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Justin Force e0da

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e0da /
Last active September 16, 2020 20:55

e0da prompt

e0da prompt example

.zshrc goes in $HOME, everything else goes in $HOME/share, and you want to brew install zsh-git-prompt. I'm using Gruvbox here with macOS Terminal.

mattdymott / CalculateDetailsExample.cs
Last active April 30, 2024 15:28
Example of how to use ICollisionEventsJob from Unity.Physics
// CollisionResponse option on PhysicsShape must be set to CollideRaiseCollisionEvents.
public partial struct CalculateDetailsTest_PhysicsEventSystem : ISystem
public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state)
denizssch / XpSerials.txt
Created July 21, 2019 00:13
Windows XP ALL Serial Keys :) (For testing purpose [Ex: VM or PenTest])
Windows XP PRO Corporate serial number S/N: Key: MQPWW-PGVKX-YPMKG-8DH3G-KC8PW
windows xp home edition serial number S/N: 034634-262024-171505-828316-729010-413531-800424-400442
Windows XP 64 serial number S/N: B2RBK-7KPT9-4JP6X-QQFWM-PJD6G
Windows XP serial number S/N: K6C2K-KY62K-DQR84-RD4QV-QB74Q
Windows XP Professional 64-bit Corporate Edition 5.2.3790.1830 serial number S/N: VCFQD-V9FX9-46WVH-K3CD4-4J3JM
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 serial number S/N: YY8F2-3CKVQ-RKTRG-6JMDR-9DTG6
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1 sp1 serial number S/N: F46YY - 2R8VQ - R8GMY - 926VK - 6BQ73
Windows XP Pro serial number S/N: KBWR7-76BD8-J7MDQ-KKG&C-V9Q2J
tankerkiller125 / firefox-developer.desktop
Created February 24, 2018 20:56
UMake Firefox Developer Edition, Touch Support, Actions Support
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Firefox Developer Edition
Exec=env MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 firefox-developer
Comment=Firefox Aurora with Developer tools
chenxiaolong /
Created November 27, 2017 01:33
Switching between AHCI and RAID on the Dell XPS 15 (9560)

Switching between AHCI and RAID on the Dell XPS 15 (9560)

This guide likely applies to other models and, potentially, even laptops from other OEMs that have NVME drives. However, I've only tested this on my Dell XPS 15 (9560) with the OEM Windows installation from the Signature Edition model.

Switching from RAID to AHCI

Switching from RAID to AHCI is significantly simpler than switching from AHCI to RAID. All that's needed is a successful boot to Safe Mode.

  1. To set the default boot mode to Safe Mode, use msconfig.exe or open an admin cmd/PowerShell window and run:
url -
Finding hard-coded credentials in your code
Hopefully you’re excited about deploying credentials to EC2 that are automatically rotated. Now that you’re using Roles, a good security practice would be to go through your code and remove any references to AKID/Secret. We suggest running the following regular expressions against your code base:
Search for access key IDs: (?<![A-Z0-9])[A-Z0-9]{20}(?![A-Z0-9]). In English, this regular expression says: Find me 20-character, uppercase, alphanumeric strings that don’t have any uppercase, alphanumeric characters immediately before or after.
Search for secret access keys: (?<![A-Za-z0-9/+=])[A-Za-z0-9/+=]{40}(?![A-Za-z0-9/+=]). In English, this regular expression says: Find me 40-character, base-64 strings that don’t have any base 64 characters immediately before or after.
If grep is your preferred tool, run a recursive, Perl-compatible search using the following commands
current=$(dconf read /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options)
echo "Current status: $current"
if [ "$current" == "$swapped" ]
echo "Making caps and escape WORK NORMALLY"
ShPakvel / general_helper.rb
Created October 15, 2014 18:14
Grape permitted_params helper. It works the same as Rails strong params. Only params defined in params block will remain.
module GeneralHelper
def permitted_params
@permitted_params ||= declared(params, include_missing: false)
lonetwin / Git dot files management
Last active May 20, 2024 23:21
A simple way to manage dotfiles with git without silly symlinks and special tools. Just use negative matches in your .gitignore !
I like to manage dotfiles without having to mess with silly symlinks or having
to install/configure specific dotfile managament tools. So here's what I did:
$ cd ~
$ git init .
$ echo '*' > .gitignore # ignore all files by default
$ echo '!.bashrc' >> .gitignore # ...and then tell git what files not to *not* ignore
$ # ...add other files you may want to track to *not* ignore
$ git add .bashrc # now actually add the files to git
$ git add .gitignore # add the .gitignore to git
leahcim / 25_pre-os-prober
Created March 3, 2014 19:13
In Ubuntu, /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober overrides grub menu style and timeout defined by the user in /etc/default/grub. Here is a workaround to save the menu style and timeout values before os-prober changes them, and to restore them afterwards. The two files need to be placed under /etc/grub.d and made executable. Finally, "sudo update-grub" should…
#! /bin/sh
set -e
# Save the $timeout and $timeout_style values set by /etc/grub.d/00_header
# before /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober messes them up.
cat << EOF
set timeout_bak=\${timeout}
set timeout_style_bak=\${timeout_style}