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Created December 6, 2013 04:30
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// Nokia Shield
//* Edit History
//* <MLS> = Mark Sproul msproul -at-
//* Apr 2, 2010 <MLS> I received my Color LCD Shield sku: LCD-09363 from sparkfun
//* Apr 2, 2010 <MLS> The code was written for WinAVR, I modified it to compile under Arduino
//* Apr 3, 2010 <MLS> Changed LCDSetPixel to make it "RIGHT" side up
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "WProgram.h"
#include "HardwareSerial.h"
// External Component Libs
#include "LCD_driver.h"
#include "nokia_tester.h"
//static int uart_putchar(char c, FILE *stream);
//uint8_t uart_getchar(void);
//static FILE mystdout = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(uart_putchar, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);
#define _SHOW_RGB_IMAGE_
void DisplayRGBimage();
#define kSwitch1_PIN 3
#define kSwitch2_PIN 4
#define kSwitch3_PIN 5
void DoMandleBrot(void);
//#define _ENABLE_DEBUG_
// Main Code
void setup()
int frameCounter;
unsigned long startTime;
//Initialize ARM I/O
Serial.println("ioinit. Done");
LCDInit(); //Initialize the LCD
Serial.println("LCDInit. Done");
//Show the splash-screen (Logo)
//* test speed
Serial.print("Speed test...");
frameCounter = 0;
startTime = millis();
while ((millis() - startTime) < 5000)
LCDClear((frameCounter << 8) + frameCounter);
// Loop
void loop()
int s1, s2, s3;
s1 = !digitalRead(kSwitch1_PIN);
s2 = !digitalRead(kSwitch2_PIN);
s3 = !digitalRead(kSwitch3_PIN);
#ifdef _ENABLE_DEBUG_foo
if (s1)
else if (s2)
// LCDClear(PINK);
else if (s3)
// Serial.println("BLACK");
// LCDClear(BLACK);
// LCDPrintLogo();
void ioinit(void)
//* setup the switches for input
pinMode(kSwitch1_PIN, INPUT);
pinMode(kSwitch2_PIN, INPUT);
pinMode(kSwitch3_PIN, INPUT);
//* set the pull up resisters
digitalWrite(kSwitch1_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(kSwitch2_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(kSwitch3_PIN, HIGH);
//* do the LCD control lines
pinMode(CS_PIN, OUTPUT);
DDRB = ((1<<CS)|(1<<DIO)|(1<<SCK)|(1<<LCD_RES)); //Set the control pins as outputs
// USART Baud rate: 115200 (With 16 MHz Clock)
UBRR0H = (MYUBRR >> 8) & 0x7F; //Make sure highest bit(URSEL) is 0 indicating we are writing to UBRRH
UCSR0A = (1<<U2X0); //Double the UART Speed
UCSR0B = (1<<RXEN0)|(1<<TXEN0); //Enable Rx and Tx in UART
UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ00)|(1<<UCSZ01); //8-Bit Characters
// stdout = &mystdout; //Required for printf init
// Arduino D3-5 are button pins
// This is PD3-5
DDRD = 0x00;
// Init timer 2
//Set Prescaler to 8. (Timer Frequency set to 16Mhz)
//Used for delay routines
TCCR2B = (1<<CS20); //Divde clock by 1 for 16 Mhz Timer 2 Frequency
#if 0
static int uart_putchar(char c, FILE *stream)
if (c == '\n')
uart_putchar('\r', stream);
loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, UDRE0);
UDR0 = c;
return 0;
uint8_t uart_getchar(void)
while( !(UCSR0A & (1<<RXC0)) );
//General short delays
void delay_ms(int x)
for (; x > 0 ; x--)
//General short delays
void delay_us(int x)
TIFR2 = (1<<TOV2); //Clear any interrupt flags on Timer2
TCNT2= 240; //Setting counter to 239 will make it 16 ticks until TOV is set. .0625uS per click means 1 uS until TOV is set
while( (TIFR2 & (1<<TOV2)) == 0);
TIFR2 = (1<<TOV2); //Clear any interrupt flags on Timer2
#pragma mark -
#define kQmax (COL_HEIGHT + 10)
#define kStartColor 1
#define kMaxItterations 255
#define kMandel_FarLeft -2.01
#define kMandel_FarRight 1.0
#define kMandel_FarTop -1.2
#define kMandel_FarBottom 1.2
int gWidth = ROW_LENGTH;
int gHeight = COL_HEIGHT;
void setPixel(int col, int row, RGBColor *rgbColor)
int color12bit;
color12bit = (rgbColor->red << 4) & 0x0f00;
color12bit += (rgbColor->green) & 0x0f0;
color12bit += (rgbColor->blue >> 4) & 0x0f;
LCDSetPixel(color12bit, col, row);
// LCDSetPixel(color12bit, row, col);
boolean gettouch()
int s1, s2, s3;
s1 = !digitalRead(kSwitch1_PIN);
s2 = !digitalRead(kSwitch2_PIN);
s3 = !digitalRead(kSwitch3_PIN);
return(s1 || s2 || s3);
void DoMandleBrot(void)
float XMax, YMax, XMin, YMin;
float X, Y, Xsquare, Ysquare;
float QQtemp;
float QQ[kQmax];
float PP, deltaP, deltaQ;
long color;
short row, col;
short maxcol;
short maxrow;
RGBColor rgbColor;
short itteration;
boolean keepGoing;
short deltaColumn;
short ii;
short startOffset[10] = {0, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 3, 0};
short columnSteps[10] = {32, 32, 16, 8, 4, 4, 4, 0};
XMin = kMandel_FarLeft;
XMax = kMandel_FarRight;
YMin = kMandel_FarTop;
YMax = kMandel_FarBottom;
itteration = 0;
keepGoing = true;
while (keepGoing)
switch(itteration % 3)
case 0:
XMin = kMandel_FarLeft;
XMax = kMandel_FarRight;
YMin = kMandel_FarTop;
YMax = kMandel_FarBottom;
case 1:
XMin = -1.7018;
XMax = -1.7016;
YMin = -0.000075;
YMax = 0.000075;
case 2:
XMin = -0.197272275682447305;
XMax = -0.196537412401197305;
YMin = -0.67495234375;
YMax = -0.67436640625;
maxcol = gWidth;
maxrow = gHeight;
deltaP = (XMax - XMin) / (maxcol);
deltaQ = (YMax - YMin) / (maxrow);
QQ[0] = YMin;
for (row=1; row<=maxrow; row++)
QQ[row] = QQ[row-1] + deltaQ;
ii = 0;
while (columnSteps[ii] > 0)
deltaColumn = columnSteps[ii];
for (col=startOffset[ii]; col < maxcol; col += deltaColumn)
PP = XMin + (deltaP * col);
for (row=0; row < maxrow; row++)
X = Y = Xsquare = Ysquare = 0.0;
color = kStartColor;
QQtemp = QQ[row];
while ((color < kMaxItterations) && ((Xsquare + Ysquare) < 4))
Xsquare = X * X;
Ysquare = Y * Y;
Y *= X;
Y += Y + QQtemp;
X = Xsquare - Ysquare + PP;
} = (255 - color) & 0xe0; = ((255 - color) << 3) & 0xe0;; = ((255 - color) << 6) & 0xe0;;
setPixel(col, row, &rgbColor);
if (gettouch())
keepGoing = false;
if (gettouch())
keepGoing = false;
if (keepGoing)
static uint8_t gRGBimage[] PROGMEM = {
0,64,0,59,0 , //xSize_hi, xSize_lo ,ySize_hi, ySize_lo
