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Last active February 15, 2016 08:25
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e-Gizmo SD/MMC Card Shield test
Sample codes
Note: if you are using Arduino Mega
Please connect the ff. SPI connection:
SD/MMC Card Shield--->SPI--->ArduinoMEGA
D10--->SS ---> D53
D11--->MOSI---> D51
D12--->MISO---> D50
D13--->SCK ---> D52
e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central
#include <SD.h>
// On the Ethernet Shield, CS is pin 4. Note that even if it's not
// used as the CS pin, the hardware CS pin (10 on most Arduino boards,
// 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output or the SD library
// functions will not work.
const int chipSelect = 4;
void setup()
Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
// make sure that the default chip select pin is set to
// output, even if you don't use it:
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
// see if the card is present and can be initialized:
if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
Serial.println("Card failed, or not present");
// don't do anything more:
Serial.println("card initialized.");
// make a string for assembling the data to log:
String dataString = "Hello World";
// open the file. note that only one file can be open at a time,
// so you have to close this one before opening another.
File dataFile ="datalog.txt", FILE_WRITE);
// if the file is available, write to it:
if (dataFile) {
dataFile.println("Hello World");
// print to the serial port too:
// Serial.println(dataString);
// if the file isn't open, pop up an error:
// else {
// Serial.println("error opening datalog.txt");
// }
void loop()
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