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Created December 6, 2013 12:48
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.. include:: <s5defs.txt>
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Names for code fragments
(based on reusability)
:Author: kr
:Date: 2013
.. contents:: Table of Contents
:class: handout
Code categories
- Script
- Tool
- Lib
Category: Script
- means written down
- performs a *concrete task*
- is directly *executable*
- has all its parameters *hard coded* |br|
→ take *NO* user given parameters
- is *NOT reusable* by design
- might be incomplete
Are you kidding?
I know from *experience*, that
.. class:: incremental
- reuse is possible by *modifying* the script
- modification of scripts is the *most common* reuse of all
Problem: depending on code modification
- code modification is inherently a manual work
- manual work directly translates to time
- where to modify?
- what to modify?
- test... test...
.. class:: incremental
- would I be happy to take over the task of running someone else's scripts?
Are scripts bad, then?
.. class:: incremental
Hell, NO!
.. container::
- are extremely useful building blocks
- are the easiest to create compared to other components
- can be made relocatable and complete
- can be quite easily "upgraded" to become *tools*
Strict scripts
- *complete* - runnable without user interaction
- *relocatable* - can be run on another computer or in another directory
Relocatable scripts are explicit about their dependencies.
E.g. in python they are accompanied with a *requirements.txt*.
Category: Tool
- directly *executable*
- reusability supported by *parameters*
- *independent* of developer's machine
- *easily installable* with dependencies
.. class:: big incremental
Is it a script, then?
Tools are not scripts
The "script" you might think of have
- *hard coded parameters*
- potentially restricting the code to run only on the developer's machine
- usable for one set of data
- *no machine readable* description of used libraries, dependencies
Category: Library
- *NOT executable*
- *pure reusable code*
- *invisible* for the user
- *solve hard problems* or provides *convenience*
- eliminates the need for code repetition
(in other words: minimalizes boilerplate)
- should be *tested* and *bug free*
- must be *known* to be used
- must have a good *documentation*, to be usable
- requires *patience and skill* to build
- thus, good libraries are very *valuable*
### How do different kinds
### of codes work together?
<br />
Every code can use *libraries* and call *tools*, but generally
<br />
- #### a tool makes functionality in a library accessible to end-users
- #### a library provides new functionality to other code
### How can we reuse code?
## Packages
### Python packaging
### is a mess :(
Packages are stored in a variety of formats:
- [binary and source] `eggs` (deprecated)
- [source] tar balls
- zips
- `wheels` (maybe the future?)
### Package repositories
Collect user installable packages.
The main (or public) repository is:
Our private one is at
### Using python packages
- virtualenv
- pip
- configuration for our own package index (TBD, `.pip/pip.conf`)
### STATA packages
This looks like describing one packaging solution:
Other STATA solutions are looking cookbook like by description.
(correct me if they are not!)
### Examples
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