//* Line # 0
19,33,33, 20,33,34, 21,36,36, 25,39,39, 27,40,40, 28,40,40, 31,43,42, 32,44,42, 35,46,44, 38,48,45, 40,49,46,
41,50,46, 42,50,46, 44,52,47, 46,53,48, 49,56,51, 53,58,52, 59,63,57, 68,72,66, 72,74,68, 76,77,72, 82,82,77,
68,66,62, 62,64,54, 73,69,58, 97,79,70, 111,82,75, 131,101,94, 133,114,104, 105,99,85, 99,92,82, 92,82,76, 88,77,71,
83,74,68, 75,69,65, 70,71,69, 63,71,69, 57,66,63, 54,64,59, 52,61,57, 49,58,55, 47,57,55, 46,57,55, 48,59,58,
48,60,59, 46,58,56, 46,57,55, 43,56,53, 45,58,53, 46,60,55, 46,60,54, 51,63,58, 61,69,66, 63,73,69, 63,74,69,
63,73,67, 69,76,70, 78,82,77, 86,87,82, 95,91,88, 99,97,93, 102,100,96, 101,100,96, 98,98,94,
//* Line # 1
22,35,36, 23,36,37, 23,37,38, 27,40,41, 29,42,42, 32,45,44, 32,44,43, 37,48,47, 38,49,47, 39,49,46, 41,51,48,
43,52,48, 43,51,47, 44,52,48, 47,54,49, 48,55,50, 57,60,53, 63,64,57, 70,70,64, 71,71,64, 72,70,65, 80,78,73,
74,71,66, 120,111,115, 170,161,165, 213,208,209, 206,203,203, 216,213,212, 235,227,228, 222,209,217, 213,193,188, 191,164,149, 169,143,129,
126,101,89, 106,87,77, 90,80,72, 80,77,72, 69,69,66, 63,66,62, 52,60,55, 47,60,54, 43,59,53, 43,59,55, 48,60,58,
51,62,59, 49,61,53, 49,61,53, 49,62,52, 51,63,54, 53,65,55, 54,67,56, 55,67,57, 63,72,63, 66,75,66, 64,75,64,
65,76,64, 70,77,66, 76,80,70, 87,87,78, 100,94,86, 104,98,90, 106,101,92, 106,102,93, 105,101,92,
//* Line # 2
22,36,36, 25,38,39, 27,41,42, 31,45,46, 33,46,46, 35,48,47, 36,47,46, 39,51,49, 39,51,49, 40,50,47, 43,53,50,
44,54,51, 43,52,49, 47,56,51, 49,56,51, 49,57,52, 57,61,55, 62,65,59, 69,71,66, 72,72,68, 72,71,68, 80,77,75,
156,153,151, 221,212,209, 194,178,173, 172,150,145, 178,152,149, 181,156,153, 179,160,158, 204,191,190, 216,196,187, 213,182,168, 178,144,129,
160,123,108, 153,117,103, 140,111,97, 118,95,84, 93,75,68, 79,69,66, 64,66,59, 49,63,53, 42,61,52, 46,63,55, 51,63,58,
53,63,57, 54,65,56, 54,64,55, 57,67,58, 60,70,59, 61,71,60, 65,74,63, 64,73,62, 69,76,66, 71,79,69, 68,77,66,
68,76,65, 72,77,66, 78,81,70, 90,90,78, 100,96,85, 107,102,91, 110,106,95, 111,108,97, 110,109,97,
//* Line # 3
23,36,37, 25,39,39, 30,44,45, 31,45,46, 34,48,48, 36,49,48, 37,49,48, 39,51,50, 43,54,52, 43,55,51, 44,56,52,
46,57,53, 47,57,52, 47,57,52, 48,56,51, 49,57,51, 53,61,57, 58,65,62, 67,71,68, 72,72,70, 76,74,73, 147,142,140,
196,188,188, 148,134,127, 154,136,125, 160,140,130, 171,150,142, 190,171,164, 230,214,210, 247,236,233, 248,237,234, 233,216,211, 203,176,166,
180,142,127, 165,123,104, 162,120,100, 150,110,90, 145,111,97, 114,91,83, 87,76,65, 62,65,53, 56,68,55, 53,66,56, 59,67,61,
59,67,63, 61,70,66, 63,72,67, 65,72,68, 69,75,71, 69,74,69, 71,76,71, 71,76,71, 73,78,73, 71,78,72, 70,77,71,
72,78,71, 78,81,74, 85,85,78, 94,92,86, 102,102,93, 112,113,103, 114,116,106, 117,119,110, 117,121,111,
//* Line # 4
22,35,36, 23,36,37, 26,40,41, 30,44,45, 33,46,47, 35,47,47, 37,49,48, 39,50,49, 41,52,51, 41,53,50, 45,57,53,
46,58,53, 45,56,52, 46,56,51, 49,58,52, 50,59,53, 53,60,56, 60,66,63, 69,70,66, 75,71,66, 123,112,106, 225,210,203,
188,169,162, 197,176,163, 229,214,198, 240,224,209, 247,232,219, 251,236,226, 250,237,228, 237,223,218, 227,218,216, 222,212,208, 218,194,184,
201,163,145, 192,146,124, 191,143,120, 161,115,92, 150,109,89, 126,90,73, 132,105,88, 109,94,79, 77,71,59, 67,68,60, 67,72,66,
67,73,70, 67,75,73, 69,76,73, 71,77,74, 74,78,75, 74,77,74, 77,79,75, 77,79,76, 76,80,76, 72,76,73, 71,76,71,
75,79,74, 82,84,79, 92,91,86, 106,104,98, 117,117,109, 129,129,120, 132,133,124, 131,133,124, 129,132,122,
//* Line # 5
25,38,39, 25,39,39, 24,38,39, 28,41,42, 32,45,45, 34,47,46, 36,48,47, 37,48,47, 39,50,48, 40,52,49, 41,54,50,
43,55,51, 45,57,52, 47,57,52, 46,57,51, 50,61,54, 61,65,58, 78,77,69, 86,80,70, 125,111,100, 195,173,159, 217,188,172,
215,180,163, 225,193,167, 198,165,136, 203,164,139, 210,169,147, 196,158,139, 204,175,158, 235,214,197, 226,216,203, 217,200,186, 207,177,158,
214,171,147, 196,148,123, 187,141,117, 164,122,102, 157,115,92, 129,82,58, 117,75,55, 128,95,80, 140,118,108, 98,89,82, 74,74,70,
72,78,74, 71,80,73, 72,79,73, 76,82,75, 79,82,76, 78,80,73, 80,80,73, 80,80,73, 78,81,74, 75,79,70, 72,77,68,
77,81,72, 90,91,82, 105,103,95, 123,119,110, 135,130,118, 147,142,130, 150,145,134, 146,143,131, 140,138,125,
//* Line # 6
28,42,41, 28,41,40, 24,38,37, 26,39,38, 28,41,40, 32,45,43, 35,47,46, 36,48,46, 38,49,47, 40,50,49, 41,52,50,
44,55,51, 46,56,51, 46,56,50, 47,56,49, 50,59,53, 61,63,55, 85,76,66, 124,103,89, 158,127,109, 185,150,129, 181,144,123,
146,106,87, 105,71,52, 102,73,52, 135,107,86, 164,136,116, 146,118,100, 177,147,134, 207,175,168, 206,182,168, 225,204,185, 199,170,151,
198,158,133, 190,142,109, 184,137,104, 179,137,113, 183,141,116, 188,141,111, 140,92,67, 114,68,49, 132,95,82, 154,130,121, 115,104,98,
90,88,81, 76,77,69, 80,81,73, 81,82,75, 83,83,76, 83,82,74, 82,81,73, 80,80,71, 78,82,73, 77,82,72, 76,80,70,
84,86,76, 100,99,89, 117,115,105, 132,129,118, 142,137,125, 154,147,133, 158,150,137, 155,147,133, 150,143,129,
//* Line # 7
34,48,46, 33,46,44, 29,42,40, 24,38,36, 26,39,38, 31,43,42, 33,44,43, 36,46,45, 38,48,48, 42,50,50, 44,54,53,
46,56,53, 45,56,52, 47,57,51, 50,59,53, 54,61,57, 57,60,54, 109,98,90, 150,121,107, 167,129,110, 172,135,112, 160,124,102,
113,75,59, 89,55,42, 111,81,69, 111,79,64, 93,62,49, 135,108,93, 193,174,161, 210,196,185, 205,183,171, 184,154,143, 174,139,131,
164,120,104, 159,106,77, 174,118,86, 158,104,82, 138,92,72, 175,133,107, 190,144,120, 162,114,93, 131,87,69, 142,106,90, 167,138,125,
137,119,108, 104,96,89, 98,91,84, 86,82,76, 87,84,78, 86,83,78, 83,81,74, 81,81,73, 79,83,76, 79,82,75, 83,83,76,
92,90,82, 106,104,95, 123,119,111, 135,131,122, 144,141,130, 154,148,136, 161,152,139, 160,150,136, 157,148,136,
//* Line # 8
40,53,51, 38,50,49, 32,44,44, 30,43,43, 31,43,43, 32,44,44, 33,43,44, 37,47,48, 41,50,51, 46,53,52, 50,59,57,
