "<p><strong>DEPRECATED</strong>: This API is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release. To get products and keys for an app, use the following API: <a href=\"/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/developers/%7Bdeveloper_email_or_id%7D/apps/%7Bapp_name%7D-0\">Get Developer App Details</a>. </p>\n<br /><p>Gets a count or a list of any one of the following entities associated with an API product: keys, app IDs, developer IDs, or company IDs.</p>\n<br /><p>The name of the API product specified in the request URL is the name value for the API Product returned by a GET request to the \"List API Products\" endpoint. For example, if the Display Name of the API product in the Edge UI is 'Premium API Product', then the name in the URL is 'premium-api-product' (all lowercase with spaces replaced by hyphens).</p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Set query type to <code>count</code> to obtain an entity count, and <code>list</code> to obtain a list of entities.",
"name" : "query",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Specify the type of entity for which you want to get a count: <code>keys</code>, <code>apps</code>, <code>developers</code>, or <code>companies</code>. For <a href=\"/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\" target=\"_blank\">CPS-enabled organizations</a>, <code>developers</code> and <code>companies</code> are not supported.",
"name" : "entity",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1457111032190,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}",
"resourceId" : "e8fbe0cf-ab3b-452b-9e0d-f6cbd88d638b",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apiproducts--apiproduct-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "a54dca8c-170c-4ccf-a7c6-3d05d22c5b1e",
"name" : "deleteApiProduct",
"displayName" : "Delete API Product",
"description" : "Deletes an API product from an organization.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nDeleting an API product will cause app requests to the resource URIs defined in the API product to fail. Ensure that you create a new API product to serve existing apps, unless your intention is to disable access to the resources defined in the API product.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe API product name required in the request URL is not the \"Display Name\" value displayed for the API product in the Edge UI. While they may be the same, they are not always the same depending on whether the API product was created via UI or API.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nFor this reason, be sure to get the exact API product name by performing a GET request to the List API Products endpoint. Use the \"name\" value returned in the response as the API product name in the request URL.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1405696491150,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}",
"resourceId" : "e8fbe0cf-ab3b-452b-9e0d-f6cbd88d638b",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apiproducts--apiproduct-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "fa4b1b85-fba3-4e2d-ba40-4efb9465bc7d",
"name" : "updateApiProduct",
"displayName" : "Update API Product",
"description" : "<p>Updates an existing API product.</p>\n<p>You must include all required values, whether or not you are updating them, as well as any optional values that you are updating. For information about required values, see the \"Create API Product\" API.</p>\n<p>The API product name required in the request URL is not the \"Display Name\" value displayed for the API product in the Edge UI. While they may be the same, they are not always the same depending on whether the API product was created via UI or API.</p>\n<p>For this reason, be sure to get the exact API product name by performing a GET request to the List API Products endpoint. Use the \"name\" value returned in the response as the API product name in the request URL.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the custom attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the content type as <code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "For more information on setting the body, see the 'Create API Product' API.",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"approvalType\": {\"manual\" or \"auto\"},\r\n \"attributes\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"{attribute_name1}\",\r\n \"value\": \"{value1}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"{attribute_name2}\",\r\n \"value\": \"{value2}\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"description\": \"{description}\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"{display_name}\",\r\n \"apiResources\": [ \"{/resource1}\", \"{/resource2}\", ...],\r\n \"environments\": [ \"{test}\", \"{prod}\", ...],\r\n \"proxies\": [\"{proxy1}\", \"{proxy2}\", ...],\r\n \"quota\": \"{quota}\",\r\n \"quotaInterval\": \"{quota_interval}\",\r\n \"quotaTimeUnit\": \"{quota_unit}\",\r\n \"scopes\": [\"{scope1}\", \"{scope2}\", ...]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Product" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1440015590012,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apiproducts/{apiproduct_name}",
"resourceId" : "e8fbe0cf-ab3b-452b-9e0d-f6cbd88d638b",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--apiproducts--apiproduct-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "895e2089-2a92-4565-b202-f6035d3df71b",
"name" : "ListkeysinanenvironmentKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "List keys in an environment KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/keys",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "19f0bc16-d95a-4dbb-bfb0-ab7e2903364c",
"name" : "ListkeysinanenvironmentKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "List keys in an environment KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Lists keys in a KeyValueMap scoped to an environment.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong> This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"counterpart\">\n\t<p>You can also create and manage environment-scoped key/value maps in the management UI. For more information, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/creating-and-editing-environment-keyvalue-maps\">Creating and editing environment key/value maps</a>.</p>\n</div>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "To filter the keys that are returned, enter the name of a key that the list will start with. For example, if the an unfiltered list returns:<br />\r\n<br />\r\nmykey_12<br />\r\nmykey_products<br />\r\nab_test_key<br />\r\n<br />\r\nand your <code>startkey</code> is mykey_products, the returned list will be<br />\r\n<br />\r\nmykey_products<br />\r\nab_test_key<br />",
"name" : "startkey",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"description" : "Limits the list of keys to the number you specify, up to a maximum of 100. Use with the <code>startkey</code> parameter to provide more targeted filtering.",
"name" : "count",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438350038113,
"modifiedTime" : 1444070358771,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/keys",
"resourceId" : "895e2089-2a92-4565-b202-f6035d3df71b",
"resourceName" : "ListkeysinanenvironmentKeyValueMapCPS",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1438349860133,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8befefdd-e830-47f4-9aa6-d7a3592c8b1c",
"name" : "vaultsbyorgbyenv",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "216abdff-16d6-4328-83bf-38fa073b829b",
"name" : "getVaultbyOrgbyEnv",
"displayName" : "Get Vault Names in an Environment",
"description" : "Gets a list of vault names in a specified environment.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1440006053393,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults",
"resourceId" : "8befefdd-e830-47f4-9aa6-d7a3592c8b1c",
"resourceName" : "vaultsbyorgbyenv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "80b8a101-2bce-48d7-a501-921dc6703328",
"name" : "createVaultbyOrgbyEnv",
"displayName" : "Create a Vault in an Environment",
"description" : "Creates a vault in a specified environment.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{ \r\n \"name\": \"vault_name\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1459532626215,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults",
"resourceId" : "8befefdd-e830-47f4-9aa6-d7a3592c8b1c",
"resourceName" : "vaultsbyorgbyenv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "1cecea00-34a1-456e-9a26-478de6f4213a",
"name" : "sslcertnotificationsRemoveUserAlias",
"displayName" : "sslcertnotificationsRemoveUserAlias",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/keystores/{keystore}/aliases/{alias}/sslcertnotifications/users/{user_email}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore name",
"name" : "keystore",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the alias name",
"name" : "alias",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the user's email",
"name" : "user_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "2b70c3af-db26-4b36-9923-ecf483903e59",
"name" : "exportCert",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/certs/{cert_name}/export",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the keystore or truststore name",
"name" : "keystore_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the cert name",
"name" : "cert_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "2a7e5be7-79c3-4aa4-93d1-a93d0657c36d",
"name" : "exportSSLCert",
"displayName" : "Export a Cert from a Keystore or Truststore",
"description" : "<p>Exports a cert. The cert if displayed in the form:</p>\n<p> </p>\n<pre>\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDgTCCAuqgAwIBAgIJANjlQa0bGWn2MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGIMQswCQYD\nVQQGEwJVUzEWMBQGA1UECe563653657567ZXR0czEUMBIGA1UEBxMLTm9ydGhh\nbXB0b24xDDAKBgNVBAoTA1NNRzEMMAoGA1UECxMDRG9jMQwwCgYDVQQDEwNTTUcx\nITAfBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWEnNnaWxzb25AYXBpZ2VlLmNvbTAeFw0xNDExMDYyMDAy\nNTNaFw0yNDExMDUyMDAyNTNaMIGIMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEWMBQGA1UECBMNTWFz\nc2FjaHVzZXR0879870394753944353452345235Htc+9i/mrTSh/lbZFMmW0EYzTgSvnJ0DF+bWuaC\nyfaqd31HMbr7DVFJAji1CI8Ggmvu8gA0lnkCAwEAAaOB8DCB7TAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU\nHEXLx5XxwdLiX9+XYl9OGv19hPQwgb0GA1UdIwSBtTCBsoAUHEXLx5XxwdLiX9+X\nYl9OGv19hPShgY6cjhdfjhsdfjhlkjsdfMTA1NNRzEhMB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSc2dpbHNvbkBh\ncGlnZWUuY29tggkA2OVBrRsZafYwDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsF\nAAOBgQAYHdIdgfCz3ed1aoDCepPKwrYC6MhmzNYH4rPy0QR3UwKGom7VM0ifWlCr\nuxtg7lPF/nA5du2oGjizrtsjFTJ/DE5uV3XdnLHcsdxrJ1AmfNgH8xBqkJGlNv8/\naPTO/HQqsxi6WSuog1sC1w3VMQS2seUKLOVgkKDmsmcHc3AbXg==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----</pre>\n<div>If you copy the cert to a file, from \"<span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE</span>\" through \"<span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">END CERTIFICATE-----</span>\", you can use the following command to obtain the public key:</div>\n<div> </div>\n<pre>\nopenssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in fNAME</pre>\n<div>This command displays the key in the form:</div>\n<div> </div>\n<div>\n\t<pre>\n-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNsdfgsdfgQCs90FmfufNs1yIup5B2mdFFcKS\nacW71GeMNVaPBsgsdfgsdfgHjF2BcDT+6FO2FYLJfZXI0lcv5afDdKq+apalG4\niicdvimUe1z72L+sdfgsdfsdfgLJ9qp3fUcxuvsNUUkC\nOLUIjwaCa+sdfsdfsdADSWeQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----</pre>\n</div>\n<div> </div>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "text",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Keystores and Truststores" ],
