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Last active December 29, 2015 14:59
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Save e-river/7687794 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mixin of Sass with Compass for Flexbox supported new syntax and older syntax. If you use this Mixin, Compass is necessity.
@mixin display-flex() {
@include display-box;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
// flex-direction property
// This Argument is same as W3C Flexbox.
// See below:
// 'box-direction' and 'box-orient' is Mixin of Compass
@mixin flex-direction($direction) {
$row: row;
$row-reverse: row-reverse;
$column: column;
$column-reverse: column-reverse;
@if $direction == row {
@include box-direction(normal);
@include box-orient(horizontal);
-webkit-flex-direction: $row;
-ms-flex-direction: $row;
flex-direction: $row;
} @else if $direction == row-reverse {
@include box-direction(reverse);
@include box-orient(horizontal);
-webkit-flex-direction: $row-reverse;
-ms-flex-direction: $row-reverse;
flex-direction: $row-reverse;
} @else if $direction == column {
@include box-direction(normal);
@include box-orient(vertical);
-webkit-flex-direction: $column;
-ms-flex-direction: $column;
flex-direction: $column;
} @else if $direction == column-reverse {
@include box-direction(reverse);
@include box-orient(vertical);
-webkit-flex-direction: $column-reverse;
-ms-flex-direction: $column-reverse;
flex-direction: $column-reverse;
// align-items properties
// This Argument is same as W3C Flexbox.
// See below:
@mixin align-items($align){
$flex-align: "";
$box-align: "";
@if $align == "center" {
$flex-align: center;
$box-align: center;
} @else if $align == "flex-start" {
$flex-align: flex-start;
$box-align: start;
} @else if $align == "flex-end" {
$flex-align: flex-end;
$box-align: end;
} @else if $align == "baseline" {
$flex-align: baseline;
$box-align: baseline;
} @else if $align == "stretch" {
$flex-align: stretch;
$box-align: stretch;
-webkit-box-align: $box-align;
-moz-box-align: $box-align;
-ms-flex-align: $box-align;
-webkit-align-items: $flex-align;
align-items: $flex-align;
// justify-content property
// This Argument is same as W3C Flexbox.
// See below:
@mixin justify-content($pack) {
$flex-content: "";
$flex-pac: "";
$flex-ms-pack: "";
@if $pack == "center" {
$flex-content: center;
$flex-ms-pack: center;
$flex-pac: center;
} @else if $pack == "flex-start" {
$flex-content: flex-start;
$flex-ms-pack: start;
$flex-pac: start;
} @else if $pack == "flex-end" {
$flex-content: flex-end;
$flex-ms-pack: end;
$flex-pac: end;
} @else if $pack == "space-between" {
$flex-content: space-between;
$flex-ms-pack: justify;
$flex-pac: justify;
} @else if $pack == "space-around" {
$flex-content: space-around;
$flex-ms-pack: distribute;
$flex-pac: justify;
-webkit-box-pack: $flex-pac;
-moz-box-pack: $flex-pac;
-ms-flex-pack: $flex-ms-pack;
-webkit-justify-content: $flex-content;
justify-content: $flex-content;
// flex-wrap property
// This Argument is same as W3C Flexbox.
// See below:
@mixin flex-wrap($wrap) {
-webkit-flex-wrap: $wrap;
-ms-flex-wrap: $wrap;
flex-wrap: $wrap;
// align-content property
// This Argument is same as W3C Flexbox.
// See below:
@mixin align-content($line) {
-webkit-align-content: $line;
-ms-flex-line-pack: $line;
align-content: $line;
// order property for flex items
// This Argument is same as W3C Flexbox.
// See below:
@mixin order($num) {
-webkit-box-ordinal-group: $num + 1;
-moz-box-ordinal-group: $num + 1;
-webkit-order: $num;
-ms-flex-order: $num;
order: $num;
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