48,58,55, 47,59,55, 51,61,58, 52,61,58, 54,60,58, 71,74,69, 129,118,112, 158,131,119, 167,132,115, 199,164,143, 161,126,106,
185,146,130, 219,199,189, 236,225,216, 223,208,197, 210,193,182, 206,186,179, 235,217,212, 245,226,224, 198,176,171, 185,157,150, 165,131,125,
172,129,118, 154,104,83, 132,79,56, 153,100,84, 151,104,92, 133,93,78, 125,84,67, 162,120,99, 166,122,100, 161,116,94, 156,109,88,
141,106,89, 124,110,100, 94,83,73, 98,90,83, 95,90,84, 92,89,82, 90,87,79, 88,86,77, 87,86,79, 87,86,78, 91,89,81,
100,96,88, 111,106,98, 124,118,109, 135,128,120, 147,142,131, 154,148,135, 160,152,138, 160,151,136, 159,151,137,
//* Line # 9
42,54,52, 41,53,51, 37,49,50, 37,48,49, 36,47,48, 36,46,48, 36,46,48, 41,50,52, 46,54,56, 51,57,54, 55,63,59,
51,61,58, 51,62,60, 52,63,60, 55,62,59, 55,58,55, 84,82,78, 201,189,183, 195,169,159, 180,145,132, 189,155,138, 161,127,110,
141,103,88, 153,123,115, 187,165,160, 219,202,196, 251,237,230, 255,245,238, 252,243,236, 246,240,234, 243,235,223, 227,214,199, 216,193,180,
204,174,156, 197,166,143, 168,133,110, 135,96,75, 138,93,78, 163,116,102, 145,101,82, 131,89,66, 168,125,100, 146,98,75, 151,96,75,
155,110,91, 128,104,89, 115,96,83, 112,99,90, 99,92,85, 98,93,86, 98,94,85, 97,92,83, 98,94,86, 100,95,87, 102,97,88,
107,100,92, 114,106,97, 124,115,106, 134,126,116, 143,136,125, 150,143,130, 157,149,134, 160,152,136, 160,152,137,
//* Line # 10
45,57,54, 43,54,51, 38,50,50, 39,50,51, 38,48,49, 40,50,51, 42,51,52, 45,53,55, 50,58,59, 56,62,58, 59,66,62,
53,64,61, 53,63,60, 56,63,59, 62,63,57, 75,70,62, 175,167,160, 242,224,217, 204,172,163, 186,151,138, 192,159,143, 169,137,121,
107,70,57, 101,68,58, 127,97,88, 161,134,124, 145,122,114, 187,166,156, 221,204,194, 224,206,196, 225,207,193, 230,205,187, 223,186,167,
214,175,155, 193,159,137, 175,139,117, 141,97,75, 148,96,76, 166,113,96, 144,96,75, 129,86,62, 128,86,62, 142,96,75, 149,99,83,
134,88,70, 150,114,93, 146,118,102, 118,100,89, 107,96,89, 106,100,92, 104,98,88, 104,98,87, 108,101,92, 108,101,93, 110,103,94,
114,106,96, 118,110,100, 124,116,105, 131,123,111, 139,129,118, 145,137,124, 151,144,128, 156,149,133, 155,147,132,
//* Line # 11
49,59,56, 44,54,51, 41,52,50, 44,54,53, 41,51,50, 42,52,50, 46,55,54, 49,56,56, 54,61,60, 58,64,60, 58,66,62,
58,67,64, 58,66,63, 60,63,56, 76,69,58, 146,132,118, 232,212,199, 195,166,154, 195,156,145, 167,128,116, 145,112,98, 147,117,103,
111,78,67, 144,113,100, 170,142,128, 137,110,98, 97,68,58, 76,45,35, 110,75,65, 125,88,78, 107,69,58, 125,78,66, 131,72,57,
117,60,44, 115,69,56, 132,87,74, 131,72,56, 81,26,8, 100,58,42, 155,111,92, 161,115,95, 118,72,51, 132,86,66, 142,95,77,
141,94,73, 131,85,60, 139,104,85, 124,101,89, 114,102,93, 111,103,94, 113,105,95, 111,103,92, 112,104,94, 113,106,96, 116,108,98,
119,111,100, 120,113,101, 123,117,104, 129,122,110, 138,126,115, 141,132,118, 146,139,122, 154,148,130, 156,149,133,
//* Line # 12
51,61,57, 47,57,54, 47,58,53, 47,58,53, 45,55,51, 45,54,50, 48,56,52, 51,57,54, 56,63,59, 60,67,62, 60,68,64,
58,68,64, 61,67,62, 72,69,60, 88,73,59, 156,134,115, 193,163,143, 141,103,85, 146,101,87, 151,108,95, 140,107,94, 147,119,107,
108,78,69, 99,61,53, 101,62,54, 85,50,44, 68,37,31, 66,36,29, 75,45,35, 84,51,39, 69,36,27, 83,40,32, 123,68,54,
110,61,48, 74,41,33, 63,33,25, 116,71,56, 98,61,48, 35,12,6, 104,69,58, 128,83,68, 114,62,42, 127,75,50, 137,89,61,
154,103,74, 140,88,60, 135,96,75, 145,120,107, 131,118,109, 122,114,106, 116,108,97, 117,108,97, 116,110,100, 118,111,100, 119,113,101,
123,117,104, 120,115,102, 122,117,103, 128,122,108, 136,122,111, 136,126,112, 139,133,115, 150,145,126, 156,148,131,
//* Line # 13
49,60,55, 49,60,55, 49,60,56, 47,58,54, 45,54,51, 47,55,52, 49,57,54, 52,60,57, 56,64,61, 59,68,66, 64,67,61,
61,64,61, 56,64,62, 90,86,75, 160,134,111, 196,160,137, 158,122,105, 100,69,55, 96,66,53, 108,74,62, 108,70,56, 107,68,54,
95,59,47, 99,66,49, 99,66,48, 93,58,44, 84,47,35, 97,57,46, 103,59,46, 111,63,49, 91,52,40, 73,37,26, 92,50,37,
103,66,54, 82,54,45, 47,24,15, 51,24,12, 97,63,56, 52,31,26, 80,51,40, 126,72,62, 99,60,36, 126,72,46, 144,77,51,
144,93,58, 163,105,74, 150,99,73, 145,105,84, 168,139,125, 156,139,128, 132,122,113, 124,115,105, 126,111,98, 121,109,97, 123,115,103,
124,118,106, 123,118,106, 123,117,104, 127,120,107, 133,123,112, 135,127,115, 137,131,116, 145,139,124, 151,145,129,
//* Line # 14
49,60,55, 49,61,55, 47,58,56, 46,56,54, 43,53,51, 45,54,52, 48,56,55, 51,59,58, 54,61,60, 55,66,66, 64,63,56,
62,63,57, 52,63,65, 77,73,61, 164,130,103, 190,146,123, 117,84,71, 54,34,25, 47,33,24, 58,33,23, 102,60,45, 125,76,58,
125,82,64, 131,90,67, 129,85,61, 121,76,56, 109,64,45, 108,62,44, 120,74,54, 114,68,45, 106,62,44, 88,47,33, 77,37,24,
85,46,35, 96,60,51, 74,43,35, 43,20,11, 64,29,25, 84,59,52, 80,54,44, 114,60,51, 97,68,44, 116,65,41, 147,72,53,
126,75,45, 147,91,64, 164,109,82, 160,109,85, 168,124,104, 161,130,113, 169,148,135, 160,141,129, 157,133,118, 138,119,106, 127,115,104,
123,115,106, 125,119,109, 126,119,108, 127,119,108, 130,124,112, 134,128,116, 136,130,117, 141,135,122, 146,140,126,
//* Line # 15
47,58,53, 47,58,53, 46,57,55, 45,55,53, 44,54,52, 45,54,52, 47,56,54, 50,58,56, 52,59,58, 53,63,64, 60,61,54,
58,62,55, 53,64,64, 73,66,55, 146,112,87, 169,128,106, 106,79,69, 43,28,21, 24,12,7, 62,39,29, 122,80,64, 142,92,71,
137,91,70, 138,91,68, 139,91,67, 132,84,62, 124,77,56, 113,65,45, 129,83,61, 124,78,53, 111,67,47, 98,55,40, 78,36,22,
83,44,33, 76,42,33, 80,52,44, 47,24,17, 38,13,9, 50,28,24, 60,36,29, 83,47,38, 88,53,37, 92,45,27, 149,90,72,
137,85,64, 134,85,64, 126,75,54, 154,103,81, 164,114,92, 182,139,117, 179,143,121, 178,147,127, 194,168,154, 143,122,108, 126,112,101,
124,116,105, 127,121,111, 128,121,111, 127,119,108, 129,122,112, 132,125,114, 135,128,116, 140,133,121, 145,138,125,
//* Line # 16