"createdTime" : 1444660610687,
"modifiedTime" : 1444662049935,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores/{keystore_name}/certs/{cert_name}/export",
"resourceId" : "2b70c3af-db26-4b36-9923-ecf483903e59",
"resourceName" : "exportCert",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1444660003493,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "0aa52610-2a99-4638-8b34-2b756f906e64",
"name" : "-users--user-email--userroles",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/users/{user_email}/userroles",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the user email",
"name" : "user_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4e9c5b44-1fd0-4747-a7b2-1bcbe3464cda",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-number--deployments",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/deployments",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the revision",
"name" : "revision_number",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "c5523198-9082-4499-986e-ee6d1c1b48f5",
"name" : "getDeploymentDetailsAPIProxyRevisioninEnv",
"displayName" : "Get Deployment Details for an API Proxy Revision in an Environment",
"description" : "<p>Gets a list of all API proxies that are deployed to a specific environment.</p>\\\r\\\n\\\r\\\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\\\r\\\n\\\r\\\n<p>The server element is used to identify servers that support the API proxy deployment. The values are used internally by Apigee to provide information for support.</p>\\\r\\\n\\\r\\\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\\\r\\\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the revision",
"name" : "revision_number",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "appliction/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1438022291982,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/deployments",
"resourceId" : "4e9c5b44-1fd0-4747-a7b2-1bcbe3464cda",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-number--deployments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "37d23380-260b-4651-b3a9-98efb5b9ed6c",
"name" : "deployAPIProxyDelete",
"displayName" : "Undeploy API Proxy",
"description" : "<p>Undeploys an API proxy revision from an environment.</p>\n<p>You must specify the revision number of the API proxy because multiple revisions of the same API Proxy can be deployed in the same environment if the proxy base path is different.</p>\n<p>See <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/apis/%7Bapi_name%7D/revisions/%7Brevision_number%7D/deployments\">Force Undeploy API Proxy</a> for the API to force the undeployment of an API.</p>\n",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1453728323698,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/deployments",
"resourceId" : "4e9c5b44-1fd0-4747-a7b2-1bcbe3464cda",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-number--deployments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4950d2bd-b828-421d-879f-83e3fb6aa4c3",
"name" : "deployAPIProxyPost",
"displayName" : "Deploy API Proxy",
"description" : "<p>Deploys a revision of an API proxy to an environment in an organization. API proxies cannot be invoked until they have been deployed to an environment.</p>\n<p>If you experience HTTP 500 errors during API proxy deployment, see <a href=\"/api-services/content/deploy-api-proxies-using-management-api#seamless\">Seamless deployment (zero downtime)</a> in <a href=\"/api-services/content/deploy-api-proxies-using-management-api\">Deploy API proxies using the management API</a> for information on using the override and delay parameters. That topic also has more details on API proxy deployment.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Enforces a delay, measured in seconds, before the currently deployed API proxy revision is undeployed and replaced by the new revision that is being deployed. Use this setting to minimize the impact of deployment on in-flight transactions. ",
"name" : "delay",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "false",
"description" : "When set to 'true', forces deployment of the new revision by overriding conflict checks between revisions. Set this parameter to 'true' when using the 'delay parameter' to minimize impact on in-flight transaction during deployment.",
"name" : "override",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1462987887982,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}/deployments",
"resourceId" : "4e9c5b44-1fd0-4747-a7b2-1bcbe3464cda",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--apis--api-name--revisions--revision-number--deployments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "80dae23a-3cd1-471d-9f44-f95e5f6c3aa0",
"name" : "statsListOptInOut",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/stats/preferences/reports/dailysummaryreport/users",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "e3b28e03-f4bf-4196-a772-c7222362d213",
"name" : "listOptInOptOut",
"displayName" : "Get List of Subscribed and Unsubscribed Users",
"description" : "Return the list of users who have opted in (subscribed) or opted out (unsubscribed) from the daily analytics report. By default, all organization administrators are automatically subscribed to receive daily analytics summary reports through email.\r\n<br><br>\r\nA value of <code>\"optout\": 1</code> in the response corresponds to the user having opted out, meaning unsubscribed.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Analytics" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1406902617581,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/stats/preferences/reports/dailysummaryreport/users",
"resourceId" : "80dae23a-3cd1-471d-9f44-f95e5f6c3aa0",
"resourceName" : "statsListOptInOut",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "68f04887-d54d-4769-baf9-796883005180",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email or ID",
"name" : "developer_email_or_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "28ef437d-691e-435c-b7e0-b72d701656fb",
"name" : "getCountApiResourceForApp",
"displayName" : "Get Count of API Resources for Developer App",
"description" : "Gets the number of API resources that have been approved for access by a developer app in a specific organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "count",
"description" : "Set query value to 'count'.",
"name" : "query",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "apiresources",
"description" : "Set entity value to 'apiresources'.",
"name" : "entity",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1406662090324,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "68f04887-d54d-4769-baf9-796883005180",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8913d125-f288-491a-83ff-adb53bc8b6f2",
"name" : "updateDeveloperApp",
"displayName" : "Update Developer App",
"description" : "<p>Updates a developer app. Be sure to include all existing attributes in the request body.</p>\n<p>Note that you cannot update the scopes associated with the app by using this API. Instead, use \"Update the Scope of an App\".</p>\n<div class=\"note\">\n\t<p>The app name is the primary key used by Edge to identify the app. Therefore, you cannot change the app name after creating it.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"note\">\n\t<p>To add an API product to an app so that the new API product can be accessed by using the same key, see <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/developers/%7Bdeveloper_email%7D/apps/%7Bapp_name%7D/keys/%7Bconsumer_key%7D\">Add API Product to Key</a>.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "PUT",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Arbitrary name/value attributes that may be used for customizing profile information or for developer app-specific processing.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the developer app. The name becomes the unique ID of the developer app for this organization and developer.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>callbackUrl</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The callbackUrl is used by OAuth 2.0 authorization servers to communicate authorization codes back to developer apps. See the documentation on OAuth 2.0 for more details.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>keyExpiresIn</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A setting, in milliseconds, for the lifetime of the consumer key that will be generated for the developer app. The default value, -1, indicates an infinite validity period.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>-1</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"attributes\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name1}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value1}\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name2}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value2}\"\r\n } \r\n ],\r\n \"name\" : \"{App_name}\",\r\n \"callbackUrl\" : \"{url}\",\r\n \"keyExpiresIn\" : \"{milliseconds}\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1466004567746,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "68f04887-d54d-4769-baf9-796883005180",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e421b6e2-0c0a-49e5-85fe-307ae2169c16",
"name" : "deleteDeveloperApp",
"displayName" : "Delete Developer App",
"description" : "<p>Deletes a developer app.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, deletion of the developer app and associated artifacts happens asynchronously. The developer app is deleted immediately, but the resources associated with that developer app, such as app keys or access tokens, may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to be automatically deleted. </p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1445454231712,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "68f04887-d54d-4769-baf9-796883005180",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "6c048872-df4b-4173-8eb0-f18b2ad3693c",
"name" : "getDeveloperApp",
"displayName" : "Get Developer App Details",
"description" : "Get the profile of a specific developer app. All times in the response are UNIX times.\n<br><br>\nNote that the response contains a top-level attribute named <code>accessType</code> that is no longer used by Apigee.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1414763469582,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "68f04887-d54d-4769-baf9-796883005180",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "0a4967f5-3d57-4ce2-bb57-59eb4500fcb1",
"name" : "approveDeveloperApp",
"displayName" : "Approve or Revoke Developer App",
"description" : "Set the API key status of a developer app to 'approved' or 'revoked'.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nA revoked app cannot access any API products and cannot invoke any API managed by Apigee Edge.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe HTTP status code for success is: 204 No Content.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Set the action to <code>approve</code> or <code>revoke</code>.",
"name" : "action",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as <code>application/octet-stream</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1406656834877,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "68f04887-d54d-4769-baf9-796883005180",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "ed865563-d28f-4aba-a45e-4e49d4d53ded",
