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Last active June 5, 2022 05:33
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Rust Error Handling Cheat Sheet, Result manipulation functions
# Rust Error Handling Cheatsheet - Result handling functions
| What to do with | | Code |
| Ok t:T | Err e:E | r: Result<T, E> | Description
| ## mapping result to result | | |
| t -> Result::Ok(t2) | e -> e2 | r.map_or_else(|e| g(e), |t| f(t)) | Map both Ok and Err with function, function can not return Result (errror), note that Err mapping function is first (it is considered as a default like in the map_or)
| t -> t2 (Ok or Err) | Literal (default) | r.map_or(literal, |t| f(t)) | Map with literal but if error, use default literal, mapping function can be any that has returns the same type as the literal, so it can also return Result
| t -> Result::Ok(t2) | Result::Err(e) unchanged ||t| f(t)) | Map ok with function, error as is, mapping can not result error
| Result of t -> t2 (Ok or Err) | Result::Err(e) unchanged | r.and_then(|t| f(t)) | Calls function for Ok value and propagates errors. F(t) may result Result::Err, many r.and_else().and_else() return result of last function or first happened error
| Result::Ok(t) | Unchanged Argument func Result (Ok or Err) | r.or_else(|t| f(t)) | In chain r.or_else(f).or_else(f2) calls functions until one succeeds, does not call after first success, argument must return Result type
| Argument Result (Ok or Err) | Result::Err(e) unchanged | r.and(r2) | In chain r.and(r2).and(r3) return last ok result or first error
| Result::Ok(t) | Unchanged Argument Result (Ok or Err) | r.or(r2) | In chain r.or(r2).or(r3) return value of first Ok or last error, evaluates all or values
| Result::Ok(t) unchanged | e -> Result::Err(e2) | r.map_err(|e| g(e)) | Map error with g(e), ok value unchanged
| | | |
| ## extract Ok value | | |
| t | return Result::Err(e) from function | r? | If error, return from the function using this same result. Function result must be compatible
| t | panic | r.unwrap() | Panics with error, may use Err as panic message
| t | panic with message | r.expect("string") | nwrap() with given panic message
| t | Literal as T | r.unwrap_or(literal) | Extract value or given literal as default if error
| t | E -> T | r.unwrap_or_else(|e| g(e)) | Extract value or derive it from error with function
| t | Default for T | r.unwrap_or_default() | Returns value or default for that type (if set)
| true | false | r.is_ok() | True if ok
| Option::Some(T) | Option::None | r.ok() | If Ok, return Option::Some(t), in case of error returns Option::None
| | | |
| ## extract error | | |
| panic | Result::Err(e) unchanged | r.unwrap_err() | Panics, may show panic message from Ok()
| panic | Result::Err(e) unchanged | r.expect_err("message") | Panics if ok, with set panic message, may also print value of T
| false | true | r.is_err() | True if error
| Option::None | Option::Some(e) | r.err() | Option<E> (Ok(e) or None if no error)
| | | |
| ## convert | | |
| T<Option> -> Option::Some(T) | E<Option> -> Option::Some(E) | r.transpose() | Take Option (especially Option::None) out from Result
## Notes:
* To use r?, function must return compatible Result type
* For testing, the main fuction and tests can return Result type (Rust 2018)
* It is customary to define your own Error type for your program: pub struct Error {};
* Make special Result for your program: pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
* Define formatting and debug formatting for your error: impl fmt::Debug for Error { fn fmt(&self, .... }
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