47,58,54, 47,59,54, 47,58,55, 45,55,53, 46,56,54, 45,54,53, 48,56,54, 50,57,56, 52,59,58, 53,63,65, 60,63,56,
57,64,56, 53,64,63, 83,73,63, 149,112,89, 123,86,65, 44,25,18, 17,8,6, 15,9,5, 65,45,36, 126,84,67, 149,97,74,
148,99,73, 149,98,73, 147,95,70, 136,85,61, 137,86,64, 119,69,47, 137,89,65, 133,85,58, 121,74,51, 105,60,42, 87,42,27,
80,40,28, 68,35,26, 66,40,34, 55,34,30, 34,22,18, 37,19,17, 42,20,16, 46,27,17, 83,44,36, 62,21,12, 114,74,58,
140,86,71, 152,100,79, 158,104,83, 137,81,59, 164,110,88, 167,118,97, 185,141,121, 204,167,148, 185,155,141, 140,115,101, 126,110,98,
124,114,103, 125,118,108, 125,118,108, 126,118,107, 128,120,110, 130,122,112, 136,128,117, 140,132,121, 144,137,125,
//* Line # 17
47,58,55, 49,60,57, 47,58,56, 45,55,53, 44,54,52, 46,54,53, 47,55,54, 49,57,55, 51,59,57, 54,62,66, 58,63,56,
56,67,57, 51,63,61, 91,76,67, 143,104,84, 90,57,39, 23,9,5, 9,6,6, 12,10,8, 58,40,32, 133,92,75, 153,100,76,
149,99,71, 153,102,74, 153,100,74, 142,91,66, 146,94,71, 128,77,54, 146,95,70, 143,93,65, 127,77,52, 114,65,45, 101,54,38,
76,35,23, 64,31,23, 65,41,36, 52,35,33, 20,14,11, 40,24,25, 46,27,25, 30,21,13, 82,44,41, 63,28,20, 53,26,15,
126,74,62, 127,71,47, 144,87,64, 168,112,90, 190,138,119, 204,159,142, 216,184,170, 229,197,184, 167,132,117, 140,111,97, 122,102,90,
123,111,100, 122,113,103, 122,115,105, 124,116,106, 129,119,111, 132,123,114, 135,126,116, 140,130,121, 141,132,121,
//* Line # 18
47,58,56, 49,60,57, 49,60,57, 48,59,56, 48,57,55, 48,56,55, 47,55,54, 49,57,55, 51,59,57, 53,60,65, 56,63,55,
52,68,56, 54,66,63, 92,74,67, 129,88,70, 73,43,27, 28,18,15, 14,14,15, 11,12,10, 44,28,20, 123,85,67, 154,103,78,
152,103,75, 152,104,75, 153,104,77, 148,98,73, 147,96,73, 130,78,55, 144,91,67, 154,101,74, 138,85,60, 120,68,46, 108,60,41,
81,39,27, 57,24,17, 33,11,8, 25,11,11, 13,8,7, 28,15,16, 36,18,18, 28,17,12, 65,33,32, 64,36,31, 55,34,26,
70,29,20, 111,62,42, 97,46,28, 110,60,42, 131,83,68, 144,102,89, 146,113,102, 159,125,114, 124,84,69, 135,102,88, 145,122,110,
123,109,98, 122,113,103, 122,114,104, 122,114,105, 126,116,109, 132,122,114, 134,124,116, 134,124,115, 136,127,116,
//* Line # 19
48,58,56, 49,60,57, 49,60,58, 50,61,58, 50,60,58, 50,59,57, 50,59,57, 53,60,58, 55,62,60, 56,62,68, 57,65,57,
49,69,55, 55,68,64, 102,81,75, 127,85,70, 80,53,37, 27,18,14, 7,9,8, 6,8,6, 26,12,5, 104,67,48, 149,101,75,
153,107,79, 149,106,77, 144,101,73, 145,98,73, 145,95,72, 129,76,55, 151,96,74, 160,103,80, 138,82,56, 138,84,61, 119,70,51,
96,55,42, 58,27,20, 40,19,18, 21,8,9, 15,8,9, 24,11,11, 40,24,24, 34,18,17, 46,21,19, 63,40,36, 51,33,25,
54,28,23, 85,53,48, 99,63,53, 133,93,81, 119,75,62, 99,56,43, 118,78,64, 152,113,97, 155,111,95, 144,108,93, 136,112,100,
122,106,96, 120,111,102, 121,113,104, 122,114,104, 123,113,106, 128,118,110, 132,121,114, 131,121,112, 132,121,112,
//* Line # 20
50,59,57, 51,59,58, 51,62,58, 52,63,60, 51,62,58, 52,60,58, 53,61,60, 54,63,61, 56,66,64, 57,68,69, 59,67,59,
58,70,62, 68,72,71, 125,97,85, 138,94,73, 52,32,24, 7,4,2, 18,15,13, 6,5,3, 16,8,1, 100,68,54, 153,103,82,
156,110,81, 133,94,65, 126,87,60, 116,74,49, 107,63,38, 105,57,33, 144,93,68, 157,104,77, 138,82,54, 157,99,72, 139,85,62,
114,67,49, 63,29,19, 39,20,17, 15,9,12, 10,7,8, 22,9,6, 38,19,13, 55,30,22, 39,16,11, 48,28,24, 48,31,26,
53,33,29, 95,67,61, 117,83,74, 137,97,85, 120,76,62, 120,77,63, 140,98,86, 92,53,40, 178,140,125, 158,126,113, 130,105,93,
123,106,93, 121,110,98, 120,112,104, 119,111,107, 121,111,104, 122,112,105, 126,116,108, 129,119,110, 130,119,111,
//* Line # 21
53,60,58, 55,62,59, 53,64,60, 54,65,61, 54,64,60, 54,63,60, 56,65,62, 57,67,64, 57,67,65, 56,71,66, 62,71,65,
66,68,67, 91,80,77, 156,121,102, 114,74,53, 22,10,9, 3,5,4, 28,21,19, 12,5,4, 11,8,0, 89,62,52, 161,108,93,
154,107,78, 153,107,80, 164,115,94, 151,103,82, 130,81,61, 125,74,53, 135,80,56, 159,99,73, 166,107,78, 170,112,82, 160,102,74,
138,85,62, 99,59,43, 44,22,15, 21,15,14, 6,5,8, 13,7,7, 33,16,10, 51,28,20, 52,32,28, 36,19,17, 34,18,13,
44,22,16, 75,44,36, 124,88,77, 142,101,87, 139,96,81, 115,74,62, 84,47,39, 118,84,74, 169,135,120, 149,118,109, 173,150,141,
140,126,112, 120,111,96, 119,113,106, 117,111,109, 119,112,104, 119,112,103, 120,111,103, 122,113,104, 125,115,107,
//* Line # 22
54,61,58, 56,63,60, 54,65,61, 54,65,61, 55,65,61, 56,65,62, 59,68,65, 63,71,68, 63,70,67, 61,71,66, 60,72,72,
69,67,65, 123,95,80, 148,110,89, 67,40,29, 19,10,10, 1,0,0, 26,18,17, 13,6,5, 5,3,0, 69,43,35, 155,103,89,
161,114,86, 169,117,91, 164,108,89, 139,89,74, 124,77,65, 136,87,74, 163,106,88, 180,114,91, 175,115,86, 172,117,86, 164,109,79,
156,102,77, 119,74,53, 86,52,38, 38,14,6, 17,8,9, 3,2,9, 17,7,9, 31,18,20, 33,21,24, 43,30,31, 48,30,24,
51,28,21, 63,36,35, 101,71,65, 81,45,35, 68,33,22, 95,60,50, 156,121,111, 193,157,145, 149,108,93, 158,126,118, 225,208,203,
189,180,171, 124,119,105, 124,118,107, 121,114,107, 117,110,101, 116,109,100, 117,108,100, 116,108,99, 118,109,101,
//* Line # 23
52,59,57, 54,61,59, 54,63,61, 54,63,60, 55,64,61, 56,66,62, 60,67,64, 64,69,66, 65,69,66, 68,69,63, 64,72,75,
95,84,79, 169,125,99, 117,74,52, 64,48,46, 16,10,12, 0,0,0, 20,14,14, 12,7,6, 1,0,0, 56,32,24, 153,102,88,
160,112,86, 150,106,76, 105,64,43, 83,52,38, 63,36,25, 84,55,44, 122,84,63, 162,112,84, 171,118,87, 169,116,85, 164,110,80,
156,102,74, 133,81,56, 117,70,50, 90,47,33, 47,18,12, 27,10,8, 29,9,7, 33,16,17, 16,7,11, 13,6,9, 32,18,14,
50,31,25, 81,56,56, 144,115,110, 192,160,150, 202,177,163, 211,181,165, 200,162,145, 182,142,125, 130,87,71, 139,105,99, 195,175,174,
213,205,198, 134,131,117, 134,130,115, 124,118,105, 113,107,97, 108,102,92, 110,103,94, 110,102,93, 110,101,93,
//* Line # 24
52,59,57, 52,58,56, 53,60,59, 55,64,61, 55,65,61, 55,65,60, 60,67,62, 65,68,64, 71,69,66, 71,65,56, 85,80,78,
155,131,119, 158,106,77, 108,66,45, 65,51,50, 11,5,6, 4,2,1, 14,8,9, 13,9,9, 0,0,0, 47,25,18, 149,98,86,