"name" : "regenAppID",
"displayName" : "Regenerate the key pair for a developer app",
"description" : "<p>Regenerates the consumer key and consumer secret for the named developer app. This allows you to regenerate the key pair for an app when the keys or secret has been compromised, or when the key pair has expired. New values for the consumer key and consumer secret for the app are returned in the response. After using this API, multiple key pairs will be associated to a single app. Each pair of {consumer key, consumer secret} has an independent status (revoked or approved) and an independent expiry time.</p>\n<div class=\"note\">\n\t<p>If you want to determine the consumer key and consumer secret rather than having Edge generate them randomly, see <a href=\"/developer-services/content/import-existing-consumer-keys-and-secrets\">Import existing consumer keys and secrets</a>.</p>\n</div>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>text/xml</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the developer app. The name becomes the unique ID of the developer app for this organization and developer.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>apiProducts</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A list of API products with which the developer app is associated. The name of the API product is the name returned by a GET request to the \"List API Products\" endpoint. For example, if the Display Name of the API product in the Edge UI is 'Premium API Product', then the name is 'premium-api-product' (all lowercase with spaces replaced by hyphens).</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>keyExpiresIn</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The number of milliseconds after which the key pair expires (24 hours is 86400000 milliseconds).</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>-1 (never expires)</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"my_appname\",\r\n \"apiProducts\": [\"apiproduct1\", \"apiproduct2\"],\r\n \"keyExpiresIn\" : 43200000 (Note: The default is -1, never expires.)\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1454620431665,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps/{app_name}",
"resourceId" : "68f04887-d54d-4769-baf9-796883005180",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"modifiedTime" : 1419344602142,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "abd23d4a-ec45-4c89-b23e-f3cec56b3faa",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--apis--api-name--revisions-revision-number",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_number}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API Proxy name",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the revision number",
"name" : "revision_number",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"modifiedTime" : 1394714690712,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "727cf503-dde7-4f19-af4d-f64d2ccf7479",
"name" : "npm",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_num}/npm",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API proxy",
"name" : "api_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API proxy revision number",
"name" : "revision_num",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "1bb4e9a6-27a8-4c7c-a04e-4ac1963eaadc",
"name" : "postNpm",
"displayName" : "Manage Node Packaged Modules",
"description" : "<p>Runs a specified <code>npm</code> command for an API proxy deployed on Apigee Edge. When you call this API, it is equivalent to executing an <code>npm</code> command in the <code>resources/node</code> directory of the API proxy.</p>\n<p>Valid <code>npm</code> commands that you can execute with this API are:</p>\n<ul><li>install</li>\n\t<li>update </li>\n\t<li>outdated </li>\n\t<li>dedupe </li>\n\t<li>prune </li>\n\t<li>ls (default if no query param is specified)</li>\n</ul><p><strong>Usage:</strong> Specify the body of this API like this: \"command={npm-command}\". For example: <code>command=install</code>. The command is designed to install known dependencies for the API's package directory (<span style=\"font-family: monospace;\">resources/node)</span>.</p>\n<p>Do not try to specify an arbitrary published Node.js package name with this API. For example, something like this will fail: <code>command=install async</code>.</p>\n<p>With the exception of <code>ls</code> and <code>outdated</code>, all of these commands replace <code></code> and any other ZIP file in <code>resources/node</code> with the prefix <code>node_modules</code> with a new set of files that contains the updated dependencies.</p>\n<p>For details about these individual <code>npm</code> commands, see</p>\n<p><strong>Example 1:</strong></p>\n<p><code>command=ls</code></p>\n<p>Returns a list of Node.js dependencies. </p>\n<p><strong>Example 2:</strong></p>\n<p><code>command=install</code></p>\n<p>Installs all dependencies for the <code>resources/node</code> directory.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"description" : "Specify as <code>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "If <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\">true</span></code>, the output will include additional information from npm on which API calls were made to the registry.",
"name" : "verbose",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "command={npm-command}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Node.js Management" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1439996269473,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_num}/npm",
"resourceId" : "727cf503-dde7-4f19-af4d-f64d2ccf7479",
"resourceName" : "npm",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "9ee64588-162a-4e9f-b814-f3bf85a896b1",
"name" : "getNpm",
"displayName" : "Gets npm dependencies for an API Proxy.",
"description" : "Gets npm dependencies for an API Proxy.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Node.js Management" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1410388980280,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision_num}/npm",
"resourceId" : "727cf503-dde7-4f19-af4d-f64d2ccf7479",
"resourceName" : "npm",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "1c787bf5-20c1-43bb-8729-a430ef24a5bb",
"name" : "vaultentriesbyorgbyenv",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_env}/entries",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the vault name",
"name" : "vault_name_in_env",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "fb9c0edd-afae-4016-86c1-6a3947aba0df",
"name" : "createVaultEntryinEnv",
"displayName" : "Create a Vault Entry in an Environment",
"description" : "Creates an entry with a specific name and secure value in a vault in a specified environment.<br /><br />\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\": \"{name}\",\r\n \"value\": \"{securevalue}\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974607,
"modifiedTime" : 1440005977095,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_env}/entries",
"resourceId" : "1c787bf5-20c1-43bb-8729-a430ef24a5bb",
"resourceName" : "vaultentriesbyorgbyenv",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"modifiedTime" : 1410924715000,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "bca85158-50e8-40ee-924b-c222e3e82333",
"name" : "statsOptInOut",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/stats/preferences/reports/dailysummaryreport",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "48ed0db4-3719-4869-b49b-7b78acb8264a",
"name" : "optInOptOut",
"displayName" : "Subscribe or Unsubscribe from Analytics Report",
"description" : "<p>Organization administrators can subscribe to daily analytics summary reports sent through email. You can use this API to subscribe to (optin=true) or unsubscribe from (optin=false) daily analytics reports. You can also subscribe/unsubscribe in the management UI by selecting <strong>your username &gt; User Settings</strong>, then selecting/deselecting <strong>Receive daily analytics summary report</strong>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>For more information, see <a href=\"/analytics-services/content/subscribe-daily-analytics-emails\">Subscribe to daily analytics emails</a>.</p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Specify to opt in, <code>true</code>, or opt out, <code>false</code>.",
"name" : "optin",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Analytics" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1457043876616,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/stats/preferences/reports/dailysummaryreport",
"resourceId" : "bca85158-50e8-40ee-924b-c222e3e82333",
"resourceName" : "statsOptInOut",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "4c6ee0f7-786e-4686-9ae5-265993c4ffc4",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--keyvaluemaps--map-name-",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the map name",
"name" : "map_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "8edd9bce-f345-43d8-82ad-4bbb755ebf0d",
"name" : "updateKeyValueMap",
"displayName" : "Update KeyValueMap in an Organization",
"description" : "<p><strong>DEPRECATED</strong>: This API is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Update map entries individually instead of in bulk.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong>: This API isn't supported with <a href=\"/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>. For CPS, use <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/keyvaluemaps/%7Bmap_name%7D/entries/%7Bentry_name%7D\">Update a KeyValueMap entry in an organization (CPS)</a>.</p>\n</div>\n<p>Updates an existing KeyValueMap in an Organization. Does not override the existing map. Instead, this method updates the entries if they exist or adds them if not.</p>\n<p>It can take several minutes before the new value is visible to runtime traffic.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"Map_name\",\r\n \"entry\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Org_Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value1\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Org_Key2\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value2\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"Org_Key3\",\r\n \"value\" : \"value3\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1453337574264,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"resourceId" : "4c6ee0f7-786e-4686-9ae5-265993c4ffc4",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--keyvaluemaps--map-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "84eff941-5c30-454c-9da6-d284c472fc94",
"name" : "getKeyValueMap",
"displayName" : "Get KeyValueMap in an Organization",
"description" : "Gets a KeyValueMap in an Organization by name, along with associated entries.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1412710257218,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"resourceId" : "4c6ee0f7-786e-4686-9ae5-265993c4ffc4",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--keyvaluemaps--map-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "6cecf66f-4574-4161-9c0e-18f3c18d1d33",
"name" : "deleteKeyValueMap",
"displayName" : "Delete KeyValueMap from an Organization",
"description" : "Deletes a KeyValueMap and all associated entries from an Organization.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1412710155239,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}",
"resourceId" : "4c6ee0f7-786e-4686-9ae5-265993c4ffc4",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--keyvaluemaps--map-name-",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "152dd9b1-ca69-4f0f-8379-23aa6b9914ad",
