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Last active April 1, 2022 23:34
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PrusaSlicer end gcode for Prusa Mini which parks head conveniently
; Written by u/mix579 <>
; Source: <>
; PrusaSlicer end gcode for Prusa Mini
; Last updated 20210111 - RF - Inspired by Bob George
G4 ; wait
G92 E0 ; prepare to retract
G1 E-1 F2100 ; retract
; Anti-stringing end wiggle
G91 ; use relative coordinates
G1 X-0.5 Y-0.5 F1200
G1 X1 Y1 F1200
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
{if layer_z < max_print_height}G1 Z{z_offset+min(layer_z+60, max_print_height)}{endif} ; Move print head up
G1 X178 Y178 F4200 ; park print head
; Reset print setting overrides
M200 D0 ; disable volumetric e
M220 S100 ; reset speed factor to 100%
M221 S100 ; reset extruder factor to 100%
M900 K0 ; reset linear acceleration
; Shut down printer
M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
M140 S0 ; turn off heatbed
M107 ; turn off fan
M84 ; disable motors
M300 S40 P10 ; chirp
; end mods
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