165,116,91, 156,112,82, 116,76,50, 118,85,66, 99,71,57, 114,85,69, 125,88,66, 154,107,79, 167,116,86, 168,116,86, 161,109,79,
153,100,72, 161,108,81, 166,112,88, 169,114,92, 156,106,84, 131,86,64, 103,59,41, 68,35,24, 27,10,9, 8,1,3, 6,2,1,
13,1,1, 32,9,8, 75,49,43, 109,77,66, 138,101,85, 154,113,95, 163,121,100, 159,116,95, 122,80,65, 142,107,101, 215,191,189,
183,169,160, 168,160,143, 134,128,109, 128,121,106, 123,118,107, 109,104,93, 105,99,89, 104,97,88, 106,98,91,
//* Line # 25
52,59,57, 52,59,57, 54,59,59, 54,61,60, 55,64,60, 56,65,60, 61,67,61, 65,65,60, 83,78,74, 101,85,74, 139,114,101,
164,125,106, 123,74,51, 117,77,60, 64,44,37, 24,14,12, 5,2,2, 7,3,3, 13,9,10, 0,1,0, 39,19,13, 143,92,81,
167,118,95, 173,121,96, 172,116,94, 160,107,88, 163,112,95, 164,112,95, 171,115,96, 180,120,99, 171,115,90, 171,118,91, 166,115,88,
154,103,76, 160,108,82, 175,121,95, 180,122,98, 186,127,101, 183,123,92, 161,100,69, 124,74,50, 76,45,34, 15,4,3, 3,2,3,
7,4,4, 16,1,0, 25,7,3, 40,15,8, 73,43,31, 98,61,47, 126,85,67, 114,72,55, 122,85,73, 151,116,108, 201,169,161,
156,131,115, 160,143,120, 152,143,122, 137,131,115, 124,120,106, 109,104,92, 101,95,85, 101,95,86, 103,95,88,
//* Line # 26
51,58,56, 54,60,58, 57,61,61, 57,63,63, 55,65,61, 53,64,58, 61,67,60, 72,71,65, 93,87,84, 137,116,104, 188,144,119,
153,100,73, 123,81,66, 108,73,61, 84,54,39, 41,25,19, 4,1,2, 5,1,3, 10,8,10, 5,10,5, 34,16,8, 133,82,72,
166,115,94, 171,125,100, 176,127,102, 184,132,105, 190,135,106, 189,133,106, 188,134,109, 179,129,106, 173,120,97, 172,117,93, 170,120,95,
158,110,85, 155,107,82, 171,119,94, 182,126,102, 187,132,109, 181,125,101, 172,109,80, 148,91,62, 100,59,40, 25,7,3, 5,2,2,
3,5,6, 4,3,5, 14,8,10, 26,15,14, 37,18,15, 58,32,26, 74,40,32, 93,59,48, 90,59,49, 108,71,61, 142,102,87,
150,113,89, 181,157,129, 160,148,126, 137,132,117, 123,121,106, 108,104,92, 100,95,84, 99,93,84, 98,91,85,
//* Line # 27
50,58,54, 54,61,58, 57,63,64, 56,62,59, 57,66,61, 59,68,64, 72,76,74, 78,71,66, 106,89,78, 171,130,111, 157,108,82,
113,72,49, 112,78,64, 112,72,59, 108,69,56, 50,31,26, 3,1,2, 7,3,5, 10,8,9, 11,10,8, 34,19,14, 95,56,45,
161,113,90, 167,122,95, 177,131,102, 183,134,105, 189,141,110, 191,145,113, 189,143,114, 178,131,106, 171,119,94, 169,116,90, 177,125,100,
172,122,98, 158,108,84, 162,111,87, 176,125,99, 185,133,110, 175,125,101, 168,112,81, 157,93,66, 109,63,44, 22,10,4, 2,1,0,
7,5,8, 8,8,10, 11,7,9, 32,22,23, 60,46,45, 71,52,51, 60,39,37, 38,19,16, 35,21,14, 47,22,15, 85,47,35,
154,110,91, 200,164,142, 199,180,163, 181,173,161, 134,126,111, 117,109,95, 121,113,100, 104,96,86, 96,90,82,
//* Line # 28
49,56,53, 52,58,57, 53,61,64, 57,64,61, 61,67,61, 73,79,77, 76,74,76, 98,82,74, 148,118,97, 176,116,90, 118,75,54,
103,81,65, 107,77,61, 129,83,67, 114,73,63, 58,37,34, 7,4,4, 5,4,3, 10,4,5, 17,10,13, 25,13,14, 57,32,23,
142,99,77, 169,116,87, 179,122,95, 187,131,104, 191,140,114, 189,144,116, 188,141,114, 183,126,101, 168,111,83, 171,118,88, 185,130,104,
188,133,109, 170,115,92, 161,108,84, 169,119,92, 180,126,100, 173,121,90, 165,111,75, 159,92,66, 112,66,51, 14,11,5, 0,3,2,
8,1,4, 14,6,5, 22,10,8, 38,21,19, 37,18,16, 32,15,14, 28,15,14, 28,19,18, 32,25,21, 52,37,34, 78,47,41,
120,76,63, 182,138,123, 216,185,171, 191,173,161, 138,123,107, 129,114,99, 131,117,103, 118,107,95, 94,85,76,
//* Line # 29
46,52,53, 49,55,56, 54,62,65, 57,63,62, 75,79,75, 73,75,71, 80,73,69, 123,101,87, 158,120,96, 139,85,61, 112,73,55,
101,78,65, 112,82,67, 136,90,74, 119,77,65, 62,35,30, 13,8,8, 11,7,8, 8,3,4, 15,10,13, 19,11,14, 21,3,2,
105,67,51, 162,111,82, 175,116,86, 182,122,94, 183,127,99, 183,134,105, 185,137,108, 176,121,95, 170,112,85, 173,117,88, 180,124,97,
181,125,101, 161,107,82, 161,108,82, 170,117,90, 175,120,93, 173,118,89, 166,109,76, 156,93,69, 108,67,53, 13,7,3, 1,1,1,
14,4,7, 19,8,9, 29,14,13, 31,12,11, 34,12,10, 39,19,17, 49,32,32, 43,26,24, 56,34,28, 56,33,27, 90,60,50,
102,63,45, 141,98,76, 176,139,120, 196,166,151, 160,140,124, 142,123,108, 137,120,106, 141,125,114, 105,91,82,
//* Line # 30
47,52,54, 51,56,58, 55,62,63, 62,66,66, 73,72,71, 70,66,61, 97,83,71, 151,120,99, 161,112,84, 124,74,52, 109,73,58,
100,76,65, 124,93,79, 132,88,70, 124,82,65, 69,36,28, 23,12,13, 15,9,10, 10,4,4, 8,3,7, 25,19,22, 19,7,8,
58,30,20, 150,102,75, 172,112,81, 179,116,87, 182,122,92, 181,129,97, 180,129,100, 174,119,93, 171,112,85, 167,108,79, 171,113,87,
171,115,90, 164,108,84, 161,106,81, 169,112,86, 169,113,86, 171,114,85, 167,106,78, 152,95,73, 94,62,50, 9,2,0, 11,5,6,
24,12,15, 23,11,12, 34,16,17, 39,17,17, 46,21,20, 57,33,31, 53,31,31, 45,22,21, 48,18,16, 53,30,27, 54,32,23,
89,60,42, 124,87,64, 161,119,100, 172,133,117, 200,173,155, 192,167,151, 151,128,115, 139,118,107, 116,97,87,
//* Line # 31
56,58,59, 63,64,65, 64,68,64, 73,71,71, 79,72,73, 81,71,64, 140,120,100, 180,141,113, 161,103,73, 131,83,59, 119,83,68,
110,80,70, 131,96,82, 134,92,69, 138,94,74, 77,37,27, 37,19,19, 22,10,11, 19,9,8, 8,3,5, 14,11,13, 43,30,30,
38,16,14, 112,68,47, 168,111,82, 177,113,84, 181,117,87, 180,123,91, 178,124,94, 175,118,91, 177,116,90, 173,113,86, 166,109,84,
162,107,83, 160,107,83, 157,101,78, 165,107,83, 166,111,84, 170,112,85, 167,105,81, 146,100,79, 64,43,35, 5,0,0, 24,14,15,
24,13,14, 28,15,18, 31,13,14, 45,21,20, 42,15,13, 45,19,17, 53,29,27, 42,17,16, 47,21,23, 45,29,31, 28,16,13,
57,38,26, 133,100,83, 180,137,119, 204,161,145, 227,196,175, 191,162,144, 161,135,119, 133,109,96, 127,102,90,
//* Line # 32
69,66,64, 73,70,67, 78,77,68, 89,81,79, 99,86,87, 97,81,70, 174,148,122, 180,136,103, 161,97,67, 131,82,56, 128,87,70,
130,91,80, 139,100,83, 137,95,69, 141,96,73, 89,44,32, 49,24,22, 31,13,11, 26,11,8, 17,10,10, 7,4,7, 32,23,24,
63,42,39, 81,44,29, 150,99,75, 174,112,87, 180,115,86, 181,121,89, 177,121,89, 176,118,90, 173,113,88, 160,99,76, 157,101,78,