"name" : "vaultentriesbyorg",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_org}/entries",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the vault name",
"name" : "vault_name_in_org",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "07549301-4d3d-4304-a87c-1bfdd6e6cf2a",
"name" : "createVaultEntry",
"displayName" : "Create a Vault Entry in an Org",
"description" : "Creates an entry with a specific name and secure value in a vault in a specified org.<br>\n<br>\nFor key information about the appropriate use of vaults as secure storage, see <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/using-secure-store\">Using the secure store</a>.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\n \"name\": \"{name}\",\n \"value\": \"{securevalue}\"\n}"
"tags" : [ "Vaults" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1412107189717,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/vaults/{vault_name_in_org}/entries",
"resourceId" : "152dd9b1-ca69-4f0f-8379-23aa6b9914ad",
"resourceName" : "vaultentriesbyorg",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"modifiedTime" : 1410923540749,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "32051125-ed6d-4d77-affa-61088d38dab8",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key--oauth1accesstokens",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}/oauth1accesstokens",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email",
"name" : "developer_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app name",
"name" : "app_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the consumer key",
"name" : "consumer_key",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a6454c37-3a8f-4f20-8bf8-a87965dabdf1",
"name" : "getOauth1-0AccessTokenCountforAppKey",
"displayName" : "Get OAuth 1.0 Access Tokens Count for a Developer App Key",
"description" : "Get count of OAuth 1.0 access tokens for a developer's app key.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Developer App Key Access Token" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974604,
"modifiedTime" : 1405690746592,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps/{app_name}/keys/{consumer_key}/oauth1accesstokens",
"resourceId" : "32051125-ed6d-4d77-affa-61088d38dab8",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--developers--developer-email--apps--app-name--keys--consumer-key--oauth1accesstokens",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "07745797-915c-4952-9719-a8a3d49ee29a",
"name" : "get-apps",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apps",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "6902a938-770a-42a3-aab2-8e417b16c59e",
"name" : "listAppsKeyStatus",
"displayName" : "List App IDs in an Organization by Key Status",
"description" : "Returns a list of app IDs within an organization that have the specified key status. Valid values for the <code>status</code> parameter are: <code>approved</code>, <code>pending</code>, or <code>revoked</code>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "approved",
"description" : "Set status to <code>approved</code>,&nbsp;<code>revoked</code>, or&nbsp;<code>pending</code>.",
"name" : "status",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "false",
"description" : "Returns an expanded list of apps for the organization.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n<p><strong>CPS</strong> This parameter can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\nTo filter the apps that are returned, enter the ID of an app that the list will start with. For example, if the an unfiltered list returns:<br />\r\n<br />\r\n\"ddce5dff-d0b7-4c91-9be1-ac586ea99a8e\",<br />\r\n\"e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7\",<br />\r\n\"f1360a60-d927-42ff-8c86-1466e6546b39\"<br />\r\n<br />\r\nand your <code>startKey</code> is e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7, the returned list will be<br />\r\n<br />\r\n\"e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7\",<br />\r\n\"f1360a60-d927-42ff-8c86-1466e6546b39\"",
"name" : "startKey",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"description" : "Limits the list to the number you specify. Use with the <code>startKey</code> parameter to provide more targeted filtering. The limit is 10000.\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n<p><strong>CPS</strong> For <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the limit is 1000.</p>\r\n</div>",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Apps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1439855607076,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apps",
"resourceId" : "07745797-915c-4952-9719-a8a3d49ee29a",
"resourceName" : "get-apps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b9c533a4-c3d3-47e8-b6d1-8044cd71eae0",
"name" : "listAppsFamily",
"displayName" : "List App IDs in an App Family",
"description" : "Lists, by ID, all apps contained in an app family.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "The app family name",
"name" : "appfamily",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n<p><strong>CPS</strong> This parameter can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\nTo filter the apps that are returned, enter the ID of an app that the list will start with. For example, if the an unfiltered list returns:<br />\r\n<br />\r\n\"ddce5dff-d0b7-4c91-9be1-ac586ea99a8e\",<br />\r\n\"e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7\",<br />\r\n\"f1360a60-d927-42ff-8c86-1466e6546b39\"<br />\r\n<br />\r\nand your <code>startKey</code> is e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7, the returned list will be:<br />\r\n<br />\r\n\"e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7\",<br />\r\n\"f1360a60-d927-42ff-8c86-1466e6546b39\"",
"name" : "startKey",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"description" : "Limits the list to the number you specify. Use with the <code>startKey</code> parameter to provide more targeted filtering. The limit is 10000.\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n<p><strong>CPS</strong> For <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the limit is 1000.</p>\r\n</div>",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "appliction/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Apps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1439858053680,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apps",
"resourceId" : "07745797-915c-4952-9719-a8a3d49ee29a",
"resourceName" : "get-apps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f60dec76-3a0c-4c02-bb78-5cdce68a90b6",
"name" : "listAppsByType",
"displayName" : "List App IDs by App Type",
"description" : "Lists app IDs by app type. Valid app types are <code>developer</code> (which returns all developer apps) and <code>company</code> (which returns all company apps).",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "developer",
"description" : "Enter either <code>company</code> or <code>developer</code>.",
"name" : "apptype",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n<p><strong>CPS</strong> This parameter can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\nTo filter the apps that are returned, enter the ID of an app that the list will start with. For example, if the an unfiltered list returns:<br />\r\n<br />\r\n\"ddce5dff-d0b7-4c91-9be1-ac586ea99a8e\",<br />\r\n\"e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7\",<br />\r\n\"f1360a60-d927-42ff-8c86-1466e6546b39\"<br />\r\n<br />\r\nand your <code>startKey</code> is e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7, the returned list will be:<br />\r\n<br />\r\n\"e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7\",<br />\r\n\"f1360a60-d927-42ff-8c86-1466e6546b39\"",
"name" : "startKey",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"description" : "Limits the list to the number you specify. Use with the <code>startKey</code> parameter to provide more targeted filtering. The limit is 10000.\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n<p><strong>CPS</strong> For <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the limit is 1000.</p>\r\n</div>",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Apps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1439858323246,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apps",
"resourceId" : "07745797-915c-4952-9719-a8a3d49ee29a",
"resourceName" : "get-apps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "bdb1bd25-f1fe-41c9-90ef-cbcedca6d5d9",
"name" : "listApps",
"displayName" : "List App IDs in an Organization",
"description" : "List app IDs in an organization. You can return the full profile for each app by including the <code>expand</code> query parameter. You can also choose to include consumer and secret keys in the expanded results.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "When set to <code>true</code>, returns the list of all&nbsp;complete app profiles for the organization.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "When set to&nbsp;<code>true</code>, includes the consumer key and secret for each app profile. Requires that&nbsp;<code>expand</code>&nbsp;is also set to&nbsp;<code>true</code>.",
"name" : "includeCred",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n<p><strong>CPS</strong> This parameter can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\nTo filter the apps that are returned, enter the ID of an app that the list will start with. For example, if the an unfiltered list returns:<br />\r\n<br />\r\n\"ddce5dff-d0b7-4c91-9be1-ac586ea99a8e\",<br />\r\n\"e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7\",<br />\r\n\"f1360a60-d927-42ff-8c86-1466e6546b39\"<br />\r\n<br />\r\nand your <code>startKey</code> is e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7, the returned list will be<br />\r\n<br />\r\n\"e8fd6a3d-f88c-462e-a4ec-41cf886f12b7\",<br />\r\n\"f1360a60-d927-42ff-8c86-1466e6546b39\"",
"name" : "startKey",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"description" : "Limits the list to the number you specify. Use with the <code>startKey</code> parameter to provide more targeted filtering. The limit is 10000.\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n<p><strong>CPS</strong> For <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the limit is 1000.</p>\r\n</div>",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "appliction/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Apps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1439858155795,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apps",
"resourceId" : "07745797-915c-4952-9719-a8a3d49ee29a",
"resourceName" : "get-apps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "3645c162-ae4c-499e-b88f-03d2007ad059",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--servers",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/servers",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "18cc5142-605e-46fc-9a1d-0cbe311db3df",
"name" : "AssociateanenvironmentwithaMessageProcessor",
