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Created June 20, 2018 12:15
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function regexDivisibleBy(n) {
if (n==1) return '^[01]+$' // Special case
let a = [] // List of nodes
for (let i=0; i<n; i++) a[i] = {} // Node
for (let i=0; i<n; i++) {
a[i].id = i // Used for indentification below
a[i][i*2%n] = '0' // Keys in nodes are id refs to other nodes
a[i][(i*2+1)%n] = '1' // Values in nodes are the required chars to get to next node (the key)
const removeGroups = re => re.includes('(') ? removeGroups(re.replace(/\([^(]*?\)/g,'')) : re // Removes anything inside `()`; exposes chars at root level only
const ors = re => /\|/.test(removeGroups(re)) ? '('+re+')' : re // Wraps in `()` if `|` at root level
for (let i=a.length-1; i; i--) { // Start with last node, work forward
let self = a[i]
let loop = self[i] ? (self[i].length>1 ? '('+self[i]+')' : self[i]) + '*' : '' // Used to form new links below
let tos = Object.keys(self).filter(k=>k!='id'&&k!=i).map(j=>a[j]) // Find links from self to other nodes
let froms = a.filter(from => from != self && from[i]) // Find nodes with links to self
froms.forEach(from => {
tos.forEach(to => {
let oldLink = a[][] // Already known
let newLink = ors(a[][i]) + loop + ors(a[i][]) // Link `from`->`self`; My loop; Link `self`->`to`
a[][] = (oldLink ? oldLink+'|'+newLink : newLink) // Merge links if old exists
delete a[][i] // Remove link to node that is about to be removed
a.splice(-1,1) // Remove last node
return '^('+a[0][0]+')+$' // Wrap appropriately
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