160,108,86, 160,109,88, 142,89,67, 128,71,49, 158,105,79, 166,110,83, 166,103,81, 131,95,75, 22,14,10, 11,3,3, 29,16,16,
20,11,10, 25,14,16, 27,10,11, 39,15,14, 48,21,18, 54,27,24, 56,31,27, 44,21,18, 41,22,24, 33,23,26, 26,16,17,
61,40,33, 89,53,38, 147,100,82, 200,153,135, 206,171,148, 188,156,136, 159,132,115, 147,121,107, 169,142,128,
//* Line # 33
82,76,69, 85,79,72, 95,89,74, 103,90,87, 106,87,89, 117,96,85, 172,143,112, 174,127,90, 167,99,69, 144,93,64, 138,92,72,
132,87,75, 152,109,90, 148,106,77, 151,107,81, 104,56,43, 61,31,28, 44,21,17, 38,20,13, 26,17,15, 12,9,11, 13,4,6,
40,18,17, 77,45,31, 118,73,54, 173,113,92, 181,115,88, 183,120,89, 178,121,89, 178,118,88, 146,85,61, 141,82,62, 175,122,101,
186,138,118, 175,127,108, 140,88,70, 133,76,58, 160,110,85, 167,112,84, 166,104,82, 91,63,46, 2,0,0, 15,7,6, 29,16,15,
19,13,10, 17,7,9, 26,11,11, 39,17,16, 48,22,18, 63,37,33, 49,24,19, 43,22,16, 41,26,20, 34,21,22, 38,21,21,
89,57,50, 181,134,118, 201,146,124, 195,141,117, 195,159,133, 183,150,129, 186,158,141, 217,192,177, 209,181,165,
//* Line # 34
96,86,77, 96,85,76, 105,93,80, 111,94,87, 109,88,83, 131,107,92, 171,138,111, 162,117,85, 173,114,86, 161,105,74, 162,109,83,
151,101,79, 147,101,76, 152,107,79, 162,116,91, 112,63,47, 69,32,24, 54,27,21, 43,24,20, 32,22,20, 18,11,11, 13,3,4,
22,7,8, 37,16,9, 74,41,28, 142,93,73, 173,114,85, 179,117,84, 179,119,87, 176,118,90, 151,91,67, 139,79,56, 141,85,64,
143,89,70, 148,95,77, 150,95,76, 156,98,78, 167,114,88, 163,112,84, 147,99,81, 36,18,13, 0,0,1, 18,12,12, 28,14,13,
23,13,9, 17,6,7, 24,8,8, 40,18,16, 55,31,27, 53,29,25, 47,24,20, 38,21,17, 24,15,12, 24,13,13, 38,19,20,
90,57,53, 137,91,79, 109,55,37, 152,100,80, 201,167,145, 219,186,165, 241,210,188, 233,203,180, 211,181,160,
//* Line # 35
107,93,84, 109,95,86, 114,97,89, 117,100,88, 116,96,81, 127,101,84, 167,133,113, 131,90,68, 170,126,102, 189,133,104, 193,137,106,
198,147,116, 182,135,105, 174,126,101, 142,93,71, 118,67,48, 76,33,19, 57,27,21, 34,18,18, 28,18,19, 20,10,8, 16,6,4,
16,9,10, 15,6,7, 35,17,11, 79,45,28, 153,103,74, 171,112,79, 174,114,83, 173,116,90, 176,118,91, 165,103,76, 161,100,76,
170,109,89, 171,111,91, 164,105,83, 167,110,84, 174,116,89, 164,114,89, 98,71,58, 3,0,0, 0,0,1, 14,10,12, 33,19,16,
31,14,11, 20,7,7, 34,16,15, 50,28,26, 50,27,25, 46,25,23, 39,22,20, 24,12,11, 18,15,14, 26,19,18, 32,18,18,
41,19,18, 56,26,23, 59,23,18, 93,52,45, 146,103,91, 179,134,116, 177,130,107, 165,120,93, 156,115,92,
//* Line # 36
109,95,86, 109,95,85, 110,95,84, 116,100,88, 117,100,85, 115,94,77, 153,126,107, 110,79,59, 116,79,59, 155,108,82, 182,136,108,
212,168,141, 215,175,149, 198,153,129, 187,136,115, 124,69,50, 72,30,17, 53,24,19, 30,15,15, 23,14,15, 19,10,8, 19,9,7,
19,11,11, 6,1,1, 25,11,8, 50,19,10, 101,53,36, 152,94,71, 169,109,82, 171,115,85, 174,116,86, 175,116,87, 171,112,86,
167,108,85, 169,111,88, 177,119,95, 178,122,96, 173,115,87, 160,108,83, 73,43,31, 6,0,0, 0,0,2, 12,8,11, 30,17,15,
28,12,10, 27,12,15, 37,19,20, 41,19,19, 37,15,14, 26,8,6, 20,6,6, 26,16,13, 23,19,10, 22,16,10, 24,16,11,
32,20,16, 36,18,15, 64,41,37, 100,69,62, 148,94,80, 167,113,94, 163,108,86, 148,96,74, 144,98,80,
//* Line # 37
109,95,84, 108,94,83, 110,95,81, 111,96,83, 115,101,85, 108,92,76, 128,108,91, 119,95,79, 105,77,61, 136,99,78, 123,86,63,
150,115,92, 197,161,139, 205,164,143, 190,140,121, 129,71,52, 75,33,22, 46,19,15, 28,14,16, 19,11,12, 16,7,5, 20,10,8,
21,12,12, 3,1,1, 18,9,8, 46,17,16, 77,30,23, 115,56,42, 150,90,66, 168,112,79, 173,116,83, 178,118,88, 180,121,92,
182,124,96, 181,124,96, 184,128,100, 177,121,92, 169,110,81, 143,88,63, 72,40,29, 7,0,0, 1,1,3, 7,4,7, 24,13,11,
23,8,7, 30,14,18, 30,12,14, 32,11,12, 30,9,9, 31,14,13, 30,18,17, 22,14,12, 10,7,2, 5,3,0, 9,4,1,
36,26,22, 52,35,31, 46,23,18, 82,52,42, 146,103,80, 187,145,120, 187,145,119, 188,152,127, 185,156,136,
//* Line # 38
115,101,89, 110,96,84, 111,96,81, 113,99,83, 114,100,84, 111,97,81, 102,85,69, 137,116,101, 121,98,84, 126,94,75, 131,100,81,
107,80,62, 132,103,86, 181,146,129, 189,144,128, 139,84,67, 73,33,23, 40,15,12, 22,9,12, 15,7,10, 15,6,5, 24,14,12,
20,11,11, 4,1,2, 22,11,12, 47,17,17, 83,34,28, 126,67,52, 143,83,57, 152,95,61, 166,108,74, 178,118,86, 182,123,91,
184,125,93, 180,122,90, 175,118,87, 169,112,82, 159,99,69, 138,81,56, 77,42,31, 9,0,0, 1,1,3, 7,6,8, 19,11,10,
22,8,8, 23,9,12, 37,18,20, 39,19,18, 41,20,19, 47,30,28, 27,13,11, 15,7,6, 9,7,12, 9,7,10, 11,5,6,
41,28,24, 48,23,17, 82,46,36, 129,87,73, 166,126,103, 206,164,141, 205,164,141, 198,162,139, 207,178,159,
//* Line # 39
117,104,90, 115,102,88, 128,111,96, 124,108,92, 119,104,88, 115,99,82, 111,92,76, 118,96,80, 135,109,95, 147,115,98, 161,132,116,
171,148,133, 211,192,179, 204,177,164, 202,165,152, 146,99,84, 68,32,23, 37,14,12, 17,5,8, 14,7,10, 17,8,8, 30,19,16,
16,7,6, 12,3,5, 32,14,14, 58,23,17, 103,51,36, 138,76,53, 158,95,65, 158,98,64, 155,94,60, 167,104,71, 174,112,77,
175,114,78, 169,109,74, 161,101,68, 163,104,73, 161,97,68, 138,79,53, 82,45,33, 9,0,0, 0,0,3, 3,4,6, 12,5,5,
27,16,14, 22,9,9, 32,14,13, 43,21,19, 55,31,29, 50,28,26, 40,21,19, 24,10,11, 14,6,14, 13,7,12, 16,8,10,
29,14,12, 39,13,7, 65,26,18, 102,56,46, 135,82,68, 163,109,94, 165,110,95, 151,98,84, 132,83,70,
//* Line # 40
123,110,95, 124,110,95, 139,121,106, 134,116,100, 127,109,93, 123,104,86, 122,99,82, 124,96,80, 127,96,80, 152,117,101, 168,138,123,
186,165,154, 218,202,192, 233,215,206, 208,179,169, 139,101,88, 68,34,27, 41,18,18, 13,2,6, 8,2,5, 20,11,10, 27,16,13,
10,2,2, 23,9,12, 43,18,16, 85,44,29, 127,71,44, 147,83,48, 164,99,63, 167,104,72, 165,102,69, 166,99,66, 171,107,70,
174,110,72, 170,107,70, 167,104,69, 168,105,74, 162,96,66, 134,74,49, 89,53,37, 10,1,0, 0,0,3, 1,1,3, 6,2,2,
18,9,6, 29,18,14, 35,18,14, 50,27,23, 62,36,32, 64,37,33, 51,26,24, 43,20,18, 30,12,9, 20,7,5, 18,10,8,