"displayName" : "Associate an environment with a Message Processor",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>After you create an environmnet, see <a href=\"/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments\">Create Environment</a>, you must associate it with one or more Message Processors. You must call this API for each Message Processor associated with the environment.  </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>To make this call, you need the UUID of the Message Processor. Use the following cURL command to obtain that UUID:</p>\n<pre>\n&gt; curl http://<em><strong>&lt;mp-ip&gt;</strong></em>:8082/v1/servers/self</pre>\n<p>Where \"<em><strong>&lt;mp-ip&gt;</strong></em>\" is the IP address of the Message Processor.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"description" : "Set the Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>action</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specify the action as \"add\".</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>uuid</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The UUID of the Message Processor.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "action=add&uuid={MP_UUID}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1466693211243,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779639296,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/servers",
"resourceId" : "3645c162-ae4c-499e-b88f-03d2007ad059",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--servers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "3da87674-2de5-4e39-a758-67f1d18a74a6",
"name" : "Getserversassociatedwithanenvironment",
"displayName" : "Get servers associated with an environment",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Before you can delete an environment, see <a href=\"/management/apis/delete/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D\">Delete an environment</a>, you must disassociate it with all Message Processors. Use this API to determine the UUIDs of the Message Processors associated with the environment. </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1466694213044,
"modifiedTime" : 1466779699022,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/servers",
"resourceId" : "3645c162-ae4c-499e-b88f-03d2007ad059",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--servers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "36bc8d4d-6e18-4699-bbb3-75441ab37f77",
"name" : "DisassociateanenvironmentwithaMessageProcessor",
"displayName" : "Disassociate an environment with a Message Processor",
"description" : "<div class=\"opdk\"><b>Edge on-premises installation only. For an Edge cloud installation, contact</b> <a href=\"\">Apigee Customer Support</a>.</div>\n<p>Before you can delete an environment, see <a href=\"/management/apis/delete/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D\">Delete an environment</a>, you must disassociate it with all Message Processors. You must call this API for each Message Processor associated with the environment.  </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>To determine the list of Message Processor UUIDs associate with the environment, use <a href=\"/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/environments/%7Benv_name%7D/servers\">Get servers associated with an environment</a>.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>The request body must contain:</p>\n<pre>\naction=remove&amp;uuid={<em><strong>MP_UUID</strong></em>}</pre>\n<p>where <em><strong>MP_UUID</strong></em> is the UUID of the Message Processor. For example, in a cURL command, the request would appear as:</p>\n<pre>\ncurl -H \"Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" -u <em><strong>sysAdminEmail:pWord</strong></em> -X POST http://&lt;<em><strong>MS_IP</strong></em>&gt;:8080/v1/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/servers -d \"action=remove&amp;uuid=<em><strong>MP_UUID</strong></em>\"</pre>\n<p>where <em><strong>MS_IP</strong></em> is the IP address or DNS name of the Edge Management Server.</p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"description" : "Set the Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>action</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Specify the action as \"remove\".</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>uuid</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The UUID of the Message Processor</code>.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n </tr>\t\r\n\t</tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "action=remove&uuid={MP_UUID}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Environment" ],
"createdTime" : 1466694414386,
"modifiedTime" : 1467051484957,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/servers",
"resourceId" : "3645c162-ae4c-499e-b88f-03d2007ad059",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--environments--env-name--servers",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "115b3367-64a6-4dec-bba8-620ecdb2994e",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the company name",
"name" : "company_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "07a97e6a-0d39-401e-9891-2d31acc8db92",
"name" : "listExpandAppOfCompany",
"displayName" : "List Company Apps",
"description" : "<p>List company apps in an organization. Optionally specify to expand the response to include the profile for each app.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: This API isn't available for <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Set to <code>true</code> to expand the results.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Set to <code>approved</code>, <code>pending</code>, or <code>revoked</code> to see apps for a specific key status.",
"name" : "keyStatus",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1440020720920,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps",
"resourceId" : "115b3367-64a6-4dec-bba8-620ecdb2994e",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "42b0c945-a6aa-4df4-9600-9f1335253ab7",
"name" : "createAppForCompany",
"displayName" : "Create Company App",
"description" : "<p>Creates an app for a company. Note that you must first create a profile for the company in your organization before you can register apps that are associated with the company. See <a href=\"/docs/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/companies\">Create Company</a>.</p>\n<div class=\"microservices\">\n<p><strong>CPS</strong>: With <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a>, the attribute limit is 20.</p>\n</div>",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>accessType</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Access type for the app (unused by Apigee)</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>attributes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name/value formatted attributes used to extend the default profile</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>apiProducts</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Any API Products the app consumes</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Name of the app. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">A</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">Z0</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">9.</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">_\\-$ </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">%</span></code></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>callbackUrl</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>A URL used for OAuth-related redirects. The domain defined in the callbackURL must match the domain to which users are redirected after authentication..</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>No</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"attributes\" : [ \r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name1}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value1}\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\" : \"{attribute_name2}\",\r\n \"value\" : \"{value2}\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"apiProducts\": [ \"{ApiProduct1}\", \"{ApiProduct2}\", ... ], \r\n \"name\" : \"{App_name}\",\r\n \"callbackUrl\" : \"{url}\"\r\n}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Company App" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974603,
"modifiedTime" : 1440024334304,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/companies/{company_name}/apps",
"resourceId" : "115b3367-64a6-4dec-bba8-620ecdb2994e",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--companies--company-name--apps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974559,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "09424fb5-5190-4aac-8f3c-41e4bb52d43d",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--oauth2-accesstokens",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/oauth2/accesstokens",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e906ef5a-9624-44c3-b436-dbdc5ed7c3c9",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name--resourcepermissions",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/resourcepermissions",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "4687dcd7-621a-4ee2-a0b7-42343cf77137",
"name" : "addMultipleResourcePermissionatOrgLevel",
"displayName" : "Add Multiple Resource Permissions for Resource",
"description" : "Adds multiple permissions to multiple resources simultaneously.<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<br />\r\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\n \"resourcePermission\" : [ \n {\n \"path\" : \"/resource\",\n \"permissions\" : [ \"get\",\"put\",... ]\n }, \n {\n \"path\" : \"/resource2\",\n \"permissions\" : [ \"get\",\"put\",... ]\n }\n ]\n}"
"tags" : [ "Permissions for Resource at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1407789648903,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/resourcepermissions",
"resourceId" : "e906ef5a-9624-44c3-b436-dbdc5ed7c3c9",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name--resourcepermissions",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "77ff4ffb-2d18-47e5-ab2d-028e18bef8c4",
"name" : "keystores",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "310ece1c-65fc-4a32-9349-83e03411f30c",
"name" : "listKeystores",
"displayName" : "List Keystores and Truststores",
"description" : "<p>Returns a list of all keystores and truststores in the environment.</p>\n<p>In Edge, keystores and truststores are both represented by a <strong>keystore</strong> entity. That is, the contents of the keystore determine if it is used as an TLS keystore or truststore:</p>\n<ul><li><strong>keystore</strong> - a keystore entity that contains one or more aliases, where each alias <strong>contains a cert/key pair</strong>.</li>\n\t<li><strong>truststore</strong> - a keystore entity that contains one or more aliases, where each alias <strong>contains a cert only</strong>.</li>\n</ul><div> </div>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Keystores and Truststores" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1465823722282,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores",
"resourceId" : "77ff4ffb-2d18-47e5-ab2d-028e18bef8c4",
"resourceName" : "keystores",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e21ce661-f357-4f42-ad4d-d10af4420256",
"name" : "createKeystore",
"displayName" : "Create a Keystore or Truststore",
"description" : "<p>Create a keystore or truststore in an environment.</p>\n<ul><li><strong>Keystore</strong>: Contains the TLS certificate and private key used to identify the entity during TLS handshaking.</li>\n\t<li><strong>Truststore</strong>: Contains trusted certificates on an TLS client used to validate an TLS server's certificate presented to the client. These certificates are typically self-signed certificates or certificates that are not signed by a trusted CA.</li>\n</ul><p>To configure functionality that relies on public key infrastructure (TLS and SAML, for example) you need to create keystores and truststores that provide the necessary keys and digital certificates. Keystores and truststores define repositories of security certificates used for TLS encryption.<br /><br />\n\tThe APIs that you use to create a truststore are the same as used to create a keystore. The only difference is that you pass the cert file as a PEM file instead of a JAR file.<br /><br />\n\tSee <a href=\"/api-services/content/keystores-and-truststores\">KeyStores and TrustStores</a></p>\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify Content Type as either application/json or text/xml",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\r\n\t\t<thead>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>The keystore or truststore name.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\r\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\r\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\"name\" : \"keystore_name\"}"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Keystores and Truststores" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974601,
"modifiedTime" : 1465823678631,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/keystores",
"resourceId" : "77ff4ffb-2d18-47e5-ab2d-028e18bef8c4",
"resourceName" : "keystores",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d464da40-e96c-48be-8e2f-a8a19531cb53",
"name" : "ListkeysinanAPIproxyrevisionKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "List keys in an API proxy revision KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/keys",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "606a07b0-f628-499e-ab38-5da76b9e9518",
"name" : "ListkeysinanAPIproxyrevisionKeyValueMapCPS",
"displayName" : "List keys in an API proxy revision KeyValueMap (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Lists keys in a KeyValueMap scoped to an API proxy revision.</p>\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong> This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "To filter the keys that are returned, enter the name of a key that the list will start with. For example, if the an unfiltered list returns:<br />\r\n<br />\r\nmykey_12<br />\r\nmykey_products<br />\r\nab_test_key<br />\r\n<br />\r\nand your <code>startkey</code> is mykey_products, the returned list will be<br />\r\n<br />\r\nmykey_products<br />\r\nab_test_key",
"name" : "startkey",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"description" : "Limits the list of keys to the number you specify, up to a maximum of 100. Use with the <code>startkey</code> parameter to provide more targeted filtering.",
"name" : "count",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438350851428,
"modifiedTime" : 1438724487744,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/revisions/{revision}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/keys",
"resourceId" : "d464da40-e96c-48be-8e2f-a8a19531cb53",
"resourceName" : "ListkeysinanAPIproxyrevisionKeyValueMapCPS",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1438350707394,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "8e1ea25c-ffbd-4a44-9a0f-c7756e75e499",
"name" : "notif_conds",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/notification-conditions",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "b7a9806d-985f-4d73-ac86-152f0732f81b",
"name" : "stats",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/stats/{dimension_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the environment name, such as test or prod",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the dimension name",
"name" : "dimension_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "26fefb76-b355-4916-a084-a9e860f9200d",
"name" : "retrieveandfiltermetricsforadimension",
"displayName" : "Get metrics for a dimension",
"description" : "Retrieve and filter metrics for a dimension. For a list of examples using this API, see <a href=\"/analytics-services/reference/analytics-command-reference\">Analytics command reference</a>.<br /><br />\nApigee Edge records and aggregates metrics for dimensions, where Edge defines 3 classes of dimensions:<br /><br /><ul><li>Pre-computed, static dimensions used for operational dashboards.</li>\n\t<li>Dynamic dimensions, whose metrics are computed 'on-demand' when a report is built.</li>\n\t<li>Custom dimensions, which enable you to build reports based on message content.</li>\n</ul>\nFor each type of dimension, you construct a request by adding the desired dimension by name as a URI parameter following <code>/stats</code>. This groups the data by that dimension. Following are some of the dimensions supported:<br /><br /><ul><li><code>/apis</code> or <code>/apiproxy</code></li>\n\t<li><code>/apiproducts</code></li>\n\t<li><code>/apps</code></li>\n\t<li><code>/devs</code></li>\n\t<li><code>/target_url</code></li>\n\t<li><code>/ax_geo_country</code> - countries where the calls originated; metrics currently limited to function}(message_count), {function}(total_response_time)</li>\n</ul>\nFor example:<br /><br /><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/stats/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">apis</span></code><br /><br />\nYou can define queries against the collected metrics by specifying metrics, type of calculation to run, time range, and, optionally, any filters to use for drill-down into the data set that is returned by the query.<br /><br />\nFor pre-computed metrics, only simple calculations are needed, since the specific function used to perform the calculation is embedded in the metric.<br /><br />\nTo generate custom reports, you select a <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">metric </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">+</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> optional aggregate </span><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">function</span></code> calculation to run over the specified dimensions. The possible aggregate functions are: count, avg, min, max, sum.<br /><br />\nThe base request to create a custom report that calculates average response time for all APIs in an environment is:<br /><br /><pre class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\">\n<span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">/stats/</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">apis</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">?</span><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">select</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">avg</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">(</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">total_response_time</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">)</span></pre>\nUse the additional query parameters defined in the API method to construct the complete request.<br /><br />\nFilters can be applied to custom resources. Custom resources are:<br /><table border=\"0\" class=\"table\"><thead><tr><th>Symbol</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Operation</th>\n\t\t</tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">in</span></code></td>\n\t\t\t<td>for list inclusion</td>\n\t\t</tr><tr><td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">notin</span></code></td>\n\t\t\t<td>for list exclusion</td>\n\t\t</tr><tr><td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">eq</span></code></td>\n\t\t\t<td>=</td>\n\t\t</tr><tr><td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">ne</span></code></td>\n\t\t\t<td>!= or</td>\n\t\t</tr><tr><td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">gt</span></code></td>\n\t\t\t<td>&gt;</td>\n\t\t</tr><tr><td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">lt</span></code></td>\n\t\t\t<td>&lt;</td>\n\t\t</tr><tr><td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">ge</span></code></td>\n\t\t\t<td>&gt;=</td>\n\t\t</tr><tr><td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">le</span></code></td>\n\t\t\t<td>&lt;=</td>\n\t\t</tr></tbody></table><br /><b>Sample filters</b>\n<table border=\"0\" class=\"table\"><thead><tr><th>Description</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Filter query structure</th>\n\t\t</tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Stats for API proxies named either api1 or api2</td>\n\t\t\t<td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">filter</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=(</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">apiproxy </span><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">in</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">'api1'</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">'api2'</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">)</span></code></td>\n\t\t</tr><tr><td>Stats for all API proxies except api1 and api2</td>\n\t\t\t<td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">filter</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=(</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">apiproxy notin </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">'ap1'</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">'api2'</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">)</span></code></td>\n\t\t</tr><tr><td>Stats where there are no errors</td>\n\t\t\t<td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">filter</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=(</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">iserror eq </span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">0</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">)</span></code></td>\n\t\t</tr><tr><td>Stats where there is no error messages or the API proxy name is api1 or api2</td>\n\t\t\t<td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">filter</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=(</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">iserror eq </span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">1</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">)</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">or</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">(</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">apiproxy </span><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">in</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">'api1'</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">'api2'</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">)</span></code></td>\n\t\t</tr><tr><td>Stats where (response code is either 201 or 301) and (there are errors) or (API proxy name is either api1 or api2)</td>\n\t\t\t<td><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">filter</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=(</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">response_status_code le </span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">201</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">or</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> response_status_code eq </span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">301</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">)</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span></code><br /><code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">and</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">(</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">iserror eq </span><span class=\"lit\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">1</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">)</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">or</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">(</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">apiproxy </span><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">in</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\"> </span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">'api1'</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">,</span><span class=\"str\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">'api2'</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">)</span></code></td>\n\t\t</tr></tbody></table><p> </p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the environment name, such as test or prod",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the dimension name",
