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Created September 16, 2022 05:05
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package main
import (
webrtcsignal "signal"
const (
oggPageDuration = time.Millisecond * 20
func main() {
resp, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
var api map[string]interface{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &api)
iceServers := api["ice_servers"].([]interface{})
iceServerList := make([]webrtc.ICEServer, len(iceServers))
for idx, _server := range iceServers {
server := _server.(map[string]interface{})
ice := webrtc.ICEServer{
URLs: []string{server["urls"].(string)},
if _, hasCredential := server["credential"]; hasCredential {
ice.Username = server["username"].(string)
ice.Credential = server["credential"].(string)
ice.CredentialType = webrtc.ICECredentialTypePassword
iceServerList[idx] = ice
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "debug:Using ice servers: %s\n", iceServerList)
// Create a new RTCPeerConnection
peerConnection, err := webrtc.NewPeerConnection(webrtc.Configuration{
ICEServers: iceServerList,
if err != nil {
defer func() {
iceConnectedCtx, iceConnectedCtxCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// Create a audio track
audioTrack, audioTrackErr := webrtc.NewTrackLocalStaticSample(webrtc.RTPCodecCapability{MimeType: webrtc.MimeTypeOpus, Channels: 2, ClockRate: 48000}, "audio", "pion")
if audioTrackErr != nil {
rtpSender, audioTrackErr := peerConnection.AddTrack(audioTrack)
if audioTrackErr != nil {
// Now that stdin is free, start reading audio.
go func() {
// Wait for connection established
// Open on oggfile in non-checksum mode.
ogg, _, oggErr := oggreader.NewWith(os.Stdin)
if oggErr != nil {
// Keep track of last granule, the difference is the amount of samples in the buffer
var lastGranule uint64
// It is important to use a time.Ticker instead of time.Sleep because
// * avoids accumulating skew, just calling time.Sleep didn't compensate for the time spent parsing the data
// * works around latency issues with Sleep (see
ticker := time.NewTicker(oggPageDuration)
for ; true; <-ticker.C {
pageData, pageHeader, oggErr := ogg.ParseNextPage()
if errors.Is(oggErr, io.EOF) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "close:")
if oggErr != nil {
// The amount of samples is the difference between the last and current timestamp
sampleCount := float64(pageHeader.GranulePosition - lastGranule)
lastGranule = pageHeader.GranulePosition
sampleDuration := time.Duration((sampleCount/48000)*1000) * time.Millisecond
if oggErr = audioTrack.WriteSample(media.Sample{Data: pageData, Duration: sampleDuration}); oggErr != nil {
// Read incoming RTCP packets
// Before these packets are returned they are processed by interceptors. For things
// like NACK this needs to be called.
go func() {
rtcpBuf := make([]byte, 1500)
for {
if _, _, rtcpErr := rtpSender.Read(rtcpBuf); rtcpErr != nil {
// Set the handler for ICE connection state
// This will notify you when the peer has connected/disconnected
peerConnection.OnICEConnectionStateChange(func(connectionState webrtc.ICEConnectionState) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "state:%s\n", connectionState.String())
if connectionState == webrtc.ICEConnectionStateConnected {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ready:")
// Set the handler for Peer connection state
// This will notify you when the peer has connected/disconnected
peerConnection.OnConnectionStateChange(func(s webrtc.PeerConnectionState) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "peerstate:%s\n", s.String())
if s == webrtc.PeerConnectionStateFailed {
// Wait until PeerConnection has had no network activity for 30 seconds or another failure. It may be reconnected using an ICE Restart.
// Use webrtc.PeerConnectionStateDisconnected if you are interested in detecting faster timeout.
// Note that the PeerConnection may come back from PeerConnectionStateDisconnected.
// Wait for the offer to be pasted
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "initialized:")
offer := webrtc.SessionDescription{}
signal.Decode(signal.MustReadStdin(), &offer)
// Set the remote SessionDescription
if err = peerConnection.SetRemoteDescription(offer); err != nil {
// Create answer
answer, err := peerConnection.CreateAnswer(nil)
if err != nil {
// Create channel that is blocked until ICE Gathering is complete
gatherComplete := webrtc.GatheringCompletePromise(peerConnection)
// Sets the LocalDescription, and starts our UDP listeners
if err = peerConnection.SetLocalDescription(answer); err != nil {
// Block until ICE Gathering is complete, disabling trickle ICE
// we do this because we only can exchange one signaling message
// in a production application you should exchange ICE Candidates via OnICECandidate
// Output the answer in base64
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "sdpoffer:%s\n", webrtcsignal.Encode(*peerConnection.LocalDescription()))
// Block forever
select {}
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