21,12,10, 25,10,10, 36,12,12, 48,16,14, 83,38,28, 107,59,48, 118,68,56, 112,61,48, 155,105,90,
//* Line # 41
137,124,106, 137,125,106, 145,126,111, 160,139,125, 178,157,144, 169,148,136, 186,165,152, 203,182,168, 221,201,186, 228,197,182, 208,176,161,
212,184,170, 221,201,189, 239,223,213, 216,188,180, 123,86,80, 67,36,29, 35,14,16, 14,4,11, 12,9,9, 19,15,11, 11,3,3,
18,9,8, 41,16,12, 73,35,25, 111,62,42, 136,78,46, 154,89,52, 164,100,62, 166,103,69, 170,106,73, 172,106,73, 173,108,73,
175,111,74, 172,107,72, 172,108,73, 170,106,74, 157,92,60, 132,71,43, 109,66,49, 31,9,7, 4,0,2, 1,1,4, 2,1,4,
6,1,3, 17,7,7, 33,17,15, 45,22,17, 55,27,22, 50,22,17, 46,23,22, 37,18,16, 40,21,14, 35,20,14, 30,21,16,
27,21,18, 30,20,19, 38,22,25, 52,31,32, 73,46,36, 80,46,34, 96,53,38, 129,81,63, 165,118,98,
//* Line # 42
151,138,116, 154,140,117, 162,142,123, 189,166,150, 226,200,190, 221,193,186, 218,192,185, 225,206,196, 215,199,188, 228,196,174, 204,165,138,
187,146,116, 179,137,108, 199,158,133, 206,164,146, 127,84,72, 69,40,29, 44,22,28, 25,13,24, 18,16,10, 7,6,1, 17,5,9,
39,21,18, 77,37,23, 108,56,38, 126,70,48, 142,83,54, 153,92,59, 160,98,63, 167,107,71, 171,109,75, 174,109,77, 174,110,77,
177,113,80, 173,109,76, 174,110,76, 172,107,74, 153,89,55, 131,70,39, 124,72,54, 73,35,31, 32,12,16, 4,1,4, 1,1,5,
0,1,5, 2,2,5, 13,8,7, 24,12,7, 40,17,12, 48,23,20, 32,17,17, 24,14,15, 29,14,12, 27,15,12, 26,14,12,
28,17,14, 28,13,11, 33,14,14, 40,20,19, 48,26,20, 67,35,24, 125,79,62, 156,101,80, 149,95,77,
//* Line # 43
166,148,124, 172,152,127, 179,159,131, 189,164,139, 200,172,153, 188,152,137, 147,103,91, 163,121,110, 136,90,77, 175,126,94, 221,172,134,
217,167,128, 210,159,120, 205,157,120, 209,161,130, 127,80,53, 76,45,29, 45,21,24, 27,10,15, 18,7,2, 18,3,0, 41,14,19,
72,39,33, 102,58,43, 115,63,45, 134,79,57, 147,90,63, 153,93,62, 159,97,65, 167,106,73, 172,110,77, 175,112,79, 176,113,79,
177,114,80, 174,112,78, 174,110,77, 170,107,73, 147,84,52, 130,70,42, 128,76,58, 91,51,44, 46,19,19, 12,0,1, 6,0,0,
2,0,0, 0,2,1, 0,3,0, 5,4,2, 17,7,6, 43,24,25, 32,14,16, 24,10,10, 32,16,15, 27,14,12, 21,9,8,
18,7,5, 17,6,4, 25,11,10, 28,13,12, 43,22,16, 64,34,25, 124,83,69, 163,115,98, 140,92,75,
//* Line # 44
182,156,130, 186,159,132, 177,147,117, 193,164,138, 216,183,161, 174,129,112, 170,119,105, 163,108,95, 153,98,83, 146,89,69, 144,86,64,
145,87,65, 147,90,68, 131,78,57, 125,74,57, 76,26,13, 49,16,3, 36,8,7, 38,12,11, 48,23,12, 78,47,43, 85,42,49,
105,57,48, 109,59,40, 111,60,41, 124,71,49, 136,80,56, 143,85,58, 153,94,65, 161,102,70, 171,110,78, 176,114,81, 177,115,82,
177,115,82, 173,111,78, 172,110,78, 163,101,68, 145,83,52, 129,71,46, 122,69,50, 109,65,53, 63,26,20, 59,29,25, 44,18,15,
26,9,7, 10,3,1, 2,3,0, 0,1,0, 5,0,1, 28,13,16, 36,19,19, 27,11,9, 52,35,34, 40,24,23, 31,18,15,
28,16,13, 29,18,15, 35,25,22, 45,33,30, 58,39,34, 59,34,27, 82,49,38, 110,71,58, 115,75,61,
//* Line # 45
198,167,139, 187,151,123, 182,136,113, 219,173,152, 182,135,118, 177,131,116, 181,137,122, 179,135,119, 177,133,116, 178,125,112, 171,116,103,
162,106,93, 153,98,86, 144,92,81, 130,83,73, 111,65,57, 89,53,39, 83,50,42, 97,61,54, 120,83,68, 142,97,96, 111,56,66,
144,87,77, 145,92,71, 136,85,66, 131,79,58, 128,75,53, 128,73,49, 134,77,51, 144,86,59, 158,98,68, 167,106,75, 174,114,83,
172,112,81, 166,105,75, 166,105,75, 155,94,63, 142,82,54, 122,64,42, 113,60,40, 108,60,43, 75,32,20, 80,38,29, 97,55,49,
83,41,35, 63,25,19, 40,13,8, 29,10,8, 22,4,5, 24,6,6, 37,21,17, 25,11,6, 44,25,23, 53,33,31, 34,16,13,
33,17,13, 33,18,14, 30,17,14, 37,24,20, 40,22,19, 39,19,14, 43,19,13, 79,51,44, 109,77,67,
//* Line # 46
207,172,144, 178,137,109, 191,134,114, 177,121,103, 173,123,106, 173,128,113, 172,131,115, 171,133,115, 173,135,116, 177,133,110, 175,127,104,
173,124,102, 169,121,99, 165,119,97, 159,115,94, 150,109,87, 142,103,84, 138,99,86, 142,99,86, 147,101,84, 144,91,94, 115,55,70,
156,98,88, 160,106,84, 153,102,82, 150,99,80, 147,96,76, 146,93,73, 152,97,74, 150,92,67, 150,90,64, 154,94,68, 159,99,73,
158,98,71, 152,92,66, 155,96,69, 141,81,54, 130,71,48, 114,57,37, 105,51,30, 103,52,32, 92,43,28, 91,41,31, 89,38,33,
108,51,47, 109,48,38, 101,52,41, 86,45,34, 64,25,17, 50,17,11, 41,19,12, 29,12,5, 33,10,6, 38,15,10, 44,19,15,
47,21,17, 41,19,14, 45,24,19, 35,15,10, 32,16,14, 35,20,17, 28,13,11, 41,23,19, 62,37,30,
//* Line # 47
196,158,130, 190,146,119, 168,110,86, 173,116,94, 172,120,99, 172,125,104, 173,127,107, 178,131,111, 180,133,112, 179,134,112, 177,131,109,
175,127,108, 172,122,104, 170,120,103, 166,119,100, 160,114,94, 157,113,93, 158,113,97, 160,111,93, 157,107,88, 145,88,96, 116,58,78,
157,104,95, 157,106,82, 157,105,85, 158,108,89, 156,106,89, 155,104,86, 158,105,84, 166,110,87, 159,100,77, 154,94,72, 148,89,66,
148,88,65, 151,91,69, 154,94,72, 147,88,65, 145,85,66, 141,83,66, 139,84,63, 139,86,65, 140,87,70, 143,89,79, 111,55,53,
137,78,72, 148,88,68, 139,83,61, 124,70,46, 114,60,39, 104,56,44, 69,36,28, 36,13,5, 48,24,15, 54,26,20, 70,40,34,
56,24,20, 67,36,31, 67,38,32, 51,25,19, 25,12,11, 27,16,16, 20,12,11, 21,10,8, 39,20,15,
//* Line # 48
180,141,112, 183,135,108, 162,105,78, 173,118,92, 173,121,96, 174,124,101, 176,126,105, 180,128,107, 181,129,108, 178,130,114, 176,128,114,
175,125,114, 174,122,112, 174,122,112, 174,123,112, 171,120,110, 169,123,103, 168,119,107, 163,118,101, 166,111,94, 146,89,99, 123,62,86,
157,110,98, 156,106,86, 156,104,84, 156,107,88, 160,110,92, 161,110,92, 157,105,85, 163,108,87, 164,107,86, 159,101,80, 151,93,73,
154,97,76, 159,102,81, 158,101,80, 158,100,79, 156,99,80, 154,99,80, 155,101,79, 156,104,80, 158,106,84, 161,107,93, 130,74,68,
118,61,57, 130,76,60, 128,75,45, 130,74,46, 138,81,59, 134,80,58, 107,61,46, 47,14,9, 53,29,26, 70,39,32, 87,48,39,
90,47,36, 87,45,34, 90,52,42, 91,58,50, 53,28,21, 27,10,8, 23,11,11, 15,6,7, 38,22,20,