"name" : "dimension_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the environment name, such as test or prod",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the dimension name",
"name" : "dimension_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the dimension name",
"name" : "dimension_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Mention the dimension name",
"name" : "dimension_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "template"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "sum(message_count)",
"description" : "Designates one or more metrics to be aggregated for the report. Supported metrics are: <code>message_count</code>, <code>is_error</code>, <code>app_count</code>, <code>api_count</code>, <code>total_response_time</code>, <code>max_response_time</code>, <code>min_response_time</code>, <code>data_exchange_size</code>, <code>end_point_response_time</code>, <code>tps</code>, <code>tpm</code>, <code>tph</code>. <br><br>Also specify an optional aggregate function. The possible values are: <code>avg</code>, <code>min</code>, <code>max</code>, <code>sum</code>. For example, specify:<br><br><code>message_count</code> or <code>sum(message_count)</code><br><br>Separate more than one metric with a comma. For example:<br><br> <code>sum(message_count),avg(total_response_time)",
"name" : "select",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "06/01/2016 00:00~06/20/2016 24:00",
"description" : "The start and end time for the desired interval. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. For example, 08/17/2015 00:00~08/17/2015 24:00<br><br>If you have high API traffic, report generation will be faster if you use smaller time ranges, such as 2 or 3 hours.<br><br>It takes at least 10 minutes after an API call for Edge analytics to register it.<br><br>\r\nIf you make a request through the API reference on this page, it automatically URL encodes the space character before HH:MM. However, if you are entering the time range in a cURL command from the command line, manually insert \"%20\" for the space character, in the form: MM/DD/YYYY%20HH:MM~MM/DD/YYYY%20HH:MM. \r\n<br><br><div class=\"note\"><strong>Note:</strong> Data older than six months from the current date is not accessible by default. If you want to access data older than six months, contact <a href=\"\">Apigee Support</a>.</div>",
"name" : "timeRange",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "A value of <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">second</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">minute</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">hour</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">day</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">week</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">month</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">quarter</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">year</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">decade</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">century</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">millennium</span></code>.",
"name" : "timeUnit",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "When two or more select values are specified, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">sortby</span></code> can be used to specify the select used for sorting results: <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">message_count</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">is_error</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">total_response_time</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">max_response_time</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">min_response_time</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">data_exchange_size</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">end_point_response_time</span></code>.",
"name" : "sortby",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Supported sort scopes are <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">DESC</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">ASC</span></code>.",
"name" : "sort",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Take 'top k' results from results, for example, to return the top 5 results 'topk=5'.",
"name" : "topk",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Enables drill-down on specific dimension values. Enclose value in parenthesis \"()\". For example: <code>(response_status_code gt 500 and response_status_code lt 599)</code><br><br>\r\nSmartDocs automatically URL encodes the spaces.",
"name" : "filter",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Set the limit for the number of entries returned by the API.",
"name" : "limit",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Use offset with limit to enable pagination of results. For example, to display results 11-20, set limit to '10' and offset to '10'.",
"name" : "offset",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"description" : "Lets you obtain real-time query data. When set to <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">true</span></code>, queries return recently arrived API traffic data when the user-submitted time range for the query is less than one hour.<br><br>If set to <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">false</span></code>, then queries are taken from the default cloud data store, which results a delay in the availability of query data of up to three hours. This parameter overrides the accuracy query parameter setting.",
"name" : "realtime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "integer",
"description" : "Specify that queries return data either from the raw (non-sampled) API traffic data store or from a sample of the raw API data. Queries against sampled data sets are smaller than the raw data set, and therefore run faster. You can specify the following values for the accuracy query parameter:<ul><li><b> 'accuracy=0'</b>: Retrieve query data from the raw API traffic.</li><li><b>'accuracy=1'</b>: Retrieve query data from the 1% sampled traffic table; that is, the table that is 1% in size of the raw traffic table.</li><li><b> 'accuracy=10'</b>: Retrieve query data from the 10% sampled traffic table; that is, the table that is 10% in size of the raw traffic table. Note that the realtime query parameter overrides this parameter.</li></ul>",
"name" : "accuracy",
"required" : false,
"type" : "query"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Analytics" ],
"createdTime" : 1438021843309,
"modifiedTime" : 1467230096310,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/stats/{dimension_name}",
"resourceId" : "b7a9806d-985f-4d73-ac86-152f0732f81b",
"resourceName" : "stats",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"modifiedTime" : 1395156743750,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "0e1073ca-8c88-4d90-be67-2016b77fd5df",
"name" : "get-apps-by-id",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apps/{app_id}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app ID",
"name" : "app_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a506a290-4d31-4968-bf0b-08979a508634",
"name" : "listAppsByID",
"displayName" : "Get App in an Organization by App ID",
"description" : "Returns the app profile for the specified app ID.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the app ID",
"name" : "app_id",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, text/xml",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Apps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974600,
"modifiedTime" : 1405706661632,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apps/{app_id}",
"resourceId" : "0e1073ca-8c88-4d90-be67-2016b77fd5df",
"resourceName" : "get-apps-by-id",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f41bbc0b-836a-40f9-9e49-646c0af2cd59",
"name" : "auditApps",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the developer email",
"name" : "developer_email",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "70bbade2-588c-40e0-8126-7e1d28a174f4",
"name" : "getAuditApps",
"displayName" : "List Audit Entries for all Developer Apps",
"description" : "Lists audit records for management operations for all developer apps in an organization.<br>\n<br>\nFor every call made to the management API, Apigee Edge logs an audit record. This API enables you to obtain a record of all management calls made against apps in an organization. The audit logs provide access to the actions (create, read, update, delete) executed on the apps.\n<br><br>\nIf there are no audit records, or if the entity does not exist, this API returns an empty array.\n<br>\n<br>\nIf you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is to use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "Set expand as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"kwd\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">true</span></code> to expand the audit records.",
"name" : "expand",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Filters results by the specified time interval. Valid values are <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">week</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">month</span></code>. If you use<code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, don't use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "timeline",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The beginning date/time from which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add \"000\" to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "startTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "The ending date/time up to which audit entries should be returned, in Unix epoch format <strong>in milliseconds</strong>. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Here's an epoch time generator</a>. Add &quot;000&quot; to the end of normal epoch time to get milliseconds.)<br><br>Use <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> by itself or with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> to specify a range. Don't use with <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>.<br><br>If you omit the <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span></code>, <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code>, and <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code> query parameters, the default is <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">timeline</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">=</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">today</span></code>.",
"name" : "endTime",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "A limit on the total number of audit entries to be returned when you specify either <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">startTime</span></code> or <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">endTime</span></code>.",
"name" : "rows",
