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Forked from ryanj/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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<section data-background-transition='zoom' data-transition='concave' data-background='' data-state='blackout'>
<h1>Your logs are not only for debugging</h1>
<h2>Part 2: Use cases</h2>
<section data-background-transition='zoom' data-transition='linear'>
<h1>What to do?</h1>
<h2>Format your logs</h2>
<section data-background-transition='zoom' data-transition='linear'>
<h1>Let's see an example</h1>
<h2>Heroku Router</h2>
<pre class='fragment grow'><code contenteditable>
at=info method=GET path="/api/terminals.json?q=c" fwd="" request_id=bfac49de-cf37-4caf-9094-587f7dd6f4eb dyno=web.2 connect=1ms service=42ms status=200 bytes=1565
<h2>Search by IP</h2>
<pre class='fragment grow'><code contenteditable>
<h2>Set up alerts</h2>
<pre class='fragment grow'><code contenteditable>
at=info method=GET path="/api/terminals.json?q=c" fwd="" request_id=bfac49de-cf37-4caf-9094-587f7dd6f4eb dyno=web.2 connect=1ms service=42ms status=200 bytes=1565
<h3>See all calls by IP</h3>
<p class='fragment'>Include your own GitHub application keys if you plan on making more than 60 requests in 2 hours:</p>
<pre class='fragment '><code contenteditable>docker run -e "GH_CLIENT_SECRET=11becbb840e0ff7414b19104e9e797556498fc3f" -e "GH_CLIENT_ID=639ffe9fd9dcc4f6eb4b" ryanj/</code></pre>
<h3>Built-in Analytics</h3>
<p class='fragment'>Include your own GA-TRACKER key:</p>
<pre class='fragment'><code contenteditable>docker run -e "GA_TRACKER=UA-12345678" ryanj/</code></pre>
<section id='openshift'>
<h3>Hosting on OpenShift</h3>
<p>You can launch this application on OpenShift in a single command:</p>
<pre class='fragment'><code contenteditable>rhc app create gistreveal nodejs-0.10 \
--from code= \
<p class='fragment'>Or, <a href="[]=nodejs-0.10">click here to launch on the web!</a></p>
<p class='fragment'>Then, use the <code>rhc env set</code> command to publish your application config and keys to the system environment.</p>
<section data-transition='concave'>
<h2>Broadcasting Your Slide Transitions</h2><h1 class='fragment grow'>with Socket.IO</h1>
<pre class='fragment'><code contenteditable>docker run -e "REVEAL_WEB_HOST=YOUR_HOSTNAME_HERE" -e "REVEAL_SOCKET_SECRET=0P3N-S0URC3" ryanj/</code></pre>
<p>Configure your browser as a presentation device by setting the same key in your browser's localStorage</p>
<pre class='fragment'><code contenteditable>localStorage.secret="YOUR_SECRET_KEY"</code></pre>
<section data-transition='zoom' data-background-transition='zoom'>
<p>Be sure to use two different devices or brower types when testing your broadcasting relay<br/> <span class='fragment'>(FireFox vs. Chrome, desktop vs. mobile, etc.)</span></p>
<h1>THE END</h1>
<h3>Revaljs by Hakim El Hattab /</h3>
<h3><a href=""></a> by <a href="">ryanj</a> and <a href="">fkautz</a></h3>
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