//* Line # 49
179,138,109, 177,125,96, 159,103,78, 173,118,94, 175,121,98, 175,123,101, 176,126,105, 176,127,108, 176,129,110, 176,128,110, 173,125,107,
173,125,108, 176,127,111, 174,126,112, 177,128,115, 176,127,114, 174,132,108, 175,126,121, 166,127,115, 177,120,104, 145,88,99, 133,66,92,
161,118,99, 157,108,95, 157,108,89, 155,105,86, 157,107,88, 160,108,88, 160,108,88, 158,106,85, 160,106,86, 162,107,87, 158,103,83,
160,105,84, 161,106,85, 158,104,83, 156,101,80, 157,104,84, 157,106,85, 156,106,81, 156,106,78, 156,105,79, 153,101,81, 135,82,67,
106,50,50, 119,63,64, 121,69,41, 129,75,53, 138,83,68, 142,90,59, 135,81,54, 74,28,22, 42,19,19, 84,49,43, 101,55,41,
111,58,40, 131,80,61, 95,50,35, 97,55,40, 104,60,43, 53,21,11, 31,13,11, 27,15,17, 27,12,11,
//* Line # 50
190,148,119, 169,116,89, 158,101,76, 171,116,91, 175,121,98, 176,123,101, 177,126,105, 178,128,107, 177,127,107, 174,126,108, 173,125,108,
172,124,107, 173,126,110, 175,128,114, 180,133,120, 182,135,123, 180,137,115, 179,131,124, 170,130,116, 178,123,110, 142,84,98, 144,80,100,
164,120,102, 161,113,98, 161,112,93, 157,108,89, 154,104,85, 155,104,85, 159,108,88, 158,106,85, 155,102,81, 158,104,84, 161,107,87,
158,105,84, 155,101,81, 153,99,78, 153,99,78, 156,103,83, 156,105,85, 156,105,83, 154,103,77, 152,100,76, 150,98,78, 142,90,75,
111,56,54, 123,66,68, 130,76,57, 131,78,59, 137,83,65, 139,88,57, 140,88,60, 118,70,56, 58,23,15, 66,26,17, 98,53,41,
108,59,46, 133,86,70, 126,81,65, 87,42,25, 104,59,43, 85,51,41, 42,20,17, 30,14,15, 34,14,13,
//* Line # 51
182,139,112, 164,109,83, 162,105,80, 169,113,89, 174,119,94, 176,122,98, 175,122,100, 175,122,100, 175,123,102, 173,124,104, 171,121,103,
172,124,106, 175,128,112, 174,128,114, 181,136,123, 182,138,126, 181,138,119, 178,132,123, 172,129,114, 176,122,114, 138,76,96, 158,97,108,
171,125,109, 167,119,104, 163,115,97, 161,113,95, 159,109,91, 159,108,90, 159,108,88, 158,107,87, 156,105,84, 155,102,82, 158,105,85,
156,103,83, 154,102,82, 153,101,81, 152,100,80, 154,102,83, 155,104,85, 154,103,82, 151,101,78, 152,102,79, 151,100,81, 147,96,80,
123,69,63, 111,54,58, 139,85,77, 136,84,72, 135,84,64, 138,87,57, 141,90,61, 142,89,69, 120,72,53, 74,28,13, 65,20,9,
91,48,36, 114,69,56, 126,79,62, 110,62,42, 85,38,22, 96,58,48, 47,21,18, 28,7,7, 44,19,18,
//* Line # 52
163,119,93, 163,108,83, 168,111,86, 171,115,90, 177,121,96, 176,121,96, 175,121,97, 175,121,97, 174,120,96, 172,119,97, 167,114,94,
171,120,101, 173,124,107, 173,127,111, 180,136,122, 184,141,128, 184,140,123, 178,135,124, 178,133,115, 177,124,122, 136,71,96, 165,109,109,
170,123,109, 166,121,104, 166,118,102, 165,117,99, 166,117,99, 162,112,94, 160,110,91, 158,107,88, 157,106,86, 155,104,84, 155,104,84,
158,106,86, 159,108,88, 160,109,89, 158,106,87, 156,105,86, 155,105,86, 154,103,84, 153,103,82, 152,102,82, 151,101,83, 150,99,82,
142,88,77, 110,53,54, 136,81,85, 142,91,85, 139,91,68, 138,89,60, 143,91,64, 150,95,69, 151,95,69, 136,85,65, 100,54,40,
76,32,20, 83,37,23, 113,63,44, 126,75,53, 95,46,31, 75,34,24, 65,35,30, 46,20,19, 49,21,19,
//* Line # 53
172,128,103, 162,105,82, 171,114,89, 173,117,91, 177,120,95, 177,121,95, 178,121,96, 176,120,95, 174,117,92, 170,112,87, 164,107,83,
170,115,93, 174,123,102, 175,128,109, 183,138,120, 184,141,125, 184,138,123, 176,135,123, 181,135,113, 172,122,125, 135,67,98, 174,121,112,
175,127,114, 167,123,105, 166,119,103, 164,117,100, 165,117,100, 163,114,96, 162,112,93, 160,110,91, 159,109,89, 156,106,87, 154,104,85,
154,104,85, 158,108,89, 160,111,91, 162,112,91, 160,111,92, 160,110,92, 158,108,90, 156,107,88, 155,105,87, 154,105,86, 154,103,85,
155,103,85, 129,72,69, 119,64,77, 146,96,94, 142,97,72, 140,93,66, 143,91,67, 148,93,67, 154,98,71, 153,98,76, 150,98,80,
145,94,78, 121,70,53, 102,50,29, 106,55,33, 108,60,45, 68,27,16, 53,21,14, 97,70,65, 53,25,20,
//* Line # 54
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//* Line # 55
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//* Line # 56
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//* Line # 57
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166,106,78, 169,110,82, 169,112,84, 167,109,82, 166,105,77, 153,98,73, 124,76,57, 75,35,20, 57,22,12,
//* Line # 58
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182,120,146, 173,127,122, 163,124,107, 160,117,99, 155,110,90, 153,106,85, 153,102,82, 157,104,86, 162,109,92, 167,117,98, 172,124,108,
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163,104,74, 171,112,83, 171,113,88, 170,112,87, 172,111,83, 160,104,78, 134,83,62, 79,37,21, 63,28,18,
void DisplayRawRGB(uint8_t *rgbData, int xLoc, int yLoc)
int imageWidth, imageHeight;
int byte1, byte2;
long dataIndex;
int ii, jj;
RGBColor myColor;
int myXX, myYY;
dataIndex = 0;
byte1 = pgm_read_byte(rgbData + dataIndex++);
byte2 = pgm_read_byte(rgbData + dataIndex++);
imageWidth = (byte1 << 8) + byte2;
byte1 = pgm_read_byte(rgbData + dataIndex++);
byte2 = pgm_read_byte(rgbData + dataIndex++);
imageHeight = (byte1 << 8) + byte2;
//* if x,y are negitive, then center
myXX = xLoc;
myYY = yLoc;
if (myXX < 0)
myXX = (gWidth - imageWidth) / 2;
if (myYY < 0)
myYY = (gHeight - imageHeight) / 2;
if (imageWidth < 100)
myXX = 0;
myYY = 0;
for (jj=0; jj<imageHeight; jj++)
for (ii=0; ii<imageWidth; ii++)
{ = pgm_read_byte(rgbData + dataIndex++); = pgm_read_byte(rgbData + dataIndex++); = pgm_read_byte(rgbData + dataIndex++);
if (imageWidth < 100)
short doubleX, doubleY;
doubleX = myXX + (2 * ii);
doubleY = myYY + (2 * jj);
setPixel(doubleX, doubleY, &myColor);
setPixel(doubleX + 1, doubleY, &myColor);
setPixel(doubleX, doubleY + 1, &myColor);
setPixel(doubleX + 1, doubleY + 1, &myColor);
setPixel((myXX + ii), (myYY + jj), &myColor);
void DisplayRGBimage()
DisplayRawRGB(gRGBimage, -1, -1);
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