"required" : false,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type as <code class=\"prettyprint prettyprinted\"><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">octet</span><span class=\"pun\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">-</span><span class=\"pln\" data-original-title=\"\" title=\"\">stream</span></code>.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Audits" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1426782681943,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/audits/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email}/apps",
"resourceId" : "f41bbc0b-836a-40f9-9e49-646c0af2cd59",
"resourceName" : "auditApps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "0b25eb89-b38e-48d8-b4ca-338703337c43",
"name" : "orgDeployments",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/deployments",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "ee6efbfb-ebda-43ae-b545-95ace499aee0",
"name" : "orgDeploymentsGet",
"displayName" : "Get deployments for an organization",
"description" : "Returns a list of all API proxies that are deployed in all environments in an organization.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "boolean",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "By default, the response includes \"server\" information. If you don't want server details, you can make the call faster by setting this parameter to <code>false</code>.",
"name" : "includeServerStatus",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "boolean",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"description" : "By default, the response includes \"configuration\" information. If you don't want configuration details, you can make the call faster by setting this parameter to <code>false</code>.",
"name" : "includeApiConfig",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Accept",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "API Proxy" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974602,
"modifiedTime" : 1454104277521,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/deployments",
"resourceId" : "0b25eb89-b38e-48d8-b4ca-338703337c43",
"resourceName" : "orgDeployments",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974558,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f0a9316b-db58-4cba-a910-8a25bc300ac8",
"name" : "apiKVMapEntry",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the API proxy name",
"name" : "env_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the map name",
"name" : "map_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the entry name",
"name" : "entry_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "d5be3548-7f34-4f9c-821a-fafc416ab88d",
"name" : "getAPIKVMapEntry",
"displayName" : "Get KeyValueMap Entry in an API proxy",
"description" : "Gets a specific key/value map entry in an API proxy by name, along with associated entries.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1412774172137,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "f0a9316b-db58-4cba-a910-8a25bc300ac8",
"resourceName" : "apiKVMapEntry",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "f6c23004-d080-4292-a713-dbdac48a2640",
"name" : "UpdateaKeyValueMapentryinanAPIproxyCPS",
"displayName" : "Update a KeyValueMap entry in an API proxy (CPS)",
"description" : "<p>Updates an entry in a KeyValueMap scoped to an API proxy. A key cannot be larger than 2 KB.</p>\r\n<div class=\"microservices\">\r\n\t<p><strong>CPS</strong> This API can only be used in organizations with <a href=\"/docs/api-services/content/api-reference-getting-started#cps\">Core Persistence Services</a> enabled.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "<code>application/json</code> or <code>application/xml</code>",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json, application/xml",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{\r\n \"name\" : \"Proxy_Key1\",\r\n \"value\" : \"updated_value\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nor\r\n\r\n<Entry name=\"Proxy_Key1\">updated_value</Entry>"
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1438354551942,
"modifiedTime" : 1438722110789,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "f0a9316b-db58-4cba-a910-8a25bc300ac8",
"resourceName" : "apiKVMapEntry",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "37d0b187-5787-404b-be2b-2a5880ad8db3",
"name" : "delAPIKVMapEntry",
"displayName" : "Delete KeyValueMap Entry in an API proxy",
"description" : "Deletes a specific key/value map entry in an API proxy by name, along with associated entries.",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974609,
"modifiedTime" : 1412773650680,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{api_name}/keyvaluemaps/{map_name}/entries/{entry_name}",
"resourceId" : "f0a9316b-db58-4cba-a910-8a25bc300ac8",
"resourceName" : "apiKVMapEntry",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"modifiedTime" : 1431708952343,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d3de0e76-05b0-4a9a-a749-ffc29043821a",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--keyvaluemaps",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps",
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
} ],
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "a18f46d9-f4d3-499b-a307-959a5e3caca8",
"name" : "listAndExpandKeyValueMaps",
"displayName" : "List KeyValueMaps in an Organization",
"description" : "<p>List the name of all KeyValueMaps for an organization, and optionally returns an expanded view of all KeyValueMaps for the organization.</p>\n",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1463658548739,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps",
"resourceId" : "d3de0e76-05b0-4a9a-a749-ffc29043821a",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--keyvaluemaps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "d4fa4150-eb6a-44b2-991f-f8caf26f41ae",
"name" : "createKeyValueMap",
"displayName" : "Create KeyValueMap in an Organization",
"description" : "Creates a KeyValueMap in an Organization. \n<br><br>\nA key/value map is a simple structure for persistently storing name/value pairs as entries in a named map. The entries in a key/value map can be retrieved at runtime by policies or code running on Apigee Edge. Key/value maps can be used to support profile-based access control, for supporting certain non-standard protocols, application specific behavior, and so on.",
"verb" : "POST",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/json",
"description" : "Specify the Content Type",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/json",
"doc" : "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\n\t\t<thead>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Description</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Default</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Required?</th>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</thead>\n\t\t<tbody>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>entry</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name/value pairs for the entry that defines the data to be stored. Characters you can use in the entry are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\n\t\t\t</tr><tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>name</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>The name of the map to be created. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: <code>A-Z0-9._\\-$ %</code>.</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>N/A</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>Yes</td>\n\t\t</tr></tbody>\n\t</table>",
"parameters" : [ ],
"sample" : "{ \n \"name\" : \"Map_name\",\n \"entry\" : [ \n {\n \"name\" : \"Org_Key1\",\n \"value\" : \"value_one\"\n },\n {\n \"name\" : \"Org_Key2\",\n \"value\" : \"value_two\"\n } \n ]\n}"
"tags" : [ "KeyValueMaps" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974605,
"modifiedTime" : 1412710538522,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/keyvaluemaps",
"resourceId" : "d3de0e76-05b0-4a9a-a749-ffc29043821a",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--keyvaluemaps",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974560,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "611f08f1-0e1c-4946-a6d4-9a9debbba28c",
"name" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name--permissions-get",
"baseUrl" : "",
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/permissions/{permission}",
"methods" : [ {
"id" : "f5bc04a5-aca2-4387-a53c-0abda819355f",
"name" : "deletePermissionforResourceatOrgLevel",
"displayName" : "Delete Permission for Resource",
"description" : "<p>Removes a permission from a resource for the role specified.</p>\n<p>Permissions are case sensitivs. Specify the permission as <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">get</span>, <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">put</span>, or <span style=\"font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;\">delete</span>.</p>\n",
"verb" : "DELETE",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "{resourcePath}",
"description" : "Specify the resource path.",
"name" : "path",
"required" : true,
"type" : "query"
}, {
"allowMultiple" : false,
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "header"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"contentType" : "application/octet-stream",
"parameters" : [ ]
"response" : {
"errors" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Permissions for Resource at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1440597708947,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/permissions/{permission}",
"resourceId" : "611f08f1-0e1c-4946-a6d4-9a9debbba28c",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name--permissions-get",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
}, {
"id" : "e0ce46fd-c86f-432f-9cf9-70823c2ab778",
"name" : "checkUserrolePermissionforResourceatOrgLevel",
"displayName" : "Verify User Role Permission for Resource",
"description" : "Verifies that a user role's permission on a specific resource exists. Returns a value of true or false.",
"verb" : "GET",
"security" : [ "basic-auth" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the organization name",
"name" : "org_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the role name",
"name" : "role_name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "",
"description" : "Mention the permission name as get, put, post, or delete",
"name" : "permission",
"required" : true,
"type" : "TEMPLATE"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "{resourcePath}",
"description" : "Specify the resource path.",
"name" : "path",
"required" : true,
"type" : "QUERY"
}, {
"dataType" : "string",
"defaultValue" : "application/octet-stream",
"description" : "Specify content type.",
"name" : "Content-Type",
"required" : true,
"type" : "HEADER"
} ],
"body" : {
"attachments" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ ]
"tags" : [ "Permissions for Resource at Organization Level" ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974608,
"modifiedTime" : 1406835136415,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"baseUrl" : "",
"methods" : [ ],
"path" : "/organizations/{org_name}/userroles/{role_name}/permissions/{permission}",
"resourceId" : "611f08f1-0e1c-4946-a6d4-9a9debbba28c",
"resourceName" : "-organizations--org-name--userroles--role-name--permissions-get",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974561,
"modifiedTime" : 1394630290878,
"apiRevisionId" : "8ac2f828-10aa-41bd-b99b-65351c6343f8",
"resources" : [ ],
"revisionNumber" : 2
} ],
"createdTime" : 1437682974527
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