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Created November 14, 2018 09:18
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Sample blink test for FPGA LCMXO2 Breakout Board , Reference:
library IEEE;
library machxo2;
use machxo2.all;
entity blinky is
Port ( led_out : out std_logic);
end blinky;
architecture behavioral of blinky is
component OSCH
-- synthesis translate_off
generic (NOM_FREQ: string := "2.08");
-- synthesis translate_on
port ( STDBY : in std_logic;
OSC : out std_logic;
SEDSTDBY :out std_logic);
end component;
attribute NOM_FREQ : string;
attribute NOM_FREQ of OSCinst0 : label is "2.08";
signal osc_int : std_logic;
signal stdby_sed : std_logic;
component CLKDIVC
generic ( DIV : string;
GSR : string);
port ( RST: in std_logic;
CLKI: in std_logic;
ALIGNWD: in std_logic;
CDIV1: out std_logic;
CDIVX : out std_logic);
end component;
signal clock_div1 : std_logic;
signal clock_divx : std_logic;
-- synthesis translate_off
generic map( NOM_FREQ => "2.08" )
-- synthesis translate_on
port map ( STDBY => '0',
OSC => osc_int,
SEDSTDBY => stdby_sed);
clock_div: CLKDIVC
generic map ( DIV => "4.0",
port map ( RST => '0',
CLKI => osc_int,
ALIGNWD => '0',
CDIV1 => clock_div1,
CDIVX => clock_divx); -- outputs 0.520000 MHz
process (clock_divx)
variable clockDelay : integer range 0 to 520000 := 0;
if clock_divx'event and clock_divx = '1' then
clockDelay := clockDelay + 1;
if clockDelay = 0 then
led_out <= '1';
elsif clockDelay = 260000 then
led_out <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